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Google Earth: how much has global warming raised temperatures near you?

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Is it not clear to everyone but the least schooled among us that the shift in reference terms from Al Gore and frothing-at-the-mouth NON-scientist George's Monbiot's, "man-made global warming" to the current much more palatable and proselatizable less anthrogenic and exculpatory "climate change" . . . . . . that this is a major shift in the manifesto ?

David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist (not a geophysicist) has quietly decamped Warmism to launch a war against gene-splicing and Monsanto. A move for the better I'd say . . . . Doubt that the little ego-maniac would ever renounce his Warmist position but it's nice to see him returning to genetics . . . . A field in which Dr. Suzuki actually has some expertise.

Then there's tools like Al Gore (nearly failed undergrad biology) Bill Nye the (self-appointed) NON-Science clown and a

a whole host of research grant trough-feeders who've abandoned real climate science and the scientific method in favour of large mortgages and the roar of adoring crowds of Arts undergrads even dumber than Gore.

Start your enquiry with a return to Lord Alfred North Whitehead's address to the Royal Society on what'd exactly constitutes the scientific method and have a little look at the famous statistical frauds Warmists have perpetrated at the University of East Anglia

and the totally FAKED "hockey stick" fraud committed by Penn State's MIchael Mann . . . .

Liars, mountebanks and bounders ALL.

BTW . . . . I am a Ron Paul supporter, anti-Big Pharma, anti Big Oil anti-BIS/IMF/World Bank/anti-Corporate Energy War, anti-Military Industrial Complex . . . . . Woody Harrelson, Dave Griffin, Steve Jones, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts kinda guy.

Anthropomorphic ANYTHING . . . . anything but a nuclear holocaust, effluent and trash pollution and species over-harvesting is crowd-sourced tomfoolery.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


I aint seen 'em..the ocean is pretty clean on the Kona side..really clean on the north! The trash island can be tracked..not TOO much of a worry..here's hoping..?

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Bill Nye is head of the planetary society? I think..

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Is it not clear to everyone but the least schooled among us that the shift in reference terms from Al Gore and frothing-at-the-mouth NON-scientist George's Monbiot's, "man-made global warming" to the current much more palatable and proselatizable less anthrogenic and exculpatory "climate change" . . . . . . that this is a major shift in the manifesto ?

David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist (not a geophysicist) has quietly decamped Warmism to launch a war against gene-splicing and Monsanto. A move for the better I'd say . . . . Doubt that the little ego-maniac would ever renounce his Warmist position but it's nice to see him returning to genetics . . . . A field in which Dr. Suzuki actually has some expertise.

Then there's tools like Al Gore (nearly failed undergrad biology) Bill Nye the (self-appointed) NON-Science clown and a

a whole host of research grant trough-feeders who've abandoned real climate science and the scientific method in favour of large mortgages and the roar of adoring crowds of Arts undergrads even dumber than Gore.

Start your enquiry with a return to Lord Alfred North Whitehead's address to the Royal Society on what'd exactly constitutes the scientific method and have a little look at the famous statistical frauds Warmists have perpetrated at the University of East Anglia

and the totally FAKED "hockey stick" fraud committed by Penn State's MIchael Mann . . . .

Liars, mountebanks and bounders ALL.

BTW . . . . I am a Ron Paul supporter, anti-Big Pharma, anti Big Oil anti-BIS/IMF/World Bank/anti-Corporate Energy War, anti-Military Industrial Complex . . . . . Woody Harrelson, Dave Griffin, Steve Jones, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts kinda guy.

Anthropomorphic ANYTHING . . . . anything but a nuclear holocaust, effluent and trash pollution and species over-harvesting is crowd-sourced tomfoolery.

Take a deep breath, and do some knee bends.

If you can get beyond the personality brigade and subjective carousel, you'll see scientific evidence that GW is happening - unless you're fixated on not wanting it to be happening.

It's not a black and white scenario. With so many scientists and others agreeing that there's GW to some extent, there are bound to be some oddballs on the fringes of both sides of the debate. Don't let eccentric personalities obscure the facts, such as nearly all glaciers receding at dramatic rates, or NW passage becoming open, year 'round.

People don't have a profound effect on the Earth? More earth is moved by people and their machines, than all volcanism, tides, earthquakes, and erosion combined. Another factoid: 59% of all methane emissions on Earth are emitted by people-related activities. Methane is a greenhouse gas 8 to 20 times more effective than CO2.

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I think volcanoes put out more co2 than all of Man's small endeavours.. I think..

today I was thinking of You all, NPR's science Friday was talking about Walden Pond, where Thoreau wrote down some observations about the BlackBerry blooms in mid-may... now they bloom six weeks earlier in upstate new York! Butterfly watchers are keeping meticulous records also..why would the berries bloom earlier, despite the brutal winters..? I'm confused, councillor.. cooler everywhere, wetter everywhere..and slightly warmer on my Hawaiian Mountain..alohz. 'till I return'...


I should have said, 'with the brutal winters the east coast has been having.. can't edit with out the app.. I'm on android browser..doing my knee bends..


Is it not clear to everyone but the least schooled among us that the shift in reference terms from Al Gore and frothing-at-the-mouth NON-scientist George's Monbiot's, "man-made global warming" to the current much more palatable and proselatizable less anthrogenic and exculpatory "climate change" . . . . . . that this is a major shift in the manifesto ?

David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist (not a geophysicist) has quietly decamped Warmism to launch a war against gene-splicing and Monsanto. A move for the better I'd say . . . . Doubt that the little ego-maniac would ever renounce his Warmist position but it's nice to see him returning to genetics . . . . A field in which Dr. Suzuki actually has some expertise.

Then there's tools like Al Gore (nearly failed undergrad biology) Bill Nye the (self-appointed) NON-Science clown and a

a whole host of research grant trough-feeders who've abandoned real climate science and the scientific method in favour of large mortgages and the roar of adoring crowds of Arts undergrads even dumber than Gore.

Start your enquiry with a return to Lord Alfred North Whitehead's address to the Royal Society on what'd exactly constitutes the scientific method and have a little look at the famous statistical frauds Warmists have perpetrated at the University of East Anglia

and the totally FAKED "hockey stick" fraud committed by Penn State's MIchael Mann . . . .

Liars, mountebanks and bounders ALL.

BTW . . . . I am a Ron Paul supporter, anti-Big Pharma, anti Big Oil anti-BIS/IMF/World Bank/anti-Corporate Energy War, anti-Military Industrial Complex . . . . . Woody Harrelson, Dave Griffin, Steve Jones, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts kinda guy.

Anthropomorphic ANYTHING . . . . anything but a nuclear holocaust, effluent and trash pollution and species over-harvesting is crowd-sourced tomfoolery.

Take a deep breath, and do some knee bends.

If you can get beyond the personality brigade and subjective carousel, you'll see scientific evidence that GW is happening - unless you're fixated on not wanting it to be happening.

It's not a black and white scenario. With so many scientists and others agreeing that there's GW to some extent, there are bound to be some oddballs on the fringes of both sides of the debate. Don't let eccentric personalities obscure the facts, such as nearly all glaciers receding at dramatic rates, or NW passage becoming open, year 'round.

People don't have a profound effect on the Earth? More earth is moved by people and their machines, than all volcanism, tides, earthquakes, and erosion combined. Another factoid: 59% of all methane emissions on Earth are emitted by people-related activities. Methane is a greenhouse gas 8 to 20 times more effective than CO2.

Stop it. Just stop your silly assertions, your name calling and your mischaracterizations.

Name a few lying, drylabbing, Warmist culprits and you have me "personality brigading" or some such twaddle. Your unprovable assertions remain unproven. You deftly embroider your unprovable climatically irrelevant anthrocentic "earth-moving" claim onto

the shopworn old unquantifiable methane assertion.

That's precisely the kind of junk science that makes serious geophysicists roll their eyes.

Warmists HAD to skate away from the horrors of AGW co2 when they changes their heraldry from global warming to "climate change" in order to scare people.

The climate is ever-changing and the sky . . . . . the sky never falls.

Record cold winters in the US, Canada and Europe continue to make fools of you.

I am far more concerned about the geopolitical and Globalist, collectivist catastrophes that await us than the complete and utter misdirection you people are on about.

Go back to scaring the kids with your PC nonsense.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


Is it not clear to everyone but the least schooled among us that the shift in reference terms from Al Gore and frothing-at-the-mouth NON-scientist George's Monbiot's, "man-made global warming" to the current much more palatable and proselatizable less anthrogenic and exculpatory "climate change" . . . . . . that this is a major shift in the manifesto ?

David Suzuki, a Canadian geneticist (not a geophysicist) has quietly decamped Warmism to launch a war against gene-splicing and Monsanto. A move for the better I'd say . . . . Doubt that the little ego-maniac would ever renounce his Warmist position but it's nice to see him returning to genetics . . . . A field in which Dr. Suzuki actually has some expertise.

Then there's tools like Al Gore (nearly failed undergrad biology) Bill Nye the (self-appointed) NON-Science clown and a

a whole host of research grant trough-feeders who've abandoned real climate science and the scientific method in favour of large mortgages and the roar of adoring crowds of Arts undergrads even dumber than Gore.

Start your enquiry with a return to Lord Alfred North Whitehead's address to the Royal Society on what'd exactly constitutes the scientific method and have a little look at the famous statistical frauds Warmists have perpetrated at the University of East Anglia

and the totally FAKED "hockey stick" fraud committed by Penn State's MIchael Mann . . . .

Liars, mountebanks and bounders ALL.

BTW . . . . I am a Ron Paul supporter, anti-Big Pharma, anti Big Oil anti-BIS/IMF/World Bank/anti-Corporate Energy War, anti-Military Industrial Complex . . . . . Woody Harrelson, Dave Griffin, Steve Jones, Philip Giraldi, Paul Craig Roberts kinda guy.

Anthropomorphic ANYTHING . . . . anything but a nuclear holocaust, effluent and trash pollution and species over-harvesting is crowd-sourced tomfoolery.

Take a deep breath, and do some knee bends.

If you can get beyond the personality brigade and subjective carousel, you'll see scientific evidence that GW is happening - unless you're fixated on not wanting it to be happening.

It's not a black and white scenario. With so many scientists and others agreeing that there's GW to some extent, there are bound to be some oddballs on the fringes of both sides of the debate. Don't let eccentric personalities obscure the facts, such as nearly all glaciers receding at dramatic rates, or NW passage becoming open, year 'round.

People don't have a profound effect on the Earth? More earth is moved by people and their machines, than all volcanism, tides, earthquakes, and erosion combined. Another factoid: 59% of all methane emissions on Earth are emitted by people-related activities. Methane is a greenhouse gas 8 to 20 times more effective than CO2.

Stop it. Just stop your silly assertions, your name calling and your mischaracterizations.

Name a few lying, drylabbing, Warmist culprits and you have me "personality brigading" or some such twaddle. Your unprovable assertions remain unproven. You deftly embroider your unprovable climatically irrelevant anthrocentic "earth-moving" claim onto

the shopworn old unquantifiable methane assertion.

That's precisely the kind of junk science that makes serious geophysicists roll their eyes.

Warmists HAD to skate away from the horrors of AGW co2 when they changes their heraldry from global warming to "climate change" in order to scare people.

The climate is ever-changing and the sky . . . . . the sky never falls.

Record cold winters in the US, Canada and Europe continue to make fools of you.

I am far more concerned about the geopolitical and Globalist, collectivist catastrophes that await us than the complete and utter misdirection you people are on about.

Go back to scaring the kids with your PC nonsense.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

You can be sure that the oil companies would have come up with solid science supporting the deniers if there was any.

In my life time the Swiss glaciers have retreated by Kilometers. The ice sheets of Greenland, the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting. The oceans in some places are approaching saturation point as far as CO2 is concerned. We aren't talking about short periods of 17 years but a trend that has been continuing for quite a long time....I don't know why I bother arguing science with people that majored in conspiracy theories.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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Offered without comment:

I recommend this video, and all others in his climate change series because he often takes aim at both sides - both the alarmists who exaggerate and say stupid things like 'the oceans are going to boil' and then deniers (often bloggers with appealing scientific-looking web sites) who misrepresent what's reported in the scientific literature. In this video you'll see both Al Gore and Monckton taken to task for using hyperbole and exaggerations in making their cases.

The video is easy to digest and doesn't use overly technical language. It highlights the dangers involved in trusting bloggers to tell you what's being reported in scientific literature.

Oh, come on people; we get the "pledge" every day from the ill-informed proselytizing Warmist scarmongers.

And yeah, this "turn" was "offered without comment" in hopes that we'd have talked ourselves into a "prestige" of some kind in spite of (and all indications point to this) that bird always gets crushed and and then dumped into a bin.

This Warmist pseud-science is just NOT scientific.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


I don't know anything about this global warming stuff...BUT

I just spent 6 months in northern Minnesota and we had one of

the coldest winters in recorded history. Also near record snowfall.

The joke at the bar was...Where's Al Gore when we need him.

We just hit 60F For the first time in 6 months a week ago, but we have

been way below normal since....<deleted>

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You can be sure that the oil companies would have come up with solid science supporting the deniers if there was any.

In my life time the Swiss glaciers have retreated by Kilometers. The ice sheets of Greenland, the Arctic and the Antarctic are melting. The oceans in some places are approaching saturation point as far as CO2 is concerned. We aren't talking about short periods of 17 years but a trend that has been continuing for quite a long time....I don't know why I bother arguing science with people that majored in conspiracy theories.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

Well, that's very likely because you have no idea what's going on in the world around you.

Your semiotic use of the neurolinguistic trope "conspiracy theory" is rather telling.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

I thought I would come back down to your level. Now the word 'warmist' is being used as an insult. The world is warming. It is man made. Scientists are constantly revising their estimates as more data comes in. I don't care about the winter in Minnesota last year, I have looked a polar cap data going back many thousands of years and globally, not just Minnesota. There used to be, on average, an ice age every 100 000 years. The next one is overdue, thanks to warming, but don't celebrate yet.

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Well, that's very likely because you have no idea what's going on in the world around you.

Your semiotic use of the neurolinguistic trope "conspiracy theory" is rather telling.

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "

Interesting use of language - well outside normal usage.....it would appear you aren't familiar with how the word semiotic is used...and neurolinguistic? I think not! ......... it would explain the repeated misuse of vocabulary and the nonsense you have posted as it appears to be a concoction of wildly misinterpreted codswallop based on partially understood forages through Google and a thesaurus.

It would help your case if you demonstrated firstly an understanding of the science and secondly actually learned the meanings of the words you use.

I'd recommend a formula.K.I.S.S. - Keep it Short and Simple...........it's a sign of good writing and clear thinking, both seem lacking in your posts.

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I don't know anything about this global warming stuff...BUT

I just spent 6 months in northern Minnesota and we had one of

the coldest winters in recorded history. Also near record snowfall.

The joke at the bar was...Where's Al Gore when we need him.

We just hit 60F For the first time in 6 months a week ago, but we have

been way below normal since....<deleted>

Snowfall is not so much a measure of cooling, as it is a measure of precipitation. Comparison: Antarctica is technically a desert in terms of precipitation because of its historical low snowfall.

If you look at a map of global patterns of temperature fluxes for the past winter, you'll see Arctic-like conditions coming way down the mid- and eastern north America. Concurrently, there were normal or warmer than average temps east and west, such as western US and upper Atlantic. I was just in Utah in March, and they were experiencing warmer than usual temps for that time, while concurrently, the newspaper headlines were still talking about the cold snap in parts of eastern US.

GW doesn't mean there's a continual steady increase month-by-month, or even year by year. Everyone knows weather is mutable, with all sorts of spikes and dips. The issue is THE OVERALL TREND - particular over decades.

Example: Bkk is going to continue to be affected by flooding, as it always has. Yet the trend is; flooding increasing over decades - to where, in the not-too-distant future, it will have standing water of about 1 to 2 meters over most of its area, including its 2 airports. About every 5 years, Bkk floods severely. Part of the reason: GW, which increases sea level. Other reasons: sinking land, and man-made problems (covering land with cement, digging ill-planned ditches, etc.).

Compare Bangkok's problems to the concept: "If GW is real, then how come there's a lot of snow in Minnesota":

Minn has been getting warmer, if one looks at the data over decades. Similar to Bkk getting soggier. One cold MN winter doesn't disprove GW any more than a mild=flood season for Bkk, disproves its inevitable innundation.

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The ocean hasnt risen, 'at least on Hawaii's west coast'.. Same for 35 years..I dont think that's why BKK floods..I appreciate th2 'cold dry polar air' bothering Minnesota. I live in a cool rainforest. precipitation is warmer..alohz k.i.s.s.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The ocean hasnt risen, 'at least on Hawaii's west coast'.. Same for 35 years..I dont think that's why BKK floods..I appreciate th2 'cold dry polar air' bothering Minnesota. I live in a cool rainforest. precipitation is warmer..alohz k.i.s.s.

Sent from my GT-P3113 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Contrary to popular belief the ocean isn't level. Furthermore flooding is often a combination of precipitation (rain or snow) and sea levels and/or changing ground levels - all of which ca be brought about by climate change. In particular warmer air can hold more moisture which increase the amount of rain or snow that falls at any one point. (Snow of course can then melt to form extra water)

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An off-topic post has been deleted. Please address the topic of the thread, not your perceptions of the person posting.


I don't know anything about this global warming stuff...BUT

I just spent 6 months in northern Minnesota and we had one of

the coldest winters in recorded history. Also near record snowfall.

The joke at the bar was...Where's Al Gore when we need him.

We just hit 60F For the first time in 6 months a week ago, but we have

been way below normal since....

Snowfall is not so much a measure of cooling, as it is a measure of precipitation. Comparison: Antarctica is technically a desert in terms of precipitation because of its historical low snowfall.

If you look at a map of global patterns of temperature fluxes for the past winter, you'll see Arctic-like conditions coming way down the mid- and eastern north America. Concurrently, there were normal or warmer than average temps east and west, such as western US and upper Atlantic. I was just in Utah in March, and they were experiencing warmer than usual temps for that time, while concurrently, the newspaper headlines were still talking about the cold snap in parts of eastern US.

Compare Bangkok's problems to the concept: "If GW is real, then how come there's a lot of snow in Minnesota":

Minn has been getting warmer, if one looks at the data over decades. Similar to Bkk getting soggier. One cold MN winter doesn't disprove GW any more than a mild=flood season for Bkk, disproves its inevitable innundation.

This boomerangutang bafflegab post is a Warmist classic.

(With fresh-picked stuff like this around WHY would ANYONE feel compelled, as has been cruelly suggested, to cherry-pick examples of Warmist skulduggery from Google and the Internet. (BTW, what's wrong with good research ?)

Patron, as purely motivated as Minnesota's driven snow it would seem, reports to us from the Paul Bunyan State that the record snow and the RECORD LOW TEMPERATURES are illusory.

Now I'm a firm Beleiber that you can learn from just about anyone. It may be a bit of a stretch to say that a Warmist named boomerangutang (Strine ?) would be able to teach us a thing or two about snow but let's (because we're all friends here) say he might.

Savour the essence of boomerangutang's triumphal pronouncement as to just why snow is not an indicator of all that much.

Not a question about what KIND of snow, or how it drifted or how long it stayed, just that it was precipitation so not really an indicator. This is junk science fakery.

And from THAT scientific revelation boomerangutang ALSO helpfully brushes aside Patron's mention of Minnesota's RECORD LOW TEMPERATURES.

Sensing he's on a roll here (What IS it with these guys and their rolls ?) . . . . . sensing he's on a roll here, boomerangutang moves on to what can only be described as a world class Warmist shuck-and-jive, three card monte "explanation" that FREEZING your butt off In Minnesota is the actually indicative of "warming trend" but you just don't understand why that is unless you follow his next walloping pronouncement.

It's such a ridiculous patronizing spiel he gets himself into that even HE has to toss in this truly amazing explanation. (and I quote)


Good Gawd, man. Didja git all that ??

When Warmists drop their bovine excrement into the hopper as boomerangutang did in this classic steamer, further comment would only guild an already overloaded lily.

Really boomerangutang . . . . . What a truly monumentally steamer you laid on us here.

The record snow was one thing but simply COVERING over the record freezing with a duvet of bafflegab like you just did is going to get you laughed at in some parts. Like Minnesota, maybe. Timmins. Kapuskasing, Yellowknife Bangkok (January, February)

If you're really hardly ever taken up on these pronouncements like this you start to believe that the polite folks fighting back their giggles are actually taking you seriously.

I'm doing you a favour by calling BS on this one.

And telling you that you might just wanna look into the earth's increased axis wobble.

(An NO . . . . anthropo's didn't do that, either. )

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit. . . . "


I shouldn't feed the troll, but here goes:

Snow is precipitation. It may be accompanied by lower temps, or it may not. I've gone skiing in shorts and t-shirt.

Has MN really been experiencing record lows this year? or is it just a poster sitting in a bar with buddies in St. Paul saying, "dang, it sure feels colder, don't it?" Let's see some numbers. I know the eastern seaboard and SE US have been colder than average. Concurrently, many parts of the globe have been continually (for the past 25 years) been getting record high temps. Even this year, S.America and Australia have. But we're just mentioning land masses, and some posters just mentioning one state (MN), which has hard freezes every year.

The topic is 'global warming' so, if you paid attention in 3rd grade, 7 tenths of the globe is covered in water. I don't have the charts right here, but I've posted them on this and other threads before: THERE HAVE BEEN A SLEW OF RECORD HIGH TEMPS IN THE PAST 20 YEARS, but very few record lows. If you want to put me to work, I'll search again and find those charts. P.S. those record highs are all over the globe, not just one state in one country.


minn. may have had more snow.. record temps are for those to find..please..my sceptical friend says temps since nineties have cooled,sompin like that..please let me know,,

Thanks and.. aloooha


minn. may have had more snow.. record temps are for those to find..please..my sceptical friend says temps since nineties have cooled,sompin like that..please let me know,,

Thanks and.. aloooha

is your friend going by his feelings, or by scientific data? If gauging by the latter, he/she will find that temps have been gradually rising, and record high temps are prevalent - worldwide.

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does it need pointing out that climate change or global warming has not, does not and will not involve uniform rises in temperature?

Somenplaces will get colder....especially if sea currents change.....and precipitation from warm air will increase...do some will get more snow.

The report about global cooling it not true...check out by our sources it was misinterpreted by some in the media and their conclusion an have since been debunked.

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OK Guy's..all I did was answer the OP'S question ( how much has global warning raised temperatures near you? )

Northern Minnesota has had almost record lows. This is a winter we will always talk about in the future.

Like this is nothing like the winter of 2013-14...remember that one!

I am not pro or con about GW . All I know it's cold today,20 degrees below average. Al,I will buy you a beer

if you bring this global warming to my U.S. home. Soon back to my Thailand home. : ))


OK Guy's..all I did was answer the OP'S question ( how much has global warning raised temperatures near you? )

Northern Minnesota has had almost record lows. This is a winter we will always talk about in the future.

Like this is nothing like the winter of 2013-14...remember that one!

I am not pro or con about GW . All I know it's cold today,20 degrees below average. Al,I will buy you a beer

if you bring this global warming to my U.S. home. Soon back to my Thailand home. : ))

It is sad that there is still such lack of knowledge of even the basics of Climate Change.....people should really get up to speed on the subject before posting.

  • Like 1

OK Guy's..all I did was answer the OP'S question ( how much has global warning raised temperatures near you? )

Northern Minnesota has had almost record lows. This is a winter we will always talk about in the future.

Like this is nothing like the winter of 2013-14...remember that one!

I am not pro or con about GW . All I know it's cold today,20 degrees below average. Al,I will buy you a beer

if you bring this global warming to my U.S. home. Soon back to my Thailand home. : ))

It is sad that there is still such lack of knowledge of even the basics of Climate Change.....people should really get up to speed on the subject before posting.

Considering we haven't had a global warming trend in the last 17 years, Can you explain what exactly is meant by climate change? Because apparently it does not need to include warming.

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