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A new day in Ukraine: Political uncertainty sweeps divided nation


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Well, with the newly appointed Ukrainian navy chief pledging allegiance to Crimea, the hit-the-fan.gif .

The merkins are too exhausted from their little wars. They do not have the power, will nor new machines to help the Ukrainians. But if they do, WW3 will occur. Russia is the strongest in this chess game.

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I don't agree. I didn't say the same. Linked. Of course the USA and western Europe share common concerns. That's not the same thing as suggesting the USA should enter in a war with Russia over this. Let's see how this develops. Depending on how Russia behaves, there may indeed be a bigger war and the USA may indeed be part of it. Hopefully not but this is serious.

Agree, US & EU have very strong common concerns, at the very least NATO and trade. Haven't gone though every post so do not know if it has been commented on, but Ukraine is not a member of the EC, therefore any aggression by Russia does not necessarily require a response by NATO as no treaty obligation in place.

What has been commented on is Crimea only comprises a 60 percent Russian ethnic population and there is a possability of Crimea decending into ethnic militancy by non Russians with all the grief that will cause.

As far as I am aware the only actual current diplomatic outcome is for some countries to suspend further G8 talks with Russia and may be G20; this would be a blow to Russian economic opportunities & prestige, but does Putin really care? Also I read that Canada has recalled their Ambassador from Russia, perhaps more countries will follow.

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OK, I have now heard that the U.S. has a potentially strong "weapon" that would really hurt Russia and may indeed use it. That is cutting off banking relations with Russia. Apparently that would be a severe blow to the Russian economy. Yes Russia has weapons too, as in influence in Iran and Syria. This has only just begun.

In any case any international P.R. spike that Putin may have thought he got with his propaganda Olympics is now blown away big time.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is pretty funny.

Russian propaganda about how great the Russian invasion of Ukraine is.


Not sure why you find it funny or surprising, when over 60 % of population are Russian

At the moment, its not invasion of Ukraine but Krimea ONLY, all the pics from your link are from Krimea

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This is pretty funny.

Russian propaganda about how great the Russian invasion of Ukraine is.


Not sure why you find it funny or surprising, when over 60 % of population are Russian

At the moment, its not invasion of Ukraine but Krimea ONLY, all the pics from your link are from Krimea

Nice try. Maybe that's how Russians think. But the world knows better. Russia invaded Ukraine. He violated the borders. Putin is now even more a PARIAH. Russia will pay for this, one way or another.

Edited by Jingthing
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Ukraine declared full mobilization. Only 1,5% of inductees came to reception centres at the first day. A lot of people coming to Russia now because do not want fight for Nazi. Actually there are two or three states inside Ukaine - west catolics Galicya, ortodox Ost and Russian Cremea. half of Galicya territory belonged to Poland before WW2.

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This is pretty funny.

Russian propaganda about how great the Russian invasion of Ukraine is.


Not sure why you find it funny or surprising, when over 60 % of population are Russian

At the moment, its not invasion of Ukraine but Krimea ONLY, all the pics from your link are from Krimea

Nice try. Maybe that's how Russians think. But the world knows better. Russia invaded Ukraine. He violated the borders. Putin is now even more a PARIAH. Russia will pay for this, one way or another.

And why does the world know better?

What are your sources besides Western Media?

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Propagands or not, if I read the programs ans saw interviews of western Ukraines Nazi can I make my own decision? Now they have a lot of weapons like AK47 and other, they robbed military stocs. And I forgot to say Ukranians Nazi do not like LGBT persons too.

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Ukraine declared full mobilization. Only 1,5% of inductees came to reception centres at the first day. A lot of people coming to Russia now because do not want fight for Nazi. Actually there are two or three states inside Ukaine - west catolics Galicya, ortodox Ost and Russian Cremea. half of Galicya territory belonged to Poland before WW2.

In regard to Jews, you're talking about the past. I'm talking about today's Ukraine. It's bizarre that the Russian propagandists are using WW2 mentality to justify invading a sovereign country.

Of course there are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. As there are in Russia, France, the USA, etc. The Russian line that they are invading Ukraine to fight against Nazis is rubbish.

I don't doubt that LGBT people have a hard time now in ANY country with a strong Russian influence.

Edited by Jingthing
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This is pretty funny.

Russian propaganda about how great the Russian invasion of Ukraine is.


Not sure why you find it funny or surprising, when over 60 % of population are Russian

At the moment, its not invasion of Ukraine but Krimea ONLY, all the pics from your link are from Krimea

Nice try. Maybe that's how Russians think. But the world knows better. Russia invaded Ukraine. He violated the borders. Putin is now even more a PARIAH. Russia will pay for this, one way or another.

And why does the world know better?

What are your sources besides Western Media?

Western media is much more free and objective than blatant Russian propaganda government organs. Cheers.

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Ukraine declared full mobilization. Only 1,5% of inductees came to reception centres at the first day. A lot of people coming to Russia now because do not want fight for Nazi. Actually there are two or three states inside Ukaine - west catolics Galicya, ortodox Ost and Russian Cremea. half of Galicya territory belonged to Poland before WW2.

Of course there are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine. As there are in Russia, France, the USA, etc. The Russian line that they are invading Ukraine to fight against Nazis is rubbish.

I don't doubt that LGBT people have a hard time now in ANY country with a strong Russian influence.

Nazi does not get power in Russia, France, the USA, etc. In Ukrain they did

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Nobody is denying there are right wing nationalist forces in Ukraine.

One nation, one people, one state sounds like nationalist rhetoric for ANY country, including Thailand.

I don't believe this is the reason Russia is invading. It's about their self interest.

Ukraine has the right to self determination like any sovereign country.

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Western media is much more free and objective than blatant Russian propaganda government organs. Cheers.

According to whom? you?

How exactly do you make such statements when you do not speak other languages and do not watch anything else but Western Media

How exactly did you arrive at conclusion Western Media is more objective? is it because Western Media said so? or Western Based agency determined so?

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Western media is much more free and objective than blatant Russian propaganda government organs. Cheers.

According to whom? you?

How exactly do you make such statements when you do not speak other languages and do not watch anything else but Western Media

How exactly did you arrive at conclusion Western Media is more objective? is it because Western Media said so? or Western Based agency determined so?

Russian propaganda is broadcast in English as well, mate.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

There are free countries with free press and then there are those that are not free.

Russia is NOT free.

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Nobody is denying there are right wing nationalist forces in Ukraine.

One nation, one people, one state sounds like nationalist rhetoric for ANY country, including Thailand.

I don't believe this is the reason Russia is invading. It's about their self interest.

Ukraine has the right to self determination like any sovereign country.

Of course Russian is looking out for it's self interests just as its looking out for millions of native Russians living in Ukraine

If Ukraine wants to be independent, then perhaps they should not be waiting for hand outs and discounts from Russia for everything, but pay their own pay, which they do not do.

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I get it now. Who's your Daddy? Russia wants to be Ukraine's Daddy. Ukraine seems to say: NYET!

I know all about Ukraine's past ... from my refugee grandparents.

But it's a new day now, and Russia needs to move forward from World War 2 mindset.

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I get it now. Who's your Daddy? Russia wants to be Ukraine's Daddy. Ukraine seems to say: NYET!

I know all about Ukraine's past ... from my refugee grandparents.

But it's a new day now, and Russia needs to move forward from World War 2 mindset.

Has Ukraine done anything to separate itself from Russia?

A kid wants to be independent but instead of getting a job to support himself, keeps relying on parents.

So is the kid independent? or parents can pull the plug at any time?

So you saying forget the past? and start fresh?

Forget the heavily discounted gas deals? forget the subsidy's for past 20 or so years and just start fresh?

Sort of like US has done with all the states its subsidizing.

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Western media is much more free and objective than blatant Russian propaganda government organs. Cheers.

According to whom? you?

How exactly do you make such statements when you do not speak other languages and do not watch anything else but Western Media

How exactly did you arrive at conclusion Western Media is more objective? is it because Western Media said so? or Western Based agency determined so?

Russian propaganda is broadcast in English as well, mate.

We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

There are free countries with free press and then there are those that are not free.

Russia is NOT free.

Please post links to Russian Media from Russia in English?

Free press like US? where phones are tabbed or like UK may be?

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Here is the thing

For starters US should definitely keep its nose right out of it for a number of reasons, which include Iran and Syria as Russia can make things very very difficult for US without even having to lift a finger.

The EU, should be the only ones dealing with it but as usual EU is only talk and run straight to US for help

Ukraine does not stand a chance and should take that into consideration which they clearly are not doing.

A large number of Ukrainian army are Russians, so not exactly your most loyal soldiers.

That part of Ukraine is Russian speaking, again not exactly your loyal crowds.

Russian can and will turn off all oil and gas supplies, Ukraine will freeze to death and rest assured EU will not be paying or supplying as EU heavily relies on Russian oil and gas.

Russia is better equipped, stable and arrogant. Ukraine is a total state of chaos.

But do you believe that what Russia has done is the best way to resolve a conflict?

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What an absolute gem……………………!!!.cheesy.gif

these people shouldn't be movie stars, that's for sure because when they get to the final act they would have clean forgot what was said in act 1 scene 4laugh.png


Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

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Here is the thing

For starters US should definitely keep its nose right out of it for a number of reasons, which include Iran and Syria as Russia can make things very very difficult for US without even having to lift a finger.

The EU, should be the only ones dealing with it but as usual EU is only talk and run straight to US for help

Ukraine does not stand a chance and should take that into consideration which they clearly are not doing.

A large number of Ukrainian army are Russians, so not exactly your most loyal soldiers.

That part of Ukraine is Russian speaking, again not exactly your loyal crowds.

Russian can and will turn off all oil and gas supplies, Ukraine will freeze to death and rest assured EU will not be paying or supplying as EU heavily relies on Russian oil and gas.

Russia is better equipped, stable and arrogant. Ukraine is a total state of chaos.

But do you believe that what Russia has done is the best way to resolve a conflict?
May not be the best way , but may well be the only way.

Only time will show and tell

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Betting on the bankrupt EU over Russia seems an odd economic tactic to me - but I guess there's all the history and culture to consider.

But for Europe - after years of reducing NATO land forces and switching to dessert camouflage uniforms and painting all the Land Rovers yellow - will we now need to switch back to olive drab and dust off the battle tanks?

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What an absolute gem……………………!!!.cheesy.gif

these people shouldn't be movie stars, that's for sure because when they get to the final act they would have clean forgot what was said in act 1 scene 4laugh.png


Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'blink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.pngblink.png

That's confusing Kerry with Bush and also trying to change the focus of this topic. There is also the real concern that Russia is staging a major land grab of at least the Crimea region of Ukraine ... to bring them and perhaps other areas or the entire country into Russia.

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the ruskies had a deal with the Ukraine to base troops there till 2042 so whats the deal ?Brits Had army bases in Germany after WW2 until closing them down recently and still a few to go .Yanks are in Cuba and elsewhere ,load of hypocrites eh

Ukrainians in the east Love Russian ,those in the west want to get on the EU gravy train

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