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Thaksin upset by Yingluck's 'incompetent' aides: Sources


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Furthermore, Mr. Thaksin is likewise concerned that Pheu Thai Party lacks "professionals" who can help the party win the media war against the protesters and their backers, particularly the Democrat Party.

"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces," Mr. Thaksin allegedly complained to the MPs, "Unlike the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics".

The same can be said by Thaksin of his red shirt gang and red sympathizers...clap2.gif

it was being said about his party, by himself. that is the point of the article.

Edited by HooHaa
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The good people left Thaksin 10 years ago when they realised he was only interested in pursuing greater power and wealth for himself.

And his arrogance remains, his stupid rice mortgage policy will irretrievably damage his credibility and Pheua Thai's, but it's beneath him to apologise, both his vanity and his cowardice know no bounds.

You only have to compare the years of Thaksin govt., with those of Abisit (under Suthep) to realise that Thaksin did far more good for Thailand than ever the elite class could even consider. Those years under the Dems were wasted years for Thailand. Maybe Thaksin should just walk in and do what Suthep is doing...........ignore everything and everybody , and get on with the job of once again building a stronger, better Thailand, something that will never be achieved under the Dems.

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„Thaksin Upset By Yingluck's 'Incompetent' Aides“

So am I, but that is neither his nor my business, as we both don’t hold a position or have any right to influence Thai politics.

the correct wording in the article should be:

the MPs flew to the Chinese capitol in order to ask for his advices

Thaksin demanded the MPs to fly to Beijing to take his orders

Mr. Thaksin remains an influential figure behind the ruling Pheu Thai Party

Mr. Thaksin owns the Pheu Thai Party and MP's which are currently far from ruling

"I feel sorry for Yingluck, so I don't want to press her too hard.“

If I were Thai, I would be very embarrassed to learn that a convicted criminal fugitive is putting pressure on the Prime Minister of my country.

Edited by Lupatria
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"In the meeting with the Pheu Thai MPs, the former leader also allegedly berated Ms. Yingluck for refusing to employ the political advisers and strategists Mr. Thaksin wanted to place into her inner circle."

So indeed the Prime Minister of the country is/was controlled by an escaped, condemned, fugitive criminal from abroad.

I'm speechless.

A confession.

Thaksin does no longer control his PM sister entirely, if this was the case then 'SHE" would have carried out all his requests, including the above.

At the beginning of being Prime Minister Yingluck was politically inexperienced and Thaksin's advice and requests were all accepted.

But after three years as PM her political knowledge has increased, in addition she has a team of advisers, thus Thaksin's requests are no longer accepted entirely, hence different political views now exists between them.

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Furthermore, Mr. Thaksin is likewise concerned that Pheu Thai Party lacks "professionals" who can help the party win the media war against the protesters and their backers, particularly the Democrat Party.

"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces," Mr. Thaksin allegedly complained to the MPs, "Unlike the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics".

The same can be said by Thaksin of his red shirt gang and red sympathizers...clap2.gif

it was being said about his party, by himself. that is the point of the article.

Deleted by Arkady

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Yet another "Taksin says" article with no facts that can be checked.

Where in Beijing?

What days last week?

Who were the PT MPs?

I'm surprised that it comes from Khaosod.

I agree .... Thaksin is probably also upset at Kaosod for publishing this article ... makes it difficult for him to deny it .. giggle.gif

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Soon Thaksin's lawyer, Noppadon, will deny that his boss every made these remarks or that he was even in Beijing at the time, along with copious threats of criminal defamation suits (defamation of a criminal, LOL)

Edited by Dogmatix
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Yet another "Taksin says" article with no facts that can be checked.

Where in Beijing?

What days last week?

Who were the PT MPs?

Yes, moreover I would like to have a link in Thai language . The original article probably was .
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Am wondering where Chalerm fits into this Thaksin master plan of high powered aides for

poor Yingluck.... In or out ?? rolleyes.gif

No doubts here on Chalerm's role. He is, was, and always be a 'hatchet man' and never one to take advise from. Suthep served the same role for the Democrats. Neither is the thoughtful self-aware type; they are men of action and trustworthy to their political masters only when kept on a leash. I've heard rumors of who's holding Suthep's leash but nothing solid.

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The Thai media has for years been reporting rumours of certain tensions between YS and TS.

Remember the ice cream gang?

It would appear that Thaksin made certain promises and painted certain pictures of PMship in order to convince YS to take up the position and YS has taken the role perhaps a bit more seriously than TS had envisioned ...

"But you said..."

After all, it's her name and her name only that can go on the dotted line...

It's really tough running a country by remote control. You can't order people into your office on short notice and read them the riot act. All your threats are through proxies and subject to interpretation. You get all your intel funneled through just a few operatives, etc. Stressful for such a 'hands on' CEO type.

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"Yingluck is not a strong figue. She's a good person but people close to her are incompetent," the source quoted Mr. Thaksin as saying, "I feel sorry for Yingluck, so I don't want to press her too hard. But the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard".

Furthermore, Mr. Thaksin is likewise concerned that Pheu Thai Party lacks "professionals" who can help the party win the media war against the protesters and their backers, particularly the Democrat Party.

"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces," Mr. Thaksin allegedly complained to the MPs, "Unlike the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics".

That says it all, really. Vote for buffaloes and hey presto! This is what you get.

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pull harder on the puppett strings next time

Yingluck has gone Rogue.

This will all end in tears, we have just seen the first moistening of the eyes. Taksin can never get back to Thailand and he is just starting to realize it,he is going to blow. I envisage him throwing his nappy on the table and walking away, a prophet reviled in his own land and its all Gods fault.

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"Yingluck is not a strong figue. She's a good person but people close to her are incompetent," the source quoted Mr. Thaksin as saying, "I feel sorry for Yingluck, so I don't want to press her too hard. But the people in Thailand aren't up to my standard".

Furthermore, Mr. Thaksin is likewise concerned that Pheu Thai Party lacks "professionals" who can help the party win the media war against the protesters and their backers, particularly the Democrat Party.

"The people with good faces don't come out to defend our party, and those who came out don't have good faces," Mr. Thaksin allegedly complained to the MPs, "Unlike the Democrat Party. They have all the knowledgeable people and academics".

That says it all, really. Vote for buffaloes and hey presto! This is what you get.

Although it will soon all be denied it does sound exactly like the sort of stuff Thaksin might have said. He must be very frustrated by the way things are going in Thailand, watching the slow disintegration of his PT government. He has had to resort to poor performers like Chalerm (loyal but impetuous) and Surapong (loyal but idiotic to a degree), since he can't trust anyone more capable. It is hardly surprising that the more capable people are not rallying round him now. They are watching out for themselves.

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Yet another "Taksin says" article with no facts that can be checked.

Where in Beijing?

What days last week?

Who were the PT MPs?

Look where the article originated from - the 'red rag' Khaosod.

You believe all of the other rubbish it spouts when the denigrate the yellows and constantly churn out unbelievable trash, so why not now with this masterpiece showing this government in it's true light.

It doesn't matter when it took place, does it, it was recently, and I wouldn't mind betting that they (Khaosod) don't realise the embarrassment they have caused to the PTP and it's incompetents with the contents of this article!!!

Even Thaksin say's that his sister and her advisors are weak and the Democrats are clever and intelligent - has he bumped his head by any chance - maybe he had a collision last week with Chalerm's head, which would explain just why he (Chalerm) spiralled out of control with his psycho-rant???

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"He wished the Democrats would run in the election, so that everything will be over," one of the sources said, referring to Mr. Thaksin, "He is confident that Pheu Thai will win another election anyway".

Does that mean that the Muppet show will continue?-cheesy.gif

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This article is in many Thai newspapers, not only Khao Sod. It's typical Thakin, always feeling sorry for himself, nobody else matters. No doubt there will be more rallies by the loyal red shirts to attempt to pressurise the NAAC not to find Yingluck guilty, neither Thaksin nor the red shirts know who to replace her with. No one ever accused her of being intelligent but at least she looked good.After her it's either Yaowapa (who carries a lot of luggage as well as weight) or it's bland outsiders-Ponthep or Chaturon.

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'... MPs flew to the Chinese capitol.' Beijing isn't Washington. the word is capital.

'Yingluck is not a strong figure,' seemingly said Thaksin. Then why is she PM?

As for a lack of professionals, isn't Thaksin the media savvy 'adviser'? Isn't he offering the benefit of his expert advice to PTP, and to Yingluck?

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