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my gf things she is always right, even when she is wrong. Am I the only one?


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My girlfriend is not really like that but it happens from time to time.

I have several strategies to counter that in my arsenal :

- ipad + google/wikipedia, that usually does the trick

- the "wanna bet our next dinner on it?" line, suddenly she's not so sure anymore

- humour and light hearted banter, after a while and a short pout she can admit she wasn't right (but never she was wrong biggrin.png) because she feels the situation is not serious and it's not important that she gets the last word, especially if keeping her position result in more laughing at her expense

- pushing on how she knows that information, can sometimes result in "hmmm, I guess whistling.gif"

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Remember , in Thailand everyone is Guilty until the proof of innocents . Farngs are always wrong . If their Thai boyfriends punch them in the face he is always right. So don't argue and let it be

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

You are now a guru in my eyes. that is 110% true. haha you just made me realize that I'm just a 2nd class citizen with money here. harsh but true.

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Remember , in Thailand everyone is Guilty until the proof of innocents . Farngs are always wrong . If their Thai boyfriends punch them in the face he is always right. So don't argue and let it be

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

You are now a guru in my eyes. that is 110% true. haha you just made me realize that I'm just a 2nd class citizen with money here. harsh but true.

ignorant posts in one.....BTW - I doubt you are a citizen of Thailand in any respect.

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Remember , in Thailand everyone is Guilty until the proof of innocents . Farngs are always wrong . If their Thai boyfriends punch them in the face he is always right. So don't argue and let it be

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

You are now a guru in my eyes. that is 110% true. haha you just made me realize that I'm just a 2nd class citizen with money here. harsh but true.

ignorant posts in one.....BTW - I doubt you are a citizen of Thailand in any respect.

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Remember , in Thailand everyone is Guilty until the proof of innocents . Farngs are always wrong . If their Thai boyfriends punch them in the face he is always right. So don't argue and let it be

Sent from up to me from where it was sent

You are now a guru in my eyes. that is 110% true. haha you just made me realize that I'm just a 2nd class citizen with money here. harsh but true.

ignorant posts in one.....BTW - I doubt you are a citizen of Thailand in any respect.

It was a joke :)

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My gf has. Sometimes when she's wrong and she knows it she's said, "sorry, I wrong". Other times not. I still haven't figured out the difference between when she's going to admit it or not though.

Just show us any Thai that says "Sorry I made a mistake" or "Sorry I was wrong" ;-)

Has any Thai ever apologised to anybody? Much less to a falang?

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My gf has. Sometimes when she's wrong and she knows it she's said, "sorry, I wrong". Other times not. I still haven't figured out the difference between when she's going to admit it or not though.

Let me tell you brother that is as RARE as finding a diamond in a pile of broken glass.

Hang on to that one, she's a treasure.

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I fail to see what education, higher or none has to do with this trait in Thai ladies.

Possibly a more rational explanation of a forthright, Bossy or dominating personality might be that in a lot of Thai families its the lady who wears the pants or is the back bone and provider of the family.

This domineering trait can be learned from her Mother who may well have had to act like a Father and a Mother due to the drinking, womanising antics of some Thai men ( read most) and it is always prudent to meet up with the Mum for those interested in marrying a Thai lady to find out how is lady is going to turn out when the honeymoon period is over.

usually whilst the daughter loves her Thai Mum ( As in our case) there will be signs that they dont get on to well day to day because their personalities are too well matched.

jump to your own conclusions as to why that is, maybe something to do with the quality of typically Thai men but IMHO she is the one who does all the work and thus makes most of the decisions, in the process giving her that confidence and attitude that I find sometimes annoying but most of the time great insomuch as I am happy for her to be the Big Boss and make most of the day to day decisions in our lives

It must also be said that as well as her indoors never being wrong about anything under the Sun there is some benefits in that as my wife she is a wonderful carer, her self imposed sense of maternal responsibility covers everything from what I am going to wear or what do I want for my dinner ETC

The poster who said something like He needs occasionally to stamp his feet now and again (or give his wife a slap ) has much in common with me but when I do stamp my feet (although tempted to give her a slap have never done so even when pushed into a tight corner) on these occasions (rare) the lady wife has enough gumption to back off at least until the next time.

Having said all that about her I still think that she is the greatest sexiest little lady that I have ever met and would not swap her for all the tea in China but I would send her on holiday for a little while!

What ? like a kind of refresher course?

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I fail to see what education, higher or none has to do with this trait in Thai ladies.

Possibly a more rational explanation of a forthright, Bossy or dominating personality might be that in a lot of Thai families its the lady who wears the pants or is the back bone and provider of the family.

This domineering trait can be learned from her Mother who may well have had to act like a Father and a Mother due to the drinking, womanising antics of some Thai men ( read most) and it is always prudent to meet up with the Mum for those interested in marrying a Thai lady to find out how is lady is going to turn out when the honeymoon period is over.

usually whilst the daughter loves her Thai Mum ( As in our case) there will be signs that they dont get on to well day to day because their personalities are too well matched.

jump to your own conclusions as to why that is, maybe something to do with the quality of typically Thai men but IMHO she is the one who does all the work and thus makes most of the decisions, in the process giving her that confidence and attitude that I find sometimes annoying but most of the time great insomuch as I am happy for her to be the Big Boss and make most of the day to day decisions in our lives

It must also be said that as well as her indoors never being wrong about anything under the Sun there is some benefits in that as my wife she is a wonderful carer, her self imposed sense of maternal responsibility covers everything from what I am going to wear or what do I want for my dinner ETC

The poster who said something like He needs occasionally to stamp his feet now and again (or give his wife a slap ) has much in common with me but when I do stamp my feet (although tempted to give her a slap have never done so even when pushed into a tight corner) on these occasions (rare) the lady wife has enough gumption to back off at least until the next time.

Having said all that about her I still think that she is the greatest sexiest little lady that I have ever met and would not swap her for all the tea in China but I would send her on holiday for a little while!

What ? like a kind of refresher course?

NOooooooooooo MAJIC not really! laugh.png

A little holiday would be nice Just for the silence and the joys of trying to find a little of my lost independence and of course all the stuff that I I need on a daily basis which will be packed somewhere known only to her.

Such is her total comprehensive control and care program that I think that I am her baby substitute not her husband but the benefits far outweigh the negatives and I am not really moaning!

Alas (A little holiday) will never happen because she also suffers from that inbuilt sense of sensible and inbuilt insecurity most Thai lady wives suffer from when married to Ex Pats living in Pattaya.

They know instinctively what happens when the Cat goes away and will not be taking any chances giggle.gif

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One factor may be birth order. If she's the eldest daughter she's used to talking to her younger brothers and sisters and hearing "yes ma'am". She could tell them the sky's green and they'd nod in agreement.

If you're the CEO of a company and you're used to being surrounded by yes-men and ass-kissers, or at least not have anyone talk back to you, and then you hook up with a headstrong woman who's the CEO of her family, there's going to be some power struggles.

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From Guitar God;

"If you're the CEO of a company and you're used to being surrounded by yes-men and ass-kissers, or at least not have anyone talk back to you, and then you hook up with a headstrong woman who's the CEO of her family, there's going to be some power struggles. "

​Well I hear what you are saying but I was that man that you mention in the above paragraph for most of my career but in contrast to what you are saying that's not how it works, at least for me any more .

You see if I want to put my foot down then I will and even if it costs me I will do as I want but 99% of the time I am happy that the Big Boss is in charge because I have got blasé about "control" and dont want it any more, its not worth the row especially as in her own way she is thinking about doing the best for all of us and that is what matters.

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Just show us any Thai that says "Sorry I made a mistake" or "Sorry I was wrong" ;-)

I have a gorgeous thai g/f 32 to my 53

clearly, life experience dictates they can't always be right, especially if is clearly something she doesn't already "know"

that said, when it comes to relationships they have better guidance systems than we do, and it pays to control the reactive part of our nature, and hear them out, first....

if in discussion, note, not argument, you get a refusal to back down from a position, or you have an othersie argumentative woman,

just leave her to the next dope that picks her up, and is focred to deal with her "baggage"

there is a reason why thai girls like older western men,

one of them is, we are more experienced about things that matter

but in many cases, determining what matters and what doesn't matter; is key.

my g/f is the one to stop the discussion if she thinks I am wrong, rather to just agree with me, scarcastically, and as soon as I see her willingness to give in, I reassess the discussion, and sadly, for the posters,

they ARE, usually right

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Mmm, this might get a few opposing comments, but from my experience, it is not only your gf, it seems more a thai thing. No matter how right a farang is, and how wrong a thai is, they will nearly always go for the thai way. Just remember, never say "I told you so" or ask "why" they made that decision. You will be met with silence, could last a few days, and a turned head. Thais are brought up to believe they are right, never wrong, so you have NO chance of winning.

After one disagreement on what my expectations are for her, in our "relationship"

I simply left her a note by the bed, telling her I will see her again when she understands her role more,

and a few days later, I left my rented condo and moved to chiang mai,

once she realized I was no longer in bkk, she drove 10 hours to spend the month with me in chiang mai,

and we havent had that issue arise since,

what was the issue?

sex, what else?

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Maybe tell you that this is a matriarchal society and in general the woman wear the pants in the family

So sit her down and talk to her about it see if she can change a bit more

Why not just take her pants off?

If there is no penis there, she is a female, and needs to understand that,

whoever taught her (her mother) that she could dominate men,

explains 100% why her father left her mother when she was a child,

if she wants to be like her mother, you can tactfully explain to her, why her mother, lost her family life, and had to become the breadwinner and disciplinarian,

that said,

I met my g/f's mother, early in the relationship to see what I was dealing with,

this will NOT be a LTR, no matter how much I love her naked in bed

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Yes, my wife has a habit of doing this. But so do a lot of other Thais that I have done, or tried, to do business with. No matter that they know nothing about the subject at hand, they will put out an non-informed opinion and will not move from that position. I am not sure if it is "cultural" or simply a common behavioral trait. It is like trying to have a discussion with someone from NY.

I am from NYC,

some people, do indeed evolve, but, not if they stay in NY

NY has it's own energy, and was part of a glacier,

we do know everything, until we want to have sex,

then, we suddenly become more agreeable......usually around 14

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Amazing. Listen to www.tomleykis.com

You guys need an education on women. Why do you feel obligated to take care of these predators? Cant you just pump, dump and run? Wasting your lives away trying to keep her happy. Single life guys. Amazing that you put up with their crap. Oh, wait. Your in love. Love=lust + convenience. Boring. TUROK

Predators is a great term for this,

parasite, perhaps better....

we put up with a lot, depending on our age,

after a certain point, there is no excuse,

men lose the respect of their women when they do not take control of the relationship,

that said, it needn't be continual,

more like pumping a well, you start off pumping hard, then, a little steady effort is all it takes,

that said, most of the issues men face are not their brains or education, but their hormones which are rarely in balance,

knowing where they are in their cycle, will keep most men out of danger, AND, increase their sex life,

knowing when to just stay away from them, is key; everyine deserves space, including the men, we have to understand, they need to be alone too, need their g/f's, need their social interactions with others, and then, we will get everything we want,

this does not apply to marriage,

all rules are off then,

and we will always lose,

stay single, they are all seeking to lasso you

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All the girls from issan like that...im had the same problem now for a year..just trying to find a way out of this hell.....goodluck to u..think u already knowninside u somewhere that it will never work and for sure not make u happy....!!!!!

A way out of this hell?

go to agoda.com and get a hotel,

maybe your balls will regrow with sleep

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Just show us any Thai that says "Sorry I made a mistake" or "Sorry I was wrong" ;-)

Has any Thai ever apologised to anybody? Much less to a falang?

Yes, my girlfriend has apologized many times, usually for her over reacting to something she got wrong in the translation, or her over reacting to something I said or did,

or her over reacting to my desire for more sex from her, than she thinks is required to keep me happy....

when she tells me that thai men aren;t like that, and that they will allow their women to say no to them, and that tahi men will give the women money and never bring it up, I simply tell her, they think they are paying for sex, in advance, and you are just too good at refusing them, that they want you even more,

note the keywords here:

her over reactions

and her thinking I will put up with what thai men will,

she is also 32 and thinks she is getting old, so, this has some psychological factors going for it, that are truly thai in nature, as, no girl in the us thinks she is too old, to be desirable, at 32.........

if this is what you mean by "thainess" I am all for it

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When my GF starts telling me how to drive, I will start having serious doubts about our relationship.

Just saying...coffee1.gif

Dont understand this post at all?

I wouldnt drive in Thailand if my life depended on it,

I let her drive, its her car, she is a professional thai driver, will cut off a truck if she thinks he doesnt deserve that extra inch, she knows where she is going, and when she doesnt, she admit it, and I can get to enjoy having my right hand free to drop in into her lap.....

thai girls with cars are the way to fly here,

besides, I head that no matter what, in any accident the farange will be accused and forced to pay,

f_u_ck that

I think your nuts, but your not alone......thumbsup.gif ..........I am nuts too.............clap2.gif

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