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Most public toilets in Bangkok are not clean


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Most public toilets in Bangkok are not clean


BANGKOK: -- The Heath Department of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) says most of the capital’s 4,341 public toilets are dirty with only 25.31% passing the required cleanliness standards, while the rest failing.

Mrs Wantanee Wattana, director of the Health Department, said that from the survey of the behavior of 1,000 people using public toilets in Bangkok in 2012, it was discovered that 28% of them improperly used seat toilets, 13 did not flush toilet after use, and 18% did not wash their hands after use.

She also disclosed that from the inspection of all the 4,341 public toilets in Bangkok, 1,380 of them or 17.39% passed the national hygienic standards of public toilets, while the rest failed the test.

However she said that if looking into the hygienic standards on three aspects namely cleanliness, sufficiency, and safety, it was discovered that only 25.31% of total public toilets passed the cleanliness standards.

Factors attributed to failure in passing the cleanliness standard are that 69.47% of public toilets have no seat toilets for the disabled people, aged people and pregnant women, 60.59% have no washing soaps, and 60.28% have no cleaning tissues or no toilet hoses.

But she said that the BMA has now introduced the master plan to improve Thai public toilets with focus on cleanliness, sufficiency, and safety by up to 90% of its public toilets in the capital within the 2016.

It will also hold a contest of the cleanest public toilet for 2014 in order to encourage businesses to realize the significant of their public toilets in their service places and enter the competition. Registration to enter the competition will open until April 18, she said.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/public-toilets-bangkok-clean/

-- Thai PBS 2014-04-07

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Clean toilets are the least worry that Thailand has at present.

If the facts were that a majority of public toilets met some imaginary standard, that a majority of public toilet users washed their hands after use and that very few squatted on the seats instead of sitting, I doubt it would have any affect on the stability of the country.

A country is not judged by its toilets, but by the ethical behavior of it servants coming from a different end.

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Washing hands after using a toilet.

Why would this be a revelation? You only have to think of how they live in the boonies. Washing hands after using a toilet is something that only aliens do.

There is no education in the home nor in schools. coffee1.gif

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and 18% did not wash their hands after use.

I don't believe it was only 18%.

81% would still seem low. sad.png

Silly! Why do you think that the Thais always Wai??? I do the same thing since I have seen too many not washing their hands, and those that do usually leave the bathroom with very wet hands, which they then wipe on their dirty clothes.

All the major malls are great and much cleaner than in the Western world. Per another commenter, try out Terminal 21 on Sukhumvit in BKK which even has the Japanese butt washer toilets at the press of a button. Maybe they offer the ladies a complimentary tampex remover as well? ha ha

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every mall has decent free western toilets

terminal 21's bogs are world class

Agreed. If away from hotel and I can make it to Terminal 21 that is where I go. And I always carry my tube of Boots Cleansing Hand Gel.

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Last time public toilet ive been was mochit bus station , it was ok , had to look for o e that had paper there , still dont get why at a sitting toilet you dont get an asssprayer

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Do Thai boys hate the toilet cleaners? They seem to go out of their way to mess up the toilets as much as the can by pissing and shitting all over the floor and toilet seats. I know this for a fact as I have 2 young girls and when I am out with them alone, I have to take them to the men's for a slash and it is truly rare to find an unsoiled toilet. Why are Thais not embarrassed or shamed by this behavior??

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Washing hands after using a toilet.

Why would this be a revelation? You only have to think of how they live in the boonies. Washing hands after using a toilet is something that only aliens do.

There is no education in the home nor in schools. coffee1.gif

BS you have never been country side. Personal hygiene is on a quite high level in Thailand. Compare it to other countries, including western countries. You'll recognise that your own country is behind.... Why always this senseless bashing


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Washing hands after using a toilet.

Why would this be a revelation? You only have to think of how they live in the boonies. Washing hands after using a toilet is something that only aliens do.

There is no education in the home nor in schools. coffee1.gif

BS you have never been country side. Personal hygiene is on a quite high level in Thailand. Compare it to other countries, including western countries. You'll recognise that your own country is behind.... Why always this senseless bashing


Sent from my phone

I live countryside

Most toilets are clean , or were till massive amounts of people started using them say wedding funeral but even then they get cleaned like a million times a day when they have the chance

So im with you Fatfather

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...what happened with 'Mr. Toilet'.....???

...got a 'better deal'.....???

He likes to be called khun deficator now

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Do Thai boys hate the toilet cleaners? They seem to go out of their way to mess up the toilets as much as the can by pissing and shitting all over the floor and toilet seats. I know this for a fact as I have 2 young girls and when I am out with them alone, I have to take them to the men's for a slash and it is truly rare to find an unsoiled toilet. Why are Thais not embarrassed or shamed by this behavior??

A country that still uses its fingers to wipe the turds away....what do you expect.

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"and 18% did not wash their hands after use."

Another BS report. Maybe 1% wash their hands and after 6 years in the Kingdom, I could count on two hands the number of people that used soap.

It kills me to see a guy walk out of the shit booth, wearing a restaurant uniform, walking to the mirror, running his fingers thru his hair and then walk out the door back to work. Making that delicious Thai food. Now that is a 98% occurrence.


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Do Thai boys hate the toilet cleaners? They seem to go out of their way to mess up the toilets as much as the can by pissing and shitting all over the floor and toilet seats. I know this for a fact as I have 2 young girls and when I am out with them alone, I have to take them to the men's for a slash and it is truly rare to find an unsoiled toilet. Why are Thais not embarrassed or shamed by this behavior??

A country that still uses its fingers to wipe the turds away....what do you expect.


After 7 year thailand went back to Holland and missed the spray, i felt like take a shower after a good dump .

Rest my case

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Apparently you haven't been in Thailand A long time.Not to long ago you wouldn't even see toilets.When I 1st went to Thailand all there

Was was A hole in the ground.Wait A few more years it'll get better.Be patient

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Several people have beaten me to the point of the very low number of people washing their hands - in women's toilets I watch them coming out of the stall and walking over to the sinks only to make use of the mirrors to touch up their lipstick or hair.

I have come to accept all sorts of things here that would have annoyed me 5 years ago, but there are a few things that still irritate me, and one concerns public toilets. I have excellent bladder control and very rarely use them and when I do, one thing that really ticks me off when I do is having to pay 2 or 3 baht then finding no soap for hand washing. OK, you have to pay for the facility and that's fair enough, but if everyone is paying surely they could buy a couple of bars of cheap soap. I always have a small pack of anti-bacterial wet-wipes in my bag in case I get caught short and need to clean my hands, but men would be hard pressed to carry these around. It's basic hygiene.

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Today's public restrooms in mall's and rest areas are excellent! It really brings smile to your face when you really need one and see the quality! Everyone whos complaining, thank god you weren't here 20+ years ago...

Those claiming Thai's having poor hygiene ...You're full of it !! NOT TRUE!!

Most falangs still wipe their <deleted> without using water...so who's...

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The BMA haven't been to public toilets in Kuala Lumpur yet... If Thais have poor toilet ettiquette, then Malaysians must be jungle-fresh baboons. Really, I have lived and led similar lifestyles in both cities and in my experience, I find more clean toilets while I'm out and about in BKK than I do in KUL. Doesn't mean BMA should be happy with that. There's still work to be done. Look at public toilets in Tokyo as benchmarks.

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Not my experience, try an Indian toilet, Thai public toilets are fine especially in BKK can get grubby outside but hardly ever dirty. dirty

I cannot find a toilet (let alone a public toilet) in India.

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