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What does it mean when a stranger Thai lady gives you the evil eye while pointing at you?


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This is a serious question to experts on the Thai culture.

In public last night I was in a a situation where I messed with the "face" of a Thai stranger lady, basically (and correctly) directly accusing her of doing something stupid, offensive, selfish, and rude.

Forgetting about the lack of wisdom of that action on my part (obviously not wise) I'd like a cultural interpretation of her response.

She got up out of her chair and went after me ... seemingly threatening to hit me ... while at the same time sticking her arm out aggressively straight at me with a shocking POINT ... all with a murderous facial expression (I'll call the evil eye).

Is this woman a Thai witch?

Has she put a curse on me?

Should I see a Thai witch doctor?

I know the pointing thing is very bad here, but can people go into more detail.

As far as her posing to attack, the truth is she could have whipped my ass, but even if I could have whipped her ass, suppose I did hit her and hurt her ... then it would be me probably gang attacked by Thais (this is in Pattaya) and/or in Thai prison for assault.

So happily no physical blows were exchanged ... but there certainly did seem to be the potential.

Edited by Jingthing
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In Thailand, pointing with a finger at someone is a no-no. Only Farangs do that.

So, if a Thai points at you with a finger (in anger), you must have done something wicked. Come on, spill your guts.


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Sorry to have to tell you this, but..... you have been cursed I am afraid, and what is going to happen is your hair will turn grey, then possibly fall out. All your teeth will wear away. Your skin will become wrinkled, you will likely lose your ability to see very far, you will forget where you put things, maybe even your own name, and you will lose control of your bodily functions...............eventuallygiggle.gif

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She sussed you were gay perhaps...?

Thai folk are extremely good at "reading" folk......

The incident was unrelated to any kind of sexual implications.

You reckon.............?

You get into so much crap that l really don't understand, BUT, if eyes reveal over the top stuff then perhaps things happen eh..........whistling.gif

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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where some become like mad dogs when face is violated. Even though I was ethically in the right (at least by my ethics) I was culturally in the wrong. But moving on from that, I am interested in the meaning of what she did ... other than the obvious that the pointing was a MASSIVE show of aggression and disrespect. I get that! Who wouldn't?

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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where they become like mad dogs when face is violated.

Seems you have a lot to learn after many years doing your stuff.......................coffee1.gif

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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where they become like mad dogs when face is violated.

Seems you have a lot to learn after many years doing your stuff.......................coffee1.gif

You know, we can know a lot about the dos and don'ts in Thai culture, but most of us are still westerners on the INSIDE and sometimes that comes out. I am not a perfect saintly individual, are you?

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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where some become like mad dogs when face is violated. Even though I was ethically in the right (at least by my ethics) I was culturally in the wrong. But moving on from that, I am interested in the meaning of what she did ... other than the obvious that the pointing was a MASSIVE show of aggression and disrespect. I get that! Who wouldn't?

Of course the details of how you provoked her ARE relevant to her type of response. What did you falsely accuse her of?

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The details are irrelevant. She deserved the accusation. In the west, she would have likely apologized to me but this is not the west. I misjudged the safety level of the situation. In theory I know better than to directly confront misbehaving Thais because of the crossing the line phenom where they become like mad dogs when face is violated.

Seems you have a lot to learn after many years doing your stuff.......................coffee1.gif

You know, we can know a lot about the dos and don'ts in Thai culture, but most of us are still westerners on the INSIDE and sometimes that comes out. I am not a perfect saintly individual, are you?

I have NEVER got into the shit you get into on a regular basis, nooooooooo pun intended. BUT, your crap really does piss me off. A member is now on a TV holiday from a totally shit topic designed to do that stuff............ Very sad amigo.............sad.png

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I have NEVER got into the shit you get into on a regular basis, nooooooooo pun intended. BUT, your crap really does piss me off. A member is now on a TV holiday from a totally shit topic designed to do that stuff............ Very sad amigo.............sad.png

You're not interested in this topic. You're just interested in throwing personal dirt. That is not welcome.

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ill agree them surin girls are worth a watching,,

youll be ok mate dont worry your ass

shes just venting same you would if someone pissed you off,, i know i would,


If she thinks it has power and I don't believe in supernatural crap, then it will all be OK. Sure it will! unsure.png

Anyway, no I wouldn't ever POINT at someone like that as an act of aggression, but I understand the cultural differences.

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I have NEVER got into the shit you get into on a regular basis, nooooooooo pun intended. BUT, your crap really does piss me off. A member is now on a TV holiday from a totally shit topic designed to do that stuff............ Very sad amigo.............sad.png

You're not interested in this topic. You're just interested in throwing personal dirt. That is not welcome.

I read many topics, many of yours bah.gif ,, well you do post a lot. What I read werrrrrrrrles around in my head and assumptions appear. If you can't see my assumptions, well OK, but I do.....Dirt, where is your dirt from, ? You, never thought of that.............whistling.gif

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I have NEVER got into the shit you get into on a regular basis, nooooooooo pun intended. BUT, your crap really does piss me off. A member is now on a TV holiday from a totally shit topic designed to do that stuff............ Very sad amigo.............sad.png

You're not interested in this topic. You're just interested in throwing personal dirt. That is not welcome.

That is two members in this topic who have pointed their finger at you.

Your thread is about a woman pointing the finger at you.

There seems to be a theme in people pointing the finger at you.

What is the common theme?

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