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thai police interested in my GF!


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However I would add that maybe the OP would be better off without the business, if one can call it that.

One guy agrees with me.....lol. It aint a legit business!

Please read my critique of what kind of girl accepts these deals. Surely not middle class chicks. If op want to canoe up-stream wo a paddle - please do so. Its freaking comical.

I could be wrongbut this whole deal has bargirl imprints all over it................lol. Noodle shop.....................lol.

Op want to be knight in LOSING MONEY armor. OK so be it. Whats even sorrier is that guys are defending the indefensible.

Edited by billSMITH
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you know what they say - Bigamy is defined as one wife too many - but then so is monogamy!!

for those not doing it right maybe

and "bigamy" only applies to the legally registered marriages, not Thai style.

Edited by wym
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It aint a legit business!

Please read my critique of what kind of girl accepts these deals. Surely not middle class chicks. If op want to canoe up-stream wo a paddle - please do so. Its freaking comical.

Op want to be knight in LOSING MONEY armor. OK so be it.

Not "legit" how?

And I don't see any post by you worthy of the term "critique".

What makes you think "middle class to hi-so" is better than peasant farm girl? To each their own, I wouldn't go near anything but the latter myself.

And finally it's his money to spend how he likes, as long as he can afford the (small) losses - maybe it'll even make a bit of profit for his teerak who knows - but in any case none of your business to be so asininely judgmental!!

Edited by wym
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someone stated it already in diffeent way, keep your enemies close, well I guess its two way sword. If this copper speaks good english just ask him what he wants. Be straight up, find out what he wants, why he is there, I know that if police are called for a robbery they will keep coming back to check security as long as they are paid, I am not sure if this is legitimate or not but that is the case, once a year.

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my question is..

is he able to arrest me for no reason when i am in thailand?

is he able to make it difficult for her shop if she does not welcome his approaches?

What are our rights against police as citizen or tourist?

Anyone we can turn to if we encounter dishonest policemen

No cop will arrest you for no reason. Only if he'll find a few kg of Jaba in your luggage...

Seems that your girl friend had told him that you're not really her boyfriend.

You don't have any rights if a few police officers accuse you let's say you'd molested an animal...

If he'd really do inappropriate things to her, she'd be able to let him know to piss off in her language/ body language.

You should think why would this woman love you? Because you're a cow, that can be milked?

The Thai way of solving such a problem, but only if he'd really do weird stuff would be to teach him a lesson. It's cheap and works well. Other members might be able to let you know how that works.

Or you just have a chat with your sweet girlfriend <deleted> she's doing with you....

The "well mannered" cop wouldn't shop up every day, if she wouldn't like it. Or does she have a uniform fetish. ( No joke an American friend's wife tried all coppers of a town that belongs to Sisaket area)

Rethink your situation, other mothers also have pretty daughters. -wai2.gif

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my question is..

is he able to arrest me for no reason when i am in thailand?

is he able to make it difficult for her shop if she does not welcome his approaches?

What are our rights against police as citizen or tourist?

Anyone we can turn to if we encounter dishonest policemen

No cop will arrest you for no reason. Only if he'll find a few kg of Jaba in your luggage...

Seems that your girl friend had told him that you're not really her boyfriend.

You don't have any rights if a few police officers accuse you let's say you'd molested an animal...

If he'd really do inappropriate things to her, she'd be able to let him know to piss off in her language/ body language.

You should think why would this woman love you? Because you're a cow, that can be milked?

The Thai way of solving such a problem, but only if he'd really do weird stuff would be to teach him a lesson. It's cheap and works well. Other members might be able to let you know how that works.

Or you just have a chat with your sweet girlfriend <deleted> she's doing with you....

The "well mannered" cop wouldn't shop up every day, if she wouldn't like it. Or does she have a uniform fetish. ( No joke an American friend's wife tried all coppers of a town that belongs to Sisaket area)

Rethink your situation, other mothers also have pretty daughters. -wai2.gif

But, in this case the BiB guy can call immigration and state OP is working, if he wants to get rid of the OP. Lets be careful out there. smile.png

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my question is..

is he able to arrest me for no reason when i am in thailand?

is he able to make it difficult for her shop if she does not welcome his approaches?

What are our rights against police as citizen or tourist?

Anyone we can turn to if we encounter dishonest policemen

No cop will arrest you for no reason. Only if he'll find a few kg of Jaba in your luggage...

Seems that your girl friend had told him that you're not really her boyfriend.

You don't have any rights if a few police officers accuse you let's say you'd molested an animal...

Yes of course.

Yes of course.



That's right

But in practice all this isn't likely unless you're projecting and imagining it all causes it to manifest.

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Here's what you do if someone hasn't already suggested it, if he's only interested in your missus then set up a day where he comes in and she has taken the day off, get one of the other staff to say she has gone for her monthly check up at the hospital cause she is terminally ill or some b.s to that effect, that usually makes them run for the hills and hopefully he feels sorry enough not to try and sting you for any cash. That should buy enough time at least to keep the b.s going an you could go anywhere with it, how big is your imagination? You could do this or not.…....maybe I've being in los to long an starting to think like people whose country were in but as the old saying goes, when in rome

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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everytime he comes to shop,.he ask her to call me.. and wants to speak with me.. however he is well mannered.


It must be quite expensive for your friend to call you abroad every time this customer wants to speak with you to practise his English. What country does she have to call for this?

Does she use a mobile phone and once the connection with you is established she hands it to the customer so that he can talk to you?

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You can listen to whomever you like to believe but from where I sit in Thailand if a police try to act nice but at the same time try to hit on your GF (Thai style), I would avoid him. Do not go out with him, do not buy him a drink, do not give him money.

He is fishing! He's trying to catch you by asking questions. If he knows you're out of town and he keeps coming to see her after awhile she may or may not like his sweet talk. It is possible that she will have a relationship with him and eventually give him what he wants (money, sex) but the reality is that you make her life more comfortable by helping her so unlikely she would give that up. We know of a Thai girl giving money and whatever to a policeman BF. She gets it's from her foreigner BF. If you're a foreigner and not living here and not with her most all the time, and if you don't speak THAI with her and don't really know her ways and culture then anything is possible with her and another THAI guy that can show power, speak sweet and make her feel he can protect her. What do you think she will do?

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Here's what you do if someone hasn't already suggested it, if he's only interested in your missus then set up a day where he comes in and she has taken the day off, get one of the other staff to say she has gone for her monthly check up at the hospital cause she is terminally ill or some b.s to that effect, that usually makes them run for the hills and hopefully he feels sorry enough not to try and sting you for any cash. That should buy enough time at least to keep the b.s going an you could go anywhere with it, how big is your imagination? You could do this or not.…....maybe I've being in los to long an starting to think like people whose country were in but as the old saying goes, when in rome

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please tell me that you were joking. You can’t be serious. I wouldn’t make such “jokes” as too many “girls” here do have various diseases, without even knowing it..

Don’t watch too many Star Trek movies, dude and try to grow up.-wai2.gif

Edited by sirchai
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my question is..

is he able to arrest me for no reason when i am in thailand?

is he able to make it difficult for her shop if she does not welcome his approaches?

What are our rights against police as citizen or tourist?

Anyone we can turn to if we encounter dishonest policemen

No cop will arrest you for no reason. Only if he'll find a few kg of Jaba in your luggage...

Seems that your girl friend had told him that you're not really her boyfriend.

You don't have any rights if a few police officers accuse you let's say you'd molested an animal...

If he'd really do inappropriate things to her, she'd be able to let him know to piss off in her language/ body language.

You should think why would this woman love you? Because you're a cow, that can be milked?

The Thai way of solving such a problem, but only if he'd really do weird stuff would be to teach him a lesson. It's cheap and works well. Other members might be able to let you know how that works.

Or you just have a chat with your sweet girlfriend <deleted> she's doing with you....

The "well mannered" cop wouldn't shop up every day, if she wouldn't like it. Or does she have a uniform fetish. ( No joke an American friend's wife tried all coppers of a town that belongs to Sisaket area)

Rethink your situation, other mothers also have pretty daughters. -wai2.gif

But, in this case the BiB guy can call immigration and state OP is working, if he wants to get rid of the OP. Lets be careful out there. smile.png

Or they just "find" a bag of speed in his stuff, placed there by the coppers.

Then he'd pay good money, the cop could still get him arrested and the new couple would have some money for their honeymoon.Nothing is impossible. I'm trying to avoid friendships with cops-wai2.gif .

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Here's what you do if someone hasn't already suggested it, if he's only interested in your missus then set up a day where he comes in and she has taken the day off, get one of the other staff to say she has gone for her monthly check up at the hospital cause she is terminally ill or some b.s to that effect, that usually makes them run for the hills and hopefully he feels sorry enough not to try and sting you for any cash. That should buy enough time at least to keep the b.s going an you could go anywhere with it, how big is your imagination? You could do this or not.…....maybe I've being in los to long an starting to think like people whose country were in but as the old saying goes, when in rome

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Please tell me that you were joking. You can’t be serious. I wouldn’t make such “jokes” as too many “girls” here do have various diseases, without even knowing it..

Don’t watch too many Star Trek movies, dude and try to grow up.-wai2.gif

that's exactly why it would work, sucked you in didn't it. As for the rest if bib was trying hit on my girl I'd do everything thing in my power to stop it. As you said he's well mannered, well the f&%k is he hitting on your missus? You talk about him likes he good bloke, a real good bloke won't straight up disrespect you like that
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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

thats exactly what i would not do.bah.gif

he is using the uniform and his power to impresionate the girl and it does work, i am sure of it.facepalm.gif

in the countryside where i live thai men when they like a girl does really insist until they get her, like a hawk and his prey, it is hawfull how persistent and patient they can be....it is kind of proud also ....very diferent as us in the modus operandi !sad.png

best thing in that case to avoid perhaps a confrontation one day, is to close the shop and open in a diferent zone without saying anything to nobody.

or tell your girl friend to do her job..violin.gif....! good luck anyway! thumbsup.gif

good day and good night


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everytime he comes to shop,.he ask her to call me.. and wants to speak with me.. however he is well mannered.


It must be quite expensive for your friend to call you abroad every time this customer wants to speak with you to practise his English. What country does she have to call for this?

Does she use a mobile phone and once the connection with you is established she hands it to the customer so that he can talk to you?

we use line ..

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

How long have you ''spent'' in Thailand?

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

How long have you actually spent in Thailand?

Or is this reply a joke?

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Be nice to the policeman, invite him out when you go drinking. If you're a reasonable person (happy, calm, generous, etc) he won't screw you over and you'll be able to count on him if you have problems with other people.

How long have you ''spent'' in Thailand?

I guess not more than 72 hours ....

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He could have multiple interests.

1. Interested in your girlfriend.

2. Interested in you:

- To see if you're working illegally at the shop.

- to see if you're doing something else illegal.

- to see if he can use you to blackmail your girlfriend for money or something else than a man might want.

3. Just to be generally aware of what is happening in his area

4. Maybe he wants to know you then use you for something in the future either positive or negative.

I would advise her to be nice the way any Thai person would know how to be nice to a policeman. And get people on her side including neighbors family and friends.

Edited by sunsandsurf
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I'm not scared to go eye to eye ..we are missing the plot..my qn what the authority of police officer. .

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

None, as long as YOU do not lift a finger in the shop. smile.png

Even cleaning your own cup could be considered "working" without a work permit.-w00t.gif

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