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Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok


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If 73% of the population died between ten to seven and ten past seven at night, from eating carrots then it's dodgy carrots and the wholesaler should be sought and prosecuted!! :D

djjamie loves to use outlandish comparisons, he adds a certain panache to the debate :P

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It's 2014 and the Democrat Party hasn't won a GE since 1992. At this rate, the DP won't do it again until 2032, or perhaps 2034.

As of this writing it's not yet known if the DP will participate in a new election this year that the EC refuses to call as the EC does nothing except obstruct elections and the electoral process.

The millions out there today are in fact the ordinary people of Bangkok trying to do their Saturday thing. There's also a mob in the streets.

Get the red specs off.

The Dems will easily win if it was held tomorrow and you know it.

Unless you think 8 million votes or less can take an election.

Stupidity in its rawest form.

Fascists in Bangkok sent out their fascist thugs to strategically prevent voting in enough polling stations to prevent a viable election. Fascist thugs violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls, and you suggest that the 8 million vote total is because PTP has lost significant popularity. That's stupidity.

When turnout precipitously declines from 74% in 2011 into the 40% range as it did in this election, targeted as it was by fascists and fascist thugs, the reason is plain, clear, visible, yet you miss it entirely, or you callously and arrogantly dismiss the reality of it. Your statements are not credible and neither are you.

I see that the recent poster YourNemisis is "no longer active." Musta been something he ate.

Far as I recall there was no real violence at the polls on election day. There were incidents at the polls during the early voting (one week earlier, notably with one of the protest leaders getting shot). The Lak Si shooting was a day before election day.

So "violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls" doesn't quite fit events. Granted that the related violent incidents, deterred some voters from exercising their right to vote. I'm pretty sure you cannot attribute ALL of the non-voters to this effect: some obviously support the PDRC, some didn't have Democrat Party to vote for, some couldn't be bothered with an election that was

on the way to be voided, some (as usual) had a nice day at home, etc. etc.

On the same note, claims that all of those non-votes show support for Suthep or an anti-PTP sentiment, are bogus as well.

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Ahh, your ability to use figures and numbers to further an argument is second to none.

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.

Here is another one along those lines.

73% of the population ate carrots between 1850 and 1910 yet 100% of them are now dead. So carrots kill people. A bit extreme I know, but I am making a point.

thaksin said during the last bkk governor elections that a lamp post would beat a DEM…In other words he said Bangkok will be a Pheu Thai seat at the next election…Guess what..thaksin was wrong.

Carrots do not kill people. Trying to undermine democracy and elections, does kill parties at elections.

One is not linked, the other definitely is linked.

BKK Governor is suspended BTW for election irregularities, Pusadee Tamthai is taking over.

Yet when arguing with numbers it can be argued that carrots do kill people. Common sense dictates they don't of course, but as common sense dictates that if 99% of the population of Bangkok does not attend a protest it does not mean the PT will win the next BKK governor election, but you still argue, through numbers, that they will. Against common sense.

Why bring in a new argument about democracy and elections..This is a new topic you have brought into an argument that has nothing to do with what we are talking about?

BTW - I know about the BKK governor situation. Again that highlights that the EC are not biased towards any particular party….BUT that is off topic. Please try to stick to the subject at hand.

Edited by djjamie
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Almost 2 hours in since the front marchers took off and there are still hundreds of thousands of marchers still waiting at Lumpini to start marching.

The wife is still waiting to get into the park area let alone start in the procession.

This is going to be the biggest yet.

Nice to hear a bunch of them went to Nontaburi and booted the red terrorist out from the NACC... Lets hope they hold that area till at least Tuesday.

I think your wife may be seeing her other husband today, traffic is now flowing freely at Lumpini, there are groups of protesters still on the road but they are wandering aimlessly.

Well she must be seeing him at the protests because I could hardly hear hear on the phone for whistles and crowd sounds.

Also being reported in the Nation.

Several groups yet to start marching, so unless you have proof that you are there, I suggest you post a picture for us.

Until you do that.... You are a liar.

Went down with the Mrs today too. I am dumping 781 photos on Facebook shortly if anybody wants to look. Davidvolak. There was even a snake going down the road with us there for a bit when we first left Lumpini but some kid chased him off with a water bottle. I went past the police tape as someone had done the grenade thing and flattened some tires on a taxi and a white vios. pellet marks on both cars fenders too. That Monk went in so I followed as they had walked up behind me when i was taking photos at the tape. Took a few from one of the walkover bridges too and as you can see there were a couple of people out in the streets today. You know the posters with the red glasses will call it 50 to 100 I am sure and I will say I did see 50 to 100 ++++++++++ so I got it out there. Been there. Done that. Got the shirt!







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That would hardly be a fair comparison since the Red Shirts wouldn't have the handicap of being threatened by acts of terrorism while marching.

Seeing the violence perpetrated against anti-government protestors since... well, since Thaksin's days, I think it does take some measure of courage to show up.

They would have a far bigger gang to be careful of now wouldn't they. Which would be fair enough I guess given that some of their followers seem to be a bit more "hardcore".

What gang is it that has a history of carrying out terrorist attacks against Red Shirt marches? Has there been any terrorism attack against a Red Shirt march at all? (bombings, shootings, that sort of thing) I can't think of any, can you give an example?

Ramkhamhaeng violent clashes come to mind.

But generally, violence directed at the red shirts was mostly from Army, not terrorism.

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Resigned. Left. Went his own way. No longer member.

Got it?

You really believe that? he resigned to protect his party,when all the theatrics are over and done with he will be welcomed back into the fold again as a reigning hero.

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Pdrc and the Dems are not the same body. This is a suthep event, hopefully the last. Nothing to do with the Dems.

Just because the EC insists on the law being followed does not mean they are not neutral. Despite what PT thinks they and the senate are not obliged to bend to their will. Not every institution is the DSI.

are not the same body? The names are different to protect the innocent,they go hand in hand.Remind me again what party Suthep belonged to before he "resigned". Next you will be saying the red shirts have nothing to do with PT

I say let the fools from both sides have a massive punch up.......idiots fighting for their corrupt masters.

Resigned. Left. Went his own way. No longer member.

Got it?

You really believe that? he resigned to protect his party,when all the theatrics are over and done with he will be welcomed back into the fold again as a reigning hero.

why do you care what i think, you've already made it clear all you want is your rice money.

Edited by Bluespunk
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so how many against 20mln voters and millions, who were prevented from voting?

You mean the 20 million of which around 50% voted NO, and the rest were a couple of million for assorted parties and 8 million buffalos for the PTP.

The ones obstructed were not PTP strongholds and I think the 2% in some provinces that turned out in the re-runs says it all really.

The real majority are speaking.

Not the 8 million MINORITY!!!!!!!!!

The other 40 MILLION VOTERS!

Well over a million on the streets, and the rest voted with their feet.

Of the 40 million in un-obstucted areas, 20 million did not even bother to vote. 10 million who did voted NO and the other 8 million who didn't get the chance to vote would be pretty much all NO votes, and not a single vote would have been PTPO anyway.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it pal.

and your 4th post after registration. The rest posts of the posts are also on politics.

Well the way I read your reply is you agree with him but haven't got the gut's to admit it or refute it with facts.clap2.gif

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It's 2014 and the Democrat Party hasn't won a GE since 1992. At this rate, the DP won't do it again until 2032, or perhaps 2034.

As of this writing it's not yet known if the DP will participate in a new election this year that the EC refuses to call as the EC does nothing except obstruct elections and the electoral process.

The millions out there today are in fact the ordinary people of Bangkok trying to do their Saturday thing. There's also a mob in the streets.

Get the red specs off.

The Dems will easily win if it was held tomorrow and you know it.

Unless you think 8 million votes or less can take an election.

Stupidity in its rawest form.

Fascists in Bangkok sent out their fascist thugs to strategically prevent voting in enough polling stations to prevent a viable election. Fascist thugs violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls, and you suggest that the 8 million vote total is because PTP has lost significant popularity. That's stupidity.

When turnout precipitously declines from 74% in 2011 into the 40% range as it did in this election, targeted as it was by fascists and fascist thugs, the reason is plain, clear, visible, yet you miss it entirely, or you callously and arrogantly dismiss the reality of it. Your statements are not credible and neither are you.

I see that the recent poster YourNemisis is "no longer active." Musta been something he ate.

Far as I recall there was no real violence at the polls on election day. There were incidents at the polls during the early voting (one week earlier, notably with one of the protest leaders getting shot). The Lak Si shooting was a day before election day.

So "violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls" doesn't quite fit events. Granted that the related violent incidents, deterred some voters from exercising their right to vote. I'm pretty sure you cannot attribute ALL of the non-voters to this effect: some obviously support the PDRC, some didn't have Democrat Party to vote for, some couldn't be bothered with an election that was

on the way to be voided, some (as usual) had a nice day at home, etc. etc.

On the same note, claims that all of those non-votes show support for Suthep or an anti-PTP sentiment, are bogus as well.

In my book, intimidating and forcibly preventing people from voting constitutes violent protest.

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Let's put this to rest when anointed PDRC mouth piece Bangkok Post reported that today protestors are only in ten of thousands and much less than previous rallies. Bottom line, the protest is losing steam and losing supporters and fading fast. Nobody believe a word from Suterp and his final push. Call that too many times like calling wolf.

Bangkok Post is now a pro pdrc paper? Any paper prints some you news you don't like and they automatically become pro pdrc mouthpiece? Jesus.

I guess when they allow Veera to run his mouth every week, they deserved to be called pro PDRC. As a major mass media, BP should present more objective article like by Khun Voranai and Songkran.

They print the news, they have been critical of both sides in this mess. You clearly do not like seeing news that you dislike, well that's life. However that does not make them a pdrc mouthpiece.

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so how many thousands against 20mln voters, millions, who were prevented from voting and millions intimidated by armed and violent mob?

I think you need to subtract the "no votes" and the spoiled ballots from the 20 million who voted to get a better idea who actually wanted any of the charlatans from the 53 parties to represent them.

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so how many against 20mln voters and millions, who were prevented from voting?

You mean the 20 million of which around 50% voted NO, and the rest were a couple of million for assorted parties and 8 million buffalos for the PTP.

The ones obstructed were not PTP strongholds and I think the 2% in some provinces that turned out in the re-runs says it all really.

The real majority are speaking.

Not the 8 million MINORITY!!!!!!!!!

The other 40 MILLION VOTERS!

Well over a million on the streets, and the rest voted with their feet.

Of the 40 million in un-obstucted areas, 20 million did not even bother to vote. 10 million who did voted NO and the other 8 million who didn't get the chance to vote would be pretty much all NO votes, and not a single vote would have been PTPO anyway.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it pal.


With numbers like that the PDRC must be so excited by the chance of a new election, they are bound to win.

They are not in the race dum dum. Pay attention. Do you just automatically hook onto negativity with out bothering to see what the issue is.

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I agree with the missus,who cares what corrupt government is in power,where is my rice money

This is the attitude this country is were it is, and why it will stay this way.

You are correct,it will stay that way hence the pragmatic view point. We want our money,we've worked hard enough for it and invested a lot of capital.

What we are witnessing isn't"living democracy" we are seeing two mafia like groups fighting for power with naive foot soldiers who in their heart of hearts know nothing will change. I have no confidence in "Thai democracy" so why should i care who is in power.....give me my money!!

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Here's the thing. Support Suthep or not, prior to today, he "boasted", more than once, that today's rally would be the "biggest ever". In my personal opinion, he's definitely missed the mark on that one.

You could be right about this is not the biggest show of support ever. However after 4 months of continuous protesting and givin the fact is is near 40 c in the shade walking over 15 km. in the sun, it is pretty impressive.

IMHO it has nothing to do with Suthep, this and all previous protest marches has to do with people sick and tired of the way this country is and has been governed, and want something better without a Shin or its clan in that equation.

Then let them vote on it, prove beyond all reasonable doubt that this is indeed what the "Majority" want.

Where does this idea keep coming from? ohmy.png

That some magical majority is required for people to protest the rampant corruption tearing their country apart? It's bizarre, it's beyond even Thai thought. The next time your wallet is stolen, you expect the police to ask for 38 million witnesses? It's the same stuff as saying any politician who manages to cheat, buy, steal the biggest number of votes can enjoy unlimited legitimate corruption.

It does get a little tiring to hear these ill informed supposedly educated people say let them vote on what they want.

What they want is unreasonable and with their limited education the same as the people who claim if they vote they will get what they want they will vote for the pie in the sky.smile.png

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So in the last election, Yingluk won 265 seats and 15,744,190 votes, i.e. 59400 votes per seat.

This protest isn't even enough people to win you one seat in Parliament, let alone end democracy and install a dictator.

Actually, 61 party list seats, so "somewhat higher" figure.

But as most of the seats in Parliament are based on constituency, your second line isn't exactly accurate.

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Fascists in Bangkok sent out their fascist thugs to strategically prevent voting in enough polling stations to prevent a viable election. Fascist thugs violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls, and you suggest that the 8 million vote total is because PTP has lost significant popularity. That's stupidity.

When turnout precipitously declines from 74% in 2011 into the 40% range as it did in this election, targeted as it was by fascists and fascist thugs, the reason is plain, clear, visible, yet you miss it entirely, or you callously and arrogantly dismiss the reality of it. Your statements are not credible and neither are you.

I see that the recent poster YourNemisis is "no longer active." Musta been something he ate.

Far as I recall there was no real violence at the polls on election day. There were incidents at the polls during the early voting (one week earlier, notably with one of the protest leaders getting shot). The Lak Si shooting was a day before election day.

So "violently assaulted innocent voters at the polls" doesn't quite fit events. Granted that the related violent incidents, deterred some voters from exercising their right to vote. I'm pretty sure you cannot attribute ALL of the non-voters to this effect: some obviously support the PDRC, some didn't have Democrat Party to vote for, some couldn't be bothered with an election that was

on the way to be voided, some (as usual) had a nice day at home, etc. etc.

On the same note, claims that all of those non-votes show support for Suthep or an anti-PTP sentiment, are bogus as well.

In my book, intimidating and forcibly preventing people from voting constitutes violent protest.

I agree. It just didn't happen on election day itself and people were not "violently assaulted" at the polls.

While there is no doubt the violence was a factor that effected voters, there were quite a few other factors at play this time.

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Well it's clear that you have nothing better to do than trying to count people on a picture. And now that you showed everybody your amazing skills can you tell me what point you try to make?

Or are you still p*ssid of that the pro goverment demonstraters can not get more than 2000 - 3000 people to show up?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I thought that was obvious.

1) I firstly wanted to see how big the protest was, to gauge if Suthep has backing. No he doesn't.

2) I wanted to them compare that to the claims, 1 million, 3 million?... from this I can show the basic dishonesty of these people.

3) I wanted to describe the basic mob counting techniques, so people have their own tools for estimating, independent of me.

4) I wanted to put the size of the mob in perspective. i.e. Yingluk won 59400 votes per seat on average at 2011 election, hence this group at 14k is 25% of one seat.

I also wanted to point out that in a metro city of 14.5 million people, 14,000 / 14.5 million = 0.097%, all these people are just a hop away from the protest and yet they didn't back Suthep.

99.9% of Bangkok people did not go to that protest.

I'm suggesting that the backers of Suthep had better realize this coup has no future, and they would be ill advised to go through with it.

One more point, and this should be obvious to everyone.

Bangkok is supposed to be a Democrat yellow stronghold. Yet 99.9% of Bangkok did not go to these protests.

Bangkok will be Pheu Thai seats at the next election.

BlueNoseCodger, you really are very naughty, saying things like that. You will raise the collective blood pressure of this internet community by a significant amount, children will be shouted at, dogs kicked and all over the kingdom wives will retreat to their boudoirs, asking "Why you shout computer? You think too mutt!".

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by JAG
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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

He won't get a million, maybe a couple of hundred thousand if he's lucky. But you don't need to go to the rally to be pissed off with the government. Obviously for each person actually there, there will be many more supporters who aren't.

The actual numbers and who has the "majority" is completely and utterly irrelevant. Fact is the country is badly divided and there are enough angry people on both sides to make any government's life miserable. Neither side of politics can afford to ignore and screw over the supporters of the other.

In essence I agree with you. The fact is that the angry ones on the PTP side are angry because they fear that their will be a government who does not continually promise them pie in the sky and deliver sh_t in a plastic bowel with the promise that tomorrow will be different.

The other half are angry because they are tired of the sh_t in a plastic bowl and the lies about it being different tomorrow. They know that with out a Governmental reform tomorrow will just be more of the same if not worse. Yes they are angry.

These were the quiet ones the ones the government thought they had fooled. The Government was taken by surprise when they found out these people were not only not fooled but vocal about it and willing to do some thing about it.

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif

You know full well that it doesn't work like that, for everyone that actually does something, there are many many others thinking the same.

For example: If a TV programme gets a few dozen complaints, the producers know that they have pissed off thousands more.

Also most of the PDRC supporters have full time jobs, whereas a large proportion of the Reds only work during planting and harvest seasons. Much easier for them to spare the time to protest, whether or not they are getting paid to turn out.

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Almost 2 hours in since the front marchers took off and there are still hundreds of thousands of marchers still waiting at Lumpini to start marching.

The wife is still waiting to get into the park area let alone start in the procession.

This is going to be the biggest yet.

Nice to hear a bunch of them went to Nontaburi and booted the red terrorist out from the NACC... Lets hope they hold that area till at least Tuesday.

I think your wife may be seeing her other husband today, traffic is now flowing freely at Lumpini, there are groups of protesters still on the road but they are wandering aimlessly.

Well she must be seeing him at the protests because I could hardly hear hear on the phone for whistles and crowd sounds.

Also being reported in the Nation.

Several groups yet to start marching, so unless you have proof that you are there, I suggest you post a picture for us.

Until you do that.... You are a liar.

Went down with the Mrs today too. I am dumping 781 photos on Facebook shortly if anybody wants to look. Davidvolak. There was even a snake going down the road with us there for a bit when we first left Lumpini but some kid chased him off with a water bottle. I went past the police tape as someone had done the grenade thing and flattened some tires on a taxi and a white vios. pellet marks on both cars fenders too. That Monk went in so I followed as they had walked up behind me when i was taking photos at the tape. Took a few from one of the walkover bridges too and as you can see there were a couple of people out in the streets today. You know the posters with the red glasses will call it 50 to 100 I am sure and I will say I did see 50 to 100 ++++++++++ so I got it out there. Been there. Done that. Got the shirt!

Your group photo, difficult to estimate because of the bridge cut off, and there might be people behind the trees to the left.

Of the visible portion:


Up to the foot bridge I make it 19 across by 27 = 540, if you estimated 3 times as many people behind the bridge as infront, you'd be looking at 2160, so say 2500. If that was your drone, you should have sent it up higher for a decent overhead shot.

Edited by BlueNoseCodger
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Most people up my way (Thais), could not give a s**t about the PDRC protests down there in Bangkok. You guys can argue to and fro all night. The consensus here is that once the protests are over and another election is held, the country's most popular party will be in power again. The Dems need to change their whole character and become a proper opposition so the peoples north of Bangkok have a real choice of who to vote for. No choice for them at the moment especially when the largest opposition party boycotts he elections. They can eventually win if they play the game fairly and not keep trying to cheat through the courts. They just have to except the fact they will not win the next election. If they play their cards right they may win the one after that. Use the next 4 years to try and connect with the opposition supporters and offer them some real hope for their financial future and inclusion in the political sphere. They can do it if they really try.

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This is going to be the biggest yet.

Nice to hear a bunch of them went to Nontaburi and booted the red terrorist out from the NACC... Lets hope they hold that area till at least Tuesday.

I think your wife may be seeing her other husband today, traffic is now flowing freely at Lumpini, there are groups of protesters still on the road but they are wandering aimlessly.

Well she must be seeing him at the protests because I could hardly hear hear on the phone for whistles and crowd sounds.

Also being reported in the Nation.

Several groups yet to start marching, so unless you have proof that you are there, I suggest you post a picture for us.

Until you do that.... You are a liar.

Went down with the Mrs today too. I am dumping 781 photos on Facebook shortly if anybody wants to look. Davidvolak. There was even a snake going down the road with us there for a bit when we first left Lumpini but some kid chased him off with a water bottle. I went past the police tape as someone had done the grenade thing and flattened some tires on a taxi and a white vios. pellet marks on both cars fenders too. That Monk went in so I followed as they had walked up behind me when i was taking photos at the tape. Took a few from one of the walkover bridges too and as you can see there were a couple of people out in the streets today. You know the posters with the red glasses will call it 50 to 100 I am sure and I will say I did see 50 to 100 ++++++++++ so I got it out there. Been there. Done that. Got the shirt!

Your group photo, difficult to estimate because of the bridge cut off, and there might be people behind the trees to the left.

Of the visible portion:


Up to the foot bridge I make it 19 across by 27 = 540, if you estimated 3 times as many people behind the bridge as infront, you'd be looking at 2160, so say 2500. If that was your drone, you should have sent it up higher for a decent overhead shot.

And I again I will remind you….


How about we wait and see if the PTP have a rally next week. That will indicate how big this rally is..They did say that if the PDRC rally drew large numbers then they would call theirs off.

So instead of looking at a photo that is 207kb to count 1000's or 10 000's pf people…how about hanging off and seeing where this this takes us.

Next you will guide us to the MH370 debris by using your wonderful photo interpretation skills.

Edited by djjamie
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Your group photo, difficult to estimate because of the bridge cut off, and there might be people behind the trees to the left.

Of the visible portion:


Up to the foot bridge I make it 19 across by 27 = 540, if you estimated 3 times as many people behind the bridge as infront, you'd be looking at 2160, so say 2500. If that was your drone, you should have sent it up higher for a decent overhead shot.

You are a fool.

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Your group photo, difficult to estimate because of the bridge cut off, and there might be people behind the trees to the left.

Of the visible portion:


Up to the foot bridge I make it 19 across by 27 = 540, if you estimated 3 times as many people behind the bridge as infront, you'd be looking at 2160, so say 2500. If that was your drone, you should have sent it up higher for a decent overhead shot.

You are a fool.

I second that especially since I predicted it!

Edited by djjamie
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so how many against 20mln voters and millions, who were prevented from voting?

You mean the 20 million of which around 50% voted NO, and the rest were a couple of million for assorted parties and 8 million buffalos for the PTP.

The ones obstructed were not PTP strongholds and I think the 2% in some provinces that turned out in the re-runs says it all really.

The real majority are speaking.

Not the 8 million MINORITY!!!!!!!!!

The other 40 MILLION VOTERS!

Well over a million on the streets, and the rest voted with their feet.

Of the 40 million in un-obstucted areas, 20 million did not even bother to vote. 10 million who did voted NO and the other 8 million who didn't get the chance to vote would be pretty much all NO votes, and not a single vote would have been PTPO anyway.

So stick that in your pipe and smoke it pal.

and your 4th post after registration. The rest posts of the posts are also on politics.

London Thai - you have been posting the same crap since your 4th post too.

I know it's too much to hope for, but while I live in beautiful rural Chiang Mai, I like to imagine you living on benefits in fascist Hoxton. Makes me feel real good! And don't bother coming back...

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I agree with the missus,who cares what corrupt government is in power,where is my rice money

This is the attitude this country is were it is, and why it will stay this way.

You are correct,it will stay that way hence the pragmatic view point. We want our money,we've worked hard enough for it and invested a lot of capital.

What we are witnessing isn't"living democracy" we are seeing two mafia like groups fighting for power with naive foot soldiers who in their heart of hearts know nothing will change. I have no confidence in "Thai democracy" so why should i care who is in power.....give me my money!!

I dont like it, but definitely cannot argue with you on your point.

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"Thousands of Thai anti-government protesters march in Bangkok"

>This is not anti-Govt.

>This is anti-democracy

>This is pro-coup

>Those seeking to power their way into governance via non-electoral means, are not protesters....Protesters by definition are 'against something"...These people are 'for' something.

That said, it is pitiful seeing them run about the streets, when very obviously should be expressing themselves at the ballot box and in parliament.

Everyone to their own I guess. To see an electoral minority seek to assert itself over an electoral majority is folderol.

Without playing the numbers game with these people today, it can be safely said they would be dwarfed by the electoral majority should they gather at one place, on one particular day.

Democracy: does that include "bought" votes

Ballot box: I see comrade Kim Jong Un recently won by a landslide at the ballot box.

Elections in front of an open wallet or the barrel of a gun? Free and fair ?

Electoral majority: Depends on the meaning, but in many elections around the world, the winner was not elected by the majority of those eligible to vote.

One must use words carefully. They don't always mean the same in every country.

Thailand has developed it's own style of government. Thailand is not a western style democracy, and should not be judged under those terms.

Aren't the PRDC calling for elections to be held under a more open and non-corrupt set of elections rules?

Is there any record of them calling for abandoning elections all together?

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Suthep announces intention to fight to eliminate Thaksin's regime

BANGKOK: -- People's Democratic Reform Committee spokesman secretary general Suthep Thaugsuban made an announcement at the Royal Plaza to reaffirm the PRDC's commitment to fight to eliminate the Thaksin regime.

He said the regime was a danger of the country. He said the PDRC would join hands with the people to fight to reform the country so that the nation would have genuine democracy for the real benefits of the people.


-- The Nation 2014-03-29

Didn't he said that 4 months ago?

And what's wrong with it?

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So, in a country with a population of approx 66.7million, if he is lucky to get 1 million (.015%), he thinks he speaks for the "majority" of the Thai people?

Gotta love Thai logic and "new math". coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Back to school for some math would be a good idea: 1,000,000 / 66,700,000 x 100% = 1,499 % !!! and NOT .015% !!!

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