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Racism or Am I Just too Sensitive.


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I used to sing classical Indian music at sunrise on my balcony and I would see unknown people switching on their lights and opening their windows to listen to me.

Indians have in the Thai's mind a hold on all secret knowledge. Buddhism is for the masses and the kings are Hindu with Hindu brahmins to help them keep their place.

They are just as afraid of Khmers for that same reason.

Magic. The Indians know more. No secular wealth, no amount of money is protection against this.

Thais hate Indians (and Khmer, and Lao etc) because they fear them.

Oh dear. A nut


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Hearing stories like this make me angry. No one who is civil should receive such treatment. That being said: Since you speak a bit of Thai I must assume you've spent considerable time in Thailand. If so, you must know that generally speaking the Thais don't at all like Indians. Thais discriminating against Indians is not right, but it is common practice.

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By 'Indian nationality' I assume you mean Indian descent. How did you manage to learn Thai without noticing that the Thais despise Indians? And it's not just Indians. Khaek also includes Arabs and Persians, so you're not alone. Have a guess what they call African Americans. It's just what Asia is like. If you want to see real racism try going to India and tell them you're a Dalit.

So yes, you're being way too sensitive. You're basically an educated rich westerner, so who cares what a bunch of low paid Thai restaurant workers think. Shuffle through a roll of thousand baht notes in front of them and then leave a ten baht tip.

I was going to write almost exactly the same, but "spalpeen' beat me to it. You are of Indian descent, yes, then go to your country of descent and you will really see racism in action. I would have written "You're basically an educated rich westerner, so think yourself lucky you were able to go to a Western country and obtain residency and passport and be able to travel and criticise".

We can't go and live in your country and obtain residency and passport can we ? " So, yes, WAY WAY too sensitive IMO.

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But may I also please ask OP, to not refer to us as "Farang", as this only consolidate the Thai notion and importance of skin color, rather than individuality, and nationality.

Given your many posts you must have seen the word "farang" on tv.com many times. So, have you ever asked anyone else not to use the word?

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Sounds like Thai bashing to me, considering you're posting the same thing all over the internet



A Canadian will sound like an American to most people, and they aren't particularly well liked. Nor, for that matter are Indians. 2 strikes. That's life.

Sounds like you're the one who doesn't like Americans.

While Americans are not liked everywhere, the Thai's love them . Even in Vietnam I almost always get a big smile when I say I'm an American. And don't think me naive. I've traveled extensively throughout the world ... esp. Asia. In my 30-plus years of frequently visiting Thailand, and living here for ten years, I have never once experienced a negative reaction when Thai's learn I'm an American. Nor have I ever heard of or seen such from/with other Americans.

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. I do however take offence when I get served second or service sucks based strictly on my race.

Maybe they recognised your voice from a telemarketing call they got while having dinner


Laughing at your own (supposed) joke just makes it more lame. Is it just me, or does anyone else find this emoticon annoying?

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You seem to enjoy pulling my statements out of context. Are you trying to prove that you're a d*ckhead? Because enough already, I'm convinced.

No proof required, clearly the impression he's been striving for since his very first post, fresh off his private jet to shop for multiple properties, complaining about the protests causing crowded conditions in the BTS !!

Open the dictionary under troll and there's his photo.

Hall of Fame quality for sure. . .

Do you always make up your own reality? What a bunch of generalities about what you'd like the OP to be.

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I have to say that you are right to call it when it happens.

Unfortunately i have seen to opposite of this A lot of Indian's male and female are starting to show the stereotypical American British tourist attitude of we are better than you.

Unfortunately it comes back to bite everyone.

Is it right NO.

Does it happen Yes.

If only everyone would adopt the old mottos

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

A lot of this crap could be avoided.

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. I do however take offence when I get served second or service sucks based strictly on my race.

Maybe they recognised your voice from a telemarketing call they got while having dinner


Laughing at your own (supposed) joke just makes it more lame. Is it just me, or does anyone else find this emoticon annoying?

It is also an indicator that the poster is NOT being serious. Sadly that seems to be necessary far too often on TV.

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But may I also please ask OP, to not refer to us as "Farang", as this only consolidate the Thai notion and importance of skin color, rather than individuality, and nationality.

Why don't you ask the same of other's here who have used "farang"?

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I would have written "You're basically an educated rich westerner, so think yourself lucky you were able to go to a Western country and obtain residency and passport and be able to travel and criticise".

We can't go and live in your country and obtain residency and passport can we ? " So, yes, WAY WAY too sensitive IMO.

And in doing so you make yourself sound like a complete moron incapable of absorbing the information the OP laid out in clear, concise English.

He was born in Canada to 2nd or 3rd generation Indian immigrants. He didn't just rock up and get given a passport and residency.

Furthermore, there are more than a few countries - including Thailand - where one CAN rock up and, once criteria have been satisfied, obtain residency and passport.

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I am alco Canadian and in Canada East Indians are not a welcome crowd either,when it comes to business.They have established a REPUTATION FOR THEMSELVES AS BEING RUDE AND arrogant at times,almost always ABSURDLY niggardly,and criminal.My wife and I often vended our wares and the markets in and around Vancouver and it came to the point that whenever an east Indian approached our stand we would turn our backs to discourage them from coming over and handling all the merchandise and leaving it the display area in a mess after offering us an offer well below the cost of the goods.What is with these people-do their parents beat them if they dont obtain everything below cost.They seem to enjoy some superior social status amongst each other if they can beat down the price on something.So my friend in my opinion your reputuation seems to have spread beyond Canada.On another note-anyone who has ever frequently travelled abroad on business I am certain would agree with me that Indians are positively the worst loud and obnoxious people that one could ever have the misfortune of being allocated a room next to (always a huge group),what to speak of living next door or even in the area...In general they have zero regard for the privacy and quietude of anyone else and they richly deserve the results of the reputation that they have built for themselves.Cheers

"Niggardly"? Wow! Do you feel all better now?

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"Niggardly"? Wow!

Oh, yes you're American. I guess someone better explain it to you.

The word is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to the word you are thinking of...

"In the United States, there have been several controversies concerning the word "niggardly", an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", due to its phonetic similarity to the racial slur "nigger". Etymologically the two words are unrelated."


"Niggardly" (noun: "niggard") is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", perhaps related to the Old Norse verb nigla = "to fuss about small matters".[1] It is cognate with "niggling", meaning "petty" or "unimportant", as in "the niggling details".

"Nigger", which has become a racist insult in American culture, derives from the Spanish/Portuguese word negro, meaning "black", and the French word nègre. Both negro and noir (and therefore also nègre and nigger) ultimately come from nigrum, the accusative singular masculine & neuter case of the Latin masculine adjective niger, meaning "black" or "dark"."

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_%22niggardly%22

Let's see if we can educate this ignorant American


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Americans are not liked everywhere,

Got it it one.



But you're right. The degree of dislike for fat, ignorant loud-mouthed Americans varies depending on location

Fat, ignorant loud mouthed "any-nationality" are generally not liked anywhere. Although being fat shouldn't have anything to do with it.

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"Niggardly"? Wow!

Oh, yes you're American. I guess someone better explain it to you.

The word is COMPLETELY UNRELATED to the word you are thinking of...

"In the United States, there have been several controversies concerning the word "niggardly", an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", due to its phonetic similarity to the racial slur "nigger". Etymologically the two words are unrelated."


"Niggardly" (noun: "niggard") is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly", perhaps related to the Old Norse verb nigla = "to fuss about small matters".[1] It is cognate with "niggling", meaning "petty" or "unimportant", as in "the niggling details".

"Nigger", which has become a racist insult in American culture, derives from the Spanish/Portuguese word negro, meaning "black", and the French word nègre. Both negro and noir (and therefore also nègre and nigger) ultimately come from nigrum, the accusative singular masculine & neuter case of the Latin masculine adjective niger, meaning "black" or "dark"."

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_%22niggardly%22

Let's see if we can educate this ignorant American


Meh, have had trouble about that word from people who aren't from the US (someone angry I used an article with the word in it in a classroom), although it is particularly bad there--but that is part of a larger trend, which is not saying anything that remotely seemingly offensive to anyone. A recent-ish one had to do with a Chinese-American basketball player in New York and there were headlines wondering if defenses had figured him out saying "A chink in his armor?" People went nuts saying it was a tongue-in-cheek racist slur or something.

I am totally all against this changing of the the language....but I am also outnumbered.

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And that point is what??

oh, you're American so I'll spell it out for you.

The person who started the thread about racism is a bigot.


You're the one with symptoms of bigotry. Unfortunately there's no cure.

Interestingly when a caucasian on tv.com rants about being called "farang" they don't get the negative and vile response the OP has gotten here. Some on this thread have made it pretty clear ... in spite of their thin veil ... that they are racist against Indians ... but only one actually came out and said it point blank. I think they're all a__holes, but if I had any respect for any of them ... which I don't ... it'd be for the latter.

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I read your postings with considerable interest. You have seen the dark side of Thai behaviour, but be assured it is not saved up just for Indian tourists.

Regrettably, many of your countryman have put India in a bad light and as a former guesthouse owner in Pattaya, have experienced the sort of behaviour that makes them very difficult to deal with. Like wanting to bed down in one room and there is 5 of them! Bar girls coming to me complaining that three or four want to take one girl to a room for one normal fee etc.

Quite obviously you are not such a person and it is regrettful that you were exposed to such racism, I dont feel you are at all whinging and congratulate you on bringing this to notice - some of the comments from 'farangs' here is most regrettable.

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