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How can you explain the difference between a westernized girl and a non-westernized Thai girl?


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No thank you to non westernized thai women because I don't want to speak that silly baby English. " me love Noi", " me know Noi no have money"..( gun at head!),,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The ability to speak "proper" english does not take away the womans(in ur example) thoughts. So you prefer to hear: i love myself, i know i have no money. Well...if that is ur parameter on westernized thai woman !!

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The difference: Thai girls are more service oriented to THEIR men, cooking, cleaning, getting "stuff" - I got up from sofa to get a bottle of coke-a-cola, she is at the fridge before I can take two steps - no "headaches" licklips.gif at night. Then again, still on honeymoon after 6 months.

Me, being of American / Italian background, had a problem with "her" cooking Italian style spaghetti. Solved, she cooks Thai and other food, I cook Italian food - once a week. House chores, she gets ONE day a week off work - I do chores this day, took me several months to get her to agree. ( She has the days food pre cooked whistling.gif )

The thing I don't like, is her going out in the middle of the night ALONE to go to the store - 10 to15 mins round trip. If I run out of smokes or coke-a-cola, out the door she goes the second she knows I am out. I can NOT pound it into her head, we both can go beatdeadhorse.gif .

Short answer for 'damo': Thai women are wai.gif service oriented wai.gif , they take care of THEIR man as a natural way of life...period.

On "old men" - I am 68 she is 52

you sure she's not goin out in the middle of the night to get rattled by her samme noi because your to busy smokin and drinkin coke.

Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No thank you to non westernized thai women because I don't want to speak that silly baby English. " me love Noi", " me know Noi no have money"..( gun at head!),,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The ability to speak "proper" english does not take away the womans(in ur example) thoughts. So you prefer to hear: i love myself, i know i have no money. Well...if that is ur parameter on westernized thai woman !!

No it doesn't....but it can hide a multitude of differences and misunderstandings..

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One example of the difference between a westernized and a non-westernized Thai woman.

Some westernized Thai women or wanna be westernized are so Dud-ja-rit and Gra-dae which is similar to being pretentious and superficial. Especially the ones speak to other Thais mixed in Thai and English to show off that they know some English words !!. I can't stand that type of Thai women and Thai men too..

I speak Thai to other Thais and even though I know English but I do not have to show off being westernized. I could detect a pretentious westernized Thai woman/man by talking to them a few sentences and how they act. By the way I have seen some foreigners who married to Thai women are pretentious like the wives, and many of them tend to show off that they are superior to other Thais who are non-westernized.

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" .......................night to get rattled by her samme noi because.............., we are both in bed by 8-8:30PM ( she works) sleeping by around 10PM except Sat night. Sleep in whistling.gif till she gets up on Sunday........rather doubt "samme noi" is involved

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Prima donna means to be treated as such means to be pampered and catered to above all others. someone who acts as a Prima donna is self-absorbed and likes to be the center of attention.

For those of you who didnt know.

I think You just answered your own question! thumbsup.gif

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One example of the difference between a westernized and a non-westernized Thai woman.

Some westernized Thai women or wanna be westernized are so Dud-ja-rit and Gra-dae which is similar to being pretentious and superficial. Especially the ones speak to other Thais mixed in Thai and English to show off that they know some English words !!. I can't stand that type of Thai women and Thai men too..

I speak Thai to other Thais and even though I know English but I do not have to show off being westernized. I could detect a pretentious westernized Thai woman/man by talking to them a few sentences and how they act. By the way I have seen some foreigners who married to Thai women are pretentious like the wives, and many of them tend to show off that they are superior to other Thais who are non-westernized.

Very true.

Also non westernized women married to a foreigner can be just as rude to other non westernized Thais simple because they now have more money or something, or just feel they have to act like that to compensate for being married to a foreigner.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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1. You're an idiot for lumping all females into one of two groups. We are humans; not western or non western. If you think along those terms, a female would either have to be mentally disabled or after your money to be with you.

2. Not all Thai females are more docile. I have seen so many throw the biggest public tantrums, even beating up men... All things that I as a "Western" girl would never do in public. Humans are to varied to group into such a general sweeping category as Western and Nom.

3. But to give something more along the type of answer you're probably looking for (but with a twist of of harsh reality): Western girls are generally more fluent in English and accustomed to dealing with Western douchebags, therefore it's easier for us to stand up for improper treatment and articulate this to you.

4. You sir, are not too intelligent. Idiot.

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1. You're an idiot for lumping all females into one of two groups. We are humans; not western or non western. If you think along those terms, a female would either have to be mentally disabled or after your money to be with you.

2. Not all Thai females are more docile. I have seen so many throw the biggest public tantrums, even beating up men... All things that I as a "Western" girl would never do in public. Humans are to varied to group into such a general sweeping category as Western and Nom.

3. But to give something more along the type of answer you're probably looking for (but with a twist of of harsh reality): Western girls are generally more fluent in English and accustomed to dealing with Western douchebags, therefore it's easier for us to stand up for improper treatment and articulate this to you.

4. You sir, are not too intelligent. Idiot.

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According to Thai Visa:

Western Women and Thai men are horrible, lazy, spoiled, selfish, unintelligent, idiotic, ugly, fat, noisy, smelly, mentally unstable.


Western Men and Thai women are the complete opposite of the above.

..add to that, that many of them, if they have a daughter ..wish her to be western educated.

Funny that eh.

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Depends what you mean by Westernised.

To me it means the girl has spent enough time either overseas or at least in an International school that she reads, writes and speaks fluent English.

Her exposure to western thinking means she can think for herself and doesn't get all girly around Hello Kitty merchandise and cuddly toys.

Has been educated out of believing in ghosts, spirits and religious mumbo jumbo.

Likes foreign food and is open to trying new things.

Is independent and no longer thinks she has to please her family at every turn.

Is willing to leave Thailand and go live somewhere else.

By virtue of the fact that she will have studied and therefore lived overseas, she is also probably not from some poor family.

Genuinely wants to date a Western guy, for no reason other than she likes them.

Will never want to live in the boonies.

In short she's a lot more desirable as a girlfriend.

You have just described the typical farang woman. Yet, so many on this forum are negative towards farang women. I wonder why that is?

..you need to ask that question? Really? ...the answer is pretty obvious.

(unless you were just being ironic..in which case..LOL, nice one)

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many a bg is a farmgirl.

Believe me, just a few days, two weeks max after arriving to work the bars of Pattaya/Patong etc that naive fresh-off-the-farm sweetheart has been irretrievably transformed into a lying scamming predator.

i believe u and that was exactly my point... the problem is not the (potential evil) nature of the girl but the (utter mongoloid) nature of the men she's dealing with in those few days/2weeks. just look at them, observe them, have a short chat with them and shiver... male losers at their best.

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According to Thai Visa:

Western Women and Thai men are horrible, lazy, spoiled, selfish, unintelligent, idiotic, ugly, fat, noisy, smelly, mentally unstable.


Western Men and Thai women are the complete opposite of the above.

..add to that, that many of them, if they have a daughter ..wish her to be western educated.

Funny that eh.

..add to that, that many of them, if they have a daughter ..wish her NOT to become a bargirl, ie. that high-end profession these very geniusses define as "fun", "cosmopolitan", "easy-money", "better than the ricefield".

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spend one night with each and compare!

western woman after that night to you: oh boy you suck.

thai woman after that night to you: you were great handsome, that will be 1500thb.

(^^ applicable to the average western guy coming to thailand for obvious reasons)

Edited by stickylies
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spend one night with each and compare!

western woman after that night to you: oh boy you suck.

thai woman after that night to you: you were great handsome, that will be 1500thb.

(^^ applicable to the average western guy coming to thailand for obvious reasons)

And that does not tell you anything about yourself?

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spend one night with each and compare!

western woman after that night to you: oh boy you suck.

thai woman after that night to you: you were great handsome, that will be 1500thb.

(^^ applicable to the average western guy coming to thailand for obvious reasons)

And that does not tell you anything about yourself?


Sent from my HTC One mini using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

What a load of misogynistic crap.

Sorry to hear you have had the misfortune to meet only bad women. Many of us have been far more fortunate in life, so please spare us your woe is me generalizations. We do not need them. They benefit no one. None of us need to live our lives making such horrific generalizations about half the world's population. Grow up. Get a life. Man up.

mike macarelli

chaiyaphum, thailand

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No thank you to non westernized thai women because I don't want to speak that silly baby English. " me love Noi", " me know Noi no have money"..( gun at head!),,

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Or maybe you could actually learn to speak Thai, considering this is Thailand.....

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Mr. Kamal:

Protecting women is a man's purpose in life? Not my purpose. I think many other men would agree also. Not today's woman. You are speaking like a true WKOP (White Knight of Poon). Women want their equal rights. Let them protect themselves. Women want equality only when it is in their favor. And when it is not, they will cry out.

Women are going to open doors for me!! Being a gentleman gets you no where today. Ladies want the Bad Boys.

A sinking ship. I am fighting for that life preserver. Living equally as you said. Is a man's life less valuable than a woman's and he should give up his life up for her? No way. Not anymore. Women making men pay outrageous vaginamony after a divorce when she is perfectly capable of working leaving him with nothing! Is this correct? This just the way the world works. Best to avoid today's females and marriage.

I will agree with you on one point. Men have allowed this to happen. And now men need to take the world back. Men need to fight for their rights. Men as a whole have become so weak and pussified. I for one will live my life without the interference from today's so called feminazi style woman and be much happier.

Read some interesting stuff on www.maskedwriter.com This should wake men up.

Western or non western. Who care!!! It doesn't matter. Avoiding a relationship with a woman is a good bet. Enjoying the sexual pleasures of a woman is ok. Just no dating, no marriage, no movies, no trips, no coffee dates, no shopping etc... Sex only. Pump, dump and move on! .

Leave you with something my Dad taught me:

How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?

She usually starts the sentence with "A man once told me...."

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

And I half agree with you Turok also on one point, men need to take back their masculinity, not the world.

But here's the thing, I myself is the boss in my house, but all descicions I make is based on what's best for my family, not only me.

I don't mind my wife to get half of what WE have if we divorce, that's only fair. I'm a man not a whimp crying over spilld milk.

I'm young enough to start over again and is it all about the money you lost you are crying about?

Just a reflection, the discussion was about westernized Thai women and I will bring it back to that.

Thai girls learn early they have no support from their Thai men, in general, they drink, go fishing, play cards or run around with their birds in cages on their motorbikes, so they can't be trusted. They live day by day with no planning ahead.

Thai men beat their women, they are unfaithful to them, thay leave them as soon as the woman start demanding more support.

This has been going on for ages, so is it so strange when they meet a man, they don't trust any of them, not even us farrangs, so what is their conter reaction, they will think of themselves at all time and not trust us at all.

Remember, they don't have any social wellfare or financial net to catch them when they fall.

Most women need the support of a man when they give birth to a baby as they have to attend to the baby until it's old enough for school or work.

In western countries we have daycare, kindergarten to handle this.

In Thailand, grandmum is the daycare or more.

I presume most Thai women are so affected by religion, superstition and their "culture" so they don't use logic when pursuing wealth, which mean they will most probably squander away what they have saved up.

Again I presume, westernized Thai women are women who hasn't got burned by many men and might had a fullfilling and happy childhood growing up.

Or it could be that the women are cunning enough to change pattern of their lifestyle so it will fit our needs.

Or it could be that some woemn actually like western culure/ way of doing things better that the Thai way.

It's almost impossible to tell which one is which without getting to know them very well first.

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Here we go again. Men trying to figure women out. Why? The short answer.... Why should you care about grouping women? Women fall into one category... Scandalous Skanks. Worldwide. Pump and dump them all. Better yet. Ignore them completely. Men have become so pussified and vagizined. Their balls have withered away. Remove ballads, broads and bullshit from your life. Watch your balls grow back. That's why we have these silly, pathetic topics. Todays male feels they need to be the White Knight of Poon. Men need to rise up against the gynocracy and feminazism ruining our world. Men's rights have been brushed aside.

Repeating, Thai women fall into the same worldwide category as all other women.. They are not special. All Scandalous Skanks.

Turok, Dinosaur Hunter

Well, someone got out of bed on the wrong side, or maybe missing his Westernised, (without the "Z") ladyboy.

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English definition of “westernized”
westernized adjective (UK usually westernised) /ˈwes.tən.aɪzd/ /-tɚ.naɪzd/
having a culture like North America and western Europe: As the political emphasis shifts, Bulgaria will inevitably become more westernized.
So boring with people who's mission in life is to mark words.
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Yes, I do like to mark English words that are not spelt correctly. It's my English education that makes me do it.

Immigrants from the UK and Ireland took the English language to America with them and then over the years they changed it. Using "Z" instead of "S", taking the "U" out of "Colour" and even changing complete words, such as "Tap" to "Faucet". I laugh when people tell me that they are learning to speak English with an American teacher. They are soon corrected, "No, you are learning American English".

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by Oishii
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Eddie Murphy said it best

Westernized Thai girl

I want "HALF"



the only word she learned to speak in english

Yes, I remember that one, the bush woman with the f*cked up afro. Funny stuff. In Thailand, it's the peasant farm girl. Same, same, if one decides to bring her back to America.

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Yes, I do like to mark English words that are not spelt correctly. It's my English education that makes me do it.

Immigrants from the UK and Ireland took the English language to America with them and then over the years they changed it. Using "Z" instead of "S", taking the "U" out of "Colour" and even changing complete words, such as "Tap" to "Faucet". I laugh when people tell me that they are learning to speak English with an American teacher. They are soon corrected, "No, you are learning American English".

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


(Is that spelled the same in your real English?)

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