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In love with thai girl married to thai man


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There are many good Thai women different categories. Siam Thai (Central and southern people) = 26 million, isaan = 22 million, lanna = 6 million, thai Chinese = 9 million, Thai Malays = 3.2 million. Others non Thai people = less than million. But I find most scammer women (90%) being isaan and Lanna women. Even though there may be good women too

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this is a scam i think...seen it done many times before...she gets a guy from the internet,,and they all play along..the thai guy dont mind her doing it..ITS MONEY..he will tolerate it as he will get a share...dont forget while she is playing away he will have is GIKS..
time to pull the chain..it aint going no where...

My advice avoid isaan and Lanna women, as you would find many scammer among them. I heard Siam and Chinese Thai (even thai Malay women if you convert to Islam) among the most sincere women. But it is difficult as these women rarely speak English. I suggest if we take little effort to learn English, we can find honest one.

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I don't know what kind of women you spend most of your time around but I assure you most are not scammers. And where you get the idea that most Thai Chinese don't speak English I have no idea. 
You got scammed by your ex wife, get over it and stop tarring all Thai women with the same brush. If Thai women are so bad stay in Canada and find yourself a Canadian women - your constant negativity is tiring.
It's not hard to find a decent Thai woman, but if you only look online, obsess about wanting to date Thai Chinese and spend most of your time on TV moaning about how most Thai women are scammers it's not going to be easy. Tip for you - decent women want a decent man, not a negative moaner who boasts about spending less than the average Thai per month on their apartment. 
Less than average Thai per month on their apartment? I don't understand what you mean.
I tell you while I'm on vacation I spend on things I enjoy. I sometimes I hang around with women on night clubs in pattaya and rayong. I take women into my room and pay for their services. In all aspects I'm honest with them, only exception I don't take them as my potential partner. You mean I'm stingy? I carefully spend what I require. You know even good place in Thailand cost less. I live in decent apartment as per my requirements and need. As single man I don't require large condo. I didn't say all isaan women are bad but it was my observation and experience I found many gold diggers among them.
As for your knowledge even though Thai Chinese woman are most educated, as per Thai standard even though they can understand but not good at speaking. Have you visited any Thai hospitals and see many doctors can not even understand English when you speak with them. I lived among thai people and understand many things about their lives.
I tell you truth, I'm seeing good woman who happen to be Thai Chinese, 32 year old, never married and no kids. She can write English when I chat with her online. But while we meet personally, she use translation tool to talk with me. She work at siam commercial insurance company

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Ping.  Did i get you, in the heart...?  Was it breaking before?


If i missed, you still have to pay me 30,000 dollars for my fee to kill you, if you are dead it's 50,000.


My GrandMother in NIgeria shall accept the amount that God gave to you to give to me, with all her heart. And then she shall oh love of god send this monies to me with her heart to my account with all her and god be forgiving may you rest in peace.


Amen, oh shall you go forward and be a saint in the eyes of the bank that recieves the monies for me.  And may you and yur family rise above all earthly things and be saved in the knowledge that you have helped.





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A triangle involving a foreigner and a thai man & wife!  'Don't even see room for discussion here!  Just tell her she can email you AFTER their divorce is final. Until then, laa gorn.





Everybody tried to reason with him here, and hawker finally decided it's time for the BIG guns to come out.


Make no mistake tekNique, foreign men have been killed for a lot less, so take this advice, although I suspect you will choose to live dangerously as you've ignored all other advice.


But then that's what trolls do to keep it going.

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A triangle involving a foreigner and a thai man & wife!  'Don't even see room for discussion here!  Just tell her she can email you AFTER their divorce is final. Until then, laa gorn.

Everybody tried to reason with him here, and hawker finally decided it's time for the BIG guns to come out.
Make no mistake tekNique, foreign men have been killed for a lot less, so take this advice, although I suspect you will choose to live dangerously as you've ignored all other advice.
But then that's what trolls do to keep it going.


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[email protected]
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Im starting to thing I want out big time now and im starting to lean on the side of scam again, im still confused ask #$%* but today she asked me to give him 500,000 baht or he wont divorce.    I think tonight im going to tell her that I love her but this is to much for me and if it was a scam bad luck if its not a scam you should crawl back to your husband and beg for forgiveness.  Or that she'll have to do the divorce on her own and we can make contact when it all over if were still interested.          Also... that you shouldn't put your self out there on a dating website if your still attached to your ex in anyway.


 Im starting to feel a right fool sad.png  At least I will get out relatively unscathed although I will now join the ranks of the cynical...you got room for one more?  

Edited by tekNique
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Im starting to thing I want out big time now and im starting to learn on the side of scam again, im still confused ask #$%* but today she asking me to give him 500,000 baht or he wont divorce.    I think tonight im going to tell her that I love her but this is to much for me and if it was a scam bad luck if its not a scam you should crawl back to your husband and beg for forgiveness.           And that you shouldn't put your self out there on a dating website if your still attached to your ex in anyway.
 Im starting to feel a right fool :(  At least I will get out relatively unscathed although I will now join the ranks of the cynical...you got room for one more?  

Am surprised she had the patience to wait as long as she did before asking for that 500k. Also a little surprised that she hasn't ht you with I think I may be pregnant scam..

Tonight you will tell her you love her ? How can you find love for a scamming, lying, cheating liar. Don't tell her anything, just break all communications with her. The more you communicate the longer she thinks she has you on the hook.

Say nothing, walk away and ignore her.

By the way you are not joining the ranks of the cynical you have joined the world of reality. Edited by nonthaburial
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Im starting to thing I want out big time now and im starting to lean on the side of scam again, im still confused ask #$%* but today she asked me to give him 500,000 baht or he wont divorce.    I think tonight im going to tell her that I love her but this is to much for me and if it was a scam bad luck if its not a scam you should crawl back to your husband and beg for forgiveness.  Or that she'll have to do the divorce on her own and we can make contact when it all over if were still interested.          Also... that you shouldn't put your self out there on a dating website if your still attached to your ex in anyway.


 Im starting to feel a right fool sad.png  At least I will get out relatively unscathed although I will now join the ranks of the cynical...you got room for one more?  


Don't join the ranks of the cynic, see it as a fairly cheap lesson that you need to keep your wits about you and that there's absolutely no need to accept someone with such baggage. There are great women out there and the younger generation away from the bars generally aren't scammers.


1. Stay away from anyone you suspect may be a bargirl or former bargirl


2. If a girl does speak good english question why, it's not always a warning sign but in a girl who left school at 12 it can be - not necessarily as I had an ex who spoke great English as she'd just worked in a restaurant for a western boss, before that had worked as a nanny for a western family, had dated an english teacher for a while and loved learning (she enjoyed reading the dictionary - weird) and she left school young. 


3. You can get an idea of a girls attitude to money early on, these girls may be "smart" when it comes to the scams they weave but generally they let little tell tale signs show by what they ask for on dates, what they ask you to pay for etc. 


I personally don't subscribe to getting a girl to pay 50/50 for dates; I wouldn't do it in the west so why would I do it in a country where I earn 5-10 times more than the girl I'm dating. With my main girl I pay for meals, cinema, food at home and give nice gifts for birthday/christmas/valentines (talking around 2500-5000 nothing excessive) but she never asks for me to pay for any of her personal items (clothes, makeup etc) and if we go away for a weekend she insists on paying for her share. 


I had a conversation with 2 of the girls I dated about sin sod - I raised it like this (incidentally it's true) "my friend is talking with his gf about marrying, his family are demanding sin sod of 750,000, what do you think about this". One (thai chinese) said "this is our culture, if he loves her he needs to accept it and pay", the other (from the North) said "I don't believe in it, it's outdated and my family wouldn't want it"


The fact is that for every scammer girl there's probably 5 guys dicking Thai girls around, making promises they can't deliver, cheating on them and generally not treating them well. Actually there are a LOT of thai girls desperate for a good guy. 


I have a friend, 23 years old, Bangkok girl, just finished university, working her first job (15k per month) and paying for herself to study English who just wants to find a nice boyfriend - she doesn't want money; her last (French) boyfriend made her split everything 50/50 (even Lotus food court) and she adored him. The fact is that these girls don't see an age difference as much as a western girl would and it's often nothing to do with money, my girl (actually only a 7 year difference with me) said "young guys are often selfish, they just think about today and making themselves happy. They have no plans for their future"


I think deep down you knew that this wasn't right - the warning signs were there but you let your heart rule and ignored warning signs and advice. My friend here says I'm ruthless, I cut girls loose for small reasons:

 - she mentions large amounts of money she has to send back to her family every month: cut her loose

 - she mentions her friend's boyfriend went away for the weekend and says "I would never let my boyfriend go away without me": cut her loose


There's many many more, too many to type but it's not hard although admittedly it's a lot easier when you're "on the ground" here. 

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This is bad that gets only worse when they suck you into situations involving you forking out money,...maybe initial intentions were good on both sides, but now the moms and husband is involved? Wtf?! If any things going to work it should be JUST between the two of you. Don't let them get you by your emotions and your balls. Your the dude, dude exert your dude force. ( that how Thai dudes do it here, and I think that's how all of a sudden her husband's dude force is effecting her ) whatever it is GET what you want, and not feel anything that you don't want.
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I thought you said the husband was going to divorce her because she cheated on him?  now he wants 500,000 again ???


Just tell her you're not paying anything...   what happened to the 20,000 you sent her?  Did she get an apartment with that money??



500,000 baht..... that's a ton of money... that's many years worth of work for a university educated girl...


and i'll bet you anything that husband of hers is just as broke as she is.

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A 2 month scam for $30000 is not too long. It's a long con. $30000 is more than what most thais make in 5 years.


If its not a scam, do you really want to be with a girl that has baggage like this? In 2 months you can find a new girl on your dating site and fall in love alllll over again. Nostalgia is great!



Nostalgia may be great but it's not what it used to be.smile.png

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Wow 500,000. That would buy land, build a new home and supply a buffalo to any village member. I'm glad you have seen the light. Whilst she has been throwing up warning signs all along, this request proves that scammers who aren't too smart eventually bring themselves undone. They have been quietly laughing at you. At least now you get to have the last laugh. 


Maybe they could write an "Idiots Guide To Scamming Farangs" Whilst they might be able to sell a few copies to their friends, as a reference it would be full of flaws and useless Dumbness only breeds dumbness. You seem like an intelligent fellow. Prove it to her by proving her to be anything but.


"Amazing Thailand". I never ceases to put a smile on my face.

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This is a bit over 40k thb per month for an entire year... Which is a decent middle class wage

Which men and if they can just pull of one scam a year... They are sitting pretty good

So how far do you think a con artist in the west would go if they only needed the scam it to work once a year ...

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It's not cynism, it's realism, borne of experience and valuing the experience of others. It's a very strange part of the human condition that we have to go that place ourselves, before we believe. So be it.


Do remember that we are, in no way, talking about all Thai women, even a majority of them, though there might be quite a high percentage of scammers amongst the "bar girls". Equally, there can be wildly sincere people. Would you, though, take a risk on running with them, however sincere they might seem?


One of the things that holds me away from cynicism reflects what aussiejon has said. I take heart in how hopelessly bad Thais are at the art of scamming. There are always small, but easily detectable things wrong with their stories. You'll notice readily, if reasonably sober and keen to be observant . I'm not just talking of bar girls. For instance, the gem scammers always get something, some small detail, wrong in the narrative. OK, often, it's a glaringly huge thing wrong!


With the girls, it's, normally, the perfect English, despite leaving school at 13 (which they readily admit!!!). Ask if they've worked with foreigners, had a foreigner boyfriend and they don't even have the capability of describing the global corporation that they worked with locally in Bangkok, Rayong, Sri Racha, etc, so working with and meeting foreigners. I often wonder whether I should tutor them!


Frankly, the scammers, whether they know it or not, are totally reliant on people really not wanting to see or hear.


Anyway, given how bad these people are at their craft, it leaves me with the perpetual feeling that Thai people really are, pretty-well always, nice, underneath. Obviously, you don't play with such fire, unless you get pleasure from scamming scammers (I admit, I do - amazing how scammers believe they can never be scammed, how naively trusting they can be). But it does give you the sense that it would be pretty easy to meet people who are nice at every level.

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I'm guessing she maybe rather new to the scan game... If she was a bit smarter, she probably
Could have milked him for 20k per month for the next year at least

And probably could have slipped in the equivalent of the proverbial sick buffalo scam at least once ever Few months for an extra 20-30k a pop

So probably gotten at least 300k over the years if she hadn't been so greedy for a big giant pay off...

Must not have wanted to deal with the OP for the next year...

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give me her Skype. I want to see if she tries to get me to send her money. Or I would simply offer her like 50,000 baht to stay with me for 2 weeks... if she accepts then you know 100% what she's about.


and if he doesn't give her Skype now then you know it's not really over and he's still sending her cash  haha


I always wonder why these thai girls seem to be so much more emotionally stronger than the foreign guys are..  shouldn't it be the other way around?


You all make me sick!

Edited by ve741
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Im starting to thing I want out big time now and im starting to lean on the side of scam again, im still confused ask #$%* but today she asked me to give him 500,000 baht or he wont divorce.    I think tonight im going to tell her that I love her but this is to much for me and if it was a scam bad luck if its not a scam you should crawl back to your husband and beg for forgiveness.  Or that she'll have to do the divorce on her own and we can make contact when it all over if were still interested.          Also... that you shouldn't put your self out there on a dating website if your still attached to your ex in anyway.
 Im starting to feel a right fool sad.png  At least I will get out relatively unscathed although I will now join the ranks of the cynical...you got room for one more?

At least you know where you stand now. No one in their right mind would send 500,000 baht (or any amount for that matter) to someone they've only briefly known, who they won't be marrying for a long time (if at all) and therefore whether or not she gets divorced is currently inconsequential.
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This topic seems never ending, but I saw many farang fools look like joker as I see these guy escorted by women family consists of 15 people (parents, kids, uncles, cousins... Lists goes on). These men do as her family demands, buy them villa, supporting all members of family. I know one Australian guy who lived with, his woman (wife or girlfriend I'm not sure) in Buriram, end up spending 500,000 baht within one month for family. But we never do that in our countries. Later he realized that he had been scanned.

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Even though I know that there are people like tekNique who fall for scammer. I feel there are lots of good and sincere Thai women. It is important that we must effort to learn about there custom and if we can speak Thai. Thai women top the list among other Asian, to be potential date for foreigners.

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 But we never do that in our countries. Later he realized that he had been scanned.



that's because guys like to be the knight in shining armor... helping the poor girlfriend and her family..  and probably get a kick out of feeling important and looking like they got a lot of cash.. stroking their egos the way most posters on these boards stroke their cocks every night.   laugh.png   ahhh.. I am so good.......

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Many women seek fortunes in Western countries. There are often cases in our countries that these women get marry in order to get green card or citizenship. Once their mission is accomplished they often dump their sponsors (husbands or may be boyfriends), and make way for their families or relatives. There had been certain cases in Canada as well. As per official estimate, there are around 15,000-20,000 Thai born residents, who obtained citizenship in Canada. Majority of them being women.

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