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I Dont Understand Why Rich Thais In Bangkok Buy Expensive Cars


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I have been thinking about it a lot. every now and then you see these Mercedes, BMW cabriolets and a lot of expensive cars that rich Thais drive, new rich Thais want to express them self's by buying like in any other country. the difference here is that if you live in Bangkok and drive home after work everyday. Its not worth it if you ask me. Even if I had 1000 million baht and lived in BKK I would never ever buy a car like that. I would go for a motorbike cuz you are only driving alone or 2 persons anyway right?

The reason I'm posting this is that today I was waiting for the free bus going to Big C shopping. and I saw this Thai man sitting in a brand new white shining Mercedes cabriolet stuck in traffic between the buses. What a shitty life I thought watching him. properly struggled hard in life to become the man he is today. yet in BKK traffic he is just an other car stuck in the jams. the traffic was so slow(REALLY SLOW) so after 40 minutes I decided to walk the 3 km to big C. after 10 minutes of walking I saw all the buses that passed the bus-stop I was sitting at, and also the Thai man in the Mercedes. we looked a each other and we kind of both realized that the only good thing he would get with that car in BKK, is girls. In the end I got to Big C before every single car/bus that had passed me on the bus stop.

I asked a guy about the BKK traffic jam problem. he told me that the new rich Thais who buy exclusive cars and really want to be able to drive them daily, many move to Khon Kaen, water-flooding and traffic jam free. I asked him: Why Khon Kaen?He said Its far, but not that far from Bangkok as many other bigger cities in example: Isaan.



Edited by crazyguyinthailand
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The sad part is some can't drive them.

Not long ago I was heading down Charoen Nakhon Road, I'd been sitting at the lights with the rest of Bangkok for ages, so we're off and then all of a sudden this old duck in a high end Merc, decided to do a U-Turn in front of everyone, she inched out so slowly, then when she's blocking our passage, stops and looks the other way and eventually makes the turn, great one grandma. I think I was the calmest while sitting there waiting, whereas the Thais were getting agro but she didn't give a rats. In the west she would of got T-Boned and road rage.

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Myself very happy they can buy New these expensive Luxury cars = a few years down the line I can buy a luxury car 2nd hand...

2nd hand Audi A6 leather, electric/auto everything, or for same price and year a basic Accord or Camry ?

beyond me why a Thai will normally look or buy [even same make 2nd hand] a basic Honda Accord over a much better import Honda with ABS and Airbags, climate control, electric seats, leather etc.. same year and price

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Same phenomenon happens everywhere - rich people buy expensive cars, even in crowded cities.

Beijing, Tokyo, London, Moscow ...

For me, at least the expensive cars have some tangible exclusive functions - soft leather, 9-speaker stereo, massaging seats, visibility.

Ultra-expensive watches, on the other hand (no pun intended) ... does nothing for me

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It"s better to cry in a Rolls Royce than smiling on a bicycle...clap2.gif .

Perhaps, with all other things being equal. Problem is that all other things are often not equal.

Would you express the same view of many inner city youths (particularly non whites) in various ghettos around the western world (including Canada)? Would you remark similarly on kids' wearing of expensive label clothing while having little to eat and poor living conditions? My guess is not.

Perhaps a double standard based on largely on positive (but largely unfounded) stereotypes of Asians.

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Difference in Asia with the face thing is that these people with these overpriced cars, are very often NOT rich. They certainly don't live a rich lifestyle.

They own an expensive car AND THAT'S It! They live in a disgusting accommodation, with roaches and rats running amok, cheap arse flip flops and old clothes. Can't take many trips anywhere (and probably have little interest).

Chinese and Thai-Chinese are big offenders.

Now, there are of course actually rich Thais, but they are FAR fewer in number than most think.

And Westerners don't do the same thing???? Buying houses and cars they cannot afford kicked off the financial crisis in the West......

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Difference in Asia with the face thing is that these people with these overpriced cars, are very often NOT rich. They certainly don't live a rich lifestyle.

They own an expensive car AND THAT'S It! They live in a disgusting accommodation, with roaches and rats running amok, cheap arse flip flops and old clothes. Can't take many trips anywhere (and probably have little interest).

Chinese and Thai-Chinese are big offenders.

Now, there are of course actually rich Thais, but they are FAR fewer in number than most think.

And Westerners don't do the same thing???? Buying houses and cars they cannot afford kicked off the financial crisis in the West......

Not to the see degree with the primary objective to gain face or its equivalent. To enjoy selfishly, but, as said, to lessor degree (at least so much is true in North America). Don't know about Europe as I only lived in UK for a little over a year many years ago.

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Difference in Asia with the face thing is that these people with these overpriced cars, are very often NOT rich. They certainly don't live a rich lifestyle.

They own an expensive car AND THAT'S It! They live in a disgusting accommodation, with roaches and rats running amok, cheap arse flip flops and old clothes. Can't take many trips anywhere (and probably have little interest).

Chinese and Thai-Chinese are big offenders.

Now, there are of course actually rich Thais, but they are FAR fewer in number than most think.

And Westerners don't do the same thing???? Buying houses and cars they cannot afford kicked off the financial crisis in the West......

Not to the see degree with the primary objective to gain face or its equivalent. To enjoy selfishly, but, as said, to lessor degree (at least so much is true in North America). Don't know about Europe as I only lived in UK for a little over a year many years ago.

Right, so in the West it is not "face", it is "keeping up with the Joneses". Knew a guy that owned a Ferrari in Luxembourg. Sa,e difference. Never left the garage as he couldn't afford the insurance...

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Difference in Asia with the face thing is that these people with these overpriced cars, are very often NOT rich. They certainly don't live a rich lifestyle.

They own an expensive car AND THAT'S It! They live in a disgusting accommodation, with roaches and rats running amok, cheap arse flip flops and old clothes. Can't take many trips anywhere (and probably have little interest).

Chinese and Thai-Chinese are big offenders.

Now, there are of course actually rich Thais, but they are FAR fewer in number than most think.

And Westerners don't do the same thing???? Buying houses and cars they cannot afford kicked off the financial crisis in the West......

Not to the see degree with the primary objective to gain face or its equivalent. To enjoy selfishly, but, as said, to lessor degree (at least so much is true in North America). Don't know about Europe as I only lived in UK for a little over a year many years ago.

Right, so in the West it is not "face", it is "keeping up with the Joneses". Knew a guy that owned a Ferrari in Luxembourg. Sa,e difference. Never left the garage as he couldn't afford the insurance...

My goodness, why is it that despite our farang intelligence, people persist with using anecdotes to indirectly allege that every behavior or other phenomenon exists in every part of the world in equal degree?​

So, no need to discuss any further. Everything is exactly the same in all places and among all groups of people.


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Did the guy tell you he was rich I ask this question because in the 80s I moved from the Uk to Washington DC on a three year assignment . I was well paid my children went to private school and I considered myself fortunate to have a very nice top of the range station wagon. Having said that my job meant I was well travelled throughout the USA going as far as Hawaii but I was always amazed that when I entered heavily populated black areas where a lot of the properties consisted of tin shacks outside you would see the most wonderful Cadillac one could wish for what I am trying to say is just because you have a 3/4 million baht car it does not mean you are wealthy It could come down as a persons desire to have a status symbol , whilst in ibeat last week there was a Thai guy waving his gold iphone 5 around for all to see trouble was he was in desperate need for some. Decent attire as well as a can of deodorant hi BO levels were enough to make you throw up

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No different in any country I know of. Cars are toys...and for show. Pretty much just that. I know moms here in Udon that do not make 15,000 baht a month, but buy cars for each one of their children. The borrow 60,000 baht for a down payment and get somebody to guarantee the loan. That lender gets a nice kickback from the seller. One boy is 16 and has a brand new suzuki swift. The sister just lost her job...she got a brand new mazda 2. They just don't make the payments, I guess..and the bank might write off the unpaid credit..because these vehicles never get repo'd. I cannot get a new one because I need too much of a down payment...that I refuse to do, so I drive my gal's 15 year old minature niisan truck. Feels like heaven.

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