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In love with thai girl married to thai man


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  Not much to report, is in limbo at the moment we have applied for a tourist visa last week, waiting now.   I received a PM from a thai lady on here who found her and her ex face book from the divorce paper I posted.    She is probably the only person who knows this is all real.     She actually sent me a real long an interesting PM of what she thought.

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My advice to you ( and any other farang ) is to try and find a thai lady who has a job and that wants to be with you because she actually likes you for being you! If you met a lady who really does like you then " Money " will never even be discussed.As i mentioned before in other threads i have friends who live with Thai ladies and ALL the bills are split 50/50.Never should you pay any lady an amount of money every month just so she will live with you! Its a dangerous game out there.I would suggest " forgetting about her completely " ( not easy i know ) and enjoy life on your own until you meet a lady who really does like you.There are many farang living in Thailand who pay a lady every month just so they will live with them ( mainly because the farang cannot be alone ).Of course this is not a " relationship " it's just a " business deal " and will bring with it " a life of turbulence " and complications......




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Good advice but the OP how posted this thread has not listened to any of the advice given to him . He is set on a course and only responds to replies that suits his course.
But that is good advice for anyone

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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How about you PM me her contact info, photos and description. Then I'll try to see if she will meet me for a few weeks, after a couple of months of skype. Maybe we too will fall in love, and get asked for $30k. Then you will know for sure your true position.

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How about you PM me her contact info, photos and description. Then I'll try to see if she will meet me for a few weeks, after a couple of months of skype. Maybe we too will fall in love, and get asked for $30k. Then you will know for sure your true position.


You're the third person who's requested this info (myself included). She only lives a few miles up the road but I don't think he trusts any of us not to try and... !

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why cannt get this <deleted> wit offff people replying to him  must have same empty head

You are adding to the discussion , ? Is that some kind of wit ?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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How about you PM me her contact info, photos and description. Then I'll try to see if she will meet me for a few weeks, after a couple of months of skype. Maybe we too will fall in love, and get asked for $30k. Then you will know for sure your true position.

You're the third person who's requested this info (myself included). She only lives a few miles up the road but I don't think he trusts any of us not to try and... !

It's her he does not trust

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand
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 I know, but we skyped every day for 2 months for like 2 hours a day so I didn't just fall in love over 2 weeks.  You learn a lot about each other when you video call each other this much so I already had feelings for her before I went to Thailand.            I don't believe she would Skype with me this much if she wasn't really interested me as she was always asking in email "you Skype tonight mai".                    Its to much time to just try and scam someone, a scammer or some one who just wanted a gik payment wouldn't invest that much time.


 I appreciate all replies, cynicism included as I need to look from different view points as I feel quite confused at the moment.   Mrjlh I appreciate your post mak.


Tell you what, after you have had a few dozen Thai ladies, all of whom will laugh with you and provide great sex (they are in every bar BTW) you will be able to reevaluate your situation.


Did it occur to you to find out how and why she knows English? Only bar girls and international business executives speak English in Thailand.


If you are smart, you will call the husband and tell him for US$ 15,000 you will disappear and let him have his family back. Be careful about the collection arrangements. Do not accept the cash in person have it wired. Over and out.


Seriously, do you really believe that statement about bar girls and International business executives? Perhaps you spend too much time with the former and I doubt you know any of the latter!  In my experience most staff in most offices speak passable English, even check out girls and Maccas servers can put a sentence together these days. All the staff in my local 711 speak Engkish as do the staff in the coffee shop and massage parlour.


Getting back to the OP, I seriously doubt the girl is on the up and up....walk away and save the heartache! BTW, why did you remove the picture of her in the "office"?


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Did it occur to you to find out how and why she knows English? Only bar girls and international business executives speak English in Thailand.




Or girls who had English boyfriends.. doesn't mean they're hookers...  or college educated girls who learned in classes.....

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or hi-so's who actually studied in an english speaking country ?


i know many just get in groups of their own kind in the farang countries and speak their language


have some in the in-law family

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The whole story from her doesn't sounds right to me since I'm Thai.

There's no way they'll need $30,000 in order to get a divorce in Thailand. Technically, her husband and she just need to go to the local office then the officer will charge them a couple hundred Baht no matter how abusive he is. The only thing she needs the money for is hiring layer in order to win child-support and etc. But, again, for Thai layer for Thais isn't that expensive, not even 100,000 Baht. One of friends, He is an American got Thai wife, he spent about 40,000+ Baht  for Thai Layer.  

Also,She could run away without getting a divorce if she wants to. Many Thais have the same attitude about getting A farang husband/BG: money, car, house and buffaloes. They could team up against you if they came from that pattern. It's not your business at all to help her getting a divorce. This is totally scam. 




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  • 1 month later...

well i got to say i not feel as bad as i was feeling lol i thought i had it bad i did talk to my thai wife soon to be ex thai wife after 6 years and her and her family and her other boyfriends husbands got me for 200k us  i talked video chatted on skype to her whole family for a year before i went there and 6 years later 200k less and i was all  most murdered too if you give him 30k for her freedom why you not save your self the heart  break you  are going to get walk up to her husband that she loves so much to sell her ass to you so she buys him some new wheels because he's to lazy to work and earn it and make a deal you will give him th e30 k and you get to bang his wife when hes to drunk to bang her while hes spending your money i think 30k  2 night a week for a 6 months  u be ok  your being set up and scammed its just a thai thing now i know i wasted 6 years of my life was all most murdered and i lose 200 thousand us dollars to a good thai girl with a great education with a good well off thai family they make there living fucking us and tet there entertainment scamming us and they get there money using their own wifes having sex with its just the thai way  you will learn that word soon to its the thai way 

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  • 3 years later...
2 hours ago, BTB1977 said:

Its a scam. Big red flag. Run run run. Than run some more. Also block block block everything. If you do not believe me, than I love you too. Please send money soon. 

Bit late there. It's a zombie thread. Couldn't be bothered reading it all, but don't think we ever found out what happened.

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  • 1 month later...

I didnt bother read 42 pages, so here is my opinion, and I am only giving you one reason to drop the whole thing, and thats her mother. You are not only getting the girl, you getting the whole family with, and since her mother is part of the hijacking, you can just think for your selves, what kind of trouble maker the girl is, or the mother. Good luck


ops didnt see it was a ghost tread :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎23‎.‎04‎.‎2014 at 9:39 AM, tekNique said:

And she could divorce him. It is possible. 



But also think long term. You've just invested in a house in Australia. Do you really want to be getting into a relationship with a married woman, who lives in another country, and speaks a different language from you? You're setting yourself up for a long rocky road it feels... 

 thanks for link I think the problem is she has no grounds for divorce under thai law even though she dosent love him, in our culture we can divorce because no longer love.     She works in an embroidery type place that her husband or mum owns, she essentially does stuff all.   


 She does the design on the computer or something and has a lot of spare time on the PC when I Skype with her she was skyping from work and I even saw her ma a few times.    I not sure where iphone came from.             I do speak basic thai and I was going to go to after hours tafe college here in Oz to learn more on my return.


http://s5.photobucket.com/user/jasurat/media/1609992_721595474552057_1868331062_n.jpg.html  This her at work.


 I don't think it is a joint scam from her and thai husband to extract money from me as I know his facebook account (both her and him don't know I know this) and he wrote on facebook about her going with me, whether to try make her lose face im not sure, if was scam he wouldn't..    Is very complicated situation.     I think I just have to wait till she speaks directly with me again then ask the tough questions.



 I don't think scam she just wants her freedom because she is trapped, in work and in life.    At the worst I had a great holiday with thai guide and companion who saved me paying farang price on many things.   Truly was a happy two weeks.    I have my doubts too, but I have not lost faith in her yet I wait to speak to her directly as he cant keep her in the house forever.       I wont be paying him off to divorce her unless I win lotto tongue.png

Seems you already made up your mind. You only want answere that help Your mind settle with here.

Be careful you can be really hurt, and money gone, if it´s a scam what´s to say they don´t need to get more.

you already paid once.

As People say in this forum there are more Thai Girls.

This is not the Court of Law where you give the girl the benefit of the doubt. She have to prov to you.

after all you take all the risk here-

Hope you find Your love if not here maybe over there :)

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  • 6 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Well the end to this story is all most here now.   About 2 years ago i was gonna post that we got married already and that we live in Australia happily every after.     Well................was like that for a long time but things have gone North in the last 6 months, she started getting abit more kang with me and not so sweet, its a long story obviously so I digress.    She found some one loi who is crazy about her and will buy her a new benz.  


 I walk away much smarter and happy in away that its over now and not in another 5 years.   I got out financially alright as im not rich (i was younger and ok looking) and he's gonna buy everything for her so all good.    She still is one of the most beautiful Thai girls ive ever seen but really she is a naughty girl.   This new guy is green as, he has never known a Thai or been to Thailand, she is gonna clean him out ????


 Too long to tell all now but may later. 

Sad for the Kids as they have become awesome and I love them so much and are really proud of how they have devolved, the daughter asked her mum to live with me but i cant.      Life is crazy really.

She got PR through me too.


Edit btw it wasnt a scam in the end. Just her ex was trying to get his sinsod back. He didnt want to sign the divorce papers till he got it, he ended up signing them though.




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On 6/16/2014 at 1:35 PM, ToYoungToRetire said:

A woman who cheats to be will you will cheat on you when its your turn. 


Walk away...

I thought that from day dot really and its happened, its gonna happen to the next one too. Cause he has done the exact same.   He's probably had the thought too but he cant resist.  555

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29 minutes ago, tekNique said:

Well the end to this story is all most here now.   About 2 years ago i was gonna post that we got married already and that we live in Australia happily every after.     Well................was like that for a long time but things have gone North in the last 6 months, she started getting abit more kang with me and not so sweet, its a long story obviously so I digress.    She found some one loi who is crazy about her and will buy her a new benz.  


 I walk away much smarter and happy in away that its over now and not in another 5 years.   I got out financially alright as im not rich (i was younger and ok looking) and he's gonna buy everything for her so all good.    She still is one of the most beautiful Thai girls ive ever seen but really she is a naughty girl.   This new guy is green as, he has never known a Thai or been to Thailand, she is gonna clean him out ????


 Too long to tell all now but may later. 

Sad for the Kids as they have become awesome and I love them so much and are really proud of how they have devolved, the daughter asked her mum to live with me but i cant.      Life is crazy really.

She got PR through me too.


Edit btw it wasnt a scam in the end. Just her ex was trying to get his sinsod back. He didnt want to sign the divorce papers till he got it, he ended up signing them though.




No Thai man pays $30k sinsot for an uneducated girl, more like 7k if he's daft enough! Another one bites the dust, you were warned.

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He wanted the sin sod back when she was floating around with two kids he fathered?


My ex from another asian country was somewhat similar.      She used me to get legal residency in the US, with no intention of staying married to me.   As soon as she hit the ground in the US on K1 visa she was on the hunt for the 'rich' husband she thought was waiting for her here, somewhere.    THAT was her long term plan, and a scam.     (Her intentions all along)

I was LUCKY.   I found out what was happening early, and got  rid of her before she got permanent residency in the US.  


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