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There are numerous external gay Thailand forums. None that I am aware of are particularly robust. Again I ask to GLBT people do you agree with Todd that this forum should be terminated?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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There are numerous external gay Thailand forums. None that I am aware of are particularly robust. Again I ask to GLBT people do you agree with Todd that this forum should be terminated?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your poll time has come jt.................intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

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There are numerous external gay Thailand forums. None that I am aware of are particularly robust. Again I ask to GLBT people do you agree with Todd that this forum should be terminated?

Respectful straights are welcome to post here of course! But to suggest the joint is shut down ... why would that be at all relevant?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Your poll time has come jt.................intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

Not for this. Bad idea. People should identify themselves with such a major vote. With an open poll we wouldn't know if they were GLBT people. This forum was created for GLBT people. If they want it gone the voice should be from them.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Also if a majority of GLBT posters do NOT come forward to say please kill this forum then it can be inferred that the majority wants it to hang on. Perhaps that might be seen as a fresh start here where all participants commit to make an effort to do a little something themselves to try to improve the tone and experience on this forum. Yes I know that sounds pathetically optimistic. I can say I will make an effort myself.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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One possible cause in the level of participation is likely due to the political situation and the drop in tourism. In the past, there have been new posters who dropped by asking for visa about where to stay, what bars were in certain areas, etc.. That has been noticeably lacking this past tourist season.

There hasn't been much of the 'where should I go' and 'what should I do type of posters.' They add a dimension that isn't there.

(Not a suggestion, just an observation).

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Well, yeah, but face it a lot of gay tourists are looking to ask about stuff that can't ever be discussed on this website, in any forum.

For whatever it is possible for this forum to be, to get better, it seems to me it would have to happen organically.

To expand a tad on what I said before, I am hearing the criticism about being too fast to counter more borderline anti-gay comments here. I can certainly stop doing that, or at least try very hard not to, as it seems that more than one person would like that change. Do I think that will make much difference and the forum will then magically become very wonderful? Not really. I think it might backfire actually, and those borderline anti-gay commenters seeing no response, will likely just go more hard core. But we'll see ... and if anyone sees me slipping from this change, please let me know.

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If the Ladies on TVF can have a sub forum, why can't the Gay people have one?

Whether it annoys the old folks, the homophobe folks, the pentup-sexually-repressed folks..

Who gives a flying phobe. You've got a sub-forum, make it work.

You close the gay sub forum down, might as well shut the ladies sub forum down as well.

Personally, as a straight man, this forum neither offends nor detracts from the overall TVF experience.

The reason for my 50 satang worth is because this thread came up in the "unread" area of the app and I failed to notice the "Gay" sub forum location, otherwise I would have largely ignored it. Possibly a "schadenfreude" moment :P

But if you start heading down the same road as the ladies sub forum with the "this is a vagina only forum about vaginas" rhetoric, then yeah, shut the front door ;)

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Also if a majority of GLBT posters do NOT come forward to say please kill this forum then it can be inferred that the majority wants it to hang on.

The only thing you can infer from the fact that a majority of GLBT posters have not come forward is that they've not come forward. No more - no less.

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Also if a majority of GLBT posters do NOT come forward to say please kill this forum then it can be inferred that the majority wants it to hang on.

The only thing you can infer from the fact that a majority of GLBT posters have not come forward is that they've not come forward. No more - no less.

I get that from a literal POV.

But IF there was overwhelmingly strong feeling to support the POV in support of nixing the forum, if we don't actually hear from people, we can't assume it's really there.

The status quo is not to nix it.

For a message to the owners here from target GLBT members saying to nix it to have any chance of impact, that message would have to exist. One poster doesn't begin to cut it.

If such strong feeling does really exist to nix from GLBT members, now is your chance to express it. So far, the silence is deafening.


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Also if a majority of GLBT posters do NOT come forward to say please kill this forum then it can be inferred that the majority wants it to hang on.

The only thing you can infer from the fact that a majority of GLBT posters have not come forward is that they've not come forward. No more - no less.

I get that from a literal POV.

But IF there was overwhelmingly strong feeling to support the POV in support of nixing the forum, if we don't actually hear from people, we can't assume it's really there.

The status quo is not to nix it.

For a message to the owners here from target members saying to nix it to have any chance of impact, that message would have to exist. One poster doesn't begin to cut it.


I suspect that you attach too much importance to our point of view as far as The Man is concerned

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Also if a majority of GLBT posters do NOT come forward to say please kill this forum then it can be inferred that the majority wants it to hang on.

The only thing you can infer from the fact that a majority of GLBT posters have not come forward is that they've not come forward. No more - no less.

I get that from a literal POV.

But IF there was overwhelmingly strong feeling to support the POV in support of nixing the forum, if we don't actually hear from people, we can't assume it's really there.

The status quo is not to nix it.

For a message to the owners here from target members saying to nix it to have any chance of impact, that message would have to exist. One poster doesn't begin to cut it.


I suspect that you attach too much importance to our point of view as far as The Man is concerned

Not really. You might want to read back in this thread. I never suggested we have any power to close it. Certainly not. But I do think if there was overwhelmingly majority strong voices for nixing this forum from identified members who are the target demographic of this forum, at least that might be brought up for consideration. In any case, that didn't happen and it's not going to happen, so this is getting silly now.

Of course it could also be nixed just for the heck of it, even if most of us thought it was FABULOSA in this joint, which of course we don't, but that's really not worth thinking about ... the earth could be hit by a meteor ... whatever ...

So the forum stays, now what? Make it better? Folks, just do your part, and stop whining, how about that? Look inside. The "solution" is in you, and you, and you, and you. Off my soapbox now even though I know some of you are probably vomiting after reading that.

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Not really. You might want to read back in this thread. I never suggested we have any power to close it. Certainly not. But I do think if there was overwhelmingly majority strong voices for nixing this forum from identified members who are the target demographic of this forum, at least that might be brought up for consideration. In any case, that didn't happen and it's not going to happen, so this is getting silly now.

So the forum stays, now what? Make it better? Folks, just do your part, and stop whining, how about that? Look inside. The "solution" is in you, and you, and you, and you. Off my soapbox now even though I know some of you are probably vomiting after reading that.

If the forum was deleted it would screw up the indexing and make Google very unhappy. Apart from that we haven't actually had a proper poll...

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If you want to do a poll, do a poll. I strongly feel a poll would be open to all, and only the voices of known GLBT active members are interesting as to the desire to nix the forum or not. I think actual anti-gay people (yes, Virginia, they exist) would tend to vote to nix it. Also no poll here is scientific anyway, they are all for entertainment/discussion purposes only. Anyway, enough about this, I already consider this settled, there is no overwhelming screaming by GLBT members to nix. Shall we move on to other ideas?

Many people feel the forum is very nasty and unfriendly in tone.
How to help with that one? Any ideas?

OK, I do realize I've already said good and plenty on this thread already. So I'll try to back off now for a certain indeterminate time period and hope there are some fresh comments/solution ideas from others about improving the tone of the forum ... if any.

Scott has given us an avenue here to work some things out ... it's an exceptional thread topic ... now the ball is in y'alls court.

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Some people, like myself, only post when there is something which interests them (e.g. not about the US!).. BTW, that's not really a complaint; the US gays have as much right here as anyone else.

Other people like to have their say on everything. That's their choice.

But the forum is gay-specific, and I quite agree with deleting the posts from mindless homophobes which turn up from time to time.

I posted this on post #4, and I still think it is a fair summary of how this forum ought to be.

I am certainly one of those whom Jingthing would call conservative, and I disagree with him on many aspects..... but we co-exist!

But I think gay people, particularly the older ones (and posters here are probably mostly on the old side of young), tend to be a bit prickly. Many of them have lived in countries where their sexual orientation was illegal or at best, marginalised.... and we tend to herd together facing outwards. This can make communication with people like CharlieH and Michael Jackson a bit difficult..... and I'm not criticising either of them. I think it is good for everybody, not just gays, if other people understand a bit better how we tick.

So there is always going to be this border where squabbles take place.... and that also is part of what the forum needs to address.

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Option 2 close it down.

It serves no useful purpose except for the left bent fantatics to spread the poor me syndrome. The links provided are of no use as I have my preferred new source(s) that apply to the country in question, if it's GLOBAL news then there is a place for that & the mods will take care of any comments that are against forum rules.

There is little fun or humour and it's the same posts over and over again.

There isn't a hope in hell of ever attracting any advertiser on this sub forum once they see the comments. I spent a lot of advertising money in my previous life and I wouldn't want my name attached to this sub forum.

The homophobic comments are dealt with so that should be the least of everyone's concern, but I do believe some posters encourage hostility as it feeds their agenda.

Most importantly the constant us against them mentality is disturbing, I'm gay yet have brothers, uncles & friends who may wish to ask a question, they are treated horribly and that reflects on me, luckily my life isn't TV and I'm able to show others we are much more than the nasty comments posted here.

Option 3 you don't need to come and post in this forum. Easy for you and everybody else! Problem solved!

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I'm sorry but this is the gay forum. Not only is drama expected it's actually compulsory!

... and there goes my hope that gay guys are less dramatic than gay girls... oh well, welcome to the club then! drunk.gif

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Option 2 close it down.


OK, so that's a vote for close it down from a gay identified person, which in my view, carries more weight here on the gay forum.

As I said before, I don't think that's a horrible idea.

One problem with that is when people do post gay and Thailand related topics on other forums here (it happens sometimes already) then there might be more work for moderation on those topics (as they do attract homophobic responses predictably).

Even though I don't think it's a horrible idea to close it, if you strongly feel that way, why not just let it be and not post or read it instead?

Then it would be closed for you ...

No I am not suggesting that you don't post or read if it remains open, which it probably will, but I still think it's a valid question.

Again, I don't feel strongly to close it or not. I can see both sides. So as I don't feel strongly that it should be closed, I guess that is kind of a default approval of it not being closed, isn't it?

So, now, here we are, are there any others who have been active posters who we know are GLBT identified (of course there aren't MANY of those people, but that's the situation) who agree with Todd to CLOSE it down?

If so, please speak up. That doesn't mean that the admins need to listen, but it would be valuable input. If there was a clear majority of GLBT people for closing it down, I think that would be fine ... though again, it's ultimately not our call, it's a commercially run website.

I would be surprised if such a majority of GLBT people exists here wishing to close it down, but if it does, it wouldn't be the first time I've been surprised.

I am gay and think closing this forum wouldn't be a bad idea. As Todd said most of the topics here fall under world news. I really do not understand why posts here are exempt from being relevant to Thailand. There are tons of places to get gay news on the net. If this space was limited to posts involving Thailand (which I think it should be as that is the whole point of TV) there would be nothing here to talk about.

Although it won't bother me in the least if it stays open. It just seems like this forum is just a place for the same couple of people to express their views repeatedly. As such, it really serves no meaningful purpose to the wider community. I suppose if marching to the beat of one's own drum is appealing to some people this is the place to do it though.

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The links provided are of no use as I have my preferred new source(s) that apply to the country in question, if it's GLOBAL news then there is a place for that & the mods will take care of any comments that are against forum rules.


Todd, would you be so kind as to NAME this source that you rely on? Thank you.

You know very well there are dedicated forums to gay Thailand, one even has that very name. As was said very little news here actually involves Thailand anyway.

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The links provided are of no use as I have my preferred new source(s) that apply to the country in question, if it's GLOBAL news then there is a place for that & the mods will take care of any comments that are against forum rules.


Todd, would you be so kind as to NAME this source that you rely on? Thank you.

You know very well there are dedicated forums to gay Thailand, one even has that very name. As was said very little news here actually involves Thailand anyway.

Odd point here. I was asking for the link to GLOBAL news that he uses, not Thailand news. He hasn't answered, which is his privilege, but your reply has nothing to do with the question.

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I am gay and think closing this forum wouldn't be a bad idea. As Todd said most of the topics here fall under world news. I really do not understand why posts here are exempt from being relevant to Thailand. There are tons of places to get gay news on the net. If this space was limited to posts involving Thailand (which I think it should be as that is the whole point of TV) there would be nothing here to talk about.

Although it won't bother me in the least if it stays open. It just seems like this forum is just a place for the same couple of people to express their views repeatedly. As such, it really serves no meaningful purpose to the wider community. I suppose if marching to the beat of one's own drum is appealing to some people this is the place to do it though.

Thanks for sharing your reasoned POV. Cheers.

I think there is probably a good consensus that if a tie in to Thailand was required this forum would become much more limited (or fade) as there are other gay Thailand forums and in those places you can talk about juicy stuff you can't talk about here.

So basically if you do that, you kill the forum anyway.

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The links provided are of no use as I have my preferred new source(s) that apply to the country in question, if it's GLOBAL news then there is a place for that & the mods will take care of any comments that are against forum rules.


Todd, would you be so kind as to NAME this source that you rely on? Thank you.

You know very well there are dedicated forums to gay Thailand, one even has that very name. As was said very little news here actually involves Thailand anyway.

Odd point here. I was asking for the link to GLOBAL news that he uses, not Thailand news. He hasn't answered, which is his privilege, but your reply has nothing to do with the question.

Oh in that case....


You are making it sound as if you haven't a clue where to get gay news other than here. You are being disingenuous in this regard. Perhaps we TV could just give you your own forum as you tend to overwhelm every topic with your incessant posting.

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