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Hi All,

I travel to Thailand once or twice a year. and have been seeing the same Bar Girl for the last 3. We are not in love or making any plans we are just compatible, so, when I'm there I stick with her. I don't send her any money whilst at home, so she is free to do as she pleases then. I never ask. This year in between trips, she has bought a small bar of her own. I don't know where she got the money, but I think it was someone in her family not a flang, to be honest I don't care like I said, it's not love.

She runs the bar day to day but says she still wants to see me when I go over in a couple of months. My question is, that whilst I'm happy to pay our usual arrangement, I am less happy to pay a bar fine, as she OWNS the bar now. Am I off the mark?

Thanks in advance.

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If she owns and runs the bar why would you have to pay her a bar fine - or anything for that matter? wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

Thanks Topt, as I thought, I might buy her dinner occasionally though. smile.png


The question should be - Do you like stirring another man's porridge?


if she uses a fire hose, nothing to stir.

She could also ask the same of you...

Foes she like another girls John,west rejects?

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

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To the OP... No bar fine should be paid. It is something you have built up together, but she sounds enterprising so she may just hit you with trying to get a bar fine.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk


To the OP... No bar fine should be paid. It is something you have built up together, but she sounds enterprising so she may just hit you with trying to get a bar fine.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

Thanks, you're right, she is a very clever girl, very good English and Norwegian, which in Jomtien, serves her very well. The kind of girl I've seen guys go nuts over with one bat of the eyelashes. Luckily I never did. Seen to many casualties I think. smile.png

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I know a few Canadains and when they come here they will keep the same bar girl for like 3 months they don't pay any bar fine at the end of there stay they pay the girl and at times buy them a ticket back where they first month. So to answer your question don't pay bar fine to owner and most likely she got the money not from her family but a guy she was with good luck

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Would you expect free beer as well?

it's a business and as such she should charge for everything and be justified to do so however that could bring her down to the same level as staff.

Scenario 1 - my bar I don't need to be bar fined as I only go with select customers and I'm a free agent

Scenario 2 - look girls I can still get men to pay my bar fine

Depends on her definition of 'face' don't it?!?


Only two answers either your are rich or handsome! so you are not paying money then you must me good looking she falling in love with you congrats you have free flow of beers whole year round.


We are not in love or making any plans we are just compatible, so, when I'm there I stick with her.

We are not in love or making any plans we are just compatible, so, when I'm there I stick with her.

We are not in love or making any plans we are just compatible, so, when I'm there I stick with her.

Are you from Mars, or Jupiter ?


Did you barfine her during those 3 years? If so, then I can see her point of view. Many female owners of bars will require barfines when they agree to go with a customer and many do not. Hell with some female bar owners if you go out with them might even pay all the bills you rack up during the night. You yourself say this is not an exclusive relationship and she isn't really your GF. On the other hand, I can see how you might feel after 3 years of, let's call it showing loyalty to her, that a barfine should not enter into the equation.

From an unbiased point of view I'd say I'd probably feel there should be no barfine, but it's a close call. Also, I can see how it basically says to you, "hey, I may have been going with you for 3 years and we do have fun together, but this is a job to me and I'm in it to make money" and I can see how that might sting a little. That is the reality of most bar girls and the relationships we falang have with them.

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The question should be - Do you like stirring another man's porridge?


Thinking about your posts, you shouldn't be allowed to give "advice" to others. You stir another guy's porridge now for how long?


This is a trick question... right ???

To have asked such a question, or even thought about asking it, I think you might have actually funded the bar purchase without realizing it.

Or... am I missing something ?


if u're so compatible why don't u just ask her..... u will know the answer firsthand directly.

anyhow, i appreciate guys not getting emotional attached to whores. from what i have heard some girls offer good sex which - according to some men - is worth a buck. the fact that she sleeps with other men is indeed a non-event.

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