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2 Month Vacation, Girl Traveling Alone

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Learn some Thai before you travel.

Understand that in many areas the only written signs are in Thai and you may struggle to know which direction to take.

I spent 4 months listening to a free holiday Thai course and it helped me immensely.

There are many free courses on the internet. The one I choose was:-


I have to admit that I was too lazy to learn to read but then, I married a Thai so have no real need to.

To learn about Thai culture, read the book Thailand Fever.

To understand the sleazy side of Thailand download ebook Private Dancer by Stephen Leather - it's free.

Go to youtube and search Big Trouble in Thailand.

What to do and see in Bangkok http://migrationology.com/2011/06/101-things-to-do-in-bangkok/

Learn about the Thai Food http://migrationology.com/

Get on that Google Gal

Whatever you decide, keep your "Thinking Head" on and have a great time.

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Does anyone have a daughter of similar age that the OP can speak with?

i have a daugher of the same age. but i wouldnt encourage her to get in to a situation where as she would be giving advice to an obviously very naive girl who plans on a very dangerous venture.

thailand is not a place for single 19 year old girls to travel around. even the most street wise could end up in serious trouble or dead. her family obviously have no influence on her or they wouldnt here of such a thing. maybe her parents are also naive and irrational.

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Be careful at night and with who you party with. Getting drugged and raped is getting more common every year here in Thailand.

Never tell anyone you don't know that you are here totally alone.... Easy target! Even if you are alone people with bad intentions may be less apt to take advantage if they think you stay with others.

Thailand has perhaps the highest concentration of sex pats in the world... Young and old. Be very careful who you sleep with as there is a good chance that they are also sleeping with the working girls. HIV and STDs are something to be concerned about for a lady...use protection !!!

Don't wear any gold and be careful with your pocketbook. Drive by motorbikes thrives are everywhere.

The police are not always your friend so avoid problems and crazy people. Don't do drugs of any type here !!!

Great country to visit and very nice people but too many lowlifes both Thai and Foreigner. Be very careful !

I would suggest Chiang Mai as a starting point. Many temples and a little laid back. You will have time to relax and learn a little about Thailand before setting out to other interesting areas.

Good luck !

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1. Very bad idea.

2. Want to learn about the culture? No need to visit the country. Just do some reading.

Read a book & you'll learn more about the culture than in a 2 month visit.

Read ThaiVisa & you will learn a - lot - about Thai culture.

Do not travel alone.

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A few ladies here are commenting which is great. No disrespect but a lot also depends what you look like. If you are an 8, 9 or 10 in the looks department you will attract more attention and it could lead to a few problems with drunk guys hitting on you. Some thai guys just can't control themselves after a few drinks.

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1. DON'T Travel ALONE in ANY country Worldwide.

2. Go with other backpackers/ travellers from your Uni. or local club etc.

3. Do YOUR Research - Know what you need, Where to go and How to stay in contact with Someone at all times.

Do Not look at Travel Brochures for advice - they are selling a dream...

Use "Lonely Planet " Fodors" or any other Travel guide book (Store Internet web addresses)

Check "trip advisor" for hotel/hostel descriptions such as "Located in a Safe area ".

It is crazy to travel alone - young, naïve female - No. 1 target (Except for lady boys? Ha, ha).

Always travel with others - meet them in Hostels - ask them where they are going then ask them if you can join their trip.

Yep. It may also sound crazy to you now, BUT don't take drugs, for you, or carry for others... (Look up " Bangkok Hilton")

If you do not carry out the above - it will be like visiting a cannibal island - you wouldn't do that right?

Travelling Free is one of the greatest experiences of your life - make sure it's not your last.

Then go ahead feel free and have a great time - with the Power of Knowledge and natural safety in numbers...


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Hi summerinthailand!

I think it's a great idea that you have! I think Thailand is a very easy country to travel in and no more 'dangerous' than any other place. Those here on the forum being all scared for your sake already, ignore them. They should spend some time in India for example. After that they'd see that Thailand is a VERY traveller-friendly. All the facilities for tourists are easily available in Thailand, people are easy to approach and they're willing to help.

I think it might be a good idea to stay at least in one place for a bit longer, two weeks or so (if you have 2 months in total). I think that's the best way to get to know local everyday culture.

And stay in hostels! If you stay in dorm rooms, it's SO easy to meet other like-minded travellers of your age. Some hostels organize events and trips also. Bangkok at least has some really cool hostels in good areas.

I hope you have the best time in the world during your travels in Thailand! And here's the 'auntie bit': I was your age when I left travelling alone. Since then 20 years has passed, I've travelled a lot and it has given so much to my life: memories, knowledge, friends, experiences... Wonderful times!

Bon voyage!


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Some simple tips for you. May sound over protective but it is just common sense.

You are not an ATM machine so protect your money. Use the hotel safe. Don't carry large amounts with you. Don't flash your money either. Too many times we read about a tourist who lost all their money and can't get back home.

Don't feel like you need to buy someone something just because they are friendly to you or ask you too. Be kind but be smart. Scammers will befriend you then start asking for favors.

Protect your passport. Make color copies of your passport and lock away the real one unless you are traveling to another location to stay. You'll need it to check into a hotel but even a copy will work. Never give your passport to anyone except for Immigration, police or the hotel at check in so they can make a copy. Demand you get it back.

Travel light, don't carry a big bag (purse). A hidden money belt works too. It's hot here so wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Barter! and barter hard if you want to buy something.

As someone said, make arrangements to keep in steady contact with a friend or family member. Let them know where you are and where you are going.

Avoid "motorbike taxis" if you can. They are cheap and get through traffic quickly but they are dangerous. Take a metered cab and demand the meter be turned on or get out and walk away. If you do write the cab number down even if it is in ink on your hand. People leave things behind and forget the taxi number.

If you rent a motorbike, you do so at great risk. Even the harden bike riders here know that. Wear a helmet!

There is also a phone number for the "tourist police" you should have with you if you have trouble.

If your phone is a 4 band phone you could get a Thai number (sim) very cheaply for use while you are here. Some 3 band phones will work. Other choice is to simply but the cheapest phone you can find (millions for sale here) for less than $30. Then give it away when you leave.

I'm sure you'll be getting more advice. Enjoy yourself, take tons of pictures, and just bring you common sense.

And one last thing...I'm not saying you do...but drug violations here can come at a very heavy price.

Edited by Mrjlh
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Obviously the OP has practically zero knowledge about the country she intends to visit for a pro-longed vacation.

My advice to her is to buy a couple of good guidebooks (second-hand will do) and thoroughly read through the general information pages and also browse the different travel destination/tourist attraction pages to gain a better understanding about Thailand.

Also, there are literally THOUSANDS of freely accessible websites that give exhaustive information on every aspect regarding Thailand, from culture, do's&dont's, safety to accommodation, transportation, food, and much, much more.

Why the laziness and trying to let other people do the hard work piece-mealing together what you can easily find out yourself with a little bit of effort? After all, it is supposed to be YOUR vacation!

Once you've educated yourself about the basics, you can still post specific questions about this and that, and I am sure a lot people will be glad to help you out with hands-on info. But do some ground work first, girl!

Hi. Agreed. But i would go a step further and advise her not to go it alone. Take a buddy or join a group with similar ideas and goals. Do not come on your own without doing the suggested rearch or on your own. The land of smiles can be very dangerous for such a one as you. Cheers

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Not a lot of difference on some of the replies on this thread to those we often see about gun ownership in Thailand. There are posters there who don't feel safe without their attack dogs, guns and razor wire. Others who think they are barking mad.smile.png

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Step one. Buy the " Lonely Planet " guide book called " Thai " . It is a phrase book that will assist you in your travels. It is about $9.00 US. It is available in the big bookstores in Canada, the USA and Great Britain. Perhaps some other countries but am unsure.

This book will help you language, numbers and money.

It will aid you in transport, border crossings, accommodation and sightseeing.

It will help you meet people expressing yourself and with beliefs and cultural differences.

It will help you with food.

Importantly it will help you with safe travel.

It is also an English -Thai- English dictionary abridged. It is very concise and to the point.

Step two. Study this book thoroughly before you come.

Step three. If you want to discover the real Thailand and are genuinely interested in the true Thai culture stay away from Phuket, Pattaya and Bangkok unless you have a guide from your own cultural background familiar with Thailand.

Step four. Make top tourist destinations in Thailand a low priority.

Step five. You will get a lot of attention because this is a poor country and everyone wants your money. Fortunately most Thai people are honest and helpful just like the rest of the world.

Step six. would not recommend travelling on your own at your age but then I do not know your background. If you are a comfortable world traveller have no fear.

Transport is inexpensive take the buses.

I am 65, I have a thai wife and daughter. If you wish to stay in an out of the way place on the Laos border you are welcome at my home. Contact me through Facebook. Two months you will see a lot of Thai culture here. Temples, funerals, sights, beach on the Mekong. Petroglyphs etc. I may be able to hook you up with Thais your own age.

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Girl, your plan is a full dangerous plan.

An 19 yrs old girl is alone in TH ... I hope my daughter never comes with this plan to me.

We have here many experiences by lot of years (mostly) but Thais can make me surprised any-times.

Your knowledge is zero.

My advise: don't do alone, take some-one with you.

If you want any further information fell free to send a private message.


I would definitely not consider travelling alone. If you were my daughter I would be very worried. Do you not have a friend who would join you and share you experiences? It's nice to gaze at a sunset, share, and say "Wow, look at that"! Please, travel with a companion.

Edited by Gandtee
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You see a wide range of feedback. There is some truth in all.

You can go around and never have a problem and think it is pretty safe. Yet, you can also run into some dangerous situations and realize things may not be as safe as they seem, or even be dangerous, where you may not have any chance of realization left. All have some truth in them.

To illustrate one point though, you could think about going to a place that gives you a 60% chance of getting mugged, which of course is pretty bad. But, if 1,000 people go, there will be 400 people telling you it was very safe and they had no problem. Of course, that % statistic is made up, but you get the drift.

The bottom line is it is safer to travel with someone, especially for a young woman. Tourists are easy targets in every country, which is why you see dangers in every country, as it then brings out the scum of scammers and also worse those who could do bodily harm. Being a single female tourist, realize you do stick out as a target and going alone increases the risk, which is important to note. How much, one cant say, but think nobody can argue that the risk does not go up, traveling alone, and being a 19 yr old female, who may be a target for males with bad intentions, besides scammers, so increase the # in the group of potential attackers/scammers. And 19 yr olds may not be quite as savvy, smart about the world and many still may be a bit naive, and dont mean that as an insult to the OP, but only fact that one has less world and people experience at a younger age.

No matter who you are, important to always keep your wits about you and use common sense, which there are many stories about people who didnt use basic common sense, e.g. getting drunk with relative strangers, or going together with some new "friends" even sober, walking alone at night, or taking taxi alone at night, etc.

And one should not only be careful about spiked drinks, but even getting drunk or tipsy can lead to dangerous situations. And even without drinking, making new "friends" can be risky. Of course, you will find those that met great friends and had no problems, but there are also those that found so called friends that turned out otherwise, often leading to tragic stories. You see these sad stories regularly in headlines in Thai Visa, if you have read TV and other Thailand news for awhile.

So, being smart and keeping your wits about you can help shift the odds back the other way a lot. Only you can decide if the risk is then acceptable for you or not. But, one worries about the naivete of 19 year olds, eager to see and experience the world, meet new people, whether they fully understand the risks.

e.g. like in the movie "Taken" .

To summarize, I think you should consider most of what everyone has said and realize there are risks. ANd the risks become greater traveling alone and being a female. You can push the risks back some by being smart, but there is still a greater risk traveling alone, and being female. But, study up and make sure you fully understand the risks and study some of the scams and dangers to be on the look out for, which most 19 yr olds dont do, but hopefully you can be different than most.

You will probably be ok if you are careful and study up and still decide to go alone, but my advice would probably still be to go with a friend and not to do alone. But, maybe I am more risk averse due to having read too many sad stories on Thai Visa.

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If you don't live your dreams when you are young you might never get to live them (some of us get a second chance)

I first went to Thailand about 30 years ago but I had some advantages over you - large male who had lived in another SE Asian country as a kid.

Personally I would not want to learn about Thailand from this forum - yes there are some good people here who do know about Thailand but there a quite a few with some strange views. In particular some of the statements about Thai people, Thai culture and Buddhism will tell you more about the writers than about Thailand. You should do research in a number of different places then consider carefully.

One thing that you may like to consider would be to volunteer with one of the agencies to help kids in rural areas learn English. This would be cost effective and place you within a community. You can not get an appreciation for Thailand by running from one destination to another.

I would echo the post about staying away from tourist areas IF you want to see Thailand. Bangkok has some nice temples, palaces .... the next best thing about it is the roads, railways and airport that get you out of there.

Personally I like the Isaan people best - I have to say this or the wife will kill me (55) - yes she is a rice farmer who speaks English as well as most people here so can read what I say. If you were going to that area I could put you in contact with her (Skype or messenger)

Ask any question that you want - the only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask - but treat all responses as a personal opinion to be treated with caution (including mine)

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Geez...what is so dangerous here for s girl compared to a girl in the states at a university that goes out partying and drinks at clubs? Same same...gimme a break...im a mother of 3 anf youngest is 19 in army now. They go out to the city to clubs and they all know not to drink from anything that u didnt open or buy yourself...in the bathroom take care...know where u r nd who u walk out with...btw dont EVER rely on cell fones. My kids read maps snd read signs to know wear they r going etc...emergency fone numbers r written in small note in 2 stretegic places cause nowadays noone remember s numbers. An emergency bill is slso dtashed on the body. My daughter looks like fresh meat and loses fones and wallets not to mention army beret md id (bad bad news) but she apparently isnt as naive as I thought and manages...at 19 I was on an american army train w. False papers on my way to devided berlin nd then thru the border to e. Berlin...and a few other adventures...more luck then brains. ..but not to go because of unbased fear? Rediculous.

Dont accept gifts from people that u dont know...dont go with oeople without knowing where u r going....ive jumped pout of moving vehicles twice when I was young and hitchhiking in israel but we all stil hitchhike here..just learned the do's&donts....so can any normal person...thsiland is a great tourist destination...find agroup of israelis on khouasan rd...we run in groups & take care of eachother and aldo are open to newcomers ...my son msnaged in new york nd boston although he is country hick nd now the oldest is out west discovering america...same dangers...foesnt matter the language as the codes og conduct snf safety r different. My kids r used to s society of frienfly strangers n when the eldest was in thailand she wad invited to dlerpover st my husbsnd's BIL house. She refused becsuse she 'felt bad vibes' nd later we realized she was right...(he tries to screw any warm body apparently)...it was her gut instinct. So use antennae and trust the feeling.and enjoy the trip.


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Once again sorry.typing on samsung catastrophe! Hooe u r able to make sense of it all in spite of wierd typos. Forgot to mention my kids r israeli americand from an agricultural village and not big city kids

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Geez...what is so dangerous here for s girl compared to a girl in the states at a university that goes out partying and drinks at clubs? Same same...gimme a break...im a mother of 3 anf youngest is 19 in army now. They go out to the city to clubs and they all know not to drink from anything that u didnt open or buy yourself...in the bathroom take care...know where u r nd who u walk out with...btw dont EVER rely on cell fones. My kids read maps snd read signs to know wear they r going etc...emergency fone numbers r written in small note in 2 stretegic places cause nowadays noone remember s numbers. An emergency bill is slso dtashed on the body. My daughter looks like fresh meat and loses fones and wallets not to mention army beret md id (bad bad news) but she apparently isnt as naive as I thought and manages...at 19 I was on an american army train w. False papers on my way to devided berlin nd then thru the border to e. Berlin...and a few other adventures...more luck then brains. ..but not to go because of unbased fear? Rediculous.

Dont accept gifts from people that u dont know...dont go with oeople without knowing where u r going....ive jumped pout of moving vehicles twice when I was young and hitchhiking in israel but we all stil hitchhike here..just learned the do's&donts....so can any normal person...thsiland is a great tourist destination...find agroup of israelis on khouasan rd...we run in groups & take care of eachother and aldo are open to newcomers ...my son msnaged in new york nd boston although he is country hick nd now the oldest is out west discovering america...same dangers...foesnt matter the language as the codes og conduct snf safety r different. My kids r used to s society of frienfly strangers n when the eldest was in thailand she wad invited to dlerpover st my husbsnd's BIL house. She refused becsuse she 'felt bad vibes' nd later we realized she was right...(he tries to screw any warm body apparently)...it was her gut instinct. So use antennae and trust the feeling.and enjoy the trip.


Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Bina, agree 100% Also have a 19 year old daughter who can be a total dipstick at times so I know where your coming from. But she ain't stupid and knows like so many kids of her age how to look after herself. The weird thing here is none of this advice would have been doled out to a 19 year old boy....but it's the boys who are far more likely to come to grief in LOS. Testosterone, alcohol, motor bikes pose far greater risks than the rapists (apparently) waiting around every corner.

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The attached photo is a warning about bag snatching. You now see these posted everywhere.

Thailand appears to be very safe but don't be fooled ! It is a very dangerous country and a small encounter can get out of hand very quickly and turn deadly.

Those saying not to worry are just lucky .... Given enough time their luck will run out if they are not careful. Be smart ! Be careful ! Stay safe !

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Thank you everyone for all of your advice and insight. It is really helping me know what I should be researching. I'm learning a lot from your experiences.

It's nice that you came back to the thread. I think many members feel 'do it, do it, do it' but with reservations and I agree.

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If you were my daughter, I will advise to stay away from busy tourist areas, like Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, Hua Hin, or just to visit those places for a couple days, not more.. Backpackers trying to save money using cheap hostels where sometimes share rooms with strangers, and that's not a good idea. Other foreigners can be more dangerous than bad local people. If your plans includes to stay long term in Chiang Mai or Lampang, I may have good info for you. Where to stay, where to go, and local good contacts. Also links to facebook pages and sites where yo can contact young foreigners living in Chiang Mai. If you will like to stay long or short term in Chiang Rai, where I live, my wife owns a simple dormitory building with private rooms for university students in a very good location, very close to the airport and bus stop, main universities, temples, parks, and cultural attractions.

Send me a message if you are interested in know more about. Be safe and take care. Welcome to Thailand.

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May I add something to bina's excellent advice.

Travelling with a couple of other women for some or all of your trip maybe worthwhile, not only for safety but also for sharing costs.

Not sure whether you are employed or are a student, I am guessing the latter. So, check out some of your country's student/youth discussion boards on travel, see if you can find some people like yourself who are interested in coming to Thailand at about the same time that you plan to be here and interested in doing similar things. Maybe people from your location would be interested in going with you.

My first trip to Thailand, and overseas, was in 1974 as a 19 year old uni student, and for the first 2.5 weeks in country I was part of a then Australian Union of Students organised tour of Thailand and Laos. We only travelled around Bangkok for a couple days, and spent about 10 days doing central and northern Thailand. For me, it was a great first introduction to Thailand, and a chance to meet other young people who also planned to do more travelling in Thailand.

And finally, try to get to know a few people here before you arrive, as it is always good to have a few local contacts in case you have any problems (friends back in Australia frequently as me for my contact details when then have young family members coming here for holidays ... thankfully, no one has contacted me for assistance yet!!).

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in this case it would be the best for you staying at the south where are the yellows in power. specialy in phuket. all the mafia from them will protect you very good. they are only interested to rip you off. so, make shure you bring a lot of money with you. than you are very save :-D

Edited by benny1616
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