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Is this a fair representation of many Thai men?

Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee

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I only know one thing about Thai males, they are crap drivers, ALL of them.

Interestingly what started this discussion was when I was driving home last night. I ride a bigger motorbike than most locals, the road opened up so I pulled back and flew off, came up to traffic so slowed right down and went through it slowly. After a minute or so a Thai guy on a scooter I had passed came flying up the inside lane (suicide move through such traffic) pulled right out in front of me, lifted up his ass and waved it at me, then started waving his scooter in a dancing movement.

Happens all the time should I dare to overtake a local. What made this stand out though was that he was wearing a hospital uniform. A health professional.

We got talking this morning about it, and many of the views in the OP were given by normal Westerners that have lived here for long times.

this happens in any country you care to mention not just Thailand, try overtaking anyone on the European motorways, 99% of European drivers will accelerate to stop you overtaking even though the lanes inside them are empty, if I mention Australian drivers I will get a shitstorm of commentsclap2.gif they are in a class of their own!and the wonderful polite and oh so perfect british drivers ,enuf said My opinion !! with over 50 years experience on and off driving in Thailand and Malaysia, the thai,s have seemed to have picked up all our bad driving habits!!whistling.gif

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I only know one thing about Thai males, they are crap drivers, ALL of them.

Interestingly what started this discussion was when I was driving home last night. I ride a bigger motorbike than most locals, the road opened up so I pulled back and flew off, came up to traffic so slowed right down and went through it slowly. After a minute or so a Thai guy on a scooter I had passed came flying up the inside lane (suicide move through such traffic) pulled right out in front of me, lifted up his ass and waved it at me, then started waving his scooter in a dancing movement.

Happens all the time should I dare to overtake a local. What made this stand out though was that he was wearing a hospital uniform. A health professional.

We got talking this morning about it, and many of the views in the OP were given by normal Westerners that have lived here for long times.

My opinion !! with over 50 years experience on and off driving in Thailand and Malaysia, the thai,s have seemed to have picked up all our bad driving habits!!whistling.gif

PATHETIC, You blame the farangs for thai bad driving habits ? Pathetic. Only on this forum would a thai apologist try to defend thai driving

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PATHETIC, You blame the farangs for thai bad driving habits ? Pathetic. Only on this forum would a thai apologist try to defend thai driving

I agree and off topic too! This thread is meant to negatively stereotype Thai men. Anything except that would be off topic.

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Well, if you mean with territorial them not liking the fact that a falang intrudes into their territory to chat with their ladies then yeah, I guess they are territorial. I've been here for 10 years and apart from the occasional taxi or tuk tuk driver I made only good experiences.

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Only read the OP and sounds just like a UK chav. After 15 years here I find the acts of mindless aggression much lower here than back home but obviously different locations within Thailand comes into play.

Sent from my GT-I8552 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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dont you guys when you get in a click,talk about the real important things in life,like footie women exchange rates,must be a weird mixed up bunch of morons,talking about thai men and whether they get there knickers in a twist over somet in there face,i suppose and only suppose if they were katoys,they might have some of the bull shit the opening page bloke was talking about,but not even sure on that.i find most thais male or female with less aggro than farangs uk and usa.

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there is anoher race, the one invading europe, that if you look wrongly at them, or they think you did, and by that insulted them, they will feel they have the right to come knife you down till you stop breeding

in that same country, even town, there is another race that lives by the old book, religiously, sending their kids to special schools, and those people are never in the news for violence and others, maybe diamand fraud on a large scale, but who does that hurt physically, right ?

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I generally find them pretty cool and friendly. I dont find many thai men trying to be competitive with me, but occasionaly it does happen however it happens a lot more in my home town in the uk, where men seem to like to challenge big strong boys like myself.

The only generalisations you can really make about 30 million thai males is that generally they speak thai and have black hair.

I suggest you read up on " confirmation bias " before this issue spoils your time here.

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Yes, OP, you are correct about a lot of Thai men.

Their repressed anger is usually released when they sit behind the wheel of their motor vehicle, behind the anonymity of their tinted windows.

Or it bursts out uncontrollably after ingestion of a bottle of Hong Thong.

Bottom line is, always say "ok, you are right no problem" to them, especially in front of their acquaintances, always pay them every penny they are asking for and you will be fine, let them fight amongst each other.

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Hello Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee

You first asked whether your description (which was a very good psychological analysis of human behaviour under certain circumstances)was a fair representation of Thai men. I think a fair answer will be that it probably was only in the case of the scooter driver whom you mention later on. But you do go on to say that you have a bigger motor bike than "most local Thai guys on a scooter". You add:"It happens all the time I dare to overtake a local."

It may be that your simple act of overtaking is looked upon by others on smallr scooters as a bit of a show off stunt. If you did that in London, Paris or Rome you will most likely get the same reaction. Imagine yourself driving a Honda Civic and being overtaken by someone in a convertible who looks back on you with a litlle smirk on his face (at least you think it is a smirk). This kind of feeling will certainly be aggravated if the driver was a foreigner in your own country.

In any case it is unfair to extrapolate or generalise behaviour/charater of an entire population of a country based on their reactions to other drivers on the road! I look forward to Your (and your friends)analysis of Thai men's behaviour based on other examples of interpersonal dealings which take place in an environemnt less stressful than in the middle of heavy traffic.

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"We got talking this morning about it, and many of the views in the OP were given by normal Westerners that have lived here for long times."

I think you need to define what you mean by "normal" westerners before you can advance this topic (which I find absurd, btw). Do you really think they are normal and representative of a certain section of the foreign population? Are they a large section of that population? Would another section of that population regard them as abnormal rather than normal? You take things a bit too much to heart, OP.

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living and working here and knowing many thai males i dont see this description as attributable to them. the thai guys i know are a polite, friendly, generous and have a good sense of humour if i would chose a negative its that they are a little shy sometimes.

I would agree. Pretty much all the Thai guys that I know, mostly professionals but even the security guard, are decent, honest, hard-working dudes. I would venture to say that the farangs in Thailand who describe the Thai guys the way the OP did are themselves very much like that. Birds of a feather....

Agree 100%

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It's just like reading an article from discovery channel about Monkeys..... with that I am not saying that it is specifically connected with Thai men wink.png

Then what are you saying? Wink wink nudge nudge the bigots secret handshake?

Erhm no, that it could also be about Monkeys? or western men on steroids or.. or...

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I really do wonder if the people on this forum who defend Thai's and their sometimes pathetic attitudes, actually live or have ever lived in Thailand for a prolonged period. I would go as far as to consider such people as either retires or people who deal with Thai's on a very limited basis and the Thai's they do deal with are either very well educated possibly western educated and/ or in the service industry where they are being paid to be polite to you. Try and work in an industry in Thailand where you really are the sore thumb. Or maybe they are just liberals and would have given the likes of Saddam Hussein and Stalin the time of day just to be politically correct and polite.

Edited by onewhowalkswithbuffalo
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So all of this racist drivel came from a road incident(s)? Geez. Let's just say this, OP, no matter how hard you try to perpetuate your bigoted views, you will never be better than the average Thai guy.

Don't answer a fool according to his folly, Berkshire, lest you also be like him.

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