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VERY slow Internet. Any known reasons?


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Hello to all.

I am in Rayong area. All of a sudden my Internet has slowed down 10 times.

Every connection takes up to 2 min.

Every click means a 2 min wait.

It has come to the point of being useless.

I have run a complete system check and nothing wrong with my PC.

Is this Google only? Is this Thailand only? Is this a local TOT affair only?

Has been like this for last two days.

Anybody knows about this or noticed the same? Really going berserk...

Thanks for input.

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Same problem as here http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/710923-tot-international-connectivity-problems/

The problem is reported to TOT, but it might give them more information if you report it as well. Call 1100 and have your ADLS subscription number ready. They might wish you to make a speedtest.

Temporary fix, as suggested on that thread, turn off the Google DNS if you are using it.

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In CM I have noticed with ToT that at 7 to 10 pm each night lately the speed drops a lot (speed check on a 10 meg line is showing sometimes 220K to Bangkok!). This has just been the last month or so, so I think either there is a compression issue - maybe they have server/router switch overs at that time???

I also note that after connected to ToT for 20+ hours the speed gets lower and lower (I guess they are throttling), but a software restart (reconnects - new IP Address) of the router brings it back up. Sometime a hard reboot (pull the power and count to 20 :)) is the only way to sort it out. Sometimes router gets very hot, and powering off for 30-60 minutes does wonders too. I have my router standing on four "legs" (tins under each corner) to give it a good airflow below.

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All the providers sell more and more connections, at (supposedly) higher speeds,

but they never buy more international bandwidth, so to put it simply you have 100

people sucking with straws from one glass (thats why we are called suckers,) next

week it will be 200 sucking from the same glass.,and so on it goes.

More money for the providers,lots more unhappy customers,but they don't care,

the majority of Thais will only be using local sites,or just SEA,so no problems for


regards worgeordie

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I can't even edit the previous post to say that I've just clicked on a dozen other web sites and not had any problems. So it's just Thaivisa, and not all pages on Thaivisa. The Thailand News loads fast.

Any searches to do with my profile never complete. Maybe there's a database screw-up.

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When I go to my profile and click on "My content", nothing shows up.

It's waiting for "stats.g.doubleclick.net".

It's been like this for several hours.

Windows? If so Google HOSTS FILE - can't say any more than that due to the new forum rule changes - but I'll PM you if you wish.

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Thanks to all responses.

I live here long enough to know about TOT in general.

Only mentioned this problem because:

- it was a markedly drastic slowdown;

- it is for the last 3 days;

- the office downstairs noted the same;

- it is 2 min wait with EVERY click, no matter what.

I never used to switch off my router because it's Wi-Fi and two TVs are also using it. Will try to switch off at night, thanks for advice.

TOT technicians come and go but they are useless/ignorant bums. Can't do anything.

Most likely ADSL sell more than they can deliver. There is no cable here where I am. Cheers.

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I am located in Nonthaburi and had the same problems on Saturday and reported it to TOT,come Sunday morning and still no joy so contacted them again at 0830. At 1030 I had 2 TOT techs at my front gate and I showed them what my problem was on my PC and then one of them typed into a TOT link and reset my modem and "touch wood" everything now back to normal !!

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I'm in Jomtien and use 3bb.

At present, the speed is very good - 15 Mbs down (I'm paying for 13 Mbs down) and 1 Mbs up. I've found that switching the modem off for a few minutes when the speed drops usually works apart from a few weeks ago when there appeared to be problems somewhere. However, these seem to have been resovled.


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We got fiber a couple of weeks ago from ADSL . Local sites loads faster, but international sites still very slow. But the last two days, they are loading anoying slow.So there is a mismatch between supply and demand when it comes to reach out of Thailand. No restart of modems will help solving that. Of course if we switch them odd, the once that are on, will get more bandwith.

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Oh, yes. Talk to TOT.

Their reply - turn your router off for a few hours every 24 hour period. Should do it!

Yes unfortunately that seems to be their answer.

I got so sick of the speed issues and their service (HAHA) that I cancelled after the 1 year contract. I hated the way that any problem that required an 'engineer' came with a week's wait. Yet every time I would leave the house, I could always see a TOT van/pickup parked up under a tree somewhere or outside a restaurant.

Now I've had 3BB for a couple of years and as of yet no problems. smile.png

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We have SCHOOL BREAK in Thailand. From last week until May the Kids are on Holiday. 24h gaming!!!

School break sounds like a good guess for the sluggish internet speeds.

How much does the games consume network bandwidth? I thought the games only send some status updates to the servers or other peers. But I guess modern games include voice and video conferences between players?

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I am very happy with CAT here in Phichit, I have my own 15 meter high pole in garden with reciever, and always the speed that I pay for.

and I think they can give it anywhere.

pole 1 time 3000 baht and 700 baht a month

Edited by willem1946
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I am very happy with CAT here in Phichit, I have my own 15 meter high pole in garden with reciever, and always the speed that I pay for.

and I think they can give it anywhere.

pole 1 time 3000 baht and 700 baht a month

No they can't.

Shortly after I built my house, just outside Chonburi. we went to TOT for an internet connection. They came and checked and said we were outside the transmission area. CAT and BBB also said the same. We went back and asked TOT for a broadband landline but they said no longer available, all capacity has been used up. The only way we could get internet was take the landline from my father in laws house which fortunately was not very far away. With mobiles being the order of the day the landline had become redundant.

I find the speed is worst when the kids are off school. They are all probably in internet cafes playing games and creating too much traffic on the line.

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I am very happy with CAT here in Phichit, I have my own 15 meter high pole in garden with reciever, and always the speed that I pay for.

and I think they can give it anywhere.

pole 1 time 3000 baht and 700 baht a month

No they can't.

Shortly after I built my house, just outside Chonburi. we went to TOT for an internet connection. They came and checked and said we were outside the transmission area. CAT and BBB also said the same. We went back and asked TOT for a broadband landline but they said no longer available, all capacity has been used up. The only way we could get internet was take the landline from my father in laws house which fortunately was not very far away. With mobiles being the order of the day the landline had become redundant.

I find the speed is worst when the kids are off school. They are all probably in internet cafes playing games and creating too much traffic on the line.

I thought that was the reason that they give me my own pole in garden, now I can download all day and stream a lot to my tv.

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I am very happy with CAT here in Phichit, I have my own 15 meter high pole in garden with reciever, and always the speed that I pay for.

and I think they can give it anywhere.

pole 1 time 3000 baht and 700 baht a month

No they can't.

Shortly after I built my house, just outside Chonburi. we went to TOT for an internet connection. They came and checked and said we were outside the transmission area. CAT and BBB also said the same. We went back and asked TOT for a broadband landline but they said no longer available, all capacity has been used up. The only way we could get internet was take the landline from my father in laws house which fortunately was not very far away. With mobiles being the order of the day the landline had become redundant.

I find the speed is worst when the kids are off school. They are all probably in internet cafes playing games and creating too much traffic on the line.

I thought that was the reason that they give me my own pole in garden, now I can download all day and stream a lot to my tv.

read this please :


and this part of it :

While most Bangkok people have never before experienced an FTTH service, people in some provinces, such as Chon Buri, have had such services for several years. In Chon Buri, pioneer FTTH service provider Miracle Wave offers a fibre-optic service in Laem Chabang district.

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I just called TOT 1100 once again. They said that their technicians are looking at the matter and cable problems, but after an moment it seemed that their helpdesk was pretty clueless what could be the reason.

I suggest everybody to report their problems to them for couple of reasons.

TOT would get an better idea how many users are affected with this problem as well as more calls will put the incident on top of their priority list.

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