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Abhisit's nephew 'Itim' first Thai to lead top Oxford society


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Angry old fart are we??


However, I do know what the Oxford Union is. Do you? If you are impressed and amazed, then I suggest you visit Mahidol where the grad students have been working hard to keep diseases in check and to provide better health care for all. If I am not mistaken, one of the Abhisit relatives is there. If so, the praises of that Abhisit relative should be sung since she is contributing far more to Thailand then a bunch of artsies boozing it up and having "debates". it's all about perspective.

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Angry old fart are we??


However, I do know what the Oxford Union is. Do you? If you are impressed and amazed, then I suggest you visit Mahidol where the grad students have been working hard to keep diseases in check and to provide better health care for all. If I am not mistaken, one of the Abhisit relatives is there. If so, the praises of that Abhisit relative should be sung since she is contributing far more to Thailand then a bunch of artsies boozing it up and having "debates". it's all about perspective.

Bending a little from being under pressure from posters are we ???

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Given the history of this august institution and the history of these debates and the world leaders that have been historically included in them, some people may not realize what an utterly extraordinary achievement this is - for someone of any age - let along a young man of only 21. His words are well-chosen in this interview, and he acquits himself well and with dignity and maturity. Those adults who haven't yet acquired such attributes could learn from him. Again, at any age, so feel free to start now.

There are honours and then there are honours. For some reason some people can't resist bringing his father into the discussion, and there is this numbingly mindless and petty narrative of nationality that has yet again been brought to the surface by those who find their bag of sustainable arguments woefully underpopulated. In terms of the distinction itself - and those who cast aspersions on it - one can be sure that it dwarfs quite soundly the " Doctorate " that Thaksin received, or the " Doctorate " that Chalerm received - both of which are currently recognized in laughing academies.

"For some reason some people can't resist bringing his father into the discussion"

Oh, I don't know, perhaps it's because the thread title is "Abhisit's nephew "Itim" first Thai to lead top Oxford society". Do you think that might have something to do with it?

Then again, for some reason some people can't resisist bringing Thaksin or Charlerm into the discussion. Why do you think that is?

Edited by fab4
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Given the history of this august institution and the history of these debates and the world leaders that have been historically included in them, some people may not realize what an utterly extraordinary achievement this is - for someone of any age - let along a young man of only 21. His words are well-chosen in this interview, and he acquits himself well and with dignity and maturity. Those adults who haven't yet acquired such attributes could learn from him. Again, at any age, so feel free to start now.

There are honours and then there are honours. For some reason some people can't resist bringing his father into the discussion, and there is this numbingly mindless and petty narrative of nationality that has yet again been brought to the surface by those who find their bag of sustainable arguments woefully underpopulated. In terms of the distinction itself - and those who cast aspersions on it - one can be sure that it dwarfs quite soundly the " Doctorate " that Thaksin received, or the " Doctorate " that Chalerm received - both of which are currently recognized in laughing academies.

"For some reason some people can't resist bringing his father into the discussion"

Oh, I don't know, perhaps it's because the thread title is "Abhisit's nephew "Itim" first Thai to lead top Oxford society". Do you think that might have something to do with it?

Then again, for some reason some people can't resisist bringing Thaksin or Charlerm into the discussion. Why do you think that is?

Do you only post on political issues ?? and then it is always pro government.

Have you nothing to say about the young guy who has done wonders for Thailands name abroad.

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Run of the mill achievement young man anyone could do this according to GK, had it been Yinglucks son it would have been a sensation eh! GK.

Apart from the "congratulation" from you your post is to tread the honour down as if it is nothing.

Well done young Thai man good for Thailand and it's image, different to image that was portrayed over the last 3 years in government.

It is nothing in the world of academia. Oxford has almost 300+ clubs, societies and sports groups. Look, it's nice that he got the job. Good for him.

What's his role in the Thai Society? Did you even know that's one of the clubs because there are apparently quite a few Thais at the Oxford schools.

I don't understand why some people are creaming their pants in excitement. Oxford has a Quidditch club, a Real Ale Society, and a Doctor Who Society. Each of these societies has big events too. Why not make a fuss when someone is elected president for the semester of those clubs?

You did not go to university so you may have difficulty understanding that these debating societies are more dedicated to partying and boozing it up than anything else. It's just that the folks at Oxford have a nicer place to consume their booze, and they do it with refined elegance, until some wastrel pukes in the cloakroom. The Oxford Union benefits from corporate sponsorship and you can be assured that in any commercial undertaking there is product positioning. If you are impressed, ok. I'm not, and I doubt anyone who has attended Oxford would be turning cartwheels with excitement either. That doesn't mean he isn't a good person or not intelligent.

You are right about the hypothetical case of Yingluck's boy. He's under 11 years old and had he obtained the job for the semester, I'd have been impressed. It would be extraordinary for a kid that age to be able to hold his liquor as do the reprobates of old Oxie.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well done. Nice to have the real respect of your peers. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Hello? The Oxford Union is not a part of Oxford. It's a private debating club and the titular head changes every semester. Yes, he was elected. Good for him. Congratulations etc.

I wonder if he joined for this reason, as stated in the marketing literature of the Oxford Union;

Oxford's Premier Social Venue

Oxford University students who join become Life Members - once a member, it’s free for the rest of your life. In joining, you will save yourself the price of membership through cheap drinks, frequent social events, free entry to the Purple Turtle, passionate debates, incredible speaker meetings, internet access and library services.

It is not as if he has toiled away in a lab or done fieldwork as many of thousands students in Thailand and the UK do. It may come as a shock, but there are literally hundreds of valuable contributions made by those students in any given semester. Can we please keep this in perspective. The debating club is just that, a social club where a bunch of the students get together and talk up their fanciful notions. It's like getting elected president of a fraternity. I'm sure his family is quite proud of him, but seriously, this is hardly news.

With this post GK you reveal a level of bitterness that displays a sad lonely person with nothing better to do than complain about anything that may be remotely connected to Abhisit.

This young man has made his progress on his own merits and neither money nor name gets people elected as President of the OU, only the respect of his peers, many of whom will go on to be some of the worlds top achievers in their own right. A previous President of the Oxford Union was British Prime Minister William Gladstone, probably the greatest Prime Minister we ever had. Your attempt to discredit this young mans achievements would be the same as denigrating or trying to diminish achievements of a young man for being Editor in Chief of the Harvard Crimson for example, a position held by Franklin D Roosevelt (I would have given a comparison to Lincoln or Washington but of course neither went to University).

The only satisfying thing is knowing how much things like this must 'niggle' you and how they must drive you insane to your very core. Have a pleasant day smile.png

I am sure he is a personable and bright young man with a fine future in prospect, which would be the case even if like most Oxford undergraduates he had not bothered with joining the Union.However it is obvious that some of the gushing and ludicrous (utterly extraordinary achievement!) compliments on this forum indicate many have not the faintest idea of how the Oxford Union (or Cambridge Union - the institutions are similar) operates.Oxford is a collegiate university and most undergraduates' lives revolve around their college Junior Common Room, not the Oxford Union.The Union certainly has a distinguished history but the last 30 years has seen an eclipse of its importance as political nursery.Neither David Cameron or Ed Milliband bothered with it.In recent years a large proportion of Union officials have been foreigners.As the first Thai to achieve the position however he deserves our congratulations.

Incidentally I think there's a mistake in the Nation report which suggests 70% of Oxford students are members of the Union.I'm sure this is a huge exaggeration but stand to be corrected.Many freshmen join but don't bother attending debates.

Edited by jayboy
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No doubt this young Thai hi-so ammart is a Prime Minister in waiting. Thailand is a private club and 99.99%

of the population isnt invited.

You mean like Thaksin's son "Oak" is a PM in waiting.

I don't suppose Parit was ever caught cheating though, and he did actually go to a very good quality university.

AFAIK Oxford doesn't have a no fail policy at graduation.

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So he forgot to invite Yingluck for a debate as she is a 'world leader'. You know, like the Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, and Maggie Thatcher.

When is Abhisit being invited? Can be part of a debate "Democracy through appointment.. The way forward".

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"When you listen to the debates, your thoughts change all the time as you are convinced by the arguments of both sides. That is really eye opening and gave food for thought,"

Sorry, but Suthep is on a diet. He is only convinced by his own arguments. I hope some of Itim's insightedness rubs off onto his uncle.

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I shall let the wonderful lads of Oxford convey my views.

Some of you may recognize Bo Guagua in the middle. He was intent on climbing the ladder at the Oxford Union. Had quite a presence too. thumbsup.gif

That has to be one of the most desperate attempts I have ever seen to try and discredit anyone. Totally unrelated, totally nothing to do with anything on this thread. So are you now telling me that all students at Oxford (or I think this was at Harrow) are to be judged by 5 lads having a funny photo taken. You really are sadder than Mr McSad from the University of Saddoes on international sad lonely fool day. Jeez get a life GK.

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No doubt this young Thai hi-so ammart is a Prime Minister in waiting. Thailand is a private club and 99.99%

of the population isnt invited.

99.99% of the population much like yourself are not intelligent enough for the post, and so no...... they are NOT invited.

I hope one day this guy will be prime minister, at 20 he has already given his country something to be proud of in an amazingly proud nation such as Thailand.

What is the likely alternative in your view?.... OAK?????????? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Edited by WoopyDoo
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It is a shame that this achievement is being overshadowed be partisan thai politics and that his family connections are being so prominently exploited. As has been mentioned earlier, i can't help but be surprised at the timing given this is something that happened over a year ago.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Well done. Nice to have the real respect of your peers. thumbsup.gif

Hello? The Oxford Union is not a part of Oxford. It's a private debating club and the titular head changes every semester. Yes, he was elected. Good for him. Congratulations etc.

I wonder if he joined for this reason, as stated in the marketing literature of the Oxford Union;

Oxford's Premier Social Venue

Oxford University students who join become Life Members - once a member, it’s free for the rest of your life. In joining, you will save yourself the price of membership through cheap drinks, frequent social events, free entry to the Purple Turtle, passionate debates, incredible speaker meetings, internet access and library services.

It is not as if he has toiled away in a lab or done fieldwork as many of thousands students in Thailand and the UK do. It may come as a shock, but there are literally hundreds of valuable contributions made by those students in any given semester. Can we please keep this in perspective. The debating club is just that, a social club where a bunch of the students get together and talk up their fanciful notions. It's like getting elected president of a fraternity. I'm sure his family is quite proud of him, but seriously, this is hardly news.

No surprise that you have to downplay his achievements. I take it that you are competent to interview people of the calibre named in the OP? Not everyone is scientist/engineer, etc. or the like. For instance Churchill, Thatcher, Dalai Lama. Does that make their achievements any less worthy? As an engineer I think not.

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I sure hope Suthep supporters here don't give the Uncle any credit for what the kid has accomplished. But I am sure they will. We just need to hope he doesn't turn out like his Uncle.

I guess the young lad is also related to Suranand Vejjajiva, the spokesman for Ms. Yingluck and former one of the 111 banned TRT-ers ?

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Angry old fart are we??


However, I do know what the Oxford Union is. Do you? If you are impressed and amazed, then I suggest you visit Mahidol where the grad students have been working hard to keep diseases in check and to provide better health care for all. If I am not mistaken, one of the Abhisit relatives is there. If so, the praises of that Abhisit relative should be sung since she is contributing far more to Thailand then a bunch of artsies boozing it up and having "debates". it's all about perspective.

If it is about perspective? then maybe just keep it within the OP. Why can't people just accept the OP for what it is instead of turning it into a political point scoring contest?

Just because you think it is a a bunch of artsies boozing it up and having "debates" doesn't mean a thing these are uni students, not adults. So much for you're perspective! one thing is for sure you could not have a debate with him! He would make you look foolish?

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This is news from 2013, why is it making news now...One suspects a political move.

2013 Michaelmas Parit Wacharasindhu St John's

2014 Hilary Polina Ivanova University

2014 Trinity Ben Sullivan Christ Church

2014 Michaelmas Mayank Banerjee St John's

Come on TV, I and I suspect others would like to know, why it is now news.

Edited by Rorri
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Well done. Nice to have the real respect of your peers. thumbsup.gif

Hello? The Oxford Union is not a part of Oxford. It's a private debating club and the titular head changes every semester. Yes, he was elected. Good for him. Congratulations etc.

I wonder if he joined for this reason, as stated in the marketing literature of the Oxford Union;

Oxford's Premier Social Venue

Oxford University students who join become Life Members - once a member, it’s free for the rest of your life. In joining, you will save yourself the price of membership through cheap drinks, frequent social events, free entry to the Purple Turtle, passionate debates, incredible speaker meetings, internet access and library services.

It is not as if he has toiled away in a lab or done fieldwork as many of thousands students in Thailand and the UK do. It may come as a shock, but there are literally hundreds of valuable contributions made by those students in any given semester. Can we please keep this in perspective. The debating club is just that, a social club where a bunch of the students get together and talk up their fanciful notions. It's like getting elected president of a fraternity. I'm sure his family is quite proud of him, but seriously, this is hardly news.

Another whinge.

Getting elected as a president of a fraternity? I'm afraid you're showing your ignorance here, Gerry.

The Oxford Union may have it's foibles but it is a respected institution as many of it's worthy past presidents and even more illustrious speakers will testify. Abhisit can be rightly proud of his nephew's achievement as indeed should Thailand.

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I sure hope Suthep supporters here don't give the Uncle any credit for what the kid has accomplished. But I am sure they will. We just need to hope he doesn't turn out like his Uncle.

I guess the young lad is also related to Suranand Vejjajiva, the spokesman for Ms. Yingluck and former one of the 111 banned TRT-ers ?

He's also related to abhisits father who was given his position as Deputy Minister of Public Health in 1991 by the military Junta after their coup (must be a family thing,military appointments, though not including the draft that is whistling.gif ) so how far do you want to take this off topic peeing contest?

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I sure hope Suthep supporters here don't give the Uncle any credit for what the kid has accomplished. But I am sure they will. We just need to hope he doesn't turn out like his Uncle.

I guess the young lad is also related to Suranand Vejjajiva, the spokesman for Ms. Yingluck and former one of the 111 banned TRT-ers ?

He's also related to abhisits father who was given his position as Deputy Minister of Public Health in 1991 by the military Junta after their coup (must be a family thing,military appointments, though not including the draft that is whistling.gif ) so how far do you want to take this off topic peeing contest?

Thank you for stating the obvious. With an Uncle Abhisit it is indeed very likely that k. Abhisit's father is also related.

Now the question, do you know how this young and bright lad is related to k. Suranand

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