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Fatal Bangkok crash: Teenager sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for reckless driving

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10 pages of cursing this girl and not a single comment about the van driver who cut her off while driving a van full of kids without seatbelts and with nowhere near a legal amount of tyre tread.

The van driver wouldn't have lost control if the van had sufficient tyre tread, they wouldn't have been thrown out of the van to die if they were wearing seatbelts and she wouldn't have hit the van if it didn't cut into her lane in front her.


She wouldn't have hit the van if she hadn't been speeding.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have some liability here, but the only reason she is being held entirely liable is because her family can afford to pay compensation. There's no point blaming a van driver who can't pay out.

she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame. Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car but as she took iot upon herself to drive under age without a licence she has no one to blame but herself. I would disown her if she was my daughter, this isnt just being "naughty" it is being that totally selfish and so far up herself thinking because her family is rich she can do as she pleases. Molly coddling these stuck up rich brats is half the problem here, they need their ars*s kicked and to spend some serious jail time to wake up to the facts of life. She killed 9 people, she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard she sent it over the safety rails, under age, no licence, she deserves everything she gets and I do hope she pays for the rest of her life because she took 9 of them from others, no excuses for this at all.

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Laura Bush, the wife of George W. Bush, ran a stop sign as a teenager in Texas and killed the driver of another car, who apparently had previously been her boyfriend. It's not known whether LB was drunk at the time since she was never tested for alcohol and, indeed, was never charged at all in the accident. Pretty much the same story as here.

17 years ago a 20 year old boy took his truck around a hair-pin turn in the road a over twice the speed limit. He didn't make the turn and ended up crashing. End result: he walked away with out a scratch and my only daughter dies.

The kid got a ticket and had to pay a fine of $400 for reckless driving. I took him to civil court and he pleaded bankruptcy.

Twisted justice isn't just for the rich, although they get their disproportional share.

Now he's a 37 year old man with children of his own. Maybe their is a psychological justice that I'm not aware of. I wonder if he'll very let his daughter drive with a teenage boy at the wheel?

justice, my 14 year old daughter was raped and killed(thrown from a train) by a 19 y/o drug dealer with police ties, strangely enough all the evidence dissapeared and her death was ruled mis adventure. The pr*ck walked out of the court room laughing at me and the detective that investigated it told me to wait, he died a couple of years later, its not what you know but who you know and I have never looked back, revenge can be good when people take others lives for granted and think its a joke.

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Laura Bush, the wife of George W. Bush, ran a stop sign as a teenager in Texas and killed the driver of another car, who apparently had previously been her boyfriend. It's not known whether LB was drunk at the time since she was never tested for alcohol and, indeed, was never charged at all in the accident. Pretty much the same story as here.

17 years ago a 20 year old boy took his truck around a hair-pin turn in the road a over twice the speed limit. He didn't make the turn and ended up crashing. End result: he walked away with out a scratch and my only daughter dies.

The kid got a ticket and had to pay a fine of $400 for reckless driving. I took him to civil court and he pleaded bankruptcy.

Twisted justice isn't just for the rich, although they get their disproportional share.

Now he's a 37 year old man with children of his own. Maybe their is a psychological justice that I'm not aware of. I wonder if he'll very let his daughter drive with a teenage boy at the wheel?

justice, my 14 year old daughter was raped and killed(thrown from a train) by a 19 y/o drug dealer with police ties, strangely enough all the evidence dissapeared and her death was ruled mis adventure. The pr*ck walked out of the court room laughing at me and the detective that investigated it told me to wait, he died a couple of years later, its not what you know but who you know and I have never looked back, revenge can be good when people take others lives for granted and think its a joke.

I am sorry for your loss

As a father of an 18 year old daughter I can't even imagine how it must feel.

I can only say that if I was in your situation I would probably do exactly the same as you.

I don't know much about the case in this Thread, other than what I read, If I understand correctly. the girl is distraught over the whole incident, and if I am correct this incident will have a profound affect on her psychologically, and will be something she will have to deal with for a long time.

Nine lives were destroyed during this tragic incident , destroying one more by putting her in jail would IMO not serve justice in this particular case.

My Daughter has being driving since she was 16 and I am sure she has probably use her cell phone while driving, and once in a while might have drove over the speed limit. I am sure the same is true for most teenagers

So when I read about this case, I think that "there but by the grace of God goes my daughter" one of any parents greatest fear

So the question in my mind is, do I want anything different for this girl that I want for my daughter? and if something like this happened would I want my daughter to go to jail?


Laura Bush, the wife of George W. Bush, ran a stop sign as a teenager in Texas and killed the driver of another car, who apparently had previously been her boyfriend. It's not known whether LB was drunk at the time since she was never tested for alcohol and, indeed, was never charged at all in the accident. Pretty much the same story as here.

17 years ago a 20 year old boy took his truck around a hair-pin turn in the road a over twice the speed limit. He didn't make the turn and ended up crashing. End result: he walked away with out a scratch and my only daughter dies.

The kid got a ticket and had to pay a fine of $400 for reckless driving. I took him to civil court and he pleaded bankruptcy.

Twisted justice isn't just for the rich, although they get their disproportional share.

Now he's a 37 year old man with children of his own. Maybe their is a psychological justice that I'm not aware of. I wonder if he'll very let his daughter drive with a teenage boy at the wheel?

justice, my 14 year old daughter was raped and killed(thrown from a train) by a 19 y/o drug dealer with police ties, strangely enough all the evidence dissapeared and her death was ruled mis adventure. The pr*ck walked out of the court room laughing at me and the detective that investigated it told me to wait, he died a couple of years later, its not what you know but who you know and I have never looked back, revenge can be good when people take others lives for granted and think its a joke.

I am sorry for your loss

As a father of an 18 year old daughter I can't even imagine how it must feel.

I can only say that if I was in your situation I would probably do exactly the same as you.

I don't know much about the case in this Thread, other than what I read, If I understand correctly. the girl is distraught over the whole incident, and if I am correct this incident will have a profound affect on her psychologically, and will be something she will have to deal with for a long time.

Nine lives were destroyed during this tragic incident , destroying one more by putting her in jail would IMO not serve justice in this particular case.

My Daughter has being driving since she was 16 and I am sure she has probably use her cell phone while driving, and once in a while might have drove over the speed limit. I am sure the same is true for most teenagers

So when I read about this case, I think that "there but by the grace of God goes my daughter" one of any parents greatest fear

So the question in my mind is, do I want anything different for this girl that I want for my daughter? and if something like this happened would I want my daughter to go to jail?

it is hard and takes a lot to let it go although there are still times when the grief does get the better of you. I raised my girls to always do the right thing and while teaching my now eldest to drive I really pushed the two hands on the wheel and no mobiles, it is illegal in Australia to talk or text on a mobile while driving and it is enforced very strictly unlike here. This girl knew what she was doing and ignored the consequences and 9 people paid with their lives, I simply have no sympathy what so ever for her and hope they do take her family to the cleaners as her parents need to be punished as well for buying her the car and allowing her to drive. I doubt you would buy and allow you child a drive a car under age with no licence, there are no excuses for this it is simply a matter of her "wants" going above the law & peoples lives. She deserves whatever happens, hopefully you have raised your daughter to have more sense and think before she does anything stupid like this one did to show everyone how good she thought she was.

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Two years in prison? Either that kid wasn't from a family that is important at all -- Red Bull texting after killing and all that -- or he clipped someone who was from an important family (or, worse, both).

I love the way Justice is dispensed here. It's a pay dispenser in reverse -- cash and influence in (no consequence) or no cash or influence in (then sometimes consequence to legitimize the lie of justice).

Do Thais really think the rest of the world takes them seriously? I swear, sometimes it seems the only one with no blinders stapled to his is the Great Man.


I think the mental anguish this young lady will carry with her for the rest of her life. Is sufficient punishment. Past is past. No reason to destroy her life, even more than it is. Western ideology does not fit in a Buddhist culture and it shouldn't fit in either. I understand restitution and revenge, when you go looking for revenge dig two graves, ........it was a tragic accident leave it at that.......

Get real. 9 lives lost because a wealthy family consider themselves above the law and allow their daughter to illegally drive underage. She has shown a total disregard for those who died, both at the scene and afterwards - just following the usual social dictates whilst daddy sorted it out.

Tragic accident - that only happened because these rich elites chose to ignore the law and now escape real punishment. Rehabilitation - my arse.

Why have no charges been laid against the parents for providing the car and allowing it to be illegally used.

With her the rest of her life, yeah sure, if that's what you want to believe. I doubt she gives them a second thought. More worried about the loss of face and not officially being allowed to drive for several years.

You need to understand the difference between punishment for knowingly breaking the law and revenge.


I think the mental anguish this young lady will carry with her for the rest of her life. Is sufficient punishment. Past is past. No reason to destroy her life, even more than it is. Western ideology does not fit in a Buddhist culture and it shouldn't fit in either. I understand restitution and revenge, when you go looking for revenge dig two graves, ........it was a tragic accident leave it at that.......

It s unfortunate that some people can't see past their "eye for an eye tooth for a tooth" judeo -christian upbringing, what ever happen to redemption and forgiveness? isn't that also part of the Christian tradition?

I would consider your being in the minority in this general forum as a badge of honor

I can guaranty you one thing, Every one of these "Hung them High" cowboys would be singing a different tune if it was their daughter that was in this situation.


Why is it when the Thai legal system is used to extort money from farangs everyone cries out how unfair it is but when it's used to extort money from wealthy Thais they say it's too lenient?


In 2014 it became unintentional killing due to accident.

With her age at the time she should be in prison now for 3 years (maximum sentence for her crime according to Thai Law).

It happened in 2010 so if she went to prison from time of the accendent

till now it doesn't matter if she has to do 2 or 3 years...she will be free soon...


10 pages of cursing this girl and not a single comment about the van driver who cut her off while driving a van full of kids without seatbelts and with nowhere near a legal amount of tyre tread.

The van driver wouldn't have lost control if the van had sufficient tyre tread, they wouldn't have been thrown out of the van to die if they were wearing seatbelts and she wouldn't have hit the van if it didn't cut into her lane in front her.


She wouldn't have hit the van if she hadn't been speeding.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have some liability here, but the only reason she is being held entirely liable is because her family can afford to pay compensation. There's no point blaming a van driver who can't pay out.

she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame. Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car but as she took iot upon herself to drive under age without a licence she has no one to blame but herself. I would disown her if she was my daughter, this isnt just being "naughty" it is being that totally selfish and so far up herself thinking because her family is rich she can do as she pleases. Molly coddling these stuck up rich brats is half the problem here, they need their ars*s kicked and to spend some serious jail time to wake up to the facts of life. She killed 9 people, she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard she sent it over the safety rails, under age, no licence, she deserves everything she gets and I do hope she pays for the rest of her life because she took 9 of them from others, no excuses for this at all.

"she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame."

What kind of logic is that? That's like saying, the van driver illegally took an unroadworthy vehicle onto the roads therefore the van driver is totally to blame or the van driver illegally failed to give way when changing lanes therefore he is totally to blame. Blame is distributed based on contributing factors. Doing something illegal does not make you liable for everything that occurs as a result. You're only liable for foreseeable consequences that resulted directly from the illegal action or inaction to the extent which your action or inaction contributed to it. The lack of a license isn't even a contributing factor in the accident, her excessive speed was and her general recklessness as she attempted to pass the van too quickly after it attempted to correct for slipping into her lane were but the van driver failing to give way when changing lanes is also a contributing factor, along with the lack of seatbelts worn by the van's passengers and its poor tyre tread.

If she argues this and wins, it would mean she's only liable for a % of the damages with the van driver liable for the rest. Obviously the van driver can't pay so full restitution wouldn't be made and in conjunction with the fact that she would have argued she wasn't entirely responsible (as a sign of a lack of guilt) jail sentences will be handed down. Jail time is obviously unacceptable for her so she has to accept 100% liability and make restitution. There is no precedent for jail time for deaths caused by negligence when the case isn't challenged and restitution is made (rich or poor).

There are plenty of examples like this in Thailand where innocent (or at least partially innocent) people are forced to take full responsibility simply because they have more money. The classic example is when a car hits a motorbike, the motorbike driver claims the car driver was at fault and continually delays it in court. The car driver's insurance doesn't repair his car as blame hasn't been established so he's stuck without a car. The car driver has a choice between accepting blame and paying compensation (which his insurer probably pays most of anyway), or fighting the case which takes months or even years, costs much more and when he eventually wins he gets nothing back because the motorbike driver can't afford to compensate him.

There is a certain culture in Thailand of making the rich pay regardless of fault to the point that many poor people actually think a wealthy person who refuses to compensate them because they weren't at fault a bad person. In example that happened to me quite a few years back, I stopped to help an injured motorbike driver late at night. I called an ambulance and paid for the ambulance/basic bills to patch him up. While I'm by no means wealthy, he then went on to demand 30,000 baht to repair his motorbike and for lost income. He actually insulted me when I refused - something which I found utterly abhorrent considering what I just did for him.

"Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car"

she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard

I don't know what your sources are but I suggest reading up on what actually happened.


10 pages of cursing this girl and not a single comment about the van driver who cut her off while driving a van full of kids without seatbelts and with nowhere near a legal amount of tyre tread.

The van driver wouldn't have lost control if the van had sufficient tyre tread, they wouldn't have been thrown out of the van to die if they were wearing seatbelts and she wouldn't have hit the van if it didn't cut into her lane in front her.


She wouldn't have hit the van if she hadn't been speeding.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have some liability here, but the only reason she is being held entirely liable is because her family can afford to pay compensation. There's no point blaming a van driver who can't pay out.

she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame. Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car but as she took iot upon herself to drive under age without a licence she has no one to blame but herself. I would disown her if she was my daughter, this isnt just being "naughty" it is being that totally selfish and so far up herself thinking because her family is rich she can do as she pleases. Molly coddling these stuck up rich brats is half the problem here, they need their ars*s kicked and to spend some serious jail time to wake up to the facts of life. She killed 9 people, she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard she sent it over the safety rails, under age, no licence, she deserves everything she gets and I do hope she pays for the rest of her life because she took 9 of them from others, no excuses for this at all.

"she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame."

What kind of logic is that? That's like saying, the van driver illegally took an unroadworthy vehicle onto the roads therefore the van driver is totally to blame or the van driver illegally failed to give way when changing lanes therefore he is totally to blame. Blame is distributed based on contributing factors. Doing something illegal does not make you liable for everything that occurs as a result. You're only liable for foreseeable consequences that resulted directly from the illegal action or inaction to the extent which your action or inaction contributed to it. The lack of a license isn't even a contributing factor in the accident, her excessive speed was and her general recklessness as she attempted to pass the van too quickly after it attempted to correct for slipping into her lane were but the van driver failing to give way when changing lanes is also a contributing factor, along with the lack of seatbelts worn by the van's passengers and its poor tyre tread.

If she argues this and wins, it would mean she's only liable for a % of the damages with the van driver liable for the rest. Obviously the van driver can't pay so full restitution wouldn't be made and in conjunction with the fact that she would have argued she wasn't entirely responsible (as a sign of a lack of guilt) jail sentences will be handed down. Jail time is obviously unacceptable for her so she has to accept 100% liability and make restitution. There is no precedent for jail time for deaths caused by negligence when the case isn't challenged and restitution is made (rich or poor).

There are plenty of examples like this in Thailand where innocent (or at least partially innocent) people are forced to take full responsibility simply because they have more money. The classic example is when a car hits a motorbike, the motorbike driver claims the car driver was at fault and continually delays it in court. The car driver's insurance doesn't repair his car as blame hasn't been established so he's stuck without a car. The car driver has a choice between accepting blame and paying compensation (which his insurer probably pays most of anyway), or fighting the case which takes months or even years, costs much more and when he eventually wins he gets nothing back because the motorbike driver can't afford to compensate him.

There is a certain culture in Thailand of making the rich pay regardless of fault to the point that many poor people actually think a wealthy person who refuses to compensate them because they weren't at fault a bad person. In example that happened to me quite a few years back, I stopped to help an injured motorbike driver late at night. I called an ambulance and paid for the ambulance/basic bills to patch him up. While I'm by no means wealthy, he then went on to demand 30,000 baht to repair his motorbike and for lost income. He actually insulted me when I refused - something which I found utterly abhorrent considering what I just did for him.

"Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car"

she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard

I don't know what your sources are but I suggest reading up on what actually happened.

wrong - she was driving illegally and hence to blame

but... money number ONE here and she get's away with it


10 pages of cursing this girl and not a single comment about the van driver who cut her off while driving a van full of kids without seatbelts and with nowhere near a legal amount of tyre tread.

The van driver wouldn't have lost control if the van had sufficient tyre tread, they wouldn't have been thrown out of the van to die if they were wearing seatbelts and she wouldn't have hit the van if it didn't cut into her lane in front her.


She wouldn't have hit the van if she hadn't been speeding.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have some liability here, but the only reason she is being held entirely liable is because her family can afford to pay compensation. There's no point blaming a van driver who can't pay out.

she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame. Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car but as she took iot upon herself to drive under age without a licence she has no one to blame but herself. I would disown her if she was my daughter, this isnt just being "naughty" it is being that totally selfish and so far up herself thinking because her family is rich she can do as she pleases. Molly coddling these stuck up rich brats is half the problem here, they need their ars*s kicked and to spend some serious jail time to wake up to the facts of life. She killed 9 people, she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard she sent it over the safety rails, under age, no licence, she deserves everything she gets and I do hope she pays for the rest of her life because she took 9 of them from others, no excuses for this at all.

"she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame."

What kind of logic is that? That's like saying, the van driver illegally took an unroadworthy vehicle onto the roads therefore the van driver is totally to blame or the van driver illegally failed to give way when changing lanes therefore he is totally to blame. Blame is distributed based on contributing factors. Doing something illegal does not make you liable for everything that occurs as a result. You're only liable for foreseeable consequences that resulted directly from the illegal action or inaction to the extent which your action or inaction contributed to it. The lack of a license isn't even a contributing factor in the accident, her excessive speed was and her general recklessness as she attempted to pass the van too quickly after it attempted to correct for slipping into her lane were but the van driver failing to give way when changing lanes is also a contributing factor, along with the lack of seatbelts worn by the van's passengers and its poor tyre tread.

If she argues this and wins, it would mean she's only liable for a % of the damages with the van driver liable for the rest. Obviously the van driver can't pay so full restitution wouldn't be made and in conjunction with the fact that she would have argued she wasn't entirely responsible (as a sign of a lack of guilt) jail sentences will be handed down. Jail time is obviously unacceptable for her so she has to accept 100% liability and make restitution. There is no precedent for jail time for deaths caused by negligence when the case isn't challenged and restitution is made (rich or poor).

There are plenty of examples like this in Thailand where innocent (or at least partially innocent) people are forced to take full responsibility simply because they have more money. The classic example is when a car hits a motorbike, the motorbike driver claims the car driver was at fault and continually delays it in court. The car driver's insurance doesn't repair his car as blame hasn't been established so he's stuck without a car. The car driver has a choice between accepting blame and paying compensation (which his insurer probably pays most of anyway), or fighting the case which takes months or even years, costs much more and when he eventually wins he gets nothing back because the motorbike driver can't afford to compensate him.

There is a certain culture in Thailand of making the rich pay regardless of fault to the point that many poor people actually think a wealthy person who refuses to compensate them because they weren't at fault a bad person. In example that happened to me quite a few years back, I stopped to help an injured motorbike driver late at night. I called an ambulance and paid for the ambulance/basic bills to patch him up. While I'm by no means wealthy, he then went on to demand 30,000 baht to repair his motorbike and for lost income. He actually insulted me when I refused - something which I found utterly abhorrent considering what I just did for him.

"Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car"

she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard

I don't know what your sources are but I suggest reading up on what actually happened.

wrong - she was driving illegally and hence to blame

but... money number ONE here and she get's away with it

If she was driving illegally then she is guilty of driving illegally,

not for murder,

unless it can be proven that it was the fact that she did not have a licence that caused the accident.

Are you implying that it was because she did not have a licence that caused the accident?

  • Like 2

10 pages of cursing this girl and not a single comment about the van driver who cut her off while driving a van full of kids without seatbelts and with nowhere near a legal amount of tyre tread.

The van driver wouldn't have lost control if the van had sufficient tyre tread, they wouldn't have been thrown out of the van to die if they were wearing seatbelts and she wouldn't have hit the van if it didn't cut into her lane in front her.


She wouldn't have hit the van if she hadn't been speeding.

I'm not saying she shouldn't have some liability here, but the only reason she is being held entirely liable is because her family can afford to pay compensation. There's no point blaming a van driver who can't pay out.

she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame. Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car but as she took iot upon herself to drive under age without a licence she has no one to blame but herself. I would disown her if she was my daughter, this isnt just being "naughty" it is being that totally selfish and so far up herself thinking because her family is rich she can do as she pleases. Molly coddling these stuck up rich brats is half the problem here, they need their ars*s kicked and to spend some serious jail time to wake up to the facts of life. She killed 9 people, she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard she sent it over the safety rails, under age, no licence, she deserves everything she gets and I do hope she pays for the rest of her life because she took 9 of them from others, no excuses for this at all.

"she was not even old enough to be legally driving the car so she is totally to blame."

What kind of logic is that? That's like saying, the van driver illegally took an unroadworthy vehicle onto the roads therefore the van driver is totally to blame or the van driver illegally failed to give way when changing lanes therefore he is totally to blame. Blame is distributed based on contributing factors. Doing something illegal does not make you liable for everything that occurs as a result. You're only liable for foreseeable consequences that resulted directly from the illegal action or inaction to the extent which your action or inaction contributed to it. The lack of a license isn't even a contributing factor in the accident, her excessive speed was and her general recklessness as she attempted to pass the van too quickly after it attempted to correct for slipping into her lane were but the van driver failing to give way when changing lanes is also a contributing factor, along with the lack of seatbelts worn by the van's passengers and its poor tyre tread.

If she argues this and wins, it would mean she's only liable for a % of the damages with the van driver liable for the rest. Obviously the van driver can't pay so full restitution wouldn't be made and in conjunction with the fact that she would have argued she wasn't entirely responsible (as a sign of a lack of guilt) jail sentences will be handed down. Jail time is obviously unacceptable for her so she has to accept 100% liability and make restitution. There is no precedent for jail time for deaths caused by negligence when the case isn't challenged and restitution is made (rich or poor).

There are plenty of examples like this in Thailand where innocent (or at least partially innocent) people are forced to take full responsibility simply because they have more money. The classic example is when a car hits a motorbike, the motorbike driver claims the car driver was at fault and continually delays it in court. The car driver's insurance doesn't repair his car as blame hasn't been established so he's stuck without a car. The car driver has a choice between accepting blame and paying compensation (which his insurer probably pays most of anyway), or fighting the case which takes months or even years, costs much more and when he eventually wins he gets nothing back because the motorbike driver can't afford to compensate him.

There is a certain culture in Thailand of making the rich pay regardless of fault to the point that many poor people actually think a wealthy person who refuses to compensate them because they weren't at fault a bad person. In example that happened to me quite a few years back, I stopped to help an injured motorbike driver late at night. I called an ambulance and paid for the ambulance/basic bills to patch him up. While I'm by no means wealthy, he then went on to demand 30,000 baht to repair his motorbike and for lost income. He actually insulted me when I refused - something which I found utterly abhorrent considering what I just did for him.

"Her parents should also be there beside her for buying her a car"

she didnt just hit the truck she smashed into it that hard

I don't know what your sources are but I suggest reading up on what actually happened.

wrong - she was driving illegally and hence to blame

but... money number ONE here and she get's away with it

So was the van driver, why does she get all the blame?


Just another example of a terribly weak judiciary. Why is nearly every judge in Thailand a 99 pound weakling? Are they all scared little kids? Why the inability to hand out justice. Or is that justice reserved for those who do not have the money to pay for a good lawyer? What on earth is the story here? Can freedom always be bought with some cash? Is the judiciary intentionally weak and cowardly? I have never seen anything like this anywhere else in the world. Have you?

  • 2 weeks later...

It's called greed. You cannot get to be happy unless you are rich and to get rich you have to do anything you can to get there BUT once you get there you realize you haven't got enough - get the drift! For some years now Thai society has been driven by an insatiable desire to keep up with the Jones's - in Thailand there is only one thing that counts and that is appearance and whatever level you're at you cannot possibly be allowed to lose face - it's so engrained in the culture that there is absolute no way out! In the past devotion to the Lord Budhah was conceivably a way of satisfying the population but we all know what happened all over the world and now what will the future bring - mega mega mega bagna - just what Thailand needs- more shopping malls - and there it is the dream of a country fulfilled - it became a shopping mall full of little piggies desperate for more!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


In 2014 it became unintentional killing due to accident.

With her age at the time she should be in prison now for 3 years (maximum sentence for her crime according to Thai Law).

It happened in 2010 so if she went to prison from time of the accendent

till now it doesn't matter if she has to do 2 or 3 years...she will be free soon...

So she may have learned a few lessons in that time away from daddy and her iphone locked up in prison where she belongs / belonged.


It's called greed. You cannot get to be happy unless you are rich and to get rich you have to do anything you can to get there BUT once you get there you realize you haven't got enough - get the drift! For some years now Thai society has been driven by an insatiable desire to keep up with the Jones's - in Thailand there is only one thing that counts and that is appearance and whatever level you're at you cannot possibly be allowed to lose face - it's so engrained in the culture that there is absolute no way out! In the past devotion to the Lord Budhah was conceivably a way of satisfying the population but we all know what happened all over the world and now what will the future bring - mega mega mega bagna - just what Thailand needs- more shopping malls - and there it is the dream of a country fulfilled - it became a shopping mall full of little piggies desperate for more!!

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I still find it funny and silly how people think wealth will make them happy and make all of their problems disappear, that is sheer ignorance. Of course there is a certain amount of money needed to live a sustainable life, but this greed, this ignorance, it is hugely destructive

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