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Missing Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 239 triggers Southeast Asia search


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gmac's post is interesting. As a rule, I give credence to actual pilots discussing issues having to do with piloting and aircraft. Odd though, that the sources he mentioned are the only ones presenting the "on the ground in Pakistan" theory. Not even a remote peep about that from any government or investigative spokespeople - of any country. Strange.

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A bit of levity from NY Times article today on legal/insurance fallout from (as of now) missing MH370 from one of the plaintiff's lawyers on the scene in Beijing:

Ms. Kelly, the lawyer, said families never believe that money can make up for their loss. But in one of her cases, she said, the husband died while flying with a mistress, and “the wife was happy to receive the money.”


Edited by JLCrab
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By now I would think every airfield in Pakistan as well as Iran, with even marginally sufficient runway length including overrun and semi-prepared areas, has been overflown & surveyed (by satellite and/or UAV) a dozen times or more with intense care for any sign of this aircraft or facilities supporting it. 'Not saying it's not a possibility (it is), but I think it would be difficult to conceal this, and chatter concerning it, from certain intelligence agencies for this long. Now, what outfits like that know they may not be sharing, at least not until after the matter's been dealt with... Whatever malicious use of the aircraft might be planned, the bad guys either have tremendous resources and complicity with which to keep it hidden, or are dealing with a ticking clock before it's discovered. If Pakistan were to be found hiding it, I doubt that even Obama would hesitate to authorize the measures necessary.

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A bit of levity from NY Times article today on legal/insurance fallout from (as of now) missing MH370 from one of the plaintiff's lawyers on the scene in Beijing:

Ms. Kelly, the lawyer, said families never believe that money can make up for their loss. But in one of her cases, she said, the husband died while flying with a mistress, and the wife was happy to receive the money.


Insurance policy likely had exclusion for terrorist acts. I don't see pay outs from insurance company being substantial if they cannot find the plane and exclude terrorism. In US, I would file a declaratory judemt action on coverage issue. Insurance company may walk unless there is a specific coverage for unexplained disappearance. I had a similar case many years ago where a plane my client financed disappeared while being used to haul drugs over the border. Airline may still be responsible even if insurance company skates.

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I saw the clip from anonymous where they are convinced that the plane went missing on behalf of Jacob Rothschild. A potentially world changing superconductor patent became the sole property of Rothschild when the plane crashed and killed the four other patent co-claimants.

Interesting that in the series Lost, it was another Jacob who brought that plane down. Life imitating art?

I know we aren't supposed to be drifting into conspiracies, but I do take the claims of Anonymous a little more seriously than most.

Has anyone seen this patent? All patents are in the public domain, if it exists someone should be able to track it down and reveal that the names of 4 of the patent holders were on that plane.

Here it is.. http://truthnewsinternational.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/us008671381.pdf

'Doesn't appear to have anything whatsoever to do with a "world changing superconductor" technology. It's merely about optimizing the number of dies that can be produced on a wafer, and is just a cover or title page. If it DOES (have anything to do with some new superconductor technology as you claim), there's no evidence of the fact on this page. If the four Chinese applicants shown were all on the flight, and JR & "Freescale Semiconductor, Inc." are connected, I guess that's interesting - but the page doesn't appear to be from anything near as important as you claim.

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I saw the clip from anonymous where they are convinced that the plane went missing on behalf of Jacob Rothschild. A potentially world changing superconductor patent became the sole property of Rothschild when the plane crashed and killed the four other patent co-claimants.

Interesting that in the series Lost, it was another Jacob who brought that plane down. Life imitating art?

I know we aren't supposed to be drifting into conspiracies, but I do take the claims of Anonymous a little more seriously than most.

Has anyone seen this patent? All patents are in the public domain, if it exists someone should be able to track it down and reveal that the names of 4 of the patent holders were on that plane.

Here it is.. http://truthnewsinternational.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/us008671381.pdf

'Doesn't appear to have anything whatsoever to do with a "world changing superconductor" technology. It's merely about optimizing the number of dies that can be produced on a wafer, and is just a cover or title page. If it DOES (have anything to do with some new superconductor technology as you claim), there's no evidence of the fact on this page. If the four Chinese applicants shown were all on the flight, and JR & "Freescale Semiconductor, Inc." are connected, I guess that's interesting - but the page doesn't appear to be from anything near as important as you claim.

But anonymous said . . .

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Why would a terrorist group steal a plane to pack it full of nuclear, biological weapons, letters of hatred to Western leaders, etc.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier to simply buy a plane? Funding seems to be no problem for many of these groups.

Okay, if they want the Chinese scientists for some dastardly deed, that makes some sense, but then again there are plenty of scientists around the world for hire.

Terrorists want publicity after the crime, not before.

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I saw the clip from anonymous where they are convinced that the plane went missing on behalf of Jacob Rothschild. A potentially world changing superconductor patent became the sole property of Rothschild when the plane crashed and killed the four other patent co-claimants.

Interesting that in the series Lost, it was another Jacob who brought that plane down. Life imitating art?

I know we aren't supposed to be drifting into conspiracies, but I do take the claims of Anonymous a little more seriously than most.

The fundamental problem with the patent theory is that the rights to patents awarded while a person is employed by a company are typically assigned to the company as condition of being employed there. Basically, if someone discovers something while they're being employed to design or research, it is part of their job. Note that supposed key patent is already assigned to Freescale, so it doesn't matter what happens to the creators.

I was once doing some work for a defense contractor and the engineers had patent certificates posted in their cubicles or offices. One guy had about 7, and I asked him how they figured out the royalties? He said, they don't get anything for the patents as all the rights were assigned to the company since they were created there. He also said the really valuable stuff in their field couldn't actually be patented for secrecy reasons anyway.

After I got over my shock, I thought about it a bit and it makes sense. People are constantly creating things for their employer as part of their jobs with the full understanding that whatever they create belongs to that company. New product, new brand name, new manufacturing process, whatever. Being able to patent something doesn't change that.

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Just showing some nonsensical protest from the families in kl.

They demand an apology for withholding info, they demand that Boeing meet with them? To discuss exactly what.

They accuse the Malaysians of withholding info? Nuts. Nuts nuts.

You're right, they don't withhold any info, Malaysian Airlines even told the families that the plane went down in the Indian Ocean and that all their relatives were dead, without actually having a clue what happened to the plane and its passengers.

So by that definition, Malaysian airlines could just make up any old story and feed into these people and they would be happy.

The odds that there is a conspiracy are the smallest of all the possibilities. There are no facts to hide, because the Malaysian authorities don't know where it is. The odds that the Chinese took it are higher and that is incredibly unlikely.

Did I say anything about a conspiracy ?

Did I say anything about the Chinese taking it ?

You say there are no facts to hide, while can not know since clearly nobody knows all the facts so far.

I believe still in a hijacking, but that's a personal opinion .

I did say that they announced that it had crashed into the Indian ocean and everyone had died, while a week later they still don't have a clue what happened to it.

If they don't know where it is, they shouldn't make statements like that .

After the Inmarsat data they do believe they know where it went down. Why they made the 100% conclusive statement I don't know. Its after deduction and an educated guess.

But they do have a clue now where it is. They can't declare it a hijack since there is zero proof it was. It might have been but pretty unlikely.

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bbc interview questions reports


Poor woman - delusional. Feel very sorry for her.

I think the same. But as there is no answers, which people who are really involved in this case, require. There will be more and more of these questions. I bet there is plenty of people who are desperately seeking for resolution, any kind.

Personally I think these questions should be answered in a serious way. Not laughing, not ignoring nor pushing the lady down. Otherwise she might stay on her state of shock, which bunch of loonies will enforce, if there is no reliable people answering to her questions.

It's two very different thing to think out of the box compared to focus on conspiracies.

I saw the video interview in the link, and object to the word 'delusional' to describe her. Stressed, flummoxed, at wit's end, betrayed, fed up, ....would be better adjectives.
Yes, I agree - delusional was not the correct word to use. She looked like she needed a good night's sleep and was so distraught that she was grasping at any theory to keep her hopes up that her husband was still alive.
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I saw the clip from anonymous where they are convinced that the plane went missing on behalf of Jacob Rothschild. A potentially world changing superconductor patent became the sole property of Rothschild when the plane crashed and killed the four other patent co-claimants.

Interesting that in the series Lost, it was another Jacob who brought that plane down. Life imitating art?

I know we aren't supposed to be drifting into conspiracies, but I do take the claims of Anonymous a little more seriously than most.

Has anyone seen this patent? All patents are in the public domain, if it exists someone should be able to track it down and reveal that the names of 4 of the patent holders were on that plane.

Here it is.. http://truthnewsinternational.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/us008671381.pdf

Nothing to do with superconductors. It appears to be a process to optimise the selection of die shapes to cut silicon wafers when manufacturing semi-conductors. Earth shattering it is not and certainly no reason to kill anyone over let alone a plane load of people.

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I like the theory by General McInerney about the plane being in Pakistan. It is a pretty close fit to all existing evidence.

Initial ping data had a southern arc and a northern arc. For some reason everybody went with the southern arc.

The dog and pony show of searching the southern Indian Ocean will wind up in about two weeks, and you will start

seeing spokespeople saying it is hopeless, as they wind it down. I do not know exactly what happened, but

the version we are getting now, of a rogue pilot flying to his death in the Indian Ocean is not correct.

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I like the theory by General McInerney about the plane being in Pakistan. It is a pretty close fit to all existing evidence.

Initial ping data had a southern arc and a northern arc. For some reason everybody went with the southern arc.


For some reason?

You need to keep up with events...


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I saw the clip from anonymous where they are convinced that the plane went missing on behalf of Jacob Rothschild. A potentially world changing superconductor patent became the sole property of Rothschild when the plane crashed and killed the four other patent co-claimants.

Interesting that in the series Lost, it was another Jacob who brought that plane down. Life imitating art?

I know we aren't supposed to be drifting into conspiracies, but I do take the claims of Anonymous a little more seriously than most.

Has anyone seen this patent? All patents are in the public domain, if it exists someone should be able to track it down and reveal that the names of 4 of the patent holders were on that plane.

Here it is.. http://truthnewsinternational.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/us008671381.pdf

Nothing to do with superconductors. It appears to be a process to optimise the selection of die shapes to cut silicon wafers when manufacturing semi-conductors. Earth shattering it is not and certainly no reason to kill anyone over let alone a plane load of people.

That is one page of an application. it says nothing of the significance or the application of said technology. Since I can't add anymore to the theory I'll drop it. But it seems quite odd that Anonymous has taken such a determined stance about it. When everyone else is waffling through possibilities. I think there is more to it.

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A bit of levity from NY Times article today on legal/insurance fallout from (as of now) missing MH370 from one of the plaintiff's lawyers on the scene in Beijing:

Ms. Kelly, the lawyer, said families never believe that money can make up for their loss. But in one of her cases, she said, the husband died while flying with a mistress, and the wife was happy to receive the money.


Insurance policy likely had exclusion for terrorist acts. I don't see pay outs from insurance company being substantial if they cannot find the plane and exclude terrorism. In US, I would file a declaratory judemt action on coverage issue. Insurance company may walk unless there is a specific coverage for unexplained disappearance. I had a similar case many years ago where a plane my client financed disappeared while being used to haul drugs over the border. Airline may still be responsible even if insurance company skates.

The judge in Chicago already threw out (as in the article linked) claims against Boeing. And the insurance companies may just pay money -- unexplained disappearance or otherwise -- if the families sign a waiver against further claims and/or judgments . I know this because I read the article.

Edited by JLCrab
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Hobbit movie director's plane used in search of missing jet


File photo : Peter Jackson

Wellington - A high speed jet owned by Sir Peter Jackson, director of the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings movies, is being used in the search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

A spokesman for Jackson confirmed his Gulfstream G650 jet had been chartered to authorities to help in the search for the missing Boeing777-200.

Radio New Zealand said Jackson, who directed the "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" movies, had personally approved the use of his Gulfstream G650 in the search.

The plane is being used to relay communications between military aircraft involved in the search. The jet was not donated to help in the search effort, rather the company which operated the jet had accepted a charter offer, the report said.

MH370 disappeared on March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. Ten planes and 10 ships from seven nations are continuing to search for the plane, which carried 239 people, in the southern Indian Ocean west of Perth.

Jackson bought the Gulfstream in March last year for a reported 80million New Zealand dollars (69 million dollars). It has a top speed of about 1,140 kilometres per hour, close to the speed of sound, anda range of 12,960 kilometres, enabling it to fly from New Zealand to Los Angeles without refueling.

-- The Nation 2014-04-02

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The jet was not donated to help in the search effort, rather the company which operated the jet had accepted a charter offer, the report said.


I wonder how much they were "offered".

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Interesting question from PPrune:

In this case the flight did not go missing for Malaysian ATC - they had hand ed the flight off to Vietnamese ATC. The Vietnamese did look on primary radar once they determined it was missing from their ATC radar; they saw what could only have been MH370 headed west, back towards the Malaysian landmass - and they reported this to Malaysian authorities (we don't know exactly when or how but they have said that they did do so.)

Interestingly enough, the Malaysian military much later acknowledged tracking a flight on primary radar at about that time and on about that course until it went out of their range somewhere in the Malacca Strait at 2:40 am local time.

A week or ten days later the Thai government piped up and said that their military had also tracked (apparently) this same flight at that time.

The interesting part is that on March 8th, in the first reports of a plane missing, the Malaysian government issued a statement that the last sighting of MH370 was at 2:40 am on the 9th. We know this for a fact!

So we know that the Malaysian government was aware of MH370's filght path out of the South China Sea from the very beginning of this event.

Now, why did the Malaysian government let 8 nations search the South China Sea looking for an airliner they knew wasn't there for the next week??

Can anybody answer that question?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I can take a wild guess.

Sent from my Lenovo S960 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I can take a wild guess too...

But don't you think at this point... Anything is possible? Think about it... If indeed it is in the Ocean... And the Cargo Manifest is legit.... There is so much debri that would float... Mangosteens plastic boxes they would have been pack in... (4 tons worth...) Luggage... seat cushions... Life jackets... purses... carry on items... I can go on but I think you understand what I am getting at. My wifes family has several Orchards we have tested containers used, and fruit... In both fresh and salt water conditions. They are still floating from day 2 of the search. They have taken pictures from 175-200 ft and you can tell there is something in water, not what it is., but something is there. (We did this in Ping River) I would also search beaches, as in windy conditions with tide and waves they would travel fast. Any Island around the suspected "PATHS" or along the Ping Arc. Word should be sent by Radio to whereever in the Indian Ocean... no matter how desolated to look daily!! You find the fruit and Knowing Sea's Movement and time elapsed you will find Crash Site... But only if it Crashed!

I would check local markets in all the surrounding countries for an abundence of fruit... Simple yes! Stupid maybe... but here again the World is watching... let them also do some looking... If it' something not normally there at this time of year... Or price is cheap (Maybe there's an abundence of it...) should be reported to Police, News Teams, whoever would be honest enough to speak up...

I don't believe it, but my mind is open for any clues at this time. Remember weeks back on Thai Vista dot Com There was an article about 2 Former Navy Seals Now working for Blackwater Security... who Died Guarding Containers and Freighter disappeared... Who is the Employer of the Engineers who disappeared??? Same?? Why was that article hushed up and disappeared from the Press...??? What could possibly have been in the containers to warrant their own Security Team...?

I still want to post a Picture of this Phone to quell G Jim's rages on here... He may know 2 or 3 things... But he does not know 4 or 5! How to copy Photo and get site here to show it?? I will even send to a Moderator to do If He Wants!

Hey Guys... at this point anything is possible! Like you until proven correct then... I will believe!

You should earn a place on the TV wall of fame and never ever be banned due to the accompanying drop in morale we would all suffer.

Firstly you seem to be talking about these mangosteens like they would be filling the ocean up like something from the Quatermass experiment. It was 4 tonnes, not 4 million tonnes. 4 tonnes of mangosteen will fill the back of two Toyota hilux trucks. Just HOW are you going to spot these mangosteens that are purple brown in colour bobbing around in a gazzillion square miles of water? You think there are enough mangosteens for several countries to now be enjoying a 'fruit de la mer' bonanza where the markets are not only over flowing with mangosteens but so many that the prices have been driven down. I have no explanation why but the phrase 'a sandwich short of a picnic' keeps looping around my head. Furthermore unless these mangosteens have a hidden magnetic property it is most likely they are now lonesome unaccompanied mangosteens each thinking they are (correctly) a lone mangosteen in a very large ocean, and not a huge mass of fruit waiting to be washed ashore together to solve a third world countries food shortage.

There is no need to feel you out to quell my non existent rage by displaying your prowess in pasting a photo of a phone that could be hidden in an orifice. I have no rage, contraire I am very happy to be entertained by one of the greatest thinkers of our time David wink.png

I am truly upset that I did not witness you and your wife experimenting on mangosteens chucked in the Ping River. Is the Ping River anything to do with the Ping Arc? it seems a remarkable coincidence.

Hmmm must not be in Thailand.... Doesn't know where the Ping River is... If you ask anyone in Chiang Mai Province or Lamphun Province... They will probably ask if you escaped from Hospital as if you close your eyes... and walk you will probably fall in it!

Actually 4 tons will fill one Truck with trailer we see on supers all the time and 1/2 of the trailer... and what I said they would move pretty fast with current... so finding of beach somewhere close to (if it indeed crashed in Ocean) crashed would be a +80% probability. As husk or skin has a oil sealed skin (Purple - YES) and anywhere from 3 to 5 cm thick husk that will keep it afloat. If you had witnessed the event you still would have missed seeing my Wife and I... I said my Wifes Family.....!

G. Jim you would never have to worry about moral here on TV.... "As you would always find... Something.... to Contest..." Am I Correct??

I am not worried about pictures or where they came from.... Yes I agree that it probably is a Farce of the worst kind! What I am saying and you intended to make a joke of it, by apparently not responding...

Just because something said it was sent from a I-5s doesn't mean that it was sent from a Original Apple Phone!

Kinda wish Google or someone would update there map Data in this whole region perodically. Especially now....

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I like the theory by General McInerney about the plane being in Pakistan. It is a pretty close fit to all existing evidence.

Initial ping data had a southern arc and a northern arc. For some reason everybody went with the southern arc.


For some reason?

You need to keep up with events...


I am keeping up..... If they actually could come up with a reasonable location by pings, given the staggering amount of effort in the search, they would have found something by now. As of today, they have found..........wait for it.........nothing. Search area number one - South China Sea. Oops that was wrong. Search area number two, the Malacca Straits. Oops that was wrong too. Search area number three. Way way down in the South Indian Sea. Oops that was wrong too. So now in search area number 4..... Why is this search area more valid? Refined ping calculations ???

The level of misinformation in the disappearance of this aircraft simply boggles the mind, at this point not sure what to believe in official releases......... Why in the hell would Malaysian Airlines mislead everyone about the final transmission from the plane? That is completely nonsensical......

This story is far from over, and the simplistic notion of a pilot gone rogue killing a couple hundred

people does not work........

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I can take a wild guess.

Sent from my Lenovo S960 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


I can take a wild guess too...

But don't you think at this point... Anything is possible? Think about it... If indeed it is in the Ocean... And the Cargo Manifest is legit.... There is so much debri that would float... Mangosteens plastic boxes they would have been pack in... (4 tons worth...) Luggage... seat cushions... Life jackets... purses... carry on items... I can go on but I think you understand what I am getting at. My wifes family has several Orchards we have tested containers used, and fruit... In both fresh and salt water conditions. They are still floating from day 2 of the search. They have taken pictures from 175-200 ft and you can tell there is something in water, not what it is., but something is there. (We did this in Ping River) I would also search beaches, as in windy conditions with tide and waves they would travel fast. Any Island around the suspected "PATHS" or along the Ping Arc. Word should be sent by Radio to whereever in the Indian Ocean... no matter how desolated to look daily!! You find the fruit and Knowing Sea's Movement and time elapsed you will find Crash Site... But only if it Crashed!

I would check local markets in all the surrounding countries for an abundence of fruit... Simple yes! Stupid maybe... but here again the World is watching... let them also do some looking... If it' something not normally there at this time of year... Or price is cheap (Maybe there's an abundence of it...) should be reported to Police, News Teams, whoever would be honest enough to speak up...

I don't believe it, but my mind is open for any clues at this time. Remember weeks back on Thai Vista dot Com There was an article about 2 Former Navy Seals Now working for Blackwater Security... who Died Guarding Containers and Freighter disappeared... Who is the Employer of the Engineers who disappeared??? Same?? Why was that article hushed up and disappeared from the Press...??? What could possibly have been in the containers to warrant their own Security Team...?

I still want to post a Picture of this Phone to quell G Jim's rages on here... He may know 2 or 3 things... But he does not know 4 or 5! How to copy Photo and get site here to show it?? I will even send to a Moderator to do If He Wants!

Hey Guys... at this point anything is possible! Like you until proven correct then... I will believe!

You should earn a place on the TV wall of fame and never ever be banned due to the accompanying drop in morale we would all suffer.

Firstly you seem to be talking about these mangosteens like they would be filling the ocean up like something from the Quatermass experiment. It was 4 tonnes, not 4 million tonnes. 4 tonnes of mangosteen will fill the back of two Toyota hilux trucks. Just HOW are you going to spot these mangosteens that are purple brown in colour bobbing around in a gazzillion square miles of water? You think there are enough mangosteens for several countries to now be enjoying a 'fruit de la mer' bonanza where the markets are not only over flowing with mangosteens but so many that the prices have been driven down. I have no explanation why but the phrase 'a sandwich short of a picnic' keeps looping around my head. Furthermore unless these mangosteens have a hidden magnetic property it is most likely they are now lonesome unaccompanied mangosteens each thinking they are (correctly) a lone mangosteen in a very large ocean, and not a huge mass of fruit waiting to be washed ashore together to solve a third world countries food shortage.

There is no need to feel you out to quell my non existent rage by displaying your prowess in pasting a photo of a phone that could be hidden in an orifice. I have no rage, contraire I am very happy to be entertained by one of the greatest thinkers of our time David wink.png

I am truly upset that I did not witness you and your wife experimenting on mangosteens chucked in the Ping River. Is the Ping River anything to do with the Ping Arc? it seems a remarkable coincidence.

Hmmm must not be in Thailand.... Doesn't know where the Ping River is... If you ask anyone in Chiang Mai Province or Lamphun Province... They will probably ask if you escaped from Hospital as if you close your eyes... and walk you will probably fall in it!

Actually 4 tons will fill one Truck with trailer we see on supers all the time and 1/2 of the trailer... and what I said they would move pretty fast with current... so finding of beach somewhere close to (if it indeed crashed in Ocean) crashed would be a +80% probability. As husk or skin has a oil sealed skin (Purple - YES) and anywhere from 3 to 5 cm thick husk that will keep it afloat. If you had witnessed the event you still would have missed seeing my Wife and I... I said my Wifes Family.....!

G. Jim you would never have to worry about moral here on TV.... "As you would always find... Something.... to Contest..." Am I Correct??

I am not worried about pictures or where they came from.... Yes I agree that it probably is a Farce of the worst kind! What I am saying and you intended to make a joke of it, by apparently not responding...

Just because something said it was sent from a I-5s doesn't mean that it was sent from a Original Apple Phone!

Kinda wish Google or someone would update there map Data in this whole region perodically. Especially now....

UPDATE: I put my best computer online today (serious security violation) BUT WAS ABLE TO RETINEX THE IMAGE AS A RESULT, AND YOU CAN SEE ENOUGH DETAIL TO SUPPORT PHILIP BEING DETAINED WITH A BLACK BAG OVER HIS HEAD, THE SAME WAY THE ARMY DOES IT.The retinex photo cannot be used for verification of Exif, if you check this one it will clearly say in the software tab "Gimp 2.6.12" and NOT the Iphone O.S. version, which ALL SOFTWARE DOES when it handles and saves an image. This is why I know the original is legit. Do this yourself for FREE. Download the Gimp image editor. Open the image with the Gimp. Click the colors tab. At the bottom of the list of options, you will see retinex. Set retinex to Scale: 133, Scale division 1, and dynamic to 0.0. Retinex squeezes everything out of an image that can possibly be seen, and it is my opinion that it does reveal enough.

Normally, a lens will vignette the corners, and put the least amount of light in the corners. But Retinex shows clearly that the corners of the image are brighter, and the center is dark. THAT would be caused by a black bag over Philip's head.

Quoted from this:

(Read with an open mind... Don't go off !/2 Cocked and dispute...G.Jim...)


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Pilot suicide and the pilot covering his tracks IMO.

Sent from my Lenovo S960 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

If so, 'wonder how the FO got it.

Locked out of the cockpit when the cabin was depressurised would be the easiest choice.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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