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Teaching etiquette on the roads, whilst having some amusing fun.


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I have found a perfectly legal way to encourage road use etiquette and bring out that Thainess we have all grown fond of!

Ive always been a boy racer.
After a near fatal accident 7 years ago, I had a restrictor put on my car to force me to stop taking stupid risks in the car.
It worked, until one day after a rebuild a year ago, the garage without my instruction, had removed the restrictor and I was soon getting up to my old tricks again.
After a particular gruelling race from Chanternaburi to Koh Samet turning on Sukamvit, 6 months ago.
Stupidly with Jazz my daughter in the car.
I just wouldn't give up the race.
It was great fun.
But I was exhausted , my shirt was stuck to my body with sweat and the adrenaline rush.
Pom my girl friend was screaming and having kittens,and I actually, immediately after wining the race, ran out of fuel because of refusing to give up the race!
Feeling stupid, I decided once and for all, I really had to stop that <deleted>.
Whilst waiting for road side assistance, beating myself up about being so stupid.
I came up with what I think is a novel idea, that keeps me reasonably safely entertained and amused.
Whilst at the same time teaching correct road etiquette.
So now I entertain myself with a much less dangerous ruse, whilst remaining perfectly legal I feel.
I still thunder down the outside lane, but I no longer race.
But when you get that very annoying Sunday driver hogging the outside lane doing 60, refusing to move over, I simply pull along side him on the inside lane and not wishing to break the law, I will not undertake.
They speed up, I speed up.
They slow down, yep I slow down.
Eventually you get the next guy come thundering along on the outside lane who cant overtake OR undertake.
The victim on the outside lane gets a cacophony of horns from all the impatient cars and trucks who impatiently can't get by.
Whilst I innocently, breaking no law, just match the victims speed.
The Thais get worked up in about 20 secs, and get up to all manner of unexpected amusing antics to try and get the victim to pull over.Some look like their gonna just try ramming him of the road!
Whilst I deftly maintain the same speed as the offending vehicle, not wishing to ''break the law'' and undertake.
Its an amusing controlled chaos!
Pom stills has kittens and whines a bit, and I still get to have a lot of fun along the journey.
Limiting the danger to the driver of the offending vehicle at the next lights, and the truck drivers locked angrily behind him!
Yes I know one day, the guy driving slowly in the outside lane, is gonna be taught a tough lesson by one of the truck divers furiously stuck behind him.
But undertaking is strictly against the law and Ive found its a law I no longer with a clear concious can break!
Maybe I've just lived to long in Thailand!
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So you get your rocks off upsetting everyone else and probably causing accidents elsewhere because of the frustration you cause? I don't think you are teaching anyone anything. The only way to survive in SE Asia is limitless patience - roll with it (preferably not your car)

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Not teaching etiquette at all. Just reinforcing the fact that you, like the outside lane hogger, are driving like a knob....a big knob too if you put your own family at risk of retaliation from others you assume prone to fly off the handle at short notice.

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So you get your rocks off upsetting everyone else and probably causing accidents elsewhere because of the frustration you cause? I don't think you are teaching anyone anything. The only way to survive in SE Asia is limitless patience - roll with it (preferably not your car)

I agree I'm not perfect.

But now instead of breaking any laws and being a danger to others and myself, I simply follow the high way code to the letter of the law.

My driving is now exemplary!

And it really does bring out the Thainess we have grown to love in the Thais!

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But undertaking is strictly against the law and Ive found its a law I no longer with a clear concious can break!

Just to clarify as there are circumstances it is allowed.

Section 45

No driver shall overtake another vehicle from the left-side unless:

a. the vehicle to be overtaken is making a right turn or has given a signal that he is going to make a right turn.

b. the roadway is arranged with two or more traffic lanes in the same direction.

Land Traffic Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)

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So, while you're playing "wankr" you pull up on the inside and the guy in the outside lane pulls out his gun and shoots you ! Cant happen ? Ask the Thai Airways pilot who got shot at if its posdible.

There are enough idiots out there without you adding to the pool, next time, with guns and drink being so readily available here, you or the occupants of your car may not ge so lucky.

Grow Up ! Or you may well take the journey from roadrage to roadkill.

From my experience so far the anger is 100% directed at the car driving annoyingly slowly in the out side lane.

Which if you think about, you can understand why.

I am the innocent driving very carefully on the inside.

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you are are joke you can cause all sorts of problems for your own amusement what a peabrain you are

I was not expecting positive replys.

Or an award for best driver of the year.
I accept your criticisms as being valid.
Though I prefer to be known as a sex pat with a perverse sense of humour, rather than tosser, pea brain, etc
I do have a reputation for being a bit of a joker/clown.
Of course I have never grown up.

But from my point of view, my driving safely has improved by a huge %.
I'm breaking no law.
So far anyway, the cars stuck behind the car driving annoyingly slowly in the out side lane direct their anger at that car.
They have no concept of what I'm up too.
All they see and can comprehend, is there is a car stubbornly hogging the out side lane, as I first did.
I feel having successfully lived here 18 years, they simply assume I'm just a doddery old guy, minding my own business travelling at an acceptable speed on the inside.
As I said, maybe Ive just lived here to long.
What is the award for troll of the year?
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Lane discipline is bad here because as in the US it is legal to "undertake". Thais know this so driving slower in the "fast" lane does not bother them.

Either adapt or get frustrated. I predict heart attack at 56!

Edited by VocalNeal
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Some posts that were OTT inflammatory and name calling have been removed. Suspect this topic will have a short shelf life at this rate.

To the OP, you are creating a danger to yourself and others around you and need to re-think your strategy again. Assuming this is for real. smile.png

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I have found a lot of thai driving skills to be reticent at best but the other thing I have found is that if you do anything at all to certain people, guns or totally unwarranted actions can be given

Example 1, traffic lights on a country main road, single lane either way - lights turned green but car in front of me didnt move , he was talking to someone, so I honked the horn after 10 seconds or so and out came the gun and got waved at me, obviously a total f***wit.

Example 2, 2 lane road, coming up behind a bus doing way under the speed limit ay night, I was doing 100k so I started to indicate and move to overtake, a car coming up at well over 100k started flashing his lights from several hundred metres back, I would have had to slam on the brakes if I didnt overtake, I overtook the bus and he had come right up on my bum and had to slow dowm slightly, I indicated and moved back in and this idiot passed me then swerved in front of me just missing the front of the car and slammed on his brakes. I changed changed gears accelorated and went around him, most thais would have run up his bum. The idiot had lost face because he had to slow down fractionally but didnt expect me to be able to out drive him, unfortunately some thais have very small brains and are not capable of rational thinking or acting, they prefer threats and retaliation.

What you do is push the boundaries, the same as it would be undertaking then moving back in front of the offending vehicle then slowing down to give them a taste of their own medicine, might seem like a good idea but can backfire severly. Just accept that some drivers are ignorant bast*rds and move on.

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Driving over 90kph is illegal on most roads.

Do you abide by this when you are 'doing absolutely nothing illegal'?

Of course not.

But when Im on the inside lane, I'm not speeding or breaking any law.

When I get stopped for speeding, I'm happy to pay the ''tea money''.

I get ''fined'' approx once every 2,000 klms.

One of the great freedoms we are still afforded in Thailand, I never worry about getting stopped for speeding.

I still thunder down the outside lane, but I no longer race.

Now your all going to tell me Thai Visa readers never speed on the roads of Thailand?

Maybe Ive just been here to long.

I'm also told I should not hitch rides on whale sharks or turtles!

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Driving over 90kph is illegal on most roads.

Do you abide by this when you are 'doing absolutely nothing illegal'?

Of course not.

But when Im on the inside lane, I'm not speeding or breaking any law.

When I get stopped for speeding, I'm happy to pay the ''tea money''.

I get ''fined'' approx once every 2,000 klms.

One of the great freedoms we are still afforded in Thailand, I never worry about getting stopped for speeding.

I still thunder down the outside lane, but I no longer race.

Now your all going to tell me Thai Visa readers never speed on the roads of Thailand?

Maybe Ive just been here to long.

I'm also told I should not hitch rides on whale sharks or turtles!

I sincerely wish you would.whistling.gif

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If I understand post#5 correctly, you are allowed to overtake on the left in certain circumstances. Sp by driving like this you are intentionally obstructing traffic.

I occasionally come upon two halfwits driving as you describe so I go over the center line to get by. Meaning that you both endanger me and annoy me with selfish little boy games.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

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Driving over 90kph is illegal on most roads.

Do you abide by this when you are 'doing absolutely nothing illegal'?

Of course not.

But when Im on the inside lane, I'm not speeding or breaking any law.

When I get stopped for speeding, I'm happy to pay the ''tea money''.

I get ''fined'' approx once every 2,000 klms.

One of the great freedoms we are still afforded in Thailand, I never worry about getting stopped for speeding.

I still thunder down the outside lane, but I no longer race.

Now your all going to tell me Thai Visa readers never speed on the roads of Thailand?

Maybe Ive just been here to long.

I'm also told I should not hitch rides on whale sharks or turtles!

I sincerely wish you would.whistling.gif

Been there, done that.

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If I understand post#5 correctly, you are allowed to overtake on the left in certain circumstances. Sp by driving like this you are intentionally obstructing traffic.

I occasionally come upon two halfwits driving as you describe so I go over the center line to get by. Meaning that you both endanger me and annoy me with selfish little boy games.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Tapatalk 2

I choose to ''play'' when it is illegal to undertake.

Not when there is a U turn etc.

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So, while you're playing "wankr" you pull up on the inside and the guy in the outside lane pulls out his gun and shoots you ! Cant happen ? Ask the Thai Airways pilot who got shot at if its posdible.

There are enough idiots out there without you adding to the pool, next time, with guns and drink being so readily available here, you or the occupants of your car may not ge so lucky.

Grow Up ! Or you may well take the journey from roadrage to roadkill.

From my experience so far the anger is 100% directed at the car driving annoyingly slowly in the out side lane.

Which if you think about, you can understand why.

I am the innocent driving very carefully on the inside.

No, you are just being jack-wagon.

Will you just grow up, dispense the diapers, and move on. Have you heard the expression that "two wrongs doesn't make a right"? Someday someone is going move over to the left, legal or not, and push you off the road. I hope I get the chance first.

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So, while you're playing "wankr" you pull up on the inside and the guy in the outside lane pulls out his gun and shoots you ! Cant happen ? Ask the Thai Airways pilot who got shot at if its posdible.

There are enough idiots out there without you adding to the pool, next time, with guns and drink being so readily available here, you or the occupants of your car may not ge so lucky.

Grow Up ! Or you may well take the journey from roadrage to roadkill.

From my experience so far the anger is 100% directed at the car driving annoyingly slowly in the out side lane.

Which if you think about, you can understand why.

I am the innocent driving very carefully on the inside.

No, you are just being jack-wagon.

Will you just grow up, dispense the diapers, and move on. Have you heard the expression that "two wrongs doesn't make a right"? Someday someone is going move over to the left, legal or not, and push you off the road. I hope I get the chance first.

I guess by your reply,your one of the cars hogging the outside lane doing 60.

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Am very surprised by the responses OP gets to grow up and being a danger on the roads.

IMO OP is bored/frustrated and has been unsuccesful by teaching the ones he engages in day to day life to be less selfish and more aware of the dangers they impose to others. This by not following the rules.

OP is aware of what he is doing on the roads, the others, which he tries to teach, not.

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yes mate, my father told me long ago that when you see how people drive, you realise that world peace will never happen. How right he was.

Please leave your family at home when you start doing this. Plenty of people that would so have wanted to be school teachers or policemen but couldn't quite get the necessary qualifications.

Edited by cooked
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So you get your rocks off upsetting everyone else and probably causing accidents elsewhere because of the frustration you cause? I don't think you are teaching anyone anything. The only way to survive in SE Asia is limitless patience - roll with it (preferably not your car)

I agree I'm not perfect.

But now instead of breaking any laws and being a danger to others and myself, I simply follow the high way code to the letter of the law.

And you're still a danger to others and yourself...

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Some posts that were OTT inflammatory and name calling have been removed. Suspect this topic will have a short shelf life at this rate.

To the OP, you are creating a danger to yourself and others around you and need to re-think your strategy again. Assuming this is for real. smile.png

Looks 'hot' to me.

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