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How can I get a ex-girlfriend to move out?


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MAN, as free advice .....if she beg you to stay with crocodile tears..sad.png ...it doesn't mater,thumbsup.gif be strong, it is entire part of the comedy wub.png (she will go when she desire it ,wai2.gif not when you want...they are poor but proud and they don't like to be kicked out !)

you better move apartment or hotel room and change your phone number also, you never know, if she want revenge, crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif she could ask some funny friend men beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuto kick your ass very very badly.

these people hate you allready, so you better be carefull especially with gogo girlsviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif from hot city where the mafia run the story with conection from the top.

Never give her money, for any reason because it's all lie.

you better run out of that situation cooly..hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. ..her telephone is full of numbers where she can stay anyway..... don't worry for her,,,it is a game to (f...u...k) you well the day you will not expect it.....and after you , she will try it with another poor guy who has no idea either.guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif

good day and good night


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MAN, as free advice .....if she beg you to stay with crocodile tears..sad.png ...it doesn't mater,thumbsup.gif be strong, it is entire part of the comedy wub.png (she will go when she desire it ,wai2.gif not when you want...they are poor but proud and they don't like to be kicked out !)

you better move apartment or hotel room and change your phone number also, you never know, if she want revenge, crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif she could ask some funny friend men beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuto kick your ass very very badly.

these people hate you allready, so you better be carefull especially with gogo girlsviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif from hot city where the mafia run the story with conection from the top.

Never give her money, for any reason because it's all lie.

you better run out of that situation cooly..hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. ..her telephone is full of numbers where she can stay anyway..... don't worry for her,,,it is a game to (f...u...k) you well the day you will not expect it.....and after you , she will try it with another poor guy who has no idea either.guitar.gif.pagespeed.ce.Rjd-vqhNlw.gif

good day and good night



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Ask her is she has a sister. Bring her sister over tell her she can have a holiday and sleep in the spare room / Sofa. Get busted with her sister. (majority of the time it's not a real sister rather than a "My sister me" type sister) Either she will leave or you will have x2 the problems!

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Do what I did in different but similar situation. Decide to abandon your possessions. Decide where else you could live happily. Move out unexpectedly. Get off Social Media. Never communicate in any way. Use a friend to monitor her life changes. When it's safe sometime down the line you may decide to return. She will recover and move on, how quickly will depend upon her adaptability. It's not easy but it's not too hard either.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Girls are girls the world over - it does not really matter what their profession might be.

Some can 'imprint' like a baby duck on a pair of farmers wellies - especially if they've been badly treated in the past and meet a genuine nice guy.


Hmm, sounds to me like she still hasn't met a genuine nice guy.

You are correct. There is not one nice thing shown here about this male of the specious. It is downer for entire male gender.

Move your things out, mister. Then go back to whatever Country your predator behavior is allowed. ex pats like you are flaw on any society you take part in.

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Or if you dont want to hurt her and liked her a bit. Than sit down and explain her that you need some space alone for sometime, away from relationship and if you change your mind you can come back to her later.

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6 pages of crap posted by a troll.

Throw her crap into the corridor and move on with your life, if you are unabale to do the manly thing hire some motorcy taxi drivers to do it for you.

Hope she rips you off big time, &lt;deleted&gt; grow a pair wimp.

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As i said, depending on the variety of the girl, she might say: And just why the hell are you taking me to this cheap low rent, low deposit, temporary dump?

Well yes I did make clear I prefer fresh-off-the-farm rice farmer's daughters. YMMV, maybe you'd need to spend more money on the secondary flat.

Impoverished rural regions are hotbeds for the easy sale of girls, boys, women, and men. Obtaining these people (buying them) directly from their families simply cuts out the trafficker middle man/woman. It makes their jobs easier and serves to perpetuate the global commercial sex industry.

You earlier claimed that victims of trafficking were rarely found in the places that westerners frequent. You could know this only if you'd been to every brothel, massage parlor, barber shop, karaoke bar, and any other brothel front in every town and city in this country and did firsthand research. Aside from that, 'fresh-off-the-farm' rice farmers' daughters,' for whom you so complacently stated your preference, are commonly and easily duped by their own family members, sold off for the family's profit, and are otherwise vulnerable and gullible to the hope of a better job and living standard. It doesn't take a fresh carrot to intice a dumbed down horse, as it were.

This thread and others like it are interesting fodder and allow me another way to interact with the twisted reality of those who have the luxury to indulge themselves in the sport.

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She actually does love me and never asked or talked about money from the first night. That should have been my first warning. Easier to pay and then you can end things anytime. I can't move as I have a house that is needed for other reasons. Maybe I'll just let things drift along and eventually she will meet someone.

No, she never returned to the bar after we met. And she only worked part time to save money as she hated her work. Not the nice guys but the drunk as*sholes that thought they could grab and touch her just because she worked in a bar.

She does LOVE you........................hahahahahaha! No wonder u having a hard time. U just too darn stupit!

sorry pal! it true! you have iq of a donkeys ass.

She gave up 5k a night for an unKNOWN- i smell dumb man or guy not telling the whole truth here.

a girl making good money would not be offended by groping in the bar- not hard to advoid those unwanted advances. its part of being a hooker.

A donkey is an a**. And then you also use 'stupid' and 'dumb'. No need to be redundant.

The emphasis would be on DOES and UN. No need to use all caps anyway when you can instead use meaningful words.

There's no way to know what would offend someone in that position at any given time, even if you were a prostitute yourself. No need to be an a**.

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Impoverished rural regions are hotbeds for the easy sale of girls, boys, women, and men. Obtaining these people (buying them) directly from their families simply cuts out the trafficker middle man/woman. It makes their jobs easier and serves to perpetuate the global commercial sex industry.

Again, if you're talking about foreigners, and especially the transactions I'm talking about, nobody is getting bought or sold and this has nothing to do with the any aspect of the sex industry. Are you talking about the sin sot? Talk about twisted.

You earlier claimed that victims of trafficking were rarely found in the places that westerners frequent. You could know this only if you'd been to every brothel, massage parlor, barber shop, karaoke bar, and any other brothel front in every town and city in this country and did firsthand research. Aside from that, 'fresh-off-the-farm' rice farmers' daughters,' for whom you so complacently stated your preference, are commonly and easily duped by their own family members, sold off for the family's profit, and are otherwise vulnerable and gullible to the hope of a better job and living standard. It doesn't take a fresh carrot to intice a dumbed down horse, as it were.

I'm not saying things like what you're talking about don't happen among the Thais, but that isn't my concern nor anything to do with what I'm talking about.

And yes, I have had extensive experience in nearly all aspects of the sex industry here, certainly more in my fifteen years than anyone else I know. However I've always walked away from any context where I perceived the girls weren't participating of their own accord, and 90% of the time these are places where farang aren't allowed to participate as customers - it does get bad I'll grant you, but as an ethical john I don't feed that particular monster.

Note that the worst offenders in what you're talking about are the Thai authorities that (according to our standards) are supposed to be protecting such victims, but in fact are at minimum in partnership, and often the instigators of such activities.

If you don't have such extensive experience then what is the basis for your indignant inflammatory sensationalistic over-generalizations? I suspect media whores selling papers and eyeballs by pandering to the ignorant stuck in religion-based black-and-white thinking about "morality".

As long as I'm honest and open in my dealings and there isn't any coercion involved I sleep OK at night, and in fact 99% of the time my ex-partners have a much better chance of defining themselves and achieving their goals in life than they were when they met me.

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Upcountry girl, deal struck there, once closed she comes to live in Bangkok, what's so complicated?

Desirable upcountry girl who is somehow able to meet a farang without leaving the village, spendfs time with him at a close to village location and then goes wide-eyed down to Bangkok after he placates her family elders. OK

Don't know the meaning of the Rube Goldberg machine?

And again, it's not complicated. I have strong personal relationships with hundreds of Thais from upcountry and travel there frequently.

Sometimes I meet attractive girls (do you ascribe anything further to "desirable" - perhaps they wouldn't be such to you) while they are away from home, sometimes through friends or relatives while they still live at home.

In either case I don't want problems with the family, so of course it is necessary to negotiate with them, for them to satisfy themselves that I'm not a dangerous guy, e.g. pimp or slaver, and to come to an agreement on the deal. If that's concluded to the satisfaction of all concerned, the girl is allowed to return to Bangkok with me.

It's pretty straightforward once you've done it the first few times, and FOR ME has led to much better relationships than I've found via the bar scene or (god forbid) trying to land the better-educated English-speaking "normal" girls - which I'm not at all interested in anyway.

Does that make more sense now?

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just keep in mind . .she lost another 3 months to a Farang to whom she put hope of a lasting relationship to . . . whilst getting much older. Sooner or later, with things like this happening, she will be too old to find a nice partner.

Keep that in mind while you are ready to break her heart. And make sure next time you do short time and tell them ahead of it, before they hope they can get married to you.

I don't want to accuse you of faking a relationship for three months until you were ready to skip her. I assume you were partially committed, by heart and soul. If you weren't during all this time, well, break another heart and be prepared for what comes up next. I was out in the "testing" lane , too, when I realized not to start relationships for nothing. For her, it is not nothing. It means getting older while listening to empty bland promises

Edited by crazygreg44
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Lots of suggestions, criticisms and outright senseless comments concerning your predicament. Follow your best judgement. Afterall, you are the person who will have to deal with the aftermath, not we posters.

That being said, this is one of those life experiences that will be of immense use when you tread into similar waters later on.

Good luck.

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Girls are girls the world over - it does not really matter what their profession might be.

Some can 'imprint' like a baby duck on a pair of farmers wellies - especially if they've been badly treated in the past and meet a genuine nice guy.


Hmm, sounds to me like she still hasn't met a genuine nice guy.

You are correct. There is not one nice thing shown here about this male of the specious. It is downer for entire male gender.

Move your things out, mister. Then go back to whatever Country your predator behavior is allowed. ex pats like you are flaw on any society you take part in.

I find it amazing that one can evaluate the total worth of another person by a brief post and then pass judgement on their character.

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There's a Thai saying along the lines of "the monkey never lets go of a branch until it has hold of another one". Either you find her another boyfriend, or move out.

i like this one and it's so pratical of course if the monkey let go of a branch before it finds another one it would fall to its death.

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Upcountry girl, deal struck there, once closed she comes to live in Bangkok, what's so complicated?

Desirable upcountry girl who is somehow able to meet a farang without leaving the village, spendfs time with him at a close to village location and then goes wide-eyed down to Bangkok after he placates her family elders. OK

Don't know the meaning of the Rube Goldberg machine?

And again, it's not complicated. I have strong personal relationships with hundreds of Thais from upcountry and travel there frequently.

Sometimes I meet attractive girls (do you ascribe anything further to "desirable" - perhaps they wouldn't be such to you) while they are away from home, sometimes through friends or relatives while they still live at home.

In either case I don't want problems with the family, so of course it is necessary to negotiate with them, for them to satisfy themselves that I'm not a dangerous guy, e.g. pimp or slaver, and to come to an agreement on the deal. If that's concluded to the satisfaction of all concerned, the girl is allowed to return to Bangkok with me.

It's pretty straightforward once you've done it the first few times, and FOR ME has led to much better relationships than I've found via the bar scene or (god forbid) trying to land the better-educated English-speaking "normal" girls - which I'm not at all interested in anyway.

Does that make more sense now?


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I actually feel sorry for the girl.

She perhaps felt she had found her way out and had pinned all her hopes there... to have them pulled from her.

There are some awfully cruel and heartless suggestions here.

BUT.... one has to be cruel to be kind. Start bringing other women home, never have any physical contact with her.

Tell her you want her to go as you don't love her and want her to move on, find someone else blah blah AND are prepared to give her money to get started anew.

One day it will sink in, along with the shame of other women.

She will be back at the bar soon enough.

Best I can think of beyond physically tossing her out.

This post started out well ...but "be cruel to be kind" ???

So, abuse the hell out of her ...that will teach her! Since she may be used to that sort of treatment, I am not sure what lessons will be learned, and she might feel quite at home with the situation. Isn't this a bit how "pimps" treat their ladies?

Then later in life, when some other "nice farang" who IS really nice, gets with her, buys her a house, car, has a few kids, and then she takes him for every dime, and seems so horrible, can we wonder where this might have come from?

You are against the suggestion but offer nothing as a solution.

The relationship is over as far as HE is concerned and so they both must move on.

The mistake HE made of letting her move in too soon a lesson learned.

What are YOU suggesting?

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asked the other half for advice and she said 'superstition'.

tell her you have found out someone died in the room, tell her ghost stories every night, generally spook her

get some incense sticks and burn them one at a time - this is what they do a funerals

she said lotus (i think) flowers were used at funerals so get plenty of them in the room

maybe others can come up with more thai bad luck things you can do...?

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Many heartless and stupid comments on this topic i think.

If you move together with someone, not expect it is easy to run away from her. Thai women is not easy to deal with if you want to go away. You are the future for them and they not let you go easy.

Not put yourself in a relationship that will not work in the future, you just create problems for yourself.

Go to prostitutes and do what you need to do and go home alone.

If you bring a prostitute in to your condo or house, you already in trouble.

You can take the girl out from the bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl.

I had a realationship with a thai woman for 2 years. She worked for tv channel Spicy. Normal salary and had car, rented apartment and dog. We moved together and i rented a brand new condo with all facilities as swimmingpool, garden etc.

After one year in the condo i was fed up by her jealousy and fear that i would leave her. Nagging about marry and children. I was honest from day one about marry and children. I not wanted it and she accepted. But a no is just a start to a yes in her mind.

I had to cancel the rent of the condo and move out 4 monts before it ended. I clearly told her to find something new and i not came back. I had to change sim and delete her on facebook etc. It was hard, but she finally moved out and found herself a new place. Now she is happy again and have a normal life. She made me have bad feelings because she accused me of breaking her heart and many other things not worth mention here.

Many prostitutes is very good looking, but really. Is that what we want ! Have fun with, yes, sure, but not marry or stay with for years to come. They know what they are doing and they accept you not staying. It is just for the money.

Whore and madonna, men want both in one package, but is hard to find.

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