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Save the Prom......any ideas?


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Only 3-4 months ago i said this..;

Posted 2013-10-09 20:32:50

White Elephant comes to my mind on Promenada Mall....wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

Looks as tho' i was right, sadly..

Look at this earlier thread and jog your memories..its all very obvious IMO that it was not likely to succeed;


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I live in Nimmanhaemin area, I haven't been bothered to go to Maya, let alone ride out to Prom for a second time.

They opened waaaaay to early, people went, were unimpressed and now remember that when thinking about visiting.

A small City like Chiang Mai only has enough potential customers to sustain a small number of shopping malls. I come from Nottingham in UK, a much bigger City than Chiang Mai and yet fewer shopping malls. We are in the middle of a World Recession (like it or not) and most people generally only have a limited amount to spend in shopping malls and the like.

To use cooking analogies, Maya and Promenada are both half baked, Festival on the other hand is the fully baked, nicely decorated cake, with everything anyone could need inside it. Neither Maya nor Promenada seem to have been thought through. The idea that you just build a mall, and people will just flock in is a mistake. Other than that you live close by, why would anyone want to visit Maya or Promenada over either Festival or Airport Plaza. Both the latter are far more rounded and complete entities, including as they do, Department Stores alongside the plethora of other retail places.

Also, and well worth noting, car parking at both Airport and Festival is a breeze (other than Sundays!) whereas parking at both Maya and Promenada on busy days (there were a few at the beginning of Promenada) is an ill conceived joke. Not only insufficient spaces but potentially very dangerous and time consuming exits onto already very busy highways.

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What a fantastic resource of ideas and information TV is.

We know everything about everything, with only a hundred or so regular posters we could tell businesses where to set up, what to sell, how to succeed.

And for free!

But as we know, Thai's listening to farangs advice......will never happen.

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Is is our job to save a multi-gazillion baht shopping center?

The people who built the mall did their feasibility studies, and launched their idea. Anyone who goes into business does this step with varying degrees of thought and thoroughness.

Who knows why it was built? Maybe someone wealthy in Bangkok or elsewhere just wanted to be able to say that he now owns a shopping mall in Chiang Mai. It's hard to get inside the heads of the super-rich.

Those prepared to seek out and heed sound advice from others along the way will have better prospects of realizing success. That said, however, I suspect that the owners of the mall are not about to listen to any of our views, no matter how stable the concepts. At least not yet.


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I heard that some 'clever' dutch business people conceived, planned and bank rolled Promenada-not sure it that's true though..

But if external finance is involved, the rent roll will soon be insufficient to service the debt, and the financiers will take ownership. It will then sit on their balance sheet as an (overvalued) asset until some 'friend' gets it on the cheap.

Then they can reduce all the rents, and fill it with el cheapo stores and hopefully more customers.

Meantime, an hourly free shuttle bus ( or fleet of reds) into various points in the city might breathe some life into it, if they organise events worth taking time out to visit. Maybe themed food/tour/culture weeks for other individual countries, musicfest, fun stuff for kids etc etc - but something every week so we all want to know what is on at Promenada this week.

Personally I always thought it was ill conceived in that location, over elaborate (expensive), and crazy to open it when less than 50% finished- but it will never compete with Central Festival on equal terms, so has to establish it's own raison d'etre.

Time to call in consultants - you know, those over paid experts who, when you ask them the time, borrow your watch!

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Why should I want to "Save the Prom" -- they never seriously courted my business or the business of the others who chose to live a car-free life in the central city. There was some vague promise of shuttle service upon opening and then people were stranded at the mall, forced to pay hundreds of baht to get back into town -- if they could find song thaews at all. (We were stupid enough to go to a late movie there once and the management had to call a taxi for us)

Nope, that mall never wanted our business and now we're shopping where we're wanted -- at Maya Mall and, I must admit, I keep going back to good old Kad Suan Kaew, yes it's old and frumpy -- but most of the time it delivers the goods.

Well to be honest with you Nancy Promenada was not built with the expectation of taking lots of customers from your part of town. They do have free shuttles and you need to get the schedule for them the same as the ones for the Central Festival and the Airport Mall. They are all the same you miss the preset shuttle time you walk.

I have been in Maya and it is in no where near completion if it is I don't think it will last long. The Promenada has an area that is wide open to further housing construction and is much more appealing. It needs an anchor store such as the airport has with Robinson and the KSK and Central Festival have with Central. Perhaps the Maya will have some thing unique to offer when they open the roof up. Remember your only experience with the Promenada was when they were partially open and then you were going for the film festival. I was more interested in the roof of the Maya and it was not open. I will not dish it because of that. I will give them the time to finish it before I pass judgment.

Word is next week the Promenada will be opening a new Italian restaurant with a real Deli. If I was forced to name the thing I miss most since moving here other than people it would be a real Deli.

WTK had some great ideas for the Promenada that might help the Maya. We now have five major malls. Three of them offer free transportation the other two don't and they are with in walking distance of each other.

I have also heard there is talk nothing serious yet about opening a decent gym at the Promenada. It came up in a discussion about where to invest some money between two friends of mine who are doers not talkers. From the number of threads looking for a good gym that could be a big draw. People would have to get the free shuttle service schedules for those not living close by.

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I live in Nimmanhaemin area, I haven't been bothered to go to Maya, let alone ride out to Prom for a second time.

They opened waaaaay to early, people went, were unimpressed and now remember that when thinking about visiting.

You are quite right. Funny how we remember the bad experiences and not the reason for them. Especially ones that are only temporary reasons.

It is how ever a fair way to go for a lot of people. I think it was built with an eye to the future expansion of the area. How ever there have been a few suggestions that would make a long trip worth while.

I know it was tounge in cheek but I think the immigration idea might work out well. If I remember the article from city life correctly they had permission to hire 15 more staff. Only problem was Bangkok was to do the hiring. Also the fact is they do not have room where they are for more staff.

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I don't get it with all these malls , most of them are targeting a mid - upper wage earner. I just don't see the wages here supporting that kind of spending pattern. Sure you will see the weekend "mall tourist" who might take in a meal and the cinema but they are getting a bit spread around.

I just don't see the maths adding up, or is it something to do with consumer debt increasing dramatically for the last 5 years.

I'm with Sally on this one. There simply aren't enough higher wage earners around to spend the kind of money these stores need to generate on a regular basis. If the food courts can't even survive, how will the higher end stores?

People go to the Dukes because they know the name and the reputation. How many other shops or restaurants in this mall can boast of the same?

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Was down there the other evening, the last time was when it opened.

Really sad sight! A lovely building but almost completely empty!

The only place with people in was Dukes.

Must be sole destroying working there!

Went in ToysRUs and completely empty with full shelves.

The management need to do something very soon!

Ikea is a good idea.... especially if they do their meatballs!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Was down there the other evening, the last time was when it opened.

Really sad sight! A lovely building but almost completely empty!

The only place with people in was Dukes.

Must be sole destroying working there!

Went in ToysRUs and completely empty with full shelves.

The management need to do something very soon!

Ikea is a good idea.... especially if they do their meatballs!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe an IKEA meatball stand would turn things around smile.png

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Appricate your views on savng the Prom I go past there a lot unfortunately there is little if any chance of it being saved the only people who can save save are the owners I know a person who has a small shop there and it is so expensive with little foot traffic.

Lower rents more shoppers are the only thing that will save it.

The die has been cast.

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Was down there the other evening, the last time was when it opened.

Really sad sight! A lovely building but almost completely empty!

The only place with people in was Dukes.

Must be sole destroying working there!

Went in ToysRUs and completely empty with full shelves.

The management need to do something very soon!

Ikea is a good idea.... especially if they do their meatballs!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe an IKEA meatball stand would turn things around smile.png

Pardon me Smith, but what is 'IKEA'??

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My wife and I went there once and she pointed out that there are no stores selling shoes or bras. Malls need to target women more than men, but I think they have failed to attract the right kinds of stores. As the other posters have said, the only place with any customers was Dukes. I like the feel of the place though and I hope they make it.

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"or my best idea of the night would be for Thai Immigration to take over the mall and provide good parking, more office space and a lot more happy officers and patrons." (jaidee guy post 33)

Now THAT is a good idea. Maybe the govt. could declare eminent domain and turn it into the New Chiang Mai Immigration. Don't expect them to keep the aircon on, though.

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My wife and I went there once and she pointed out that there are no stores selling shoes or bras. Malls need to target women more than men, but I think they have failed to attract the right kinds of stores. As the other posters have said, the only place with any customers was Dukes. I like the feel of the place though and I hope they make it.

to be fair, Rimping also has customers. but not as many as when they first opened. i love that Rimping. i hope they make it.

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You can probably do a few things right ...

Start a beach volleyball contest and have singha girls vs Heineken and as many teams as you can muster ...

Then with the man coming without complaining, you can turn one end of it to a driving range, have a proper bowling centre for the universities kids and karaoke and one of the outdoor BBQ places instead of the fancy mix restaurant and you suddenly have eye candy which attracts the other half of those who enjoy that

This in turn spins off the necessary business for the loads of business carts as you have to buy your gf something

And of course a DIY store will fit right on so that you can explain to your Teeruk or at least boast you know the difference in the chemical mix of the 16 types of paint there

And when it's finally time to head home, you pop down to Rimping and buy some proper cheesecake so that your missus thinks you just went for a movie and is such a sweetheart

Sent from my iPod touch using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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My wife and I went there once and she pointed out that there are no stores selling shoes or bras. Malls need to target women more than men, but I think they have failed to attract the right kinds of stores. As the other posters have said, the only place with any customers was Dukes. I like the feel of the place though and I hope they make it.

It had Ladies' Shoes when I went there, the missus' beady eye spotted it a mile off.

They must have decided having only a handful of customers doesn't pay the rent.

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Thai household debt around 80% of GDP. This article suggests the average household using about 1/3 of salary to service debt.


With the cost of services and food etc ever rising, my assumption would be the average Somchai is not in a position to bail out Promenada!

Edited by cmsally
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As MESmith posted earlier,there is a CM Fest organized over this weekend 1-2 March.....this is a chance to go there and show the support IMO...who knows,it can be good...

...and for those,who refused to 'drive' themselves,there is a free shuttle bus from 11am till Midnight at numerous locations...so no excuse now tongue.png


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This is not so much about Promenada, the design of which I rather like, but about malls generally. Suddenly, there are a lot of them. Three new big ones to add to the two before

For people who generally post here, why are you apparently bringing with you such affection for malls and "box stores," such as Macro and HomePro? They are indeed convenient --- no denying it --- but what else comes with that commercial baggage? If that is your thing, perhaps you belong back in the lands of HomeMart, Tesco, or Walmart. Are you zombies following the lures of shopping lust ?!

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