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Scores of people injured in bomb attack during anti-government rally in Trat

Lite Beer

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Its amazing indeed now lets wait for the red supporters on Thai visa to claim it was self inflicted to gain sympathy and see how the UN rules on this one or that they remain silent and show their bias.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

I guess you could say I'm a red supporter, and I'm not saying it was self inflicted, I hope all these bomb throwers a court and jailed for the rest of their lives,

that goes for red's and Suthep's thugs also, but difficult to be fair as the courts have decided that the protesters "are peaceful and no weapons are being used".

I'm not really a red supporter more like a Suthep despiser...

I agree with you about the 2nd sentence although I differ in the 1st and 3rd. I just can't get it around my head how these kinds of people can sleep at night.

Guess we really really need the SOE....but that's another story.

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I thought all the anti-government protesters were rich elite in Bangkok or radical Deep Southerners according to several TV experts.

Sad to say!

When they stray out of their stronghold of Bangkok, and attempt to recreate in other parts of the country the havoc they created in Bangkok under the protection of the Rich E.E allies, they will be met with resistance,


Resistance? Is that what you call it kikoman? More like attempted mass murder at a peaceful rally. You disgust me!

One of the victims was a child shot in the head. Kikoman bow your head in shame and don't bother to return!

+1000! It's sickening how several if our TVF reds do some lame condemnation (or not even that, calling this "resistance") followed by a BUT "they create havoc", "they aren't in Bkk", "they are stupid", etc.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by pmugghc
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Trat PDRC spokesman believe attackers not native residents

TRAT: -- The spokesman of the People's Democratic Reform Committee in Trat Sunday believe that the attackers who lobbed grenades and fired at a PDRC rally in the northern province are not local people.

Trat PDRC spokesman Suwicharn Suwannakha said all local people know and love each other well and were not opposed to the rally.

Thirty-nine people were injured in the attack against the rally in Trat’s Khao Saming district at about 9.30pm.

"All local people know each other. We expected no one to cause disturbance. We have no people from the other side here. We're confident that the rally would have been safe," Suwicharn said.

-- The Nation 2014-02-23

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I thought all the anti-government protesters were rich elite in Bangkok or radical Deep Southerners according to several TV experts.

Sad to say!

When they stray out of their stronghold of Bangkok, and attempt to recreate in other parts of the country the havoc they created in Bangkok under the protection of the Rich E.E allies, they will be met with resistance,


You sound quite pleased this happened to the PDRC. You and your likes have some maladjusted thinking if you really believe this kind of violence is ok.

Just because they attacked someone who thinks and feels differently about politics doesnt make it ok to hurt them. Next you will be thinking its ok to kill someone if they dont follow the REDS.

If it is your way or no way then you are the beginnings of a Hitler regime.

My suggestion to kikoman and jollyman and other who feel this way is to seek emergency psycholigical medical treatment

Im sure the doctors can find a cure for RED BLINDNESS.

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes, the only medicine is "facts", but sometimes the patients reject the medicine and then it becomes terminal. Jeff Savage and Connor Percell were 2 victims of the dreaded "RED BLINDNESS". Side effects for Jeff were "Telling people he and the red shirts were going to burn down Central World" and Connor's side effects was looking at facts, dismissing them and then lying.

Some already are showing the same symptoms as Connor. Not long before Jeff's symptoms become obvious in a few if the "Beating of the war drum" meeting by the terrorist wing of the PTP in Korat is anything to go by.

They are at their most vocal and demonizing when there is violence in Thailand. Watch the photo's of the victims come out then. They are keyboard detectives one could assume was a falang extension of the DSI. They revel in the violence.

You think red shirt radio is good now. Wait till there is death and violence.

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Ummm first off Trat ISNT a northern province last time i was there, its East and if anything south east what attack is he talking about ? second how can he know every persons political bent in a whole province or even area ?

sloppy standard of reporting at best.

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This is when police is not allowed to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law. It looks like more coming. The judges of courts are responsible.

Sorry? Who is not allowing the police to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law in Trat?

The only people responsible, at least for the motivation, for this attack are the caretaker government and fanatic supporters who clearly are prepared to use any means necessary to silence criticism. And you dare to label the PDRC as fascists and terrorists?

Time for you to have a good long think about how far you are willing to go to defend this kind of democracy.

Judges of courts.

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Bomb and gun attack at anti-government rally in Trat injures over 40


Trat: -- Unknown number of armed men threw hand grenades and fired shots into hundreds of people attending anti-government rally at a market place in Khao Saming of Trat province last night, injuring over 40.

The rally was held by the People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) representative in Trat at Ying Charoen market.

Police said that PDRC co-leader Japong was addressing about 500 people on the stage when two hand grenades were thrown at the crowd, followed by gun fires from various kinds of guns which include shotguns, automatic pistols and M 16 assault rifle.

The ferocious attack sent protesters, guards and food vendors running for cover in panic.

More than 40 were injured. Four in critical condition, one of them is a girl of about 5 years-old.
She was shot on the head and now admitted to Chanthaburi hospital for emergent surgery.

A vendor whose wife and children were injured said he heard two bomb explosions first and then followed by a spate of gun fires.

Another witness said two pick-up trucks passed by the rally site and then was slowed down. Hand grenades were thrown from the truck, and the men on the following truck opened fire with several types of guns which included M 16 assault rifle.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal police inspected the scene this morning to find evidence.

Japong was a former red shirt in the northeast and strong supporter of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra. But he said on the PDRC stage in Bangkok recently he pulled out after he had aware of his insincerity and disrespect of the justice system of the country.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/bomb-gun-attack-anti-government-rally-trat-injures-40/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bomb-gun-attack-anti-government-rally-trat-injures-40

-- Thai PBS 2014-02-23

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Eight-year-old girl succumbed to injuries

TRAT: -- An eight-year-old girl succumbed to injuries inflicted in an attack against the rally of the People's Democratic Reform Committee in Trat Saturday night that also saw 34 others injured, a doctor said.

Doctor Anurak Amornphetsathaporn, director of the Emergency Public Health Office of the Public Health Ministry, said the girl has died and 29 injured victims are still in hospitals. Five of them were severely wounded, he said.

-- The Nation 2014-02-23

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This is when police is not allowed to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law. It looks like more coming. The judges of courts are responsible.

Sorry? Who is not allowing the police to maintain law and order and enforcing the rule of law in Trat?

The only people responsible, at least for the motivation, for this attack are the caretaker government and fanatic supporters who clearly are prepared to use any means necessary to silence criticism. And you dare to label the PDRC as fascists and terrorists?

Time for you to have a good long think about how far you are willing to go to defend this kind of democracy.

Judges of courts.

Oh feeble apologist for terrorist attacks on people who dare to disagree with you!

So the courts are to blame, by reinforcing the democratic rights of protesters in Bangkok, for hoodlums attacking a political meeting 300 kms away?

If I seriously considered your supposition, it would legitimise killing people who decided to vote in an election that I didn't approve of, because a judge declared that to vote was a democratic right.

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Yet another sad day in Thailand. It would be great if people could grow up just a little bit here and not resort to violence here as a means to solving problems. Again, more innocents die, and everyone blames everyone else. With regards to this specific attack, it's interesting to note that the "ex" Red supporter Japong was speaking at the moment of the attack. Coincidence?

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Its amazing indeed now lets wait for the red supporters on Thai visa to claim it was self inflicted to gain sympathy and see how the UN rules on this one or that they remain silent and show their bias.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

I guess you could say I'm a red supporter,

I'm not really a red supporter

Your also indecisive.

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I look forward to caretaker-FM Surapong justifying or 'explaining' these violent attacks on peaceful political-meetings of anti-government people, during his proposed world-tour of 'important' countries.

What can he, or anyone else, possibly find to say which would justify this sort of 'true democracy' ?

Can't any of the caretaker-government, let alone the absent caretaker-PM, even find sufficient courage to condemn these outrages ? wink.png

Thais are killing Thais, and the silence is simply deafening, from PTP & UDD, and indeed the 'official anti-government' Dems. bah.gif

Thailand desperately needs sane political-leadership, as it slides into chaos, not false-promises or crocodile-tears. wai2.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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