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Coup watch: Bloody days ahead for Bangkok


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where's the proof of that? 'that they didn't know'; they can check the parliaments agenda just like anyone else can, and again if 308 voted yes then it doesn't matter because they already had a wide margin of passing, passing it in the early hours was a tactic to keep it out of that days newspapers, and to sort of dole out the news because they knew it was controversial.

Things are either illegal or they are not. The NACC is trying to throw out 308 MPs for simply 'voting' for the amendment, there is no law that says parliament cannot convene at early hours.

Listen carefully, the bill was illegally amended between the first and second reading which is unconstitutional. When the 308 voted, they voted on an unconstitutional bill. They did so in a clandestine manner, knowing full well what they were doing. The whole works should be tossed, and probably will be by better legal minds than you.

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The Wall Street Journal eviscerates the Democrats and the partisan Constitutional Court, and has some words about judicial coups.


I wonder what the Wall Street Journal thinks of corruption, graft, illegal votes, politicians plotting, and trying their very hardest, to achieve the plundering of the treasury and the return of $1 billion which was legally confiscated by the courts, to a convicted criminal. Show me an article where they support that. Come to think of it, don't bother, who gives a s--t what they think.

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The Wall Street Journal eviscerates the Democrats and the partisan Constitutional Court, and has some words about judicial coups.


I wonder what the Wall Street Journal thinks of corruption, graft, illegal votes, politicians plotting, and trying their very hardest, to achieve the plundering of the treasury and the return of $1 billion which was legally confiscated by the courts, to a convicted criminal. Show me an article where they support that. Come to think of it, don't bother, who gives a s--t what they think.

Quite so.How can foreigners (except right wing former sex tourists and Michael Yon) expect to understand the essence of Thainess?

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Well done ThaiVisa.com!

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"Coup watch: Bloody days ahead for Bangkok"

And for Thailand as a whole.

Both sides are hoping for a coup, so they can get out of the shambles they created.

General Prayuth Chan-ocha is not giving them the pleasure for the moment.

But we never know what the future brings.

ah ah if both sides were hoping for a coup, it would be much easier and avoid this torture to Thai people.

Actually the army is willing to stage a coup, but this time it fears it can 't do it straight like in 2006, it needs an excuse, that's why Suthep is playing their games, just like Sondhi played their games when he took the airports.

Unfortunately Thailand is ridden by such a level of greed that some powerful people with uniform and others without it, are rather willing to put Thai economy to its knees, rather than losing control of it. Since the 1932 revolution, the army has always dominated EVERY aspect of Thailand: land, farming, banks, construction, governments (18 coups), money for weapons ,more weapons and more weapons, TVs, radio stations, and of course the judiciary system, the Courts, and since late 90s its political wing (Un)Democratic Party.

I don't mean to say Thaksin is an angel, but the problems of Thailand have been boling for generations and generations of injustice and corruption (much before he jumped into poltics and even before he was born), he has just exploited part of these injustices.

Why the Dems and the army can't do the same ? Good question, i think the answer is they are too greedy and power thirsty.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

PDRC don't want a coup either as that would lead to reds coming out shooting in the name of Taksin.

Judicial coup my ass ! We have the courts finally starting to do their job. There are many crimes for which all of PT should be removed from office, the one you mention is the least of it. Rice scam, tablet scam, 50,000 baht clocks, threatening judges they don't agree with etc etc...

Nothing bogus about the cases against them. The criminals need to be brought to justiice and examples must be made to discourage such callous and brazen acts of graft and stupidity to not happen again.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

PDRC don't want a coup either as that would lead to reds coming out shooting in the name of Taksin.

Judicial coup my ass ! We have the courts finally starting to do their job. There are many crimes for which all of PT should be removed from office, the one you mention is the least of it. Rice scam, tablet scam, 50,000 baht clocks, threatening judges they don't agree with etc etc...

Nothing bogus about the cases against them. The criminals need to be brought to justiice and examples must be made to discourage such callous and brazen acts of graft and stupidity to not happen again.

Yeah, PT would indeed want a coup. All sides benefit from the constant power struggles.

If there was a coup, the situation would be temporary, the red shirts would be all riled up and they'll just win the next election anyhow (whenever it is scheduled).

Without the power struggle, PT would only have governing to do (which isn't a strength nor a primary interest) and nothing to rally their base about.

Just the same, the yellow shirts would lose a major rallying point and a large number of their base without the power struggle and fear/hatred of Thaksin.

What % of the protests really care about Suthep's specific proposals? Very few.

The various factions of the police and military?

As long as politics is about people (rather than actual policy), then they wlll have a stake in the argument and can continue their various power struggles without having to listen to a real civilian government.

Plus, as long as their is a threat of turmoil, they have an excuse/leverage to demand a larger stake of the budget.

Everyone wins except for most Thais.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

This protest is not about stopping amendments that the people of Thailand do not like. It is about 1 corrupt man, that if elected (through his election terms) will become president for life. PDRC is attempting to stop it before it is too late. My heart is with the PDRC.

Keep your heart with PDRC but your mind with democracy. Thaksin is not, despite the popular thought, an elected official, much less the PM. And you know if he returns to Thailand unconditionally without any judicial negotiations, he will go to jail or as a minimum be disqualified for elected office. Rather it is Suthep who actively desires to become dictator, maybe for life. Thus far, neither are close to their alleged objectives. Why persecute the entire elected government based on speculations?

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I think you have to take a closer look at what the NACC and Constitution Court really is..


"The status of the Constitutional Court is very controversial," said Sunai Phasuk, a senior researcher with New York-based Human Rights Watch."It is a product of a coup in 2006 and acts mainly as a tribunal not a court of justice per se," he said, noting that the government had been "badly crippled" by its rulings.

​A normal court does not throw out a PM because he went on a cooking show, it does not make amending the constitution to make the house fully elected a 'crime' It does not fast track cases in direct response to anti-democracy rioters.

Criminals call it a "judicial coup"

Law abiding citizens call it "being held accountable for breaking the law"

Criminals never really did like following the law and when they break it they always have an excuse. Criminals will dismiss them as "bogus cases" simply because they will never admit they did anything wrong.

The law does not bode well with criminals. Criminals hate the courts as well. Not just Thai criminals. Go to a jail in your country and ask some of the criminals what they think of the courts. They won't say the "courts are great" Ask a guilty criminal that hired a flash lawyer and got off his conviction what he thinks of courts. "They are great" "I love the courts" When guilty and proven guilty the PTP demonize the courts. Predictable antics of a criminal. When guilty, but are proven innocent the PTP applaud the courts. Typical antics of a criminal that got off.

If Abhisit is guilty of murder. I certainly won't like the result, but I will respect it. Why? Because I respect the law. That is the fundamental difference. If you don't respect the law in the first place then it should come as no surprise that it will catch up with you.

What you have said is more proof that the PTP have not completely failed. The ministry of propaganda is the most successful ministry in the government and your comments are testimony to that. Well done and I take my hat of to you for saving me the time in having to prove it myself. wai2.gif

What garbage.

The ridiculous attacks on the government from the Court as unconstitutional are just BS. Read the constitution!

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The constitution court striking down the Amendment is one thing, they are entitled to do that, they did that and that amendment was squashed.

What we're talking about is the NACC, the 'anti-graft' commision then charging the 308 MPs that voted for the amendment with corruption, that's outrageous, in what democracy do you get charged with corruption for 'voting' Its an obvious rues to get rid of the phuathai party for the protesters.. and lets not forget that bogus case against the 308MPs was not brought until after the protests started.

Oh yea criminals, I'm sure Obama will be deposed because he went on the tonight show, and parliamentarians get sacked for voting for an amendment to the constitution that makes the country more democratic.. these are called criminal acts in Thailand/

Section 113 parts 1 and 2 of the Constitution, thou shall not change Senate. Guess that makes it illegal, Voting in the early hours had nothing to do with the morning papers.

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There will be no coup.

There are too many "watermelons" in the army that will cause a split within the armed forces and the generals know it.

I'm with you. The Army wants no part of this hot potato.

My best guess is that if the Courts ruled to oust the current government or the Army were to intervene there would be serious blood flowing in the streets.

Time will tell and I hope I'm wrong about this...

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I think you have to take a closer look at what the NACC and Constitution Court really is..


"The status of the Constitutional Court is very controversial," said Sunai Phasuk, a senior researcher with New York-based Human Rights Watch."It is a product of a coup in 2006 and acts mainly as a tribunal not a court of justice per se," he said, noting that the government had been "badly crippled" by its rulings.

​A normal court does not throw out a PM because he went on a cooking show, it does not make amending the constitution to make the house fully elected a 'crime' It does not fast track cases in direct response to anti-democracy rioters.

Criminals call it a "judicial coup"

Law abiding citizens call it "being held accountable for breaking the law"

Criminals never really did like following the law and when they break it they always have an excuse. Criminals will dismiss them as "bogus cases" simply because they will never admit they did anything wrong.

The law does not bode well with criminals. Criminals hate the courts as well. Not just Thai criminals. Go to a jail in your country and ask some of the criminals what they think of the courts. They won't say the "courts are great" Ask a guilty criminal that hired a flash lawyer and got off his conviction what he thinks of courts. "They are great" "I love the courts" When guilty and proven guilty the PTP demonize the courts. Predictable antics of a criminal. When guilty, but are proven innocent the PTP applaud the courts. Typical antics of a criminal that got off.

If Abhisit is guilty of murder. I certainly won't like the result, but I will respect it. Why? Because I respect the law. That is the fundamental difference. If you don't respect the law in the first place then it should come as no surprise that it will catch up with you.

What you have said is more proof that the PTP have not completely failed. The ministry of propaganda is the most successful ministry in the government and your comments are testimony to that. Well done and I take my hat of to you for saving me the time in having to prove it myself. wai2.gif

What garbage.

The ridiculous attacks on the government from the Court as unconstitutional are just BS. Read the constitution!

Ok. I think that is completely understandable and just like the PTP supporters say respect democracy (well one principle anyway) and vote, I say respect democracy and appeal any decisions that the PTP don't agree with. Or will the PTP NOT respect that part of democracy and make an exception there. Easier to demonize and make excuses heay.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

You saying that the way that the bill was introduced and forced through in the early hours of the morning while the no voters were sent home and told to return at 9am to continue the debate only to return and find the vote was done already is constitutional?

You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?

Wow... You may as well abolish law itself, because that is what it would take to keep any of the people you support 'clean'.

No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup.

"You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?"

Why not they did against Thaksin Shinawatra. The Judgement was devoid of any credible evidence of a serious crime having been committed!

"No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup"

There is an ongoing coups in the Judiciary in Thailand as is evidence by the predictability of trial outcomes.

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There will be no coup.

There are too many "watermelons" in the army that will cause a split within the armed forces and the generals know it.

I'm with you. The Army wants no part of this hot potato.

My best guess is that if the Courts ruled to oust the current government or the Army were to intervene there would be serious blood flowing in the streets.

Time will tell and I hope I'm wrong about this...

Think the NACC will red card Yingluck for dereliction of duty re rice scheme months before the Constitional Court will rule on the petitions to dissolve PT and the Dems. The strategy is likely to be to try to cripple PT into submission before dissolving it as a coup fe grace but anything could happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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From George Orwell 1984

And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink."

You know, there are some very large, very expensive international companies who call themselves "perception managers." We used to call them public relations firms, or advertising companies. They really collect huge sums of money promising to persuade whole national populations of things very rich people want people to believe. Too bad Thaksin didn't hire one of them BEFORE he took that perfectly legal tax break. Too bad Yingluck didn't consult one BEFORE she allowed her MPs to introduce that stupid "reconciliation" bill and amendment. They're both very, very canny politicians, but boy howdy when they make a mistake ...

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I can only wonder what good would be done for the kingdom if all of the energy and time and other resources used to protest, analyse, report, second guess, third guess, avoiding traffic and protest sits, the grieving of families who have love ones lost or injured - the whole impact - can you just imagine the possibilities that this country could have experienced over the past six months?

All of the above if equalized somehow is probably equivalent to 2 new schools, a major hospital, an upgraded highway etc.

Life is short.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

This protest is not about stopping amendments that the people of Thailand do not like. It is about 1 corrupt man, that if elected (through his election terms) will become president for life. PDRC is attempting to stop it before it is too late. My heart is with the PDRC.

"My heart is with the PDRC".

Then maybe you can give them some brain??/ To respect democracy? Or give Thai an alternative, with plans, reforms, managements, so that they can VOTE for Suthep...! Or do you tolerate that he wants just to grab power without being elected????

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

You saying that the way that the bill was introduced and forced through in the early hours of the morning while the no voters were sent home and told to return at 9am to continue the debate only to return and find the vote was done already is constitutional?

You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?

Wow... You may as well abolish law itself, because that is what it would take to keep any of the people you support 'clean'.

No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup.

"You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?"

Why not they did against Thaksin Shinawatra. The Judgement was devoid of any credible evidence of a serious crime having been committed!

"No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup"

There is an ongoing coups in the Judiciary in Thailand as is evidence by the predictability of trial outcomes.

Rubbish ! Taksin was and still is very guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or else they would not have sentenced the fugitive. Also trying to bribe the judges with 2 million baht as he did and leaving the country to avoid your sentence are not the actions of an innocent person. He is guilty as hell. There are many other cases waiting to be tried against him if he ever comes back to face the music.

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In case anyone missed it, the General and his senior officers made a show of voting. They didn't have to do that. By voting in a public manner they sent a very strong message.

I didnt know Thailand had secret (private) polling stations. How the hell else could the General of voted, but in public?

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Rubbish ! Taksin was and still is very guilty beyond a reasonable doubt or else they would not have sentenced the fugitive. Also trying to bribe the judges with 2 million baht as he did and leaving the country to avoid your sentence are not the actions of an innocent person. He is guilty as hell. There are many other cases waiting to be tried against him if he ever comes back to face the music.

Of course Thaksin was corrupt. Find a politician who isn't (don't look in Suthep's direction). For that matter, find a high ranking civil servant, military officer, or police chief who doesn't have a lifestyle much better than their official salary can support, or a reasonable explanation for the mystery income.

Had the military coup been about corruption, Thaksin's conviction would have only been the beginning. Instead it ended the military installed government's interest in corruption, making it clear the trial and conviction was only done to provide cover for the illegal coup. No political party, or the military or police, will tolerate an end to corruption.

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The PhuaThai is NOT hoping for a coup, the shambles they are in is this 'judicial coup' garbage in which 308 MPs are sacked by the 'anti-graft' body NACC for 'voting' to add an amendment to the constitution that would make the upper house fully elected instead of appointed. The US has 27 amendments to the constitution, but in Thailand an amendment to the charter is called 'corruption'.

judicial coup is going to bring the same redshirt backlash as a normal coup, we can only hope that these 'courts' decide to ave some integrity and dismiss these bogus cases piling up against the phuathai.

You saying that the way that the bill was introduced and forced through in the early hours of the morning while the no voters were sent home and told to return at 9am to continue the debate only to return and find the vote was done already is constitutional?

You are saying that all these cases of corruption are fake? When courts can not bring a case without any evidence?

Wow... You may as well abolish law itself, because that is what it would take to keep any of the people you support 'clean'.

No such thing as a judicial coup if the government were clean. Unfortunately they are as dirty as it gets and are basically about to get their official punishment as set out in law. No more, no less and no coup.

A nonsense post with no basis in fact.

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