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Jatuporn new UDD chief

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In trying to denigrate the organization by impugning negativity due to lack of elections, one must remember that this is not a Political Party.[\quote]

Sorry I had to paraphrase, but my phone was having issues with the length of your post.

I fail to see where democracy is limited to politics. Publicly listed companies to the local chess club can exhibit some form of democratic system to choose the head.

In this instance, in name and function, the group is supposedly pro democracy. If they haven't democratically elected the head, they should be denigrated. If they have, well good, they are leading by example.

From the OP, it says appointed. Clear as mud as to how he got the post.

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Not sure about the election/selection/appointment process, but for what it's worth, the last time this came (July 2013):

She said that the question of who takes the lead of UDD should be decided by local chapters′ election, but the organization "is too plagued with conflicts and not united enough" for such procedure.


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Sale on fire extinguishers next week..

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I presume you are relating to events of 4 years ago when some people, reacting to the army killing civilians, took matters into their own hands and set fire to some buildings in Bangkok - and you are inferring that these events will happen again?

Let's go along with your little fantasy, shall we. If that was the case surely the prices of fire extinguishers would increase due to the perceived risk, they wouldn't be at "sale prices" would they?

See, if you want to write posts that appeal to the gallery and attract the likees, you need to think them through first.coffee1.gif

Sounds like you weren't in Bangkok at the time. I was and I have a different perspective. Got to watch the burning, piles of burning tires in intersections for days on end. You do have a talent for spin.

FYI. It was not a good time and hopefully we won't see a repeat in the future. I'm also no longer in Bangkok, so I won't have to watch the fires in person again (I hope).

He has probably never set foot on Thai soil, gets all his spin from the Thai Rouge website, copies and pastes it. clap2.gif

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"Jatuporn new UDD chief"

Jatuporn has effectively been the leader anyway, with Thida being a very good spokesperson.....It is only natural that Jatuporn take over, now that the Elite are trying to complete their plan to eliminate another elected Govt., via their agencies, etc.

Some of the derogatory comments made about Jatuporn in above Posts, perhaps reflect an underlying fear by PAD-Dem's. that they are up against formidable forces and Opposition now, unlike in 2006.

Jatuporn has massive support within the pro-Democracy Movement. In trying to denigrate the organization by impugning negativity due to lack of elections, one must remember that this is not a Political Party. One can say with certainty, that the Elite better not underestimate his leadership and the respect he garners throughout the UDD. To try and discount him, they are attempting to diminish a major Political figure within the Pro-Democracy Movement....They do so at their own endangerment should they persist in their anti-democratic ways.

"About 6,000 red shirts gathered at Ayutthaya's provincial stadium..."

Yeah right.....Consider the source when reading this.

I won't get into a numbers game, but from those who were there, there is talk from those who were there, that there was not even room to sit anywhere, never mind the mass outside the main venue.

The anti-UDD/PTP media is playing the same game they did during the build-up of anti-coup forces after 2006 and before 2010 R'song. Both ignoring the huge build-up of pro-Democracy and Anti-coup forces and rallies, and grossly under-reporting them, as in above quote.

Then when the Movement hit Bangkok, there was feigned surprise by the media, and genuine surprise by those who believe what they were told.

That is dangerous however, as those who support the Elite, have no idea what they are up against, until it is too late. The PAD-Dem rank-and-file in their support of endeavors to eliminate another elected Govt, and avoiding parliament by exercising Opposition through their user-friendly judiciary and Agencies, underestimate the pro-Democracy forces at their own peril.

Thailand: “Mass” Pro-Government Rally is a Mass Flop (nsnbc international excerpts, 15 Mar. 2014)

Read the full article at: http://nsnbc.me/2014/03/15/thailand-mass-pro-government-rally-mass-flop/

I wouldn't ba at all surprised if the support is dropping but that article does seem a bit over the top and one sided.

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Difference being the UDD is a movement formed from the people wheras the PAD/PDRC are formed and financed from the pockets of thai big business (elites) as we know, supported by tte hi-so bangkokians and with an army of paid southern hooligans and street people.

Some pretty spectacular naivety there.

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Difference being the UDD is a movement formed from the people wheras the PAD/PDRC are formed and financed from the pockets of thai big business (elites) as we know, supported by tte hi-so bangkokians and with an army of paid southern hooligans and street people.

Some pretty spectacular naivety there.
yes misnamed profile name,mrthaksinsparrott more appropriate

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Can Suthep remind us which one is the site of the great uprising of the people??


Your third attempt posting the same thing and still nobody impressed. Keep trying.

Focussing on the message instead of the messenger is always more fun I think, but can be problematic when one cannot assail the message.

What you need to remember is that the anti government protests (yes I know some are anti democracy but most aren't) have been going on for months and whilst they aren't as big as they were they are still going which is something of an achievement. They may well increase again if provoked. The red shirt gathering, whilst certainly impressive is a one off. It looks to me as if it might be early evening whereas the bottom one is during the day and possibly during the week . I can't tell as there's no time stamp. During the week many people are working at that time so that might have a relevance.

Edited by kimamey
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Difference being the UDD is a movement formed from the people wheras the PAD/PDRC are formed and financed from the pockets of thai big business (elites) as we know, supported by tte hi-so bangkokians and with an army of paid southern hooligans and street people.

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Wonder if Jatuporn was elected democratically ?

Sounds like he wasn't and that he was appointed...something the redshirts have been fighting against.

Oh well, they've also been supposedly fighting to end double standards and double standards is something they continually do themselves.

Has Suthep been elected by the people of Thailand to lead the so-called "reforms" for the entire nation?

He also claims to fight for "Democracy" but wants an unelected people's council to rule Thailand.

Has Abhisit been elected leader of the Democrat party? Or has he been "appointed"?

Next time think before asking stupid questions, please.

I didn't ask any stupid questions as you stupidly claim. I answered a question.

Jatuporn wasn't democratically elected to be Chairman of the Red Shirts.

He was appointed by Thida.

Is there anything factually incorrect about that that you would care to respond to directly?

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Wonder if Jatuporn was elected democratically ?

Yes, probably democratically red style.

I welcome his appointment as it's just what UDD need, a reasonable, level headed and well adjusted leader.

Jaturporn was the main speaker at last week's meeting of red shirts, Convention Centre, Chiang Mai. There are some homes nearby and one of them is owned by a very nice older English person who has been here many years. He has an intelligent half-Thai son. The son told me of some of the contents of the main speeches. They all called for violence. They were doing their best to whip up hysteria and name-calling people who were opposed to their views. There was no element of discussion, information, truth or policy within these speeches: rather, they were emotionally manipulative (just as Hitler instructed in Mein Kampf). This follows the same level of dishonest and violent intensity as we heard in Bangkok during the red occupation. I am sorry but if these people were there because they want 'democracy' they didn't show it, they didn't talk about it. It was not on the agenda. But violence and attack was written all over it. The red propagandists who post here cannot under any circumstances defend this activity. It was designed to create hatred and nothing more. This is how Jaturporn directs things on behalf of his chief. This is why Thailand is in such a mess. It is very very dangerous.

I feel somewhat embarrassed for the forum red cheerleaders who feel obliged to come out in support of Jatuporn who has no redeeming features whatsoever. Apart from one. 100% loyal to Thaksin. And that's what really counts, eh chaps?

I'm not so sure about his Thaksin loyalty. I suspect he may have grander ambitions. Jawohl mein Führer!

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Elite - the choice or best of anything considered collectively, as of a group or class of persons.

That settles it, the redshirts are definitely not the elite !

Are you sure??? crazy.gif


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And with this announcement, any remaining credibility the UDD had, which was small, has now gone. Isn't this the guy whose own mother doesn't even want to know him? And with Nattawut as no. 2, is he now going to take responsibility for 2010, like he announced on the stage that he would ?

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Big red balls, end up flat red balls under the tracks of a military tank. So let's just see how big his red balls are hidden behind and well protected by his paid supporters.

Please lay off this simplistic "behind the scenes supporters" jive.

Chatuporn and Suthep, the mouthpieces for the radical elements of either side have all kinds of invisible hands shoved into their tighty whities.

Who won the majority vote ?

Whose coalition ran the gov't ?

Sure, they REALLY screwed up the country but WHAT ELSE is new ?

The "reforms" that Suthep outlined amounted to nothing less than a return to privilege.

And every low rent farang in the city and every Pak Tai doofus who was willing to sleep in an intersection tried for a free ride on that pedigree bus. The wheels will fall off that old beater before the AEC opening ceremony.

Hold ANOTHER election.

Or scrap the notion of ONE MAN / ONE VOTE and just let the Bangkok oligarchs run the show.

But don't piss on our shoes and tell us it's a special kind of rain we have in Thailand.

Time to call a spade a spade, n'est-ce pas ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

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Wonder if Jatuporn was elected democratically ?

Probably done the same way as in Australia, political parties elect their leaders. It is done in house and the public have no say in the structure of the parties.

Except the UDD aren't a political party are they. They are just the activist arm of the Phua Thai party.

The sooner the real RED grassroots Issan people understand that the better.

None of the main UDD leadership are even from Issan.

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Correct, Jatuporn was born in Suthep's province of Surat Thani and Nattawut comes from my hometown of Sichon in Nakhonsithammarat (I'm ashamed to admit)!!! So they are both Southerner rebels.

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Big red balls, end up flat red balls under the tracks of a military tank. So let's just see how big his red balls are hidden behind and well protected by his paid supporters.

Please lay off this simplistic "behind the scenes supporters" jive.

Chatuporn and Suthep, the mouthpieces for the radical elements of either side have all kinds of invisible hands shoved into their tighty whities.

Who won the majority vote ?

Whose coalition ran the gov't ?

Sure, they REALLY screwed up the country but WHAT ELSE is new ?

The "reforms" that Suthep outlined amounted to nothing less than a return to privilege.

And every low rent farang in the city and every Pak Tai doofus who was willing to sleep in an intersection tried for a free ride on that pedigree bus. The wheels will fall off that old beater before the AEC opening ceremony.

Hold ANOTHER election.

Or scrap the notion of ONE MAN / ONE VOTE and just let the Bangkok oligarchs run the show.

But don't piss on our shoes and tell us it's a special kind of rain we have in Thailand.

Time to call a spade a spade, n'est-ce pas ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

work that b*****t out if you can.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Big red balls, end up flat red balls under the tracks of a military tank. So let's just see how big his red balls are hidden behind and well protected by his paid supporters.

Please lay off this simplistic "behind the scenes supporters" jive.

Chatuporn and Suthep, the mouthpieces for the radical elements of either side have all kinds of invisible hands shoved into their tighty whities.

Who won the majority vote ?
Whose coalition ran the gov't ?

Sure, they REALLY screwed up the country but WHAT ELSE is new ?
The "reforms" that Suthep outlined amounted to nothing less than a return to privilege.
And every low rent farang in the city and every Pak Tai doofus who was willing to sleep in an intersection tried for a free ride on that pedigree bus. The wheels will fall off that old beater before the AEC opening ceremony.

Hold ANOTHER election.

Or scrap the notion of ONE MAN / ONE VOTE and just let the Bangkok oligarchs run the show.

But don't piss on our shoes and tell us it's a special kind of rain we have in Thailand.

Time to call a spade a spade, n'est-ce pas ?

"Sometimes, 'fuggedabowdit' just means fuggedabowdit."

What's your point?

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Last time I looked at this OP there wasn't a mention of Arisman in it. I even checked the images, No, no "bloated derriere exposed to all the worlds media"

628x471.jpgYou sure it's not some fantasy of your's, Yunla?

No mention of magic darts anywhere, either. Magic darts????

Yes I was saying that Jatuporn will have a hard time living up to the high standards set by other UDD luminaries such as in this classic photo. Jatuporn becoming chief is wonderful, of course, but for him it is only the beginning. Now he has to walk in the footsteps of greatness, and live up to the prodigious and towering social achievements and philosophical breakthroughs that the UDD brand represents. I don't envy this task that lies before him.

"Magic darts" is from a darts match commentary in the UK ["there's only one word for that - magic darts!"] which then (in some circles) became slang meaning "something completely wonderful and great". Which is a perfect phrase for the UDD, because they are utterly suberb all day long.

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I am surprised that Thida has been left in the job so long. She was just put as a figurehead because the real leaders were on bail with conditions requiring them not to create unrest. However, Jatuporn and Nattawut are still on bail and Nattawut is a caretaker deputy minister. I agree that Thaksin must be planning the mother of all red shirt backlashes for when YL gets indicted by the NACC. It's important enough for him to take the risk of Jatuporn and Nattawut getting their bail revoked but maybe he doesn't care about that and they are too drunk with power to care either.

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Last time I looked at this OP there wasn't a mention of Arisman in it. I even checked the images, No, no "bloated derriere exposed to all the worlds media"

628x471.jpgYou sure it's not some fantasy of your's, Yunla?

No mention of magic darts anywhere, either. Magic darts????

Yes I was saying that Jatuporn will have a hard time living up to the high standards set by other UDD luminaries such as in this classic photo. Jatuporn becoming chief is wonderful, of course, but for him it is only the beginning. Now he has to walk in the footsteps of greatness, and live up to the prodigious and towering social achievements and philosophical breakthroughs that the UDD brand represents. I don't envy this task that lies before him.

"Magic darts" is from a darts match commentary in the UK ["there's only one word for that - magic darts!"] which then (in some circles) became slang meaning "something completely wonderful and great". Which is a perfect phrase for the UDD, because they are utterly suberb all day long.

This photo came with the headline "Arisman escapes 007 style" :D

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