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Did your 13 year old self think you'd be rich and/or famous as an adult?

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I bet at 13 you never thought you would end up an obese homosexual being slapped by a songtaew driver and abused by a female shopkeeper in Thailand.

All fact though eh.

Not all fact. Please back off and find another hobby.

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I bet at 13 you never thought you would end up an obese homosexual being slapped by a songtaew driver and abused by a female shopkeeper in Thailand.

All fact though eh.

Not all fact. Please back off and find another hobby.

Guess I'm not on ignore now then huh, so which part is inaccurate ? According to your own posts thats 100% accurate but please correct me where appropriate.

As for "backing off" its a public forum, but perhaps you may find other forums more suitable.

Edited by CharlieH
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Not going to waste my time correcting a personally abusive poster.

Explain how it is abusive when its your own statements, made and posted by YOU?

I am merely repeating YOUR OWN statements.

I am happy to stand corrected if something is not accurate.

Edited by CharlieH
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Is it just for fun or are you trying to find out who to scam?


Jingthings a nice guy, never met him, but there's no way he would scam anyone I think.

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Like being recognized on the street by strangers. OK, not all strangers, but at least some.

That's how I usually react when people recognise me on the street... neus.gif


Mate where do you keep finding these?

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Is it just for fun or are you trying to find out who to scam?


Jingthings a nice guy, never met him, but there's no way he would scam anyone I think.

It was meant to be a humorous comment. Seems everybody is taking me seriously. Sorry for any offence taken.

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At 13, my primary concern was to ensure I had enough clean socks close at hand, night or day, to wank into.

If I thought about money at all, it was to ensure I had enough to buy more socks.


Top post! laugh.png

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I'm curious why some people think they're destined to be famous at a young age? (As I did.) Where do they get that from? I would guess this is more common in cultures emphasizing individualism like the USA compared to the nail that sticks out gets hammered type of cultures.

In some ways, it can be tragic.

Like so many kids moving to Hollywood dreaming of stardom and ending up peddling their arse on the streets. Better chance of being struck by lightning than actually making it.

Similar to dreams of sports success, etc.

Kids thinking they are going to be president. I can't relate.

Expectations to be rich don't interest me as much.

Try to give my input – for what it’s worth…biggrin.png
»…why some people think they're destined to be famous at a young age?«
Unfortunately I’m from a country where we have a spoken law called “Jante Law” (coming from a novel), it says something like: »You shall not think you are something special…« (…if you do, you have misunderstood something). That may put a limit to living out the dreams of fame…
However, I think when you are 13 years old – or just teenager – you don’t think too much about limits, your dreams are unlimited. When you grow older you may realize, that to acquire the dream it involves a lot of “hard work”. Perhaps the “Jante Law” is good in that way, so you won’t loose all your illusions if you don’t make it, and end up like the mentioned “Hollywood kids”.
I remember when playing rock music in a band in the sixties, the dream of fame was essential, but we were limited by education: “don’t think you are something…” One day an old pro told us back stage that before going on stage, keep repeating a mantra like “we are the best in the World…” and believe. That did help – a lot – giving the self-confidence needed to reach out over the edge of the stage, reach out to the audience… You need to believe you are destined to fame…rolleyes.gif
In the moments of fame – I don’t forget Keith Richard talked about the euphemism being famous and that all should be allowed to try that feeling – you feel you “walk on water”. I’ve tried my extremely few short but very memorable “famous rock star”-moments around 1970 – presume everybody else has long forgotten by now. May have something to do with “power” – when the “famous” artist on the stage reach an aura, so he/she can talk the audience to do almost anything, or just hush to total silence and listen a longer introduction of the next song – extreme power like seen by some politicians and religious icons…
The chance of become famous, apart from hard work method, may be being at the right place at the right time. To reach either, I unfortunately gave up my glamorous rock career way too early…sad.png
Later, producing music, I learned the importance of working with artists believing in their destined fame – no matter they were difficult or eccentric – because without that they would never reach it…wink.png
»Kids thinking they are going to be president.«
Sure, of course I believed I would be an “excellent” president – or whatever substitutes a so in a Kingdom – but as I did not get into politics, I wasn’t there at the right place at the right time…
Now I realize, I have passed my chance – what may my country or the whole World have missed…? – that’s Okay, just like the fox in Aesop’s fable, it may not be worth it anyway…whistling.gif
»Expectations to be rich…«
I think that the dream and expectation for having enough money, gives a kind of freedom to spent time doing what is interesting – for example being a famous rock star…? – rather than working hard to make enough money just to survive. Again, over time you learn lessons the hard way like “money is not all” – however “it’s more pleasant to cry on the back seat of a Rolls Royce…”thumbsup.gif
Edited by khunPer
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This is very funny thing, congrat for OP.

When I was 13 I had these ideas:

I will be a very famous football player for example like Leonel Messi now.

I was sure I will a very cool truck driver too.

I thought I won't be married at all.

I didn't care at all about rich - poor question.

Something like that.

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I strived to be rich from the age of 13 as I grew up in Thatcher's Britain (the 80s) and my parents were worried I'd either be a millionaire, in jail or both.

Luckily they were wrong on all counts, neither rich and never spent any time in jail apart from visiting a friend.

I'm well off as I have a wonderful wife, a menagerie of loving pets and we never live hand to mouth. My days of greed for money passed in the 90s as I realised so many of my "better off" friends lived off credit cards, bank loans and the illusion of all show but no dough.

Since the 90s I've never chased money and just tried to streamline my finances and over time the savings have given me a cushion against the unexpected.

Do I want to be rich or famous? Never, as my wife and I are too happy to deal with the problems of wealth. We'll just cruise into old age without worrying about people trying to borrow, steal or envy us.

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I was going to marry Donny Osmond, David Cassidy or one of the Bay City Rollers.

I had posters of all of them on my bedroom wall. The first ever record i got was How Can I be Sure by David Cassidy.

I still have it. It's a 45 rpm and may be worth money.

And to add to my red face, i have listened to it on U toob and still know all the words. along with Puppy Love.

So, yes i did think i would be rich and famous.

And, after seeing Donny not so long ago on the telly. He has actually got to be a very good looking man. Whereas the others are a bit caca.

Edited by Patsycat
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If you like, change the AGE in the question to 16. I think that might be better. 13 may be too young for many people to even think about this stuff, but by 16 probably most have imagined their lives, and by 18 "reality" is more likely to have at least started to have an impact ...

So how about age 13 through 16 ... ?

Hopefully you get the idea.

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When i was about 10 or younger, i wanted to live in a big middle class suburban house with a Mum & Dad that never argued and a basketball ring on the garage just like the Cleavers. It never was cold or rained where the Beaver Cleaver lived and Mr Cleaver always was wise and never had to count pennies (or dimes) to find the money for the electricity bill.And everybody laughed at his jokes. Wally was a Wally but i could have put up with that and if the worse thing in life was having to tolerate that jerk smart-arse Eddie Haskell then life there was so much better than where i was.


Then life changed when i started getting acne and a hard -on every morning .

( I guess it was a different concept of Leave it to Beaver )

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Well, where to start.

After Donny and David, Led Zeppllen arrived, closely followed by BRUCE, And there my life ended, Go check out the For Sheryl thread in Ladies.

I was educamated during this time, In an International school. I speak many languages. And have done since the age of 9,

It is four thirty in the morning here, i may have to sleep.

Night night.

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WHAT is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare?—

No time to stand beneath the boughs,

And fuk around as sheep and cows:

Sounds like you wanted to be William Davies

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