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ThaiVisa is no fun anymore - full of trolls, whackos, haters and MOGs


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It appears that many posters haven't had an education where they would have learned that opinions need to be 'informed' and views need to be 'balanced'.

I congratulate you on your balanced and informed opinion on many of the posters here.

totster :)

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It appears that many posters haven't had an education where they would have learned that opinions need to be 'informed' and views need to be 'balanced'.

I congratulate you on your balanced and informed opinion on many of the posters here.

totster smile.png

Agreed......................... fancy a pint ;)

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It appears that many posters haven't had an education where they would have learned that opinions need to be 'informed' and views need to be 'balanced'.

I congratulate you on your balanced and informed opinion on many of the posters here.

totster smile.png

Agreed......................... fancy a pint wink.png

Shame on you, Sir ......... I think that could be the cause of many "whacko" posts!!

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You read like a troll my friend.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

Why do you say that? I have been a member for over 10 years and in the early days it WAS good fun, informative and...

Sorry, that was what some of us call a joke.

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I attended one of the first, if not the first, ThaiVisa Party many moons ago, It was good to put faces to names, and find out that, at the time, most of the prolific posters were real and sane (maybe not that sane in some cases)

Most people will interact with people they know slightly differently, even in a forum, as towards those who are just an anonymous name on the internet.

There are members in here that I haven't met in person, but they are known to members that I have, they get afforded the same consideration.

Now, many many years later, with a membership number far higher than it was, the members who used to be able to have a bit of banter and laugh, knowing it would be taken the way it was intended, are now vastly outnumbered.

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I attended one of the first, if not the first, ThaiVisa Party many moons ago, It was good to put faces to names, and find out that, at the time, most of the prolific posters were real and sane (maybe not that sane in some cases)

Most people will interact with people they know slightly differently, even in a forum, as towards those who are just an anonymous name on the internet.

There are members in here that I haven't met in person, but they are known to members that I have, they get afforded the same consideration.

Now, many many years later, with a membership number far higher than it was, the members who used to be able to have a bit of banter and laugh, knowing it would be taken the way it was intended, are now vastly outnumbered.

When the key focus of this forum changed from all things Thai and a fairly amateur forum to a money making entity the focus on Google search engine issues and hits changed things considerably.

That and an issue which cannot be discussed here as it would contravene Rule number X.

Number removed as I have had enough holidays lately...;-)

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There is a new kind of troll. A bigot who posts subjects that are not in themselves bigoted but lead inexorably to a racist and sexist flame fest.

Then the OP just sits back and gets none of the blame. The OP pretends not to be bigoted or sexist but the responses are.

For example, "Western Women Coming to Thailand Looking for Love." And it could be followed by something like, "Why don't Thai men go to England to find a wife?"

1. It is obvious they don't.

2. The conclusions as to the possible reasons are all racist or sexist.

Since the majority of the posters are in agreement with the OP the racial and sexist overtones are ignored until they become a blatant flame fest.

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There is a new kind of troll. A bigot who posts subjects that are not in themselves bigoted but lead inexorably to a racist and sexist flame fest.

Then the OP just sits back and gets none of the blame. The OP pretends not to be bigoted or sexist but the responses are.

For example, "Western Women Coming to Thailand Looking for Love." And it could be followed by something like, "Why don't Thai men go to England to find a wife?"

1. It is obvious they don't.

2. The conclusions as to the possible reasons are all racist or sexist.

Since the majority of the posters are in agreement with the OP the racial and sexist overtones are ignored until they become a blatant flame fest.

Obviously referring to my OP I started today. Trying everything you can to have it closed. Why not stamp your feet on the ground and hold your breath until you get your way?

I feel a genuine smidgin of pity for you Thailiketoo. You do nothing but bicker and cajole and needle other posters. Any incisive and experienced information you impart is tempered by your deep and endless well of negativity and your desire to constantly and relentlessly flame other posters.

You seem to loathe everything about Thaivisa and its members, who you hold in open contempt, yet you constantly reappear under new posting names. Chiangmaikelly, Marky, Kerryk, being just a few of your more well known names. if you loathe TV so much, why come back?

My thread on 'Western Women in Thailand' is an everyday normal thing to discuss. This is something that can be discussed rationally and is of interest.

That you personally consider this a topic that should not be discussed says much about your lack of faith in the majority of Thaivisa posters to behave in a civilized manner. That you consider it an attempt at bigotry and/or sexism highlights problems with your ability to reason fairly and impartially.

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There is a new kind of troll. A bigot who posts subjects that are not in themselves bigoted but lead inexorably to a racist and sexist flame fest.

Then the OP just sits back and gets none of the blame. The OP pretends not to be bigoted or sexist but the responses are.

For example, "Western Women Coming to Thailand Looking for Love." And it could be followed by something like, "Why don't Thai men go to England to find a wife?"

1. It is obvious they don't.

2. The conclusions as to the possible reasons are all racist or sexist.

Since the majority of the posters are in agreement with the OP the racial and sexist overtones are ignored until they become a blatant flame fest.

Obviously referring to my OP I started today. Trying everything you can to have it closed. Why not stamp your feet on the ground and hold your breath until you get your way?

I feel a genuine smidgin of pity for you Thailiketoo. You do nothing but bicker and cajole and needle other posters. Any incisive and experienced information you impart is tempered by your deep and endless well of negativity and your desire to constantly and relentlessly flame other posters.

You seem to loathe everything about Thaivisa and its members, who you hold in open contempt, yet you constantly reappear under new posting names. Chiangmaikelly, Marky, Kerryk, being just a few of your more well known names. if you loathe TV so much, why come back?

My thread on 'Western Women in Thailand' is an everyday normal thing to discuss. This is something that can be discussed rationally and is of interest.

That you personally consider this a topic that should not be discussed says much about your lack of faith in the majority of Thaivisa posters to behave in a civilized manner. That you consider it an attempt at bigotry and/or sexism highlights problems with your ability to reason fairly and impartially.

You wrote, "That you personally consider this a topic that should not be discussed says much about your lack of faith in the majority of Thaivisa posters to behave in a civilized manner."

OK, after the late night boys finish posting count the number of posts about organ size and drunk unfaithful Thai men.

Below is the kind of post you expected to get and you were not disappointed.

#41, "lol , spot on .... apparantly Thai males have the second smallest in the whole World. I bet there's not many Western women on the hunt for those unfortunate Japanese guys."

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You wrote, "That you personally consider this a topic that should not be discussed says much about your lack of faith in the majority of Thaivisa posters to behave in a civilized manner."

OK, after the late night boys finish posting count the number of posts about organ size and drunk unfaithful Thai men.

Below is the kind of post you expected to get and you were not disappointed.

#41, "lol , spot on .... apparantly Thai males have the second smallest in the whole World. I bet there's not many Western women on the hunt for those unfortunate Japanese guys."

The sensible and well thought out posts have far out weighed the negative posts.

So far your posts on the thread have been the most disruptive.

But that is what you want eh?

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You wrote, "That you personally consider this a topic that should not be discussed says much about your lack of faith in the majority of Thaivisa posters to behave in a civilized manner."

OK, after the late night boys finish posting count the number of posts about organ size and drunk unfaithful Thai men.

Below is the kind of post you expected to get and you were not disappointed.

#41, "lol , spot on .... apparantly Thai males have the second smallest in the whole World. I bet there's not many Western women on the hunt for those unfortunate Japanese guys."

The sensible and well thought out posts have far out weighed the negative posts.

So far your posts on the thread have been the most disruptive.

But that is what you want eh?

No, that's why I moved my comments here. You have 5 organ posts there so far (I think).

What is sensible and well thought about any answer? There is a 10,000 to 1 ratio of male to female expats in Thailand and you and I both know that is a fact. Why not start another thread, "Why don't Thai men go to England looking for bar girls?" That's about 10,000 to 1 too!

It is a constant search to find new ways to say bad things about Asian men and Western women. I for one am tired of it.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Wow!! The "Complain-about-Trolls" thread has been converted to a "Complain-about-Imaginary-Trolls" thread!

Hard to comprehend such absurd idea.

Apart from this, I'd say: signthaivisa.gif Mostly good fun.

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Wow!! The "Complain-about-Trolls" thread has been converted to a "Complain-about-Imaginary-Trolls" thread!

Hard to comprehend such absurd idea.

Apart from this, I'd say: signthaivisa.gif Mostly good fun.

Probably everyone here has everyone else on their ignore list so wont see the comments anyway

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Wow!! The "Complain-about-Trolls" thread has been converted to a "Complain-about-Imaginary-Trolls" thread!

Hard to comprehend such absurd idea.

Apart from this, I'd say: signthaivisa.gif Mostly good fun.

Probably everyone here has everyone else on their ignore list so wont see the comments anyway

I don't have anyone on my ignore list.

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I would agree with one poster about the thaivisa gatherings. I have been to many over the years. In Phuket, at Green Man, Friendship beach, launch of a local Phuket magazine...all with Buckwheat's portable smoker (may he rest in peace sad.png ).

Putting faces to the avatars is always fun. Met a lot of the mods, George and other users. All loads of fun.

Unfortunately, since 2008, it has gone downhill. New mods are not the same as the old ones, posters are jaded (me included) and it is mainly a local news venue (no, tv never will replace international news portal). More ads, sneaky modvertorials, ugly blue screens at log on.

It has changed. sad.png

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Unfortunately, since 2008, it has gone downhill. New mods are not the same as the old ones, posters are jaded (me included) and it is mainly a local news venue (no, tv never will replace international news portal). More ads, sneaky modvertorials, ugly blue screens at log on.

It has changed. sad.png

I have not had the same experiences as you mention, however I will concede that my posting style has changed somewhat.

totster :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I find the news forum to be the worst - full of extremists and haters who verbally attack others for their political views.

If there is one change that I would make to ThaiVisa, it would be to split Thai news into 2 forums - General Thai News and Political Thai News. The latter forum would include all news postings that involve the government, opposition parties and politicians.

This may well be a reflection of the apparently imminent civil war.

I also used to just laugh at political goings on. I now find that I care too much about Thailand, and so they become painful. Perhaps this is just part of process of ageing.

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Trolls why is this word used so much this is a forum we all post comments on different issues why do we post them to get peoples opinion simple and if people search the forum looking at different postings then comment well that's what it's all about if you POST A TOPIC you just can't expect to receive the good comments.

Sure some are to the point shall we say and some a just rude that's hpw people are if you don't like recieving bad comments DON'T post any comments or becareful what you do post.

To label all who look at postings and reply and you don't like the reply you cannot label them trolls it's unfair you will have less people commenting on topics if you are going to label them trolls then soon NOBODY will read your comments.

AM not getting at you simply trying to explain how things work it's forum and that's what happens in them.

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Trolls why is this word used so much this is a forum we all post comments on different issues why do we post them to get peoples opinion simple and if people search the forum looking at different postings then comment well that's what it's all about if you POST A TOPIC you just can't expect to receive the good comments.

Sure some are to the point shall we say and some a just rude that's hpw people are if you don't like recieving bad comments DON'T post any comments or becareful what you do post.

To label all who look at postings and reply and you don't like the reply you cannot label them trolls it's unfair you will have less people commenting on topics if you are going to label them trolls then soon NOBODY will read your comments.

AM not getting at you simply trying to explain how things work it's forum and that's what happens in them.

It is a clique thing. A group of people have gotten used to flaming and not posting any opinions for or against. Instead of posting information they attack people they don't agree with. It is easier to attack the person than the post. If they don't agree with his opinion they call him an idiot troll or something like that.

I can see why. There is a lot of off topic posting. And one is tempted to ask why are you posting stuff that has nothing to do with the topic; are you a troll or something?

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