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Pigeons,how to get rid of them?

i claudius

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Some Thais won't like you killing pigeons because they also call them ' temple birds ' but the wife's aged aunt isn't so fussy so I bagged her a pigeon the other day so she could cook it for her dinner. Next day she was complaining so I asked the misses what was up. She told me her aunt didn't want any more pigeons because the meat was tough but any other birds would do. I asked if she had thought about cooking it for a bit longer but as we all know, you can never tell a Thai what to do.....

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The best way an airgun.

Has some-one idea about where can I buy airgun?

I had always before, and this is good fun for butts also.

they sell them in mbk ,just be sure to keep it in the bag till u get home

some of them are very real looking :D

they have hand guns and sniper rifles ,not sure about the power/ quality but probably plenty

to kill a pidgeon

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Buy some warfarin based rat bait.

Soak it in a small amount of water.

Add grain ,preferably wheat and mix together,

Allow to dry.

Mix a small amount with unpoisoned grain and put out for them to eat..

Gradually reduce unpoisoned grain and increase poisoned grain..

End of feathered rat problem.

Some rat bait is poisoned grain,no need to use the above recipe.

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Where can I find a BB gun? Where can I find an Owl ? In the states Wal-Mart has them but here????


in bkk most shopping centres and night markets have a stall full of weapons

everything from bb guns to cross bows and ninja stars ,flick knives ,nun chuks , knuckledusters with spikes etc

if your in a village ,i have no idea

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OMG, in BUddhist it's against of killing with death body causing more viruses, beware of the poo it may harmful to human may cause brain damage if not cure with antibotic . In Japanese shop of 60 baht you can find crow and some smell capsul which can scare pegion away.This kind of shop located in big shopping malls near you whereall items are 60 Baht, Don't used poison as the bad karma will get back to us.

One of my friend's father used the shot gun to kill pegions and he gets lung cancer very suffering before he die.

Did your friends dad smoke cigarettes?

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I don't think it will work. Pigeons are smart little birds and will avoid anything that smells off. They are the bane of my life. We now have many nesting on our roof. The only thing that really helps is a heavy downpour and a long wet season. They don't like owls much and I'm about to carve an owl face in a prominent tree stump in our garden- maybe it will help. I tried short fuse fireworks from a sling shot, but nearly blew a finger off, so I'd welcome ideas too.

im telling you ,it will work

you just mix the poison with something apetising

use your immagination ........a syringe with a needle 21g needle costs a couple of baht in any pharmacy

and you can inject poison into something they will swallow without even chewing ..........then BOOM

hi all.

poison will work,

get the poison from most garden shops your wife will no were,

just cook some rice, mix in some poison not to much and they will eat it, pigeons dont chew,,,lol,,,

itll just go in there crop and do them,

but please put the stuff were other animals, birds ect cant get at it, or youll be loosing your dog,cat ect

good luck jake

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get a bottle of whiskey that you dont like, soak bird seed in whiskey , feed this to the pigeons , after short while you can just pick them up and relocate them to a destination of your choice.

some may laugh at this but i have seen it work, and for the buddists, karma is not affected

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i use an air rifle with scope as they are so smart to fall for anything .they have incredible eyesight too so if you are planning something keep low .

in London trafalgar square they use a Hawk to scare them off and it works too .not so many around as they left the area fast

a fake owl or hawk might work

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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They are Rock Doves from Europe. They are one of the most widespread non migratory birds man has known. Squab is the red meat of the tender pigeon. In the country they taste good because of their diet. Like Crows, they are opportunistic and use mankind's devastation of nature to their advantage as their natural enemies have been eliminated.

When using decoys of predator birds, glue some real feathers to add movement realism. When hunting them use dove or pigeon decoys in fields just harvested. The third one from the front of a small formation is usually the leader of the pack, nail them and the flock will circle a few times for further thinning. Fricassee the meat, keeping it in saltwater overnight to tenderize and tame the wild game flavors. Bon appetite!

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IF you poison a pigeon in your next life you will be the pigeon that some other cruel human poisons . the birds only hang around where there is food so remove the food source if possible . everything has a spirit , so be kind and save your karma .

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Tried this once before with success. Soak some seeds (I used sesame) in engine coolant and strew them around. Did not see any dead birds but they disappeared for a while. Time to do it again as my neighbors seem be OK with crap covered ledges above window and doors.

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IF you poison a pigeon in your next life you will be the pigeon that some other cruel human poisons . the birds only hang around where there is food so remove the food source if possible . everything has a spirit , so be kind and save your karma .

what if you already poisoned a few dogs first?

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IF you poison a pigeon in your next life you will be the pigeon that some other cruel human poisons . the birds only hang around where there is food so remove the food source if possible . everything has a spirit , so be kind and save your karma .

I think i will take my chances ,this is not the rehersal ,this is it ,nothing after your dead.nada,

by the way what a response ,i never thought so many people hated the damn things ,

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OMG, in BUddhist it's against of killing with death body causing more viruses, beware of the poo it may harmful to human may cause brain damage if not cure with antibotic . In Japanese shop of 60 baht you can find crow and some smell capsul which can scare pegion away.This kind of shop located in big shopping malls near you whereall items are 60 Baht, Don't used poison as the bad karma will get back to us.

One of my friend's father used the shot gun to kill pegions and he gets lung cancel very suffering before he die.

I don't think the OP is Buddhist. So no harm no foul. I have shot lots of pigeons no lung cancer here

Some Karma are able to see on spot like PDRC leader ask riot police to disperse demostration in 2010 after 2014 he taste his own medicine, only 4 years time, some a long terms like when you kill a mother pegion where it has small pegion in nest waiting for foods not only kill the mother pegion but it whole family so Buddha says next life reborn as orphan, Karma is law of Universal where if you cheated somebody will get caught one day, or like Bill Gate the more he donate the money still come back to him as he still holding 76 Biilions.

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