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Thaksin makes merit in Myanmar


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Top bloke, did more for Thailand than anyone ever.

Examples please, or is it satire?

Sorry you seem to be getting short changed with your Bluesky subscription. Try a little googling or try listening to people who know more about the country and it's history than you do.

Social Order policy

Opened the airport at Swampy after 40 years of Elite/Dem corruption

Healthcare for all

Education extended One Tambon One free Uni Place in effect.

Student placements and expansion of University system


war on Drugs really lowered the amount on the street and now almost everybody just misquotes the figures. The policy was a success. PS, read the section on that and see who praised him for it!!!!

Lowered Debt, balanced budgets

After facing fiscal deficits in 2001 and 2002, Thaksin balanced the national budget, producing comfortable fiscal surpluses for 2003 to 2005. Despite a massive program of infrastructure investments, a balanced budget was projected for 2007

Income in the Northeast, the poorest part of the country, rose by 46% from 2001 to 2006.[62] Nationwide poverty fell from 21.3% to 11.3%

Thaksin's economic policies helped Thailand recover from the 1997 Asian financial crisis and substantially reduce poverty. GDP grew from 4.9 trillion baht in 2001 to 7.1 trillion baht in 2006. Thailand repaid its debts to the International Monetary Fund two years ahead of schedule.

Hmm Now where was thaksin in 1997? Who was in power of the country that set off the Whole asian financial crisis and almost broke the back of the country? Lucky he came along or we would still be very much third world status.


Strange that people who have not lived in Thailand for very long, don't know anything at all about him.. Other than what they hear in a bar or go-go bar where the social order policy affected the trading in women. Bars are the only place in Bangkok that I really hear open critisism of him. I don't hear it at schools as part of my work, not from teachers or parents. Just the bar folk supporting him now

So just the bar folk supporting Taksin now.


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11 million voted for the Democrats in 2011, meanwhile the support for Pheua Thai under Yingluck has dropped to less than 10 million.

The Shinawats are panicking because they have no replacement after Yingluck, no one with an attractive personality, it's so hard being a party totally run by one family, so few choices for PM.

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Pipkins wrote : " Hmm Now where was thaksin in 1997? Who was in power of the country that set off the Whole asian financial crisis and almost broke the back of the country? Lucky he came along or we would still be very much third world status."

Well he was deputy Prime Minister in that government that brought Thailand to it's knees.


And made most of his money in the devastation that followed!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

And I remember that Chavalit spent 35 million Baht on his election campaign in 1996, after he was elected he openly announced to the international press, Herald Tribune, if I can stay in power for 6 months I'm more than happy.

Six months after that announcement the Baht floated, but not after Thaksin had transported wooden crates full of US$ out of the country.

Edit : I need to correct, an estimated 10 Billion Baht was spent on that election, 30 Million baht was spent on vote buying only.


Edited by JesseFrank
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looks like the Cambodian witchcraft doctors couldn't work it out for him and now he's trying this. although he go lots of control over Buriram(could be Surin, - correct me on this) or so which is Khmer speaking.

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I have in-laws who used to sell drugs, all small timers.

During the time of taksin's war on drugs, they practically turned over a new leaf overnight.

What a bloody blessing, else they would either have O.D'ed or got shot by rival dealers.

I've seen 1st hand, what drugs can do to a person. Life here is cheap.

Druggies will kill for a mere 20bht to score a high. Imagine that! 20bht!

Bet my last baht, every single one of you are worth billions if not trillions.

Insurgency in the south?

Many will have to read up on south's history before judging.

His way of dealing things is nothing short of a territorial dispute.

I bet we've read up on be-headings of teachers and the likes here on TV.

Now who's executing crimes on humanity? (Excuse the pun)

Reported or not, any country waging war have all see some form of collateral damage.. It's inevitable. It's a necessity in winning a war.

Same sh*t, different day.

Ps I side neither color, am simply a spectator in the stands giving his one satang worth!

Pps I don't condone the raping of a nation to benefit oneself.

somtam palah

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And then he had tea with Aung San Suu Kyi.

Which was nice.

Sure ! it is there right also and real people fighting for democracy have to join...

The majority of foreign governments do not follow Suthep, but yes...... the followers and sure the "farang" lovers of suthep believe they know better than the majority .

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So the police are associating with a wanted criminal, just goes to show how bad the thai police really are, they all have brown rings on their ankles like the ptp politicians and our own group of thaksin lovers, they will be all besides themselves over this, pathetic. The day this man dies will be worthy of a huge celebration, even more so if he can take all of his family with him.

Such an educated and thoughtful statement ... How far would you like the gene pool eradication to go ? children maybe extend it to brothers sisters, cousins ? nephews ? nieces their etc as well ?

Im not even sure Suthep wishes that being its just 2 year jail term hes avoiding, but congratulations in taking the time to highlight such a well thought out sentiment and solution ..... pathetic for sure ill agree with that bah.gif

Thaksin is NOT just avoiding a two year jail term. As I think you already know there are several pending cases with his name on them!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Such as charges or something worthy of the death penalty as wished for by the above ? please list them do.

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Merit making, not enough days left in his natural life to make up for what he has done to Thailand and its people.

He never learns. He tried it before the courts sentenced him to two years in jail. He was in Chiang Mai making merit by visiting 99 Wat's in three days.

Maybe it worked it got him to Dubai.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Is there anybody out there that can rebut the Pipkins input?

no need to, its all innuendo and twisted crap, he leaves out all the killings/murders he did, all the corruption he was responsible for and that the judge only let him off because he was pm, the man is a criminal and anyone trying to say otherwise does this jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif far too much and is full of ****

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So the police are associating with a wanted criminal, just goes to show how bad the thai police really are, they all have brown rings on their ankles like the ptp politicians and our own group of thaksin lovers, they will be all besides themselves over this, pathetic. The day this man dies will be worthy of a huge celebration, even more so if he can take all of his family with him.

Such an educated and thoughtful statement ... How far would you like the gene pool eradication to go ? children maybe extend it to brothers sisters, cousins ? nephews ? nieces their etc as well ?

Im not even sure Suthep wishes that being its just 2 year jail term hes avoiding, but congratulations in taking the time to highlight such a well thought out sentiment and solution ..... pathetic for sure ill agree with that bah.gif

Thaksin is NOT just avoiding a two year jail term. As I think you already know there are several pending cases with his name on them!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Such as charges or something worthy of the death penalty as wished for by the above ? please list them do.

No charges he just changed the law to make it OK for him to order the killing of 2,500 drug suspects even though 1,500 of them were innocent.

Guilt but no charges. You obviously don't understand who he is.

Your line of thought is what has got Thailand into the trouble it is in now. The current government continues on with what their leaders say's. Buy rice but don't pay for it. Wait until me and my elite high so so's have bought up more land at cheap prices from the poor farmers. Don't worry about me I am fine here in Dubai. The money is continually rolling in.wai.gif

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So the police are associating with a wanted criminal, just goes to show how bad the thai police really are, they all have brown rings on their ankles like the ptp politicians and our own group of thaksin lovers, they will be all besides themselves over this, pathetic. The day this man dies will be worthy of a huge celebration, even more so if he can take all of his family with him.

Such an educated and thoughtful statement ... How far would you like the gene pool eradication to go ? children maybe extend it to brothers sisters, cousins ? nephews ? nieces their etc as well ?

Im not even sure Suthep wishes that being its just 2 year jail term hes avoiding, but congratulations in taking the time to highlight such a well thought out sentiment and solution ..... pathetic for sure ill agree with that bah.gif

Thaksin is NOT just avoiding a two year jail term. As I think you already know there are several pending cases with his name on them!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Such as charges or something worthy of the death penalty as wished for by the above ? please list them do.

you have google, dont be a lazy jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

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So the police are associating with a wanted criminal, just goes to show how bad the thai police really are, they all have brown rings on their ankles like the ptp politicians and our own group of thaksin lovers, they will be all besides themselves over this, pathetic. The day this man dies will be worthy of a huge celebration, even more so if he can take all of his family with him.

Such an educated and thoughtful statement ... How far would you like the gene pool eradication to go ? children maybe extend it to brothers sisters, cousins ? nephews ? nieces their etc as well ?

Im not even sure Suthep wishes that being its just 2 year jail term hes avoiding, but congratulations in taking the time to highlight such a well thought out sentiment and solution ..... pathetic for sure ill agree with that bah.gif

Actually anyone one related to him through blood or marriage would suffice(how many can he fit on his jet), that would satisfy most people apart from those with brown rings around their ankles, they just have to make sure to always wear long socks.

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actually he was probably there so he could pay off his ptp/redshirt/police stooges and promise to hand out bonuses if they can get him back, the man is a coward of the highest order and deserves nothing but shit

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