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Elderly Store Keeper severely beats Cambodian Home Invasion and assault suspect

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Brilliant...........these "cowardly low lives" deserve more of this type of punishment (retribution).......

in whichever country these attacks takes place in

Sadly in the UK the defender has to answer to the law for protecting their own family and property

"I despair for the good people on this earth"

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I think Cambodia government will condemn a cowardly aggression against a poor Cambodian citizen and Tarit will make this like a special case and ask a speed up investigation against the old aggressor cheesy.gif

I'm just joking

This stupid Cambodian has got a good punishment. I'm hope Thai court will give justice to this act


These are the kind of stories i like reading ! Well done to the old man, he had every right to do what he did.

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I love this story...hope many more like this to come...thugs get a taste of their own medicine...good stuff!!!


Good job, well done. Too bad that intruder did not suffer life threatening injuries.

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tonytigerbkk likes this (a lot).

I hope that Khun Suntorn does not get into any trouble for defending his family.

To the Cambodian idiot who decided to put himself in Grandpa's line of fire, Som nom na

I don't think so. Thai police and courts take a practical view of these type of home defence scenarios, particularly when the intruders are foreigners. I remember once a retired naval officer shot a Ghanaian burglar as he was escaping over the wall of his house. The burglar was found bleeding profusely a couple of hundred metres away and bundled off to jail. There was no charge against the naval officer, even though the burglar was shot after he no longer presented any threat to him or his family. In this case the intruder presented a clear threat to his family and he only bludgeoned him with a piece of wood. He didn't shoot or stab him. Very decent of him I would say. He could easily of cut his throat once he was unconscious to make sure he wouldn't wake and present a threat again. There have been complaints by families of Thai burglars who were shot dead by home owners but I don't think they ever got very far.


Good job, well done. Too bad that intruder did not suffer life threatening injuries.

In a Cambodian village a group of women sliced off a rapist's private parts after he was caught raping a young girl.

He has been completely rehabilitated and never re-offended since then.

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In the magical kingdom of Australia grandpa would have been charged with assault occasioning GBH and the Cambodian would have been able to sue Grandpa with the free legal aid provided by the federal government! There would then be a petition raised by the "save the poor brutalised Cambodian Fund" pushing for the licensing and eventual banning of clubs made of wood. "If it saves only one childs life" quoted a spokeswoman as she brushed aside comments that it would cause the collapse of the housing industry! thumbsup.gif

Yes its very sad (stupidly so) that in many western countries they seem to think it is civilized to allow whatever a criminal wants to do, but take action against those protecting home and family against the criminal.

Look at the idiocy that happens almost daily in reports of such actions in the UK - I feel truly depressed at what the PC apologists have done to the western world - what fools!


I don't know enough about other countries, but in Canada, you are allowed to resist invasion, & assault, so long as only "reasonable force" is used. That being said the whole scenario changes if the assailant suffers any serious or permanent injury. Then they come after you. Kudos from Grandpa, personally I hope he spun the rapists head but good.


In the magical kingdom of Australia grandpa would have been charged with assault occasioning GBH and the Cambodian would have been able to sue Grandpa with the free legal aid provided by the federal government! There would then be a petition raised by the "save the poor brutalised Cambodian Fund" pushing for the licensing and eventual banning of clubs made of wood. "If it saves only one childs life" quoted a spokeswoman as she brushed aside comments that it would cause the collapse of the housing industry! thumbsup.gif

Yes its very sad (stupidly so) that in many western countries they seem to think it is civilized to allow whatever a criminal wants to do, but take action against those protecting home and family against the criminal.

Look at the idiocy that happens almost daily in reports of such actions in the UK - I feel truly depressed at what the PC apologists have done to the western world - what fools!

Sadly, PC Apologists need to suffer an attack on their own innocent family or friends,or themselves,before they wake up to reality and the real World!


In the magical kingdom of Australia grandpa would have been charged with assault occasioning GBH and the Cambodian would have been able to sue Grandpa with the free legal aid provided by the federal government! There would then be a petition raised by the "save the poor brutalised Cambodian Fund" pushing for the licensing and eventual banning of clubs made of wood. "If it saves only one childs life" quoted a spokeswoman as she brushed aside comments that it would cause the collapse of the housing industry! thumbsup.gif

You are not far off the mark re Australia and the do gooders, they had a vigil for a detention camp rioter last week who was killed on Manus island, no vigil for the poor kid who was beaten and stabbed by 20 Africans in Melbourne or the 14 year old girl pack raped by Somalian immigrants


The world is becoming a place with no common sense IMHO. Do something wrong, you should be punished. Come on some ones property at your own risk. People blame crimes on everything from poverty to mental disorders that do not exist. Makes me sick. I like the sign I saw a few days ago: Due to the high cost of ammunition we do not fire warning shots anymore.


I don't know enough about other countries, but in Canada, you are allowed to resist invasion, & assault, so long as only "reasonable force" is used. That being said the whole scenario changes if the assailant suffers any serious or permanent injury. Then they come after you. Kudos from Grandpa, personally I hope he spun the rapists head but good.

Deadly force should be allowed, that seems reasonable to me as I am sure the invader will not be using only enough force to get the job done.tongue.png


In the magical kingdom of Australia grandpa would have been charged with assault occasioning GBH and the Cambodian would have been able to sue Grandpa with the free legal aid provided by the federal government! There would then be a petition raised by the "save the poor brutalised Cambodian Fund" pushing for the licensing and eventual banning of clubs made of wood. "If it saves only one childs life" quoted a spokeswoman as she brushed aside comments that it would cause the collapse of the housing industry! thumbsup.gif

The 'Fleeing Felon' rule is a common law principle applicable in the UK and Australia, (unless repealed in the three decades since I studied law).

Anyone, including a bystander is permitted to use deadly force to prevent the commission of a felony or to prevent the felon from fleeing.


In the magical kingdom of Australia grandpa would have been charged with assault occasioning GBH and the Cambodian would have been able to sue Grandpa with the free legal aid provided by the federal government! There would then be a petition raised by the "save the poor brutalised Cambodian Fund" pushing for the licensing and eventual banning of clubs made of wood. "If it saves only one childs life" quoted a spokeswoman as she brushed aside comments that it would cause the collapse of the housing industry! thumbsup.gif

The 'Fleeing Felon' rule is a common law principle applicable in the UK and Australia, (unless repealed in the three decades since I studied law).

Anyone, including a bystander is permitted to use deadly force to prevent the commission of a felony or to prevent the felon from fleeing.

The lines are a bit blurry on this law.

The Tony Martin farmer case caused quite a stir in England when Tony Martin was originally jailed for life when he shot a burglar on his property.


What a great story!!

In the US many states have passed what is called 'The Castle Act', allowing use of deadly force to protect both life and property. The attorneys did not like the loss of revenue, the criminals hated the law, but enough people have pushed for it so it is a fairly straightforward law, with no loopholes.

In my province, it was well known that the first round goes into the intruder, the second round goes into the ceiling, and the subsequent report reads a warning shot was fired first....and the law now removes that necessity. The only liability is if the intruder is wounded -- in short, better to shoot to kill and finish the job.

Home invasions and burglaries, as well as grand theft auto, have shown a severe and welcome decline since the law passed. It has been tested in the court four times by highly intelligent and money grubbing attorneys, and all four times the law was upheld in no certain terms.

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