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no motosay taxi guys around to teach those 2 a lesson ? looooooooooooooooooooool

why not call police ..they would cough up quickly if some jail time for plain teft would come up...

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The price of the drinks is less than they would pay in the UK

Their behaviour is unacceptable and perhaps will persuade bars not to allow the running of tabs.

Where was this, any 'tourist police'?


I'm guessing that those two girls hadn't ever been in a place that ran a bar tab for them and they would have been used to paying for each and every drink as it was served. Consider doing that for every non local.

Sometimes (but not very often) when I order a drink in a bar I've never been in before, I'll pay by the drink as it arrives, reason is I want to know what kind of charge they are making. Ie is it Baht 250 each drink or is it Baht 250++ and are there any other hidden costs.


Were they cute?

That could explain a lot...

Not excuse it, but explain it.

I know women who brag that they NEVER pay for a drink. But usually there's some guy in heat to stick with the tab. Have to admit I have occasionally been that guy- but that's been a loooooong time ago.


Were they cute?

That could explain a lot...

Not excuse it, but explain it.

I know women who brag that they NEVER pay for a drink. But usually there's some guy in heat to stick with the tab. Have to admit I have occasionally been that guy- but that's been a loooooong time ago.

Chances are they were the bottom feeder of the land {UK was it?] they come from, so my money is on that they were not cute, but feral...

What's worse now is they may spread the word about the bar where you can drink all night and refuse to pay the bill cause the owner is missing a set to do anything about it.

Simply walk off !!

Unbelievable, but if we read of news of 2 backpacker female tourists beaten to a pulp for refusing to pay there tab, we'll know it finally caught up with them thumbsup.gif

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No doubt these two slags will be boasting of their exploits to their mates and other backpackers on how to get free drinks all night.

May I suggest your mate introduce a cap of 500 or 1000 baht on drink bins and once reached the bin is settled and a fresh bin is started that way he will reduce his loses in the future.

I hope they try this in King Power at the Airport. They will end up imprisoned in a local hotel until the have paid thousands of baht to the Thai Scammers working from the Airport.


I've seen this happen 3 times before, same issue, same people, Russians.

And if you hung out where the Chinese people hang out, the "same people" would be Chinese, or Aussies, or Americans, or...


Not defending their actions but I do think some people get confused. For example in the UK if the drinks were the same in Pounds, around 37 this amount sounds a lot smaller than 1780 Baht, in the UK they do not say that's 3700 pennies. I have often thought Thailand needs a bigger unit than the Baht with modern prices and inflation the Satang coins should be abolished and rounding up/down to the nearest Baht should occur on Invoices and a unit introduced, 100 Baht equals the new unit, then it would have been 17 new units and 80 Baht sounds a lot better to the person paying it.


Photograph/video them and then inform them that the police are being called. Would suspect they would have second thoughts about non-payment.

//edit - of course if the owner doesn't have a WP then just feign calling. smile.png

Exactly.....and when taking their pic/video, make sure you remind them of when they stood there at the immigration desk having their pictures taken and there shouldn't be a problem then I would think............


Just out of curiosity, do local bars have a "Wall of Shame" where they share and post pictures of the people who do these things?

In China, they would share pictures with each other so that once a person caused a problem, they wouldn't be welcome in any local bars. Back there it was mostly starting fights that would earn a place on the wall. The waitresses were told to inform the manager if anyone from the wall were to darken the door- with a small reward.

I would think that drink and dash would be a habitual thing and not a one-off.


I had a bar many moons ago in Koh Samui. It was a common occurrence so the answer was that the drinks were paid for every time they were delivered. Nobody ran a tab unless I knew them personally. I once had a guy that told me he was SAS and would kill me if I didn't give him a free beer. I told him if it was my time, then so be it, he might get the beer for free but he would spend the rest of his time in a Thai crossbar hotel. He smiled and paid! The GM had a crew that would follow the freeloaders out of the bar and when they came back they always had the money for the bill and the idiot that walked out without paying had more than a hangover the next day.

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Hmmm I reckon thats a cheap night out if they were drinking cocktails all night a total of just over AU$ 61 between 2 of them ,I think in any bar in Australia they might have been lucky to get maybe 2 drinks each for that !

My guess is they probably didnt have and money and decided to see just how much they could get away with !

agree...these are the kind of low-renters who will booze on a scam, then fall down drunk, not pay the hospital bill and have the rest of us foot the cost through some additional entry fee. Call the police. 1 day in jail for every 30 Baht on the bill.

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The entitlement of some of these young women boggles my mind.

Can you imagine two dudes ordering a bunch of drinks in a foreign country and then having the balls to say that they're not paying, no reason given?

It reminds me of this video of 4 drunk young women who try to get out of paying a $13 fare by accusing the driver of sexual assault:


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I can't believe that they wouldn't even agree to a reduced bill -- what azzholes!! That is just sleazy and dishonest.

I hope for their sake they don't try that in bar owned and run by Thais. I am pretty sure that within about 10 seconds after leaving the bar, they would be beaten bloody and the bill plus a generous tip removed from their purses.

BTW, I am curious about this: "when you are dealing with that demographic it is a good idea to make them pony up every time the bill hits a grand, if not every round" posted by Hoohaa. Which demographic is "that demographic"? -- girls, English people, or English girls?

The demographic is maybe english girls, <deleted> wider than their shoulders, or maybe not, but egos wider than their brains.

Personally, I would get cash once in a while. I'm not racist, I would do the same with black, white, yellow customers. I am an equal opportunity cash trader.


I've seen this happen 3 times before, same issue, same people, Russians.

And if you hung out where the Chinese people hang out, the "same people" would be Chinese, or Aussies, or Americans, or...

that's just an assumption on your part that others would behave like the russians.


I hope the bar owner has learned his lesson and now has his act together. Not that I don't have every sympathy with him. Nearly 2000 baht may not be much in western countries, but it is a heck of a lot here. My Shan hairdresser is paid a little over 4000 a month - 6-7 days a week from 8-7. I know we are in Thailand, and I tend to frequent only the same couple of bars, so I am a regular.

In France, where I live, big bars where they have a constant turnover make it so that every round is paid for at time of serving. Of course that is also meant to stop staff from stealing. But I have noticed that some small bars are doing the same thing. I have a friend owning a bar here in Chiang Mai, who has sacked quite a few staff for this reason.

I personally think that these girls are brazen hussies and are for sure not on their first try.


If his paperwork is in order, IE working legally with the right business permits etc. then yes he should have called the police. I also think that collecting money each round would be a better system unless, it is a regular. Also if they had been drinking that many drinks 10-15, their brains might not have been in the right space. Collecting money while they are sober is probably better.

Next time have more Thai staff, have one follow anyone that rips you off to their hotel.

It is customary to deduct the wages from Thai staff that are actually responsible for any losses.

Customary does not make it right....

Staff on low wages having to be responsible for losses......

Staff represent the owners, and act on their behalf. Same as if the owners would do the work....owners are responsible.

The owners are responsible for training their staff, in a way similar as if they were doing the work themselves... Meaning giving instructions such as never to run a tab, collect for each serving. Owners are responsible for the improper training, and the resulting loss.

  • Like 1

I've seen this happen 3 times before, same issue, same people, Russians.

And if you hung out where the Chinese people hang out, the "same people" would be Chinese, or Aussies, or Americans, or...

that's just an assumption on your part that others would behave like the russians.

Nope. That's based on the assumption that every society has its slackers.

And whatever you believe to be the cause and which is the effect, you'll find a high proportion of them where alcohol is served.

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Here's a very easy solution. Call the police, don't let them leave the bar, and they will very quickly cough up the money. Problem solved.

Nice solution if they are two drink little girls! But what happens if they are five drunk Brits in tank tops, shorts and combat boots. Have them pay when each round is served period! Although the druck girls could be as much of or more of a problem!


If his paperwork is in order, IE working legally with the right business permits etc. then yes he should have called the police. I also think that collecting money each round would be a better system unless, it is a regular. Also if they had been drinking that many drinks 10-15, their brains might not have been in the right space. Collecting money while they are sober is probably better.

Next time have more Thai staff, have one follow anyone that rips you off to their hotel.

It is customary to deduct the wages from Thai staff that are actually responsible for any losses.

Customary does not make it right....


Based on a zillion posts on a thousand threads, a high employee turnover problem is also customary. Coincidence? I think not.


Stop the money from the Thai serving girls wages.

Her job to collect the money, she didn't do her job.

This is some "trickle-down", blame-shifting BS. It's on management to settle this up one way or another, not the staff. Heavy manners are called for in dealing with deadbeats like this. Western people are accustomed to paying up after every round. And having no doubt about the cost of drinks is also a must policy. Posted large at the bar and also on the menu.

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