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One of the goals of starting the controversial Gay In a Box thread was to shake up this tired old gay forum a little bit and attempt to INVITE new blood into the forum, gay or not. The closed format, one answer to each question was designed to avoid the thread getting obsessed with debating just a few of the question/answers and ALSO to openly invite members to start NEW THREADS on this forum to further discuss specific issues mentioned in the questions/answers in much more detail. Has this worked? No. Not yet. Maybe never. But it was a creative effort I won't apologize for and it still might plant the seeds for a more active, diverse, and interesting forum in future.

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I never browse particular forums as I always go straight to the unread or participated forums. If something peaks my interest I comment.

Thank you for your comment. As this is the gay forum, kindly advise whether you are gay.

No. I am not gay. But I have drunk Malibu anf pineapple once.
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I never browse particular forums as I always go straight to the unread or participated forums. If something peaks my interest I comment.

Thank you for your comment. As this is the gay forum, kindly advise whether you are gay.

No. I am not gay. But I have drunk Malibu anf pineapple once.


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Just noticed Texasrangers post above asking the previous poster if they were gay or not.

Actually someone asked me the question.

Yes, I did. Is that a problem?

Seriously, we are discussing here whether we are happy with the gay forum, so I thought it is interesting to know whether a contributor to this forum in indeed gay. We have many straight people here, so it is not a problem, but I thought the perspective is easier to understand if we know.

I don't know whether it is PC to ask this question, though. For me it is like discussing the future of the Porsche forum and asking someone whether he actually drives a Porsche or has ever driven one.

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Just noticed Texasrangers post above asking the previous poster if they were gay or not.

Actually someone asked me the question.

Yes, I did. Is that a problem?

Not a problem for me, I was just pointing out that it wasn't me who asked the question.
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Hi folks

First of all I would like to apologize to TexasRanger for the mix up in my previous post. My apologies Sir.

Secondly after reading all 20 pages (and counting) of the "Gay In A Box" I would like to retract my previous post.

My fears of you good folk in the Gay People In Thailand forum getting bullied have been blown out of the water.

The thread is actually quite funny,although sometimes a bit on the edge it is still a good hearten thread.

More of the Gay folk are joining in with the banter and are giving just as much as they get.

All in all a funny and entertaining thread.....,fair play to Jingthing for his hard work in starting up the thread and to

the rest of members Gay and Straight for helping it reach the 20 page mark.

In my opinion it has livened up your forum and knocked some walls down between the Gay and straight members of TVF.

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Hi folks

First of all I would like to apologize to TexasRanger for the mix up in my previous post. My apologies Sir.

Secondly after reading all 20 pages (and counting) of the "Gay In A Box" I would like to retract my previous post.

My fears of you good folk in the Gay People In Thailand forum getting bullied have been blown out of the water.

The thread is actually quite funny,although sometimes a bit on the edge it is still a good hearten thread.

More of the Gay folk are joining in with the banter and are giving just as much as they get.

All in all a funny and entertaining thread.....,fair play to Jingthing for his hard work in starting up the thread and to

the rest of members Gay and Straight for helping it reach the 20 page mark.

In my opinion it has livened up your forum and knocked some walls down between the Gay and straight members of TVF.

It's OK as long as you don't mind being treated like a dancing bear - there for the delectation of the audience. It's a bit like being an inmate at Bedlam in the gay forum at the moment.

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Hi folks

First of all I would like to apologize to TexasRanger for the mix up in my previous post. My apologies Sir.

Secondly after reading all 20 pages (and counting) of the "Gay In A Box" I would like to retract my previous post.

My fears of you good folk in the Gay People In Thailand forum getting bullied have been blown out of the water.

The thread is actually quite funny,although sometimes a bit on the edge it is still a good hearten thread.

More of the Gay folk are joining in with the banter and are giving just as much as they get.

All in all a funny and entertaining thread.....,fair play to Jingthing for his hard work in starting up the thread and to

the rest of members Gay and Straight for helping it reach the 20 page mark.

In my opinion it has livened up your forum and knocked some walls down between the Gay and straight members of TVF.

It's OK as long as you don't mind being treated like a dancing bear - there for the delectation of the audience. It's a bit like being an inmate at Bedlam in the gay forum at the moment.

You do have my sympathies sustento ,and it is of course it is easy for me to pass my comments as a straight guy in a gay forum,after all I am just passing through.

My feeling is that after reading the thread that you guy's and gal's in this forum might actually have picked up some allies against the bullying members in the

forum.......it is my hope anyway.

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It's OK as long as you don't mind being treated like a dancing bear - there for the delectation of the audience. It's a bit like being an inmate at Bedlam in the gay forum at the moment.

You do have my sympathies sustento ,and it is of course it is easy for me to pass my comments as a straight guy in a gay forum,after all I am just passing through.

My feeling is that after reading the thread that you guy's and gal's in this forum might actually have picked up some allies against the bullying members in the

forum.......it is my hope anyway.

Don't worry. I'll survive biggrin.png

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I'm not participating in the Box thread, because I agree with you: In the gay forum I don't see a need to be in the defensive.

As for educating the public: I have fought my fight. I'll now leave it up to the next generation.

It is now closed on my request. Happier now I hope! biggrin.png

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Will you allow me to add my 5 cents?

First, there have been posters saying that "if the ladies have their forum, we can have it too"... which seems to me completely incorrect to compare. Women have their special problems based on their sex, are in a minority as foreigners compared with foreign men, have issues with clothes sizes etc and when you look at the topics on the ladies forum, those topics clearly address living in Thailand.

The gay forum members gather here based on their sexual orientiation, but not really about the problems of living in Thailand. medical issues, clothes sizes etc are the same for straight, bisexual, homosexual men here in Thailand.

The majority of topics on this forum run about equal rights, about the situation of gay in various countries and I am sure are discussed on hundreds of other gay forums as well.

So the question JT asked is really what you gay members of TV must answer... do you really not have any specific topics concerning the gay lifestyle in Thailand with the exception of equal rights, that would be allowed to be posted here? If not, what use is that forum for you?

A question only you can answer for yourself.

We have a gay forum which we use within the rules set down by Thaivisa. If you want a 'straight' forum ask George.

I think you misunderstood my comments. I did neither want to criticize the existence of this forum nor question it's value. I do read here from time to time and post very infrequently, when I think I have some thoughts of value to add like:

- why I think this forum can not be compared with the ladies forum

- what I think could add further value to this forum (i.e. find common gay lifestyle topics concerning Thailand)

That is all, neither as a critic nor as an attack, but rather supportive. sorry if my comments could be read different.

My apologies if I offended you. One of the main reasons the gay forum exists is as a safe place where gay folks can post without constantly having to explain or defend themselves from the less tolerant amongst us.

There are other gay Thailand forums available but they tend to revolve around who's shagging who and where can you get a cheap boy for the night. We like to think we're a little more refined biggrin.png

no offence taken, actually I thought I offended you with my comment. Clearly understand what you mean with those other websites. wink.png

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sustento, nice effort. But I don't think a straight guy can understanding this.

a bit generalizing, ain't you? there are some straight guys out there who not only are pretty open minded but also have gay friends with whom they talk about more than just cars or shagging...

You deleted what I actually replied to when stating this.

That said, there might be the exceptional straight guy who would understand, OK. Certainly not the general population or the straight participants of the thread, as was evident from the history of the replies to which I had commented, and which you deleted.

That's OK, nobody needs to understand everything. There are certainly things in straight life that I don't understand.

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first off all i am gay.

the gay forum should ofcourse stay open. i dont post alot but read it often.

as for straights replying i think thats ok as i reply alot to the other forums also

just my thoughts



Posting more would be nice.

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