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Worried about a friend, want to take him Hospital for a drug test, is that private?


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Hi guys,

as the topic title, i got a good friend who once i trusted and respected, that after starting a relationship with a kind of meth/smoker whore is behaving really realy strange.

Never ever pick up the phone, he call back only at the most strange hours of the day, everyone knowing him thinking he is behaving strange.... plus random weird shit.

I tryed the good old and easy "are u on drugs bro?", of course he dinied.

Now part of the problems he get into is also because unfortunately he loose his job couple of months ago, and im really willing to help him finding a new one, but first i have to be sure 100% he is not on Ice/math or every kind of similar shit.

So i was wandering, can i take someone who is not a familiar/relative to any (decent) Hospital, perform a drug test being sure that is private and my friend is not going to have any triuble with police and stuff?

I want to help him, not ruin completly his life.

If anyone have experience to share or any suggestion, are really welcome.

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Why did your friend lose his job?

Why is your friend dating a meth smoking woman?

Why is your friend acting weird?

You seem to suspect drugs. There must be good reason for that. You don't mention depression or a break down or some other mental illness.

Does your friend have a history of drug use?

The question that has to be then asked, 'does your friend consent to a drug test?'

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Why did your friend lose his job?

Why is your friend dating a meth smoking woman?

Why is your friend acting weird?

You seem to suspect drugs. There must be good reason for that. You don't mention depression or a break down or some other mental illness.

Does your friend have a history of drug use?

The question that has to be then asked, 'does your friend consent to a drug test?'

- Disgareement with the boss, not for any drug or bad behaviour issue

- Cause she is super beatuifull xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- He say just busy finding another job, stressed for the "unstable situation"

- Cause he never behaved like this

- Some g a n j a randomly, nothing serious and i know this for sure

- He is willing to perform it, and actually this make me feel much better, just i do not wherre and how is the safest way

Edited by Rooo
unsuitable content.
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the truth is does your friend want to stop, what you suspect he/she is doing

if you are planning an intervention it takes a lot of enrgy to do so, and probably time/money, usually a v. close friend or family member can do this or a group of people with netwrok such as religiouis nutters like mormans or uniformed chbiblebashers

What the expletive do you expect to result from a hospital test? why would you do it? if a junky and in such a bad state just search the pockets or search, why a hospital

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the truth is does your friend want to stop, what you suspect he/she is doing

if you are planning an intervention it takes a lot of enrgy to do so, and probably time/money, usually a v. close friend or family member can do this or a group of people with netwrok such as religiouis nutters like mormans or uniformed chbiblebashers

What the expletive do you expect to result from a hospital test? why would you do it? if a junky and in such a bad state just search the pockets or search, why a hospital

He is not a beggar under a bridge unable to speak, is not out of control.

I spoke with him, he told me somthing like "u are crazy thinking about it, but if this make u feel better lets do it"

So i just need to go in a safe hospital/clinic and do that shit.

Problem i do not trust almost anyone in this country, so i would lik to have a raccomanded and private hospital/clinic in bkk/pattaya where to perform it wihtout a buch of <deleted> willing to call the police or shit like that.

Edited by RussellBKK
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I don't think that you should take a person against their will for a meth test. However, you could get crafty with a meth urine testing strip. You can probably pick them up at a pharmacy, for a dime-a-dozen.


That's a great alternative option my friend, thanks for the idea

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Why did your friend lose his job?

Why is your friend dating a meth smoking woman?

Why is your friend acting weird?

You seem to suspect drugs. There must be good reason for that. You don't mention depression or a break down or some other mental illness.

Does your friend have a history of drug use?

The question that has to be then asked, 'does your friend consent to a drug test?'

Dear God talk about twenty Questions, the OP is asking re the likelihood of his friend being reported if he tests positive for drugs, if you don't know, keep your bloody nose out.

Bookman is only trying to help, there is no need to be so nasty, the OPs is worried about his friend, and it seems he has good reason to. A valid question has been asked, does the OPs friend consent to a drug test?

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I dont get the fact that the friend is willing to do the test. Seems to me if he had something to hide he wouldnt want to take it?

Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If he's using occasionally it ain't that difficult to stop for a couple of days.

After 3-5 days without meth the test will come up blank so I don't really understand what's the point anyway.

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I don't think that you should take a person against their will for a meth test. However, you could get crafty with a meth urine testing strip. You can probably pick them up at a pharmacy, for a dime-a-dozen.


Tell him its a preg test strip just for the fun of it....if he is on drugs he'll do it.

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I do not understand the OP. So the "best friend" is acting weird.

What is a drug test going to resolve ?

What if such a test is negative ? Does that explain and "cure" the strange behavior ?

What if the test is positive ? What happens then ?

The OP is , in my opinion messing in deep water without a buoyancy aid !

If the OP's friend wants a "drug" test then that is his decision and his alone ------the OP has no right to demand such a test on his "friends" behalf.

This whole thing needs thinking through -------------

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I don't think that you should take a person against their will for a meth test. However, you could get crafty with a meth urine testing strip. You can probably pick them up at a pharmacy, for a dime-a-dozen.


Tell him its a preg test strip just for the fun of it....if he is on drugs he'll do it.

I'm not sure about that. I think you're taking the piss.

Sorry, I'll get my coat...and piss off.

Edited by somchaismith
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Why did your friend lose his job?

Why is your friend dating a meth smoking woman?

Why is your friend acting weird?

You seem to suspect drugs. There must be good reason for that. You don't mention depression or a break down or some other mental illness.

Does your friend have a history of drug use?

The question that has to be then asked, 'does your friend consent to a drug test?'

- Disgareement with the boss, not for any drug or bad behaviour issue

- Cause she is super beatuifull xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- He say just busy finding another job, stressed for the "unstable situation"

- Cause he never behaved like this

- Some g a n j a randomly, nothing serious and i know this for sure

- He is willing to perform it, and actually this make me feel much better, just i do not wherre and how is the safest way

If she is using meth, she will not be beautiful for long.


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I don't think that you should take a person against their will for a meth test. However, you could get crafty with a meth urine testing strip. You can probably pick them up at a pharmacy, for a dime-a-dozen.


Are you taking the piss?

No, I do think this is a fair idea IF these test strips are readily available.

OP claims his friend is willing to be tested.

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You have to consider also that, how precious is the friendsip to you and how long do you know each other. Drugs can be dangerous and a wrong move from your side can cost you your friend and also your change of helping.

I would not start about any drug tests and dont push him! Just be his friend as normal and try to spend more time with him alone. If he is on drugs you will see symptones, if you are not 'experienced' in recognizing them then try google first.

then one day when hanging out and pass a hospital just try to get him in and do a test. I think hospitals are obliged to keep it silent and dont think they are allowed to call the police.

Just don't force anything.

Good luck with your friend mate, these things are terrible to see it happen and stand beside helpless

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I would do it like this - research mental health ("behavioural") counselling services, they'll know about the drug tests, including the anonymity issue, which I doubt will be a problem.

Purchase the kits and collect samples yourself. As a condition for helping your friend, periodically and RANDOMLY test him, witnessing yourself the collection of the sample - otherwise all too easily scammed.

And remember the road to hell, no good deed goes unpunished etc. . ..

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I would do it like this - research mental health ("behavioural") counselling services, they'll know about the drug tests, including the anonymity issue, which I doubt will be a problem.

Purchase the kits and collect samples yourself. As a condition for helping your friend, periodically and RANDOMLY test him, witnessing yourself the collection of the sample - otherwise all too easily scammed.

And remember the road to hell, no good deed goes unpunished etc. . ..

Yes..you have to hold it yourself to make sure he pees in the right cup.

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I'd worked with drug addicted people for quite a long time and think that I know all the psychological and physical affects of heroin, meth, coke, etc........

The biggest problem might be, if he's really on meth, is that whenever you come up with a suggestion to stop, or to go for a drug test, you'll do exactly the opposite of what you really want.

Addicts usually see their drug as something they like/need, etc..So whenever you come up with the suggestion to tell him to stop,will cause him/her to lie about all and everything, as the drug once might have given her/him the feeling that he/she liked so much.

So whenever you tell an ADDICT to stop doing it, they'll also get the feeling that you're trying to take something away of her/him, that he/she really likes/needs.

You can easily get test stripes, or go to a clinic for an anonymous drug test. But please be aware that hose people are pretty tricky, like using "clean" urine from anybody else they know.

My five cents to it. Whatever your friend is on, he/she is the only one that has to stop doing it. People who are doing meth have unusual big pupils, a sort of hyperactivity when on it and no ability doing anything if they don't have their drug.

If its really a good friend, you'll have to talk and find out if it's really worth looking into it. Good luck.-wai2.gif


Edited by sirchai
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Absolutely if a substance-abusing friend wanted material help from me he'd only get it if he's currently sober or heading into treatment.

Otherwise you're just further enabling his destruction, and will often be dragged right down along with him.

Speaking from long experience, myself, lots of friends, family members etc.

If it's just mental illness that's another matter, but can be even more complicated.

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Absolutely if a substance-abusing friend wanted material help from me he'd only get it if he's currently sober or heading into treatment.

Otherwise you're just further enabling his destruction, and will often be dragged right down along with him.

Speaking from long experience, myself, lots of friends, family members etc.

If it's just mental illness that's another matter, but can be even more complicated.

There isn't really treatment for meth addicts. The only reason why some of them quit doing them is when they saw people dying, prison sentences and some diseases such as Hep C ,etc.. when shooting it.

This on the other hand is pretty much common after doing it for a long time. You can't make him/her stop. They have to realize that they're doing something wrong.

U have personally seen a guy who took a knife and wanted to cut out bugs that were in his arm. Most of them are superstitious and see cops everywhere.

And even if you'd see a meth positive urine test, how would you continue your help? People cheat, steal, lie and do all to get their lick, not necessarily on Route 66.

Their friend is the drug they're hooked on. Full stop. -wai2.gif

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The OP much less any of us have no idea what specific substances he may be abusing, could just be alcohol.

And I'm not saying I'd be able to help him, obviously only possible if he wants to stop.

But I wouldn't do anything more than lend a sympathetic ear maybe feed him once in a while, if he were still active.

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Why did your friend lose his job?

Why is your friend dating a meth smoking woman?

Why is your friend acting weird?

You seem to suspect drugs. There must be good reason for that. You don't mention depression or a break down or some other mental illness.

Does your friend have a history of drug use?

The question that has to be then asked, 'does your friend consent to a drug test?'

- Disgareement with the boss, not for any drug or bad behaviour issue

- Cause she is super beatuifull xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- He say just busy finding another job, stressed for the "unstable situation"

- Cause he never behaved like this

- Some g a n j a randomly, nothing serious and i know this for sure

- He is willing to perform it, and actually this make me feel much better, just i do not wherre and how is the safest way

He must be on drugs if he thinks "super beautiful"is reason enough to go out with a meth head.When she is not so beautiful in a few months time he can leave,if he can.Seeing your such a caring person,how about helping "SB" with rehab,etc.After all,it is your mates gf.

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An off-topic and abusive post has been removed.

Thread moved to the health forum.

OP: medical records are confidential in Thailand; your friend can get drug test done and the results will not be given to anyone without his consent -- including you.

Which raises the question of why do the test? He already knows whether he is using and if so, what. And a drug test will only be performed if he requests it and the results are only given to him.

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