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Thais and business

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hahahahaha, mate I have come to expect that if you want something then it is probably not available at the time, every shop you go to seems to not have what you want but they do not order replacements. Even the big paint centres do not carry stock and have to order it in, <deleted>, white ceiling paint and quick dry undercoat are not carried in stock, must come from Bangkok.........they really have no idea how to run these places at times.

For some reason no one wants to have to take responsibility for anything being in the shops, come back next weeksad.png

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

Yes, it is degrading and offensive and clearly bigoted. But it's the same trash from the usual warped characters, so no surprise.

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I think it is the frustration at what seems simple and normal at home but overly complicated here boiling over. And, lets face it we all use broad brush strokes whether racist or not. It is easier. I am as guilty of this but I would not say I am racist. I sometimes find living here very frustrating for very different reasons than I found living in London sometimes frustrating.

So many times I have read about, or experienced, shortages where you would not expect them. I don't know the reason. Is it supply problems, customs, bad re-order policy or bad management? Who knows but compared to the UK it happens very frequently here. And it is frustrating!

But there are so many compensations so I weigh it all up and the balance always comes down on living here.

But if people didn't post stuff like this what would you armchair warriors do with your day?

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I think it is the frustration at what seems simple and normal at home but overly complicated here boiling over. And, lets face it we all use broad brush strokes whether racist or not. It is easier. I am as guilty of this but I would not say I am racist. I sometimes find living here very frustrating for very different reasons than I found living in London sometimes frustrating.

So many times I have read about, or experienced, shortages where you would not expect them. I don't know the reason. Is it supply problems, customs, bad re-order policy or bad management? Who knows but compared to the UK it happens very frequently here. And it is frustrating!

But there are so many compensations so I weigh it all up and the balance always comes down on living here.

But if people didn't post stuff like this what would you armchair warriors do with your day?

No reason for forum rules really. One should be able to post anything if one feels upset. Or maybe just some guys should have rules. What about rules for criticizing ex colonial powers are verboten but criticizing countries that were colonized or should have been colonized is OK? That would make if fair eh?

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

As for 'the above poster', if you take a look you will see quotation marks around the first sentence.

Also, the OP was obviously referring to the people which he hears whining about earning less money than others.

Edited by somchaismith
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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

As for 'the above poster', if you take a look you will see quotation marks around the first sentence.

Also, the OP was obviously referring to the people which he hears whining about earning less money than others.

Good point. You are right. I didn't notice the quotes. So change above to OP. Sorry.

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Obviously business management / general labour / customer service skills are less developed in Thailand than in the West.

With this comes benefits (i.e.. many things are cheaper here) and opportunities (i.e. easy to compete with local businesses).

But I think we (westerners) have all (as consumers in Thailand) felt the OP's pain at some time... if you want to stay sane here, sometimes you just have to laugh at your own misfortune / frustration...

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

Yes, it is degrading and offensive and clearly bigoted. But it's the same trash from the usual warped characters, so no surprise.

He's simply telling the truth , Thais are generally lazy and not very good at what they do. A sort of jack of all trades but master of none. Even so , it's the same trash who suck up to them no matter what they do.

What? Every Thai is lazy? That's what you call "the truth?" Well I think you're a lowlife bigot not worthy of conversing with. Fair enough?

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oh well, 15 years ago in africa i once went to some shanty town "bar" where the "bartender" would jump on his bike an get me a beer from a store somewhere in the area... when i wanted a second beer off he drove again ;-) after that one i told him to buy a couple of bottles at once (cash upfront) ... LOL

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euh no not all, about 99% of them wink.png

I have had lots of work done around my house, extentions, additions, almost anything you care to name, and I have no comlaint about anything, and the pricing was good too. only last week, all the electricity in the house went off, the first time in eight years, this was about 11 pm. Mrs Possum got a man in to fix it within about 20 mins, job done, cost 300 Baht. Would that happen in a western country?

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"I always hear Thais complaining to have to less money but in the moment they have to do something for the buck they are just too lazy or ingnorant to do it."

They take the view that they're going to make small-money all the same, whether or not the work gets done properly.

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations.

My question is, "They (being all Thai people) are just too lazy or ignorant to do it." Is that comment by the above poster degrading or overly negative?

See, what I'm saying if I call a person lazy and ignorant is that degrading or overly negative?

I'm just asking for opinions? I think any normal person would think lazy and ignorant were degrading and negative comments but I could be wrong.

Yes, it is degrading and offensive and clearly bigoted. But it's the same trash from the usual warped characters, so no surprise.

He's simply telling the truth , Thais are generally lazy and not very good at what they do. A sort of jack of all trades but master of none. Even so , it's the same trash who suck up to them no matter what they do.

I hope you are not referring to me as trash, I say things as I see them. I will always complain about Thais behavior on the roads, but almost everything else about Thai people is positive IMO.

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Why do you think, they have an estimated 2 mil Burmese living here , legally or not ?

To do the jobs they are too lazy to do, ring any bells.

Also they are smarter, more willing to help, build a better building for whatever and don't moan.

Look at the fat Thais going to school these days in Pattaya what are they going to do? live under mums apron i expect, they are too far down the road to the point of no return .

Not having been colonised or to war has'nt helped .

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PS, on that note, sometime ago a friend ,whos married happily to a quiet thai girl, was asked by a thai women in a shop, it was Christmas time.

'Why do you only buy your kids presents once a year and birthdays, it dose'nt make sense to me i buy mine all the time ' !Get the drift.

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