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PM misses Prem meeting

Lite Beer

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Hmmm...Her not going to see Prem for Merit making at Songkran is turning her back on something much bigger. Who does she think she is?

I think her position has gone to her head wai2.gif

She was the legally elected PM of Thailand who was sabotaged by the machinations of the former ruling oligarchy. She has sent a not so subtle message that she will not be bullied by the military and that she owes nothing to the unelected Prem, who was previously the military dictator of Thailand. If you wish her to embrace a group who have no respect for civilian governments, that is your totalitarian aligned opinion. Does your PM run over to the Chief Privy Councillor's home at new year's to bow before him and show deference? Why then would you expect the PM of Thailand to do so?

Because it is customary.

When are you going to wake up and realize you are in Thailand a different country than where ever you come from. Here respect for traditions is highly respected.

As I very patiently explained to you in my last post she was not Democratically elected and would never have come close if all the people who voted for her realized they were voting for Thaksin. It is the rite of all people to have a vote but when 48% of them are brain dead you are going to get equal for leadership.


Wake up and try to fit in rather than change the culture by comparing it to other parts of the world. Or made up situations. You will be much happier.

Digging deeper , now 48% of the Thai electorate are brain dead!

Rule 11. Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people

It this your way of "trying to fit in with the Thai Culture"?

So it's ok for you guys to call anti-Govt supporters scum, thugs etc?

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There's no script needed for that meeting. Here's the drill:

If you're a big shot, you get your best clothes on. The limousine takes you over. There's probably a red carpet to tread. Everything is scripted. People who ordinarily detest each other, are put in proximity to each other, so there's a lot of wai-ing and smiling going on. Not one genuine gesture or word during the whole charade.

Concurrently, mobs of journalists, hangers-on, minders, deputies, staff, and others who want to be seen at the fatuous ritual. Oh, and perhaps some peons on the fringes, to offer added wais, and obligatory gestures of obeisance, including oohs and aahs.

tens of thousands of baht of flowers, pick-up truck loads of religious icons, some incense, some monks, ....you get the picture. Pomp and Circumstance Inc.

So, does that create any major problem for you.

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She was the legally elected PM of Thailand who was sabotaged by the machinations of the former ruling oligarchy. She has sent a not so subtle message that she will not be bullied by the military and that she owes nothing to the unelected Prem, who was previously the military dictator of Thailand. If you wish her to embrace a group who have no respect for civilian governments, that is your totalitarian aligned opinion. Does your PM run over to the Chief Privy Councillor's home at new year's to bow before him and show deference? Why then would you expect the PM of Thailand to do so?

Because it is customary.

When are you going to wake up and realize you are in Thailand a different country than where ever you come from. Here respect for traditions is highly respected.

As I very patiently explained to you in my last post she was not Democratically elected and would never have come close if all the people who voted for her realized they were voting for Thaksin. It is the rite of all people to have a vote but when 48% of them are brain dead you are going to get equal for leadership.


Wake up and try to fit in rather than change the culture by comparing it to other parts of the world. Or made up situations. You will be much happier.

Digging deeper , now 48% of the Thai electorate are brain dead!

Rule 11. Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people

It this your way of "trying to fit in with the Thai Culture"?

So it's ok for you guys to call anti-Govt supporters scum, thugs etc?

Sorry, I don't answer for "you guys" - why don't you ask them, preferably on a related topic, not this one.

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One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

Okay, she doesn't particularly want to meet with Prem, but it's a gesture that would have shown she still holds on to the reins, whereas her refusal to attend sends out a signal that she has already capitulated.

The "prime minister" is traditionally also supposed to express some unity by coming out to meet the public during Songkran. One wonders why she is going to hide away in Chiang Mai instead; perhaps the writing is on the wall and she is going to cross over the border before taking her flight out to Dubai.

One can only hope...!!

How many times in a year do you expect a sitting PM to run over to the unelected former military ruler's house to show deference?

She has neither the legal, nor moral obligation to go and pay homage to the man who has not been Thailand's biggest supporter of democratically elected governments.

Some say Yingluck is a divisive factor. I offer that the retired General Prem is more of a divisive factor because he brings back memories of the suspension of civil liberties, military dictatorships, death and violence.

One of your biggest problems is you do not understand that we are talking about Thailand and there are certain things that are highly valued in the Thai culture. Showing respect to Prem at this time of the year is one of them.

When are you going to grow up and realize you are in Thailand and not a western country.

One more hole in your argument defending disrespect is how do you call it Democracy when 52% of the people don't want you and show it by voting against you? Yet you win the election.

Her not going to see him, is a big snub. But so what. There is nothing written in Thai culture to say you absolutely have to do anything. You must possibly however take the consequence of your action.

She is perfectly entitled to not go. It might prove to be a.mistake, but from her perspective, what can she lose? Maybe finally someone thought for a second and asked "Why MUST I show him respect?"

Times are a changing, and expecting PMs to wai to appointed heads of the Privy Council is a good thing. He's not royalty.

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It's the annual lick arse brigade going to pay their visit, this guy has no business being anywhere near power

Well done to Yingluck for not bothering to go kowtow to someone who should be utterly irrelevant in politics at this stage of his life

Why do people keep repeating she wasn't elected in this thread as well?

If indeed it is as you say, how do you reconcile that with the brown nosed lackeys that follow Thaksin round the globe to feast on the droppings?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Because it is customary.

When are you going to wake up and realize you are in Thailand a different country than where ever you come from. Here respect for traditions is highly respected.

As I very patiently explained to you in my last post she was not Democratically elected and would never have come close if all the people who voted for her realized they were voting for Thaksin. It is the rite of all people to have a vote but when 48% of them are brain dead you are going to get equal for leadership.


Wake up and try to fit in rather than change the culture by comparing it to other parts of the world. Or made up situations. You will be much happier.

Digging deeper , now 48% of the Thai electorate are brain dead!

Rule 11. Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people

It this your way of "trying to fit in with the Thai Culture"?

NO she was not elected, and you full well know it.

She was chosen by her brother -you know full well--the position was given to her.

How many of the 48% were PTP ???? it is a coalition government--made up to function.

All these hangers on that joined up with PTP were in it --for the trough, or they would not have agreed to be part---get it ??

Why are you prepared to go down with the THAI-tanic...... you cannot see wood for trees. I would fight for them if they were honest and transparent.

I could have sworn she was elected, hang on, ah, here we are

Thai lawmakers have elected Yingluck Shinawatra as the country's first female prime minister on Friday, The vote comes a month after Yingluck's Pheu Thai party swept the country's 3 July elections, winning an absolute majority of 265 seats in the 500-member lower house of parliament. Since then, Pheu Thai has consolidated those gains, building alliances with smaller parties to form a 300-seat-strong coalition. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/aug/05/thailand-yingluck-shinawatra-prime-minister

I knew I was right.

The rest of your rant is pointless, literally.

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This woman is devoid of intellect, character and conscience and is totally unfit to lead anything except a shopping expedition. She is politically and socially dead but lacks the wit to stiffen. A complete non event in fancy clothes, nothing more.

And she is caretaker Prime Minister of Thailand, whereas you are................................bitter?

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Last year at this time, their was not yet a political siege on Yinluck and Gen Prem didn't even opened his house for the PM to pay respect to him.

To YS, stay in Chiang Mai and enjoy your last weeks as PM. Soon someone from your caretaker government will become the next PM.

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This woman is devoid of intellect, character and conscience and is totally unfit to lead anything except a shopping expedition. She is politically and socially dead but lacks the wit to stiffen. A complete non event in fancy clothes, nothing more.

And she is caretaker Prime Minister of Thailand, whereas you are................................bitter?

Because the conversation has been reduced to a 9 year old level, I feel justified in asking, what are you, reason and good will, or just a bitter, opinionated person that no body agrees with?

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This woman is devoid of intellect, character and conscience and is totally unfit to lead anything except a shopping expedition. She is politically and socially dead but lacks the wit to stiffen. A complete non event in fancy clothes, nothing more.

You know her that well, do you?

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Annother PAD-Dem take on things, in part meant to denigrate the Prime Minister - a non-PAD-DEM....And I see it worked.

The very first line of the very first post/comment as follows:

>>>>>>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

>>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.........What do you think?.......

>>>>>>The caretaker prime minister faces many political and legal challenges because of the prolonged anti-government protests concentrated in Bangkok

Time for corrections...again....Tthey are not prolonged anti-govt. protests....They are prolonged coup-advocacy activities...nothing to do with protesting or anti-govt.

It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"......It is the electoral majority and the very essence of Democracy, which is facing these challenges.

>>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think?

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

Just the other side of the political divide folks.

...otherwise referred to on this particular forum as "putting a Red spin on it"...!!

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Annother PAD-Dem take on things, in part meant to denigrate the Prime Minister - a non-PAD-DEM....And I see it worked.

The very first line of the very first post/comment as follows:

>>>>>>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

>>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.........What do you think?.......

>>>>>>The caretaker prime minister faces many political and legal challenges because of the prolonged anti-government protests concentrated in Bangkok

Time for corrections...again....Tthey are not prolonged anti-govt. protests....They are prolonged coup-advocacy activities...nothing to do with protesting or anti-govt.

It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"......It is the electoral majority and the very essence of Democracy, which is facing these challenges.

>>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think?

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

Just the other side of the political divide folks.

More one sided drivel by someone hiding behind a fake name.

I think it would have been better if she attended as she has done in the past for appearances at least but if she didn't want to then that's her choice. She doesn't have to attend but if it's true she just didn't turn up then that's impolite and again might not be good for appearances.

I don't think Suthep has ever said he wants to get rid of democracy and even if he did that won't happen because it's not what everyone wants. I know many anti government supporters and that's not what they want and I don't know any that want a coup. I'm sure that some do as I'm sure some do on the pro government side. If it allowed time for reform and then elections which the army would make sure happened and without political interference by the army then it might not be so bad. Unlikely to happen I know but it's a thought.

Yingluck is facing legal challenges even if you prefer to think she can do no wrong. And before you say it the courts aren't all biased. they need reform as I've said but all courts and bodies have people in them with their own views but it's their job to carry out their duties without bias and it's stupid to assume that none of the members of these courts and bodies is able to do that. So may be biased but not all.

Since when has the 'essence of democracy' included voting for members of parliament with the party with the most seats becoming the government and then being apparently controlled by someone outside of the country and outside of Thai laws whilst the supposed PM rarely turns up?

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

The army in general had a lot to do with the coup and based on current information they were responsible for many of the deaths in 2010 and most of those while disobeying their ROE. The PTP government promised justice for those who were killed. So far through the DSI they have refused even to investigate the army but have got charges for murder made against Abhisit and Suthep seemingly based the fact that they issued orders that didn't allow the army to shoot people in the way they did. The UDD leadership also demanded justice but they don't seem to have been very vocal about getting the army investigated for those killings even though many were their own supporters. Perhaps you'd like to show your unbiased nature by commenting on that?

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... in defence of the Minister of Defence, attending the Song Kran meeting with the President of the Privy Council is OPTIONAL ......

..... as are the employment of good manners, respect and sound judgement.

It is Thai protocol. Thai culture. Such things are expected from Thai's, by Thai's.

YL is Thai. She should know her own culture.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

She is not Thai.

She is dreaming that she might be from the Republic of Lanna, or something like that.

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... in defence of the Minister of Defence, attending the Song Kran meeting with the President of the Privy Council is OPTIONAL ......

..... as are the employment of good manners, respect and sound judgement.

It is Thai protocol. Thai culture. Such things are expected from Thai's, by Thai's.

YL is Thai. She should know her own culture.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Farangs have to respect Thai culture not Thais themselves.

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You and I both know that Yingluck was not Democratically elected. She got the minority of the votes. In a Democracy you need the majority of the votes. The fact is if it hadn't been for the fact that a lot of the voters didn't want her and correctly guessed that they would get Thaksin she would have got a lot less votes.


It was not a social call it was a call out of respect. Some thing you wouldn't understand.

Not democratically elected - am I missing something here - has northernjohn come up with some new method of forming a government in Thailand where unless a political party gets 51% of the vote they do not get the right to form a government?

Do you really mean that?

In my book respect is earnt, not a given because of birth or connection.

They got a majority of seats but not votes which is what counts and is why they became the government so there's nothing wrong with that. As for why the members of PTP many of whom were experienced long serving politicians and some of whom would have been ambitious and eager to be party leader and PM chose the inexperienced sister of Thaksin I don't know as I wasn't there. I have my suspicions and they have little to do with democracy or integrity.

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Hmmm...Her not going to see Prem for Merit making at Songkran is turning her back on something much bigger. Who does she think she is?

I think her position has gone to her head wai2.gif

She was the legally elected PM of Thailand who was sabotaged by the machinations of the former ruling oligarchy. She has sent a not so subtle message that she will not be bullied by the military and that she owes nothing to the unelected Prem, who was previously the military dictator of Thailand. If you wish her to embrace a group who have no respect for civilian governments, that is your totalitarian aligned opinion. Does your PM run over to the Chief Privy Councillor's home at new year's to bow before him and show deference? Why then would you expect the PM of Thailand to do so?

Does your PM run over to the Chief Privy Councillor's home at new year's to bow before him and show deference?

That would depend on whether that was the custom in that county I think. There's no way anyone would kneel in front of my queen apart from when receiving an award and they certainly wouldn't lie prostate in front of her but it's done here.

Still it's her choice and not really much to fuss about.

She has sent a not so subtle message that she will not be bullied by the military

Perhaps she could do that better by making sure the army are investigated for the deaths in 2010. Unless she's been bullied into not doing so.

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Fryslan boppe, on 11 Apr 2014 - 18:51, said:snapback.png

Annother PAD-Dem take on things, in part meant to denigrate the Prime Minister - a non-PAD-DEM....And I see it worked.

The very first line of the very first post/comment as follows:

>>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.


>>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.........What do you think?.......

>>>>>>The caretaker prime minister faces many political and legal challenges because of the prolonged anti-government protests concentrated in Bangkok

Time for corrections...again....Tthey are not prolonged anti-govt. protests....They are prolonged coup-advocacy activities...nothing to do with protesting or anti-govt.

It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"......It is the electoral majority and the very essence of Democracy, which is facing these challenges.

>>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think?

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

Just the other side of the political divide folks.

>>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

But you don't wonder.

>>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.


Or could it be the people who have already done bad things while in power?

It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"..

I am sure she will be very relieved to hear that.

>>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think

Maybe that and complete accountability by the elected officials.

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

Of course they would not like anyone who tries to reveal their corrupt activities

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Annother PAD-Dem take on things, in part meant to denigrate the Prime Minister - a non-PAD-DEM....And I see it worked.

The very first line of the very first post/comment as follows:

>>>>>>One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

>>>>>The Armed Forces would have power over those who have bad plans to hurt our nation," Prem said.

I wonder who he might be referring to?...Could it be Suthep and his people trying to eradicate Democracy and replace it with a Civilian dictatorship?.........What do you think?.......

>>>>>>The caretaker prime minister faces many political and legal challenges because of the prolonged anti-government protests concentrated in Bangkok

Time for corrections...again....Tthey are not prolonged anti-govt. protests....They are prolonged coup-advocacy activities...nothing to do with protesting or anti-govt.

It is not the Prime Minister who is facing "many political and legal challenges"......It is the electoral majority and the very essence of Democracy, which is facing these challenges.

>>>>>> Prayuth said he hoped the political situation would get better after the traditional Songkran events,

Hoping that everyone will commit to Electoral and Parliamentary Democracy?....Is that what he is hoping for?...What do you think?

The view of UDD/RS's pro-democracy elements are that Prem was a significant figure behind the 2006 coup....Agree or not, that is what they think. So aggrandizing Prem not only falls on deaf ears, it in fact annoys them. It is their view that the decade-long political crisis owes much to Prem's interference and machinations:

Just the other side of the political divide folks.

Right on Cue, you come up with a long line of trivial rubbish that no-one cares about...you don't seem to get the message...no one wants to read your drivel !!

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You and I both know that Yingluck was not Democratically elected. She got the minority of the votes. In a Democracy you need the majority of the votes. The fact is if it hadn't been for the fact that a lot of the voters didn't want her and correctly guessed that they would get Thaksin she would have got a lot less votes.


It was not a social call it was a call out of respect. Some thing you wouldn't understand.

Not democratically elected - am I missing something here - has northernjohn come up with some new method of forming a government in Thailand where unless a political party gets 51% of the vote they do not get the right to form a government?

Do you really mean that?

In my book respect is earnt, not a given because of birth or connection.

In your book, OK. But Thailand isn't your book. Each country has its traditions, ceremonies and cultures. So the leaders should follow established protocols. There are consequences if you don't.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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One wonders how she can blatantly alienate herself in such a way.

Okay, she doesn't particularly want to meet with Prem, but it's a gesture that would have shown she still holds on to the reins, whereas her refusal to attend sends out a signal that she has already capitulated.

The "prime minister" is traditionally also supposed to express some unity by coming out to meet the public during Songkran. One wonders why she is going to hide away in Chiang Mai instead; perhaps the writing is on the wall and she is going to cross over the border before taking her flight out to Dubai.

One can only hope...!!

How many times in a year do you expect a sitting PM to run over to the unelected former military ruler's house to show deference?

She has neither the legal, nor moral obligation to go and pay homage to the man who has not been Thailand's biggest supporter of democratically elected governments.

Some say Yingluck is a divisive factor. I offer that the retired General Prem is more of a divisive factor because he brings back memories of the suspension of civil liberties, military dictatorships, death and violence.

One of your biggest problems is you do not understand that we are talking about Thailand and there are certain things that are highly valued in the Thai culture. Showing respect to Prem at this time of the year is one of them.

When are you going to grow up and realize you are in Thailand and not a western country.

One more hole in your argument defending disrespect is how do you call it Democracy when 52% of the people don't want you and show it by voting against you? Yet you win the election.

Some of the astonishing ignorance in this poster's comments have been dealt with by others here.

So, if YL had 52% of the people not voting for her, presumably 48% must have been ok with her.

To enlighten your confused mind, and to remind you that you don't have to gain 51% of the votes in most "democracies", let us note that the ilk of Margaret Thatcher and (especially) Dubya Bush did not get anywhere near a majority in their elections.

1979 -- Thatcher govt. got 43.9% of vote

1983 -- Thatcher govt got 42.4% of vote

1987 -- Thatcher govt got 42.2% of vote

But these figures are of course "wrong" cos they are not Thailand's figures. What 100% BS.

Yingluck did NOT get any votes, she was placed in the position by her brother. 1 month after the election she was given the PM job

What on earth are you on about ???

A coalition was formed, to enable the PTP to operate. GET REAL

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You and I both know that Yingluck was not Democratically elected. She got the minority of the votes. In a Democracy you need the majority of the votes. The fact is if it hadn't been for the fact that a lot of the voters didn't want her and correctly guessed that they would get Thaksin she would have got a lot less votes.


It was not a social call it was a call out of respect. Some thing you wouldn't understand.

Not democratically elected - am I missing something here - has northernjohn come up with some new method of forming a government in Thailand where unless a political party gets 51% of the vote they do not get the right to form a government?

Do you really mean that?

In my book respect is earnt, not a given because of birth or connection.

In your book, OK. But Thailand isn't your book. Each country has its traditions, ceremonies and cultures. So the leaders should follow established protocols. There are consequences if you don't.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

FAB4, please note, Yingluck was chosen as PM 1 MONTH AFTER the election. she was not elected by the people---AND if it were not for other parties PTP would NOT have been in power. coalition GET IT. without the trough members what % of the vote did PTP get ????

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