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I like to refer to them as walk away moments...

Any long term expat in Thailand has experience several.

It is where you wait for some form of service from a Thai, but he or she is so disorganised, or inept, or lazy...that one just realises that the best thing to do...to preserve one's own mental health... is to walk away.

My most recent example was when I was trying to purchase two take away deserts with my girl at a Thai style desert shop in Samkong in Phuket town.

The Thai girl who took our order grabbed two plastic bags for our order, then she turned to serve another customer...partially completed his order...then turned to serve a third customer....bagged his order and then gave it to him...but did not take his payment...then grabbed one of our bags...then put it back down...and served a fourth customer...and then grabbed our bag again...and then put it down...and then finally took the 100 baht note being poked at her by customer number three...and then couldn't caculate how much change to give because she didn't have a calculator (it was a 20THB purchase by the way)...so she left the counter and came back with a calculator...then punched in 100 minus 20...and so on...

I just grabbed my girl's hand and walked off....a walk away moment.

But the other night I was waiting at the traffic lights at the horrific construction site at Central ...and I had a profound insight. Whoever is in control of that project is carrying out those major works in EXACTLY the same manner as the girl in the dessert shop. For those of you who doubt my claim, take a drive down to the construction site and all will be revealed. Scattered over the site you can see a pile of metal here and a pile of gravel there and an abundance of evidence that a little work is carried out on one task (but NOTHING is ever finished)...and then it is off to another spot in the project area to tinker with something else for a few hours or days...and then off to work on something else...

This project was supposed to be completed in January of this year...but wet season is now underway and so there is no way it will be completed before January next year.

But nonetheless...they have just started ANOTHER construction project at the lights at Tesco.

So the entire road from Tesco lights south down to Central is now one gigantic WALK AWAY MOMENT.

But therein lies the rub...

How does one walk away from the main arterial route on the island?

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Thailand isn't for you. This is how most of asia works, not just Thailand.

Perhaps go to Jamaica for a few months, then come back to Thailand.

No thanks...I am not a fat, ugly middle aged western lady looking for the black mamba

No, but they take lazyness and disorganised to another level. Thailand is then a repreave.

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It's OK - the OP has assured me that he is moving to Indonesia. Exactly why he continues to allow Thailand to get under his skin at this stage is anyone's guess. This should be a time for wild celebration, not acrimony.

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I have had "walk away moments" all over the world in most every country everywhere....and it certainly isn't limited to low llevel min wage staff...have also had walk away moments when dealing with "senior management" of banks and many other business types who have no clue about customer service. At least with min wage service staff I can semi relate to them not giving a crap but when you are dealing with relatively high paid management types it is even worse.

Walking away is nearly always a good option in those cases as trying to reason or point out the problem often ends up with

even more frustration.

One of my "favorites" in the USA is when you are standing at the cash register money and merchandise in hand and the cashier answers a ringing phone and launches off into some long conversation totally ignoring you standing right in front of them to "serve" a telephone request....gee...ever heard of telling caller you are busy with a customer and will have to call them

back? Happens all the time in all kinds of stores all over USA and the world.

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Thanks. A story like the OP is why some girls when they see a farang approaching their counter may say to the other girl: I handled the last obnoxious farang -- now it's your turn.

Don't forget OP, it's YOUR fault the poor girl couldn't do her simple job!

Thai never wrong!

When a hotel clerk would say we realize that you have a reservation but are rooms are fully booked -- even when wearing a business suit -- I would start crying. Guys trying to impress them that they are Mr. Important was routine but they maybe never had seen such a person just have a total breakdown in from of their desk. Wait a moment -- I'll get the manager ...

What a great idea! Humiliate yourself and lose your dignity in front of hotel lackeys. That'll impress them and they won't think you're obnoxious as you inferred to the OP.

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Thailand isn't for you. This is how most of asia works, not just Thailand.

Perhaps go to Jamaica for a few months, then come back to Thailand.

No thanks...I am not a fat, ugly middle aged western lady looking for the black mamba

u don't get it. they ain't looking for the mamba but for the rhythm of the hips pushing the mamba... the art/quality of pampam does not lie in the banana....

peace to u fat drunk and stupid farang

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Thailand isn't for you. This is how most of asia works, not just Thailand.

Perhaps go to Jamaica for a few months, then come back to Thailand.

No thanks...I am not a fat, ugly middle aged western lady looking for the black mamba

You sound it with your whinging and moaning. She is just trying to please everyone at the same time. Fatdrunkandstupid sounds apt.


Think outside the square box. Walk off the island.

IMHO there is nothing in this world to make me live there.

But tastes differ...


Used sparingly it worked like a charm. I wanted the room and I didn't give a sh-t what they think of me.

With those type of skills of being able to cry on demand, you could be PM rolleyes.gif


One of our worst Walk Away moments was in London at the Brent Cross Shopping Centre. We stood at the Information counter for something like ten minutes and the young woman behind the counter kept on chatting with a friend, just giving us a look a couple of times. We had done a fair amount of shopping and wanted help to call a taxi. Tired of waiting we walked away saying to the woman that she should realize that her salary comes from customers who spend money at the Shopping Centre and she should give a little more attention to them rather than spending all her time chatting with friends! We will never go back to the Brent Cross Shopping Centre. It is a very poorly managed place - worse than most shopping Malls in Thailand, certainly ten times worse than the Central Festival in Phuket.

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Thanks. A story like the OP is why some girls when they see a farang approaching their counter may say to the other girl: I handled the last obnoxious farang -- now it's your turn.

Yesterday at a Big C I took a single bottle of shampoo to the Pharmacist / Boots cashier as you must pay separate for Boots merchandise. I did not have anything else. Giving her the bottle she asked me "one"? holding up a single finger. I ask her "how many do you see?" she still looks a bit unclear. then I ask her if she graduated pharmacy university. Yes I did. I say "logic says there is 1 bottle" (I can read/write Thai and pronounce near native)

Moments like this repeat themselves almost on a daily basis. Basically unimaginable stuff that defies all logic and reason. More than walk away moments. Pinch yourself inflict pain to try to awaken from a dream cause stuff life this can only happen in dreams.

I have tried to politely explain and educate but there exists a lot of resistance and inflexibility. You could by design not create a society more destined to stagnate if you tried.

I am not bashing, just stating facts.

yeah, that ONLY ONE is a classic... so is the trying-to-educate-farang.

when they ask me the only one thingy i simply EUH (thai equivalent for yes)...

only one means nothing, just like "have you eaten yet", "where you go", 'what you buy", etc means NOTHING...

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I walked away from the US after Bush was elected. Never looked back. thumbsup.gif

Yeah...no way was he even remotely qualified to serve desserts.

his father however knew very well how to serve deserts ;-)


To be fair to the dessert girl, she may have been over-worked, understaffed, and thus extremely flustered...even to the point where calculating change is a mental blank. I can empathise.

To be fair to the developer, a construction site is not like a shop with many customers who have to be served in an orderly and speedy manner. There would be many scenarios where one job gets started and then left for another, there would be many teams doing different tasks giving the appearance of many unfinished jobs, etc.

Methinks you doth protest too much. But you might be right. Just keep walking away.

It's not just Thailand, so don't make out that it is.....last month I walked in to a bed shop. The sales guy was on his mobile, speaking in Hindi. I am familiar with Hindi so could tell he was talking to a mate about a girl. He looked at us and looked away, carrying on his conversation. I waited patiently for 5 minutes. He kept on glancing at me, but refused to put down the phone. I am fairly sure he is the kind of salesman who is on a measly retainer but a good commission. Next time he looked at me, I waved my Platinum card at him, smiled, and walked out. He was an idiot as I was fully intent on buying a big bed.

Waived my Platinum Card ???? says it all folks eh....

Do you suffer from an inferiority complex, banks do issue them to various customers if they have funds in their banks, quite common actually and what he did makes perfect sense to me and a lot of others too I would imagine.......


Thanks. A story like the OP is why some girls when they see a farang approaching their counter may say to the other girl: I handled the last obnoxious farang -- now it's your turn.

Yesterday at a Big C I took a single bottle of shampoo to the Pharmacist / Boots cashier as you must pay separate for Boots merchandise. I did not have anything else. Giving her the bottle she asked me "one"? holding up a single finger. I ask her "how many do you see?" she still looks a bit unclear. then I ask her if she graduated pharmacy university. Yes I did. I say "logic says there is 1 bottle" (I can read/write Thai and pronounce near native)

Moments like this repeat themselves almost on a daily basis. Basically unimaginable stuff that defies all logic and reason. More than walk away moments. Pinch yourself inflict pain to try to awaken from a dream cause stuff life this can only happen in dreams.

I have tried to politely explain and educate but there exists a lot of resistance and inflexibility. You could by design not create a society more destined to stagnate if you tried.

I am not bashing, just stating facts.

yeah, that ONLY ONE is a classic... so is the trying-to-educate-farang.

when they ask me the only one thingy i simply EUH (thai equivalent for yes)...

only one means nothing, just like "have you eaten yet", "where you go", 'what you buy", etc means NOTHING...

On occasion I answer "no, thirty" just to get them thinking

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