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Going Great


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I weighed in yesterday and I was the same as the week before, I don't know how I managed that, three days of really low calorie intake I suppose, but I don't want to get back into the habit of binging and starving, I just don't feel that's good for my body.

I booked my flight to Thailand yesterday, not coming over until September but I hope I don't put it all back on in four weeks ha ha.....I sure love eating when I'm on holidays and I know I will let my guard down once I'm settling into relax mode. I'll just have to make it a cultural holiday rather than a food holiday, beach culture on Samui and Phangan.

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Hi all

mmmm It seems hardr to lose this weight I put on , lose 800grams of it and by next week should be back on track .

these pictures make me think "I can do it "



p.s how are you going Peppa?

Celebrities have an unfair advantage, though. I find the success stories of ordinary mortals a lot more inspiring:






This makes me want to go harder .. I looked at some pics of me 4 months ago and the now pics , cant believe how much I changed .I will put the pictures on line when I reach my goal.


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I weighed in yesterday and I was the same as the week before, I don't know how I managed that, three days of really low calorie intake I suppose, but I don't want to get back into the habit of binging and starving, I just don't feel that's good for my body.

I booked my flight to Thailand yesterday, not coming over until September but I hope I don't put it all back on in four weeks ha ha.....I sure love eating when I'm on holidays and I know I will let my guard down once I'm settling into relax mode. I'll just have to make it a cultural holiday rather than a food holiday, beach culture on Samui and Phangan.

Went out yesterday and went to a resuarant with the wife. She had noodles and I had an apple!!!! and water as welll . wow things have changed . For the better, as before it would be a gallon of coke and 2 bowls of noodles.

Pepper dont worry if you keep going then next week your body will how you weight lost. the body tricks you somehow.I too couldn't understand how I did not lose weight when I was good for 5 days>>>

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Hi all

mmmm It seems hardr to lose this weight I put on , lose 800grams of it and by next week should be back on track .

these pictures make me think "I can do it "



p.s how are you going Peppa?

Celebrities have an unfair advantage, though. I find the success stories of ordinary mortals a lot more inspiring:






This makes me want to go harder .. I looked at some pics of me 4 months ago and the now pics , cant believe how much I changed .I will put the pictures on line when I reach my goal.


Yes look at older pictures of yourself.. they motivate you.

When i see my "FAT" me pictures it reminds me of what not to do.

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Hi Guys

Back on track lost the weight I put on when I went to chiang rai. It is amazing how fast your body "stores " the fat . Anyway back on track and all is good. I learnt a valuable lesson that you have to watch it everyday . So thanks for all the support. Going away to Sukhothai to see the wife's father. This time I am ready , and prepared....

I have 4 months to reach my goal of 20 kg's . It will take 12 months to really change my body . As it is so easy to fail in the first 12 months (i think) .Just like smoking , ..

how you going Peppa.


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I've had another bad week, well not exactly bad but not good. I gained 0.1kg, I know it's nothing really, but the first gain since 13th January, bit disappointing. I know why, I just didn't stick to my eating plan every day, then when I went back to eating between 1000 and 1200 calories a day I was losing the weight I had just gained, so instead of a loss I got a small gain.

Oh well! put that week behind me and re-focus now.

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Peppa you are going great better than me. I too went bad but now lost it and will not do it again.Your 100 grm could of been water dong worry about it mate..if you are still here in july i am going to post some before and after pics.

cheers mate


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100 grams or even a kg or so is nothing (but it is to the one loosing weight). Just a fluctiation in hormones or how hydrated you are or your body salts and you can add or loose a kg.

Its easy to say.. but when loosing weight it kills the motivation.

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Worrying about 1Kg up or down is not worth it, the goal is to maintain the trend down, if you can do that you are doing the right things. Gaining 0.1Kg; go have a pee and you will lose that.

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Worrying about 1Kg up or down is not worth it, the goal is to maintain the trend down, if you can do that you are doing the right things. Gaining 0.1Kg; go have a pee and you will lose that.

I said the same thing.. but when i was loosing my weight i remember how it really ruined my motivation. But i knew all those things that could influence weight, and still it killed the motivation. This mainly happened at the end when weight loss was slow.

Knowing things and applying things and not letting them kill your motivation can be quite hard.

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Worrying about 1Kg up or down is not worth it, the goal is to maintain the trend down, if you can do that you are doing the right things. Gaining 0.1Kg; go have a pee and you will lose that.

I said the same thing.. but when i was loosing my weight i remember how it really ruined my motivation. But i knew all those things that could influence weight, and still it killed the motivation. This mainly happened at the end when weight loss was slow.

Knowing things and applying things and not letting them kill your motivation can be quite hard.

Agreed, that is the trick, keeping motivated. Whenever i see a couple K's heading the wrong way I use it as motivation to do a negitive calorie week by putting in some extra cardio and reduced carbs. Its a bumby ride down but so long as it keeps going down I can deal with the bumps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Over the last three weeks I've put on almost a kilo, have buckled down and lost it now, but gee it's hard to get back into the routine once you break it day after day.

Feeling good now though, chocolate everywhere over Easter and I managed to abstain from it.

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Over the last three weeks I've put on almost a kilo, have buckled down and lost it now, but gee it's hard to get back into the routine once you break it day after day.

Feeling good now though, chocolate everywhere over Easter and I managed to abstain from it.

yes keeping the routine is relative easy.

To brake it and go back to it is like an alcoholic drinks a glass and stops....possible but very hard.

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Well, I didnt have any chocolate, I am now on track again to lose my 20 by my birthday only 4 to go , an dhave nearly 3 months to do it. I know if I have one small binge it will make it so hard , as it took long time to get over the last little binge. But "rome was not build in a day , either did this weight go on in a day" I still have days of thinking to have some fat!! but I think twice now and think of my goal. After that I will start my eating regime as if was normal. The first 20 is going to be my turning point , as I knew I could lose this , that was 4 years ago , and just kept telling myself i will lose it .. but did not do anything


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Well, I didnt have any chocolate, I am now on track again to lose my 20 by my birthday only 4 to go , an dhave nearly 3 months to do it. I know if I have one small binge it will make it so hard , as it took long time to get over the last little binge. But "rome was not build in a day , either did this weight go on in a day" I still have days of thinking to have some fat!! but I think twice now and think of my goal. After that I will start my eating regime as if was normal. The first 20 is going to be my turning point , as I knew I could lose this , that was 4 years ago , and just kept telling myself i will lose it .. but did not do anything


Once every week or 2 having a day eating a lot isn't a problem. Because the body is prepared to put it into fat anyway.....The problem is keeping it just 1 day.

I was 2 weeks in Austria...drank a lot and ate good....but mostly just a small lunch and a huge dinner.

I gained maybe 0.5-1 kg only.

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