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Thailand to protest Fox News over flight MH370 criticism

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My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

directed at those who feel they have to play "Little Boy Blue", you know as is come blow your horn..... you may be impressed to know a little about I Q...


55555 I Q of 247 , 55555

take the time to google up Einstein's IQ

You may tell us now that your post was "tongue in cheeks",,,,, but we all know you can't bend over that far.

.....and just for the record...... how many were so impressed by your BS


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Someone should have advised Mr. Sek Wannamethee that Fox News is just a right-wing, red-neck joke that exists solely for the benefit of trailer park inhabitants who want to appear to be worldly in between watching professional wrestling matches and cartoons, and is not really a "leading news organisation"

Everyone has a right to their opinion and this woman aired hers. She's part of a sensationalist "news" agency, not a diplomatic agency, albeit the core fact of the delayed information was true.

I think those facts makes Fox to the ideal channel for most of the expats living in Thailand


Perhaps the countries interested in gaining information from other governments should check their diplomats for training in communication with non-Western cultures. The flip side of this is that, for the asking, the countries interested in the info could have had it sooner. Learn a little about how to get what you want from cultures with completely different customs and cultural norms, and you'll be more successful diplomats.


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Facts are facts. She reported the facts ( strange, I know, for Fox news thumbsup.gif alt=thumbsup.gif> ). So the complaint will be about ....... the truth? blink.png alt=blink.png>

The problem with all this controversy is that because the Thai military didn't make this public knowledge it is assumed that they didn't tell anybody at all.

We seem to be in a world where it is compulsory that all information has to be put in the public domain otherwise it will be classified as a cover-up and multitudes of nobodies whinging about not having information available (that the majority won't even fully understand until it has been modified/edited by the media source).

The military, in all countries, have different rules. Until it is ascertained that absolutely nobody was told, the right to with hold information which could be classified as national security, should be honoured.


First of all, Van Sustern is NOT a journalist, NOT a reporter, she is a commentator…she does NOT report the news, she gives her opinions.

To take what she says as news is ludicrous! Is she biased? Certainly! I am always amazed that people even listen to people like her.

Does she belong to the Society of Professional Journalists? Well, it doesn’t seem that she subscribes to its code of ethics…and why should she, she is not a journalist, she’s NOT reporting!


My observation over the past decade is that the higher the degree of hate and misunderstanding of Fox News = the lower level of IQ, education and general world knowledge. Another good indication of those low levels is the amount of time wasted in this forum making inane statments that nobody cares about. Fox News is the ONLY light of TRUTH in the public media. But it requires intelligence and education to comprehend those truths.

Why am I qualified to make these conclusions? Because I am an educated, intelligent American, with a 247 IQ (average of 5 tests) a JD Law Degree and a PhD in International Trade.

OK, it's the morons' turn to disagree......

Your avatar picture would be proud of that piece of satire.

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I'm going to stick my neck out here and say, I like Fox News, 'OReilly, Greta but not a fan of Hanitty!! I'd certainly rather watch Greta than that idiot and ass-licker on CNN, Piers Morgan!!

With all the negative comments here about Fox, I can't understand how they are the most-watched cable news channel in the world??!! Must be far more 'losers' in the world than 'winners'??!!

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Someone should have advised Mr. Sek Wannamethee that Fox News is just a right-wing, red-neck joke that exists solely for the benefit of trailer park inhabitants who want to appear to be worldly in between watching professional wrestling matches and cartoons, and is not really a "leading news organisation"

Everyone has a right to their opinion and this woman aired hers. She's part of a sensationalist "news" agency, not a diplomatic agency, albeit the core fact of the delayed information was true.

Your post, which I believe has some validity, is overshadowed by your generalizations and crude name calling. It appears that you may be in the same company of those that you so ineliquantly referred to.

Just my opinion mind you.

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Unfortunately, Rupert Murdoch employs sensationalistic fools who cater and banter to the lame public who unconditionally believe everything they say. Fox couldn't get a news story straight if it fell out of the sky and hit it on the head. The worst thing is, they don't care about getting it right, they just like to stir up gossip so the mindless masses will flock to read the BS and their advertisers just love it. Happy to get sued for reporting a falsehood because the law suit is usually less than they make with the advertising....

Murdoch does not employ fools. In fact, he employs very, very smart people. Almost everyone that delivers news has a law degree. The only exception are the radio hosts that come and go and the "financial gurus" - but Fox trains them well.

Make no mistake, the news delivered on Fox has been precisely worded. I am certain it is read prior to deliver by lawyers. Written by some of the best political polemicists, checked by lawyers and delivered by lawyers.

That is why the questionmark is key to the network.

Will the Democrats hire Communists for campaign workers?

Can black single mothers sell their children for crack and chicken?

Do all non Republicans hate God?

But those are the stupid headlines. When you did into actual news stories, they are meticulously written to insert as much hyperbole as possible while still skirting the truth.

It's a circus, seriously. But if you cannot see it - perhaps a magic show is a better metaphor.

Spot on, and so it is a wonder that some Fox fans, who are plainly not idiots (to be fair) fall for it. The clear evidence is that Fox is out to shock, and also to get ratings. How do you get ratings? Attract the masses. Who are the masses? The average guy on the street. What is "average"? It certainly isn't the academic elite, and to be fair, the academic elite are, by definition, are smarter than the average bear (to borrow from Yogi for the benefit of the toon watchers).


The fact is surveys show that FOX news watchers are the least informed of all American news organizations. NPR was the best. What was really telling was Fox listeners scored worse than those who did not watch news at all. That should tell you something........ The fact that the Thais had nothing new to add to the investigation was sensationalized because they hit the news 10 days after the flight went missing. This was a perfect opportunity to place some kind of blame on someone, whereas the info they had amounted to nothing new, nor would it had been new on day 1. The Left leaning Huffington Post also reported that the Thais MAY have been negligent, but refrained from name calling and pounding their chests.


I've not been surveyed. Please provide a link to the survey(s) you refer to. Thanks.

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I'm going to stick my neck out here and say, I like Fox News, 'OReilly, Greta but not a fan of Hanitty!! I'd certainly rather watch Greta than that idiot and ass-licker on CNN, Piers Morgan!!

With all the negative comments here about Fox, I can't understand how they are the most-watched cable news channel in the world??!! Must be far more 'losers' in the world than 'winners'??!!

You put your finger on it! There ARE more losers than winners, and there are more idiots than geniuses. Have you heard the term "the ignorant masses"?

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The fact is surveys show that FOX news watchers are the least informed of all American news organizations. NPR was the best. What was really telling was Fox listeners scored worse than those who did not watch news at all. That should tell you something........ The fact that the Thais had nothing new to add to the investigation was sensationalized because they hit the news 10 days after the flight went missing. This was a perfect opportunity to place some kind of blame on someone, whereas the info they had amounted to nothing new, nor would it had been new on day 1. The Left leaning Huffington Post also reported that the Thais MAY have been negligent, but refrained from name calling and pounding their chests.


I've not been surveyed. Please provide a link to the survey(s) you refer to. Thanks.

don't you just love those fools who have to find fault with a news show.

Fox is fresh, upbeat and to the point.

I cannot understand what the hay that goofy looking british guy with the big teeth and nerdish glasses is ever saying. Wish he would take the marbles out of his mouth.


First of all, Van Sustern is NOT a journalist, NOT a reporter, she is a commentator…she does NOT report the news, she gives her opinions.

To take what she says as news is ludicrous! Is she biased? Certainly! I am always amazed that people even listen to people like her.

Does she belong to the Society of Professional Journalists? Well, it doesn’t seem that she subscribes to its code of ethics…and why should she, she is not a journalist, she’s NOT reporting!

If you are using that as a measuring stick, all the MSM should be ignored as well.


ThaiGov: Fox News 'credibility' risked by Van Susteren comments
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- A Thai government official has warned Fox News that its reputation could suffer from comments by running a report which labeled the kingdom "lame," "cruel" and "awful."

Foreign Affairs spokesman Sek Wannamethee said the ministry would pen a letter to Fox News repudiating criticism by commentator Greta Van Susteren over Thailand's delay in releasing information relevent to the search for a missing Malaysian airplane

"She should not have hastily drawn up conclusion, or criticism, or comments without studying all the facts," Sek told Khaosod. "Such action will also affect the credibility of Fox News, which is a leading news organisation in the U.S."

His understanding of Fox seems half correct, perhaps not understanding its success is built on a business model of outrage, not news reporting.

Last week a snarling Van Susteren ranted that Thailand was "the lamest country of the day" for withholding the information, adding her opinion that this was the "pathetic" and "cruel" actions of "jerks."

Given her complete confusion as to the meaning of "off the record," this must be what Van Susteren considers "hard hitting" journalism. [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/03/24/thaigov-fox-news-credibility-risked-van-susteren-comments

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-03-24


Oh please dont waste your breath on Fakefox. "A leading news organization"? Not sure which is the biggest joke "leading" or "news"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

FOX News has better ratings than any cable news program. They tell it as it is.......that's why they have the great ratings.

Only the Libtards hate FOX.


The best option for Thai officialdom, would be to remain silent and not engage in a fencing battle with FOX.

As for FOX. I watch it, as I do numerous other news outlets. I digest what I hear and read and come to my own conclusions. I am not in charge, am not God and wouldn't presume to be the expert on the who, what, when, why and how.

I leave that to the self-annointed, self-appointed and self-obsessed, who appear more educated, worldy and all knowing than this mere mortal. More than likely, they will continue to beat the drum of self-righteousness until another mode of indulgence can be found.

I have a god set of earplugs and can hit the power button, as can anyone else.

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Oh please dont waste your breath on Fakefox. "A leading news organization"? Not sure which is the biggest joke "leading" or "news"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

FOX News has better ratings than any cable news program. They tell it as it is.......that's why they have the great ratings.

Only the Libtards hate FOX.

Fox is a bit glitzy, and I would say, a bit over the top when showing National Pride.T

I like it....but I can see alot of envy ...moronic behavior.....geared against it, on the part of the common European sort.....

You know the type....they cannot ever sort out their currency.


Fox News is just one of many news agencies.. If you have read about the story/facts in CNN.. where they wrote the answer of the highest Thai Military Airforce general was: "it did not enter in Thai aerospace and nobody did ask us about... we only care incidents directed to Thailand... and so on.." whilst the whole world is searching that plane for already nearly a week that time... I just wonder that no one is writing here that possibly the red shirts that time had cut phone lines and powersupply of the army and that have been an other attack from Dubai to make Thailand looking bad.. and the prime Minister has to stand responsible for that...


There is a ridiculously high ratio of right wing nuts to normal in Thailand. When you criticize Fox News, it's the same as calling the Virgin Mary a bargirl. These are people who have Fox News on 24/7 and swallow their ridiculous baloney, hook line and sinker. These are my fellow Americans who I can't have have a normal conversation with because after hello, it immediately becomes a rant about how Obama Is the devil.

Ok, where do you suggest that we get news? Bashing Fox is not an answer.

Your only source of news is TV's Fox News? Isn't El Jezera and the BBC on there too? I don't know I never watch TV. I download The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and have a dozen websites I visit daily. Huffington Post, Yahoo, LA Times are a few good sources, there are literally another million out there. I like to browse Zite and Flipboard on the iPad.

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