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PM asked to step down

Lite Beer

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The plan doesn't seem the worst in the world so long as the PT have a say in the reform process and also involved in deciding who will be in charge of the interim government

The leaders have to be united in order for it to happen and it is something that would move Thailand forward a huge step, the election on July 20 is just nonsense again as the Democrats won't contest it and the same nonsense will happen again

Actually the Democrat Party may not contest again because the reasons for not contesting the Fab4 elections are still valid. So far nothing has changed, only time lost.

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And when do you think Mr. Suthep and the PDRC will give u an election. Beyond that, the entire proposal is ILLEGAL.

So both, stupid and illegal. Whoopee.

God forbid he might suggest something illegal and unconstitutional. People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.

....................."People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.".............................................

As we are just about to witness ! clap2.gifclap2.gif


Ptp want to change the constitution and they get walloped.

Abhisit wants to do it and he gets a round of applause??????

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In the OP and in Abhisit's announcement yesterday of his sincerely bogus plan AV has done all three and more, I simply mentioned three genuinely duplicitous laughers he drolled off his lips...

In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything.

Abhisit said if the government doesn't resign the same situation would continue, which is hardly the government's fault to begin with and has been as much Abhisit's creation as anyone else.

The PDRC and the RNN have not accepted AV's bogus proposals yet AV's scheme would turn the country over to them and to the Senate leaders rather than directly or immediately to the voters to make their sovereign decision. AV needs first to get the agreement of these two groups, the cave man PDRC especially, before pressuring the government to resign.

AV is trying to take the pressure off the judges by seeking to force the government out of office prior to the rulings of both the CC and the NACC. Abhisit at least knows a case of cold feet in the judiciary when he sees one, and he is well aware of the immediate consequences of an impending judicial coup d'état.

And here's the kicker - the resignation of the government will only mean YL and Thai voters will not lose anything except "having to take a break before the next election". cheesy.gif The next election YL will be a grandmother three times over and AV will be gazing into the mirror still wearing his white uniform with the gold shoulder boards of prime minister-for-life..

Next AV will start selling prime properties at a special price for you today only in Dubai.

A lot of assumptions. As you state your points phrased as absolute facts you should have ended with "IMHO".

'duplicity'. 'bogus', 'Abhisit knows', bla bla and more blablabla.

IMHO of coursethumbsup.gif

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In the OP and in Abhisit's announcement yesterday of his sincerely bogus plan AV has done all three and more, I simply mentioned three genuinely duplicitous laughers he drolled off his lips...

In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything.

Abhisit said if the government doesn't resign the same situation would continue, which is hardly the government's fault to begin with and has been as much Abhisit's creation as anyone else.

The PDRC and the RNN have not accepted AV's bogus proposals yet AV's scheme would turn the country over to them and to the Senate leaders rather than directly or immediately to the voters to make their sovereign decision. AV needs first to get the agreement of these two groups, the cave man PDRC especially, before pressuring the government to resign.

AV is trying to take the pressure off the judges by seeking to force the government out of office prior to the rulings of both the CC and the NACC. Abhisit at least knows a case of cold feet in the judiciary when he sees one, and he is well aware of the immediate consequences of an impending judicial coup d'état.

And here's the kicker - the resignation of the government will only mean YL and Thai voters will not lose anything except "having to take a break before the next election". cheesy.gif The next election YL will be a grandmother three times over and AV will be gazing into the mirror still wearing his white uniform with the gold shoulder boards of prime minister-for-life..

Next AV will start selling prime properties at a special price for you today only in Dubai.

As you state your assumptions as facts you should have ended your post with IMHO.

'duplicity', 'bogus, 'Abhisit known', 'cave man', bla, bla and more blablabla.

IMHO, of coursewink.png

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The royalists shifted the cursor.

Now, when B Pudit or anyone-else, speaks about "democracy, 1 person = 1 vote", it's not the basic rule anymore, it's "biased, partisan, emotional, etc.".

Sorry but we (not Thai or farangs, I mean human beings) should hold on important principles.

When someone tells +1 and the other one tells -1, yes the balance could be at 0 but when someone tells 0 and someone tells +2, the cursor cannot just go to +1, it should still be at 0, otherwise the scale is just... broken.

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I see however Abhisit still can't stop destroying himself because now he's trying blackmail, fear, outright threats.

Wut? Where in the OP does he attempt blackmail, instil fear or threaten? Beelocks!

In the OP and in Abhisit's announcement yesterday of his sincerely bogus plan AV has done all three and more, I simply mentioned three genuinely duplicitous laughers he drolled off his lips...

In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything.

Abhisit said if the government doesn't resign the same situation would continue, which is hardly the government's fault to begin with and has been as much Abhisit's creation as anyone else.

The PDRC and the RNN have not accepted AV's bogus proposals yet AV's scheme would turn the country over to them and to the Senate leaders rather than directly or immediately to the voters to make their sovereign decision. AV needs first to get the agreement of these two groups, the cave man PDRC especially, before pressuring the government to resign.

AV is trying to take the pressure off the judges by seeking to force the government out of office prior to the rulings of both the CC and the NACC. Abhisit at least knows a case of cold feet in the judiciary when he sees one, and he is well aware of the immediate consequences of an impending judicial coup d'état.

And here's the kicker - the resignation of the government will only mean YL and Thai voters will not lose anything except "having to take a break before the next election". cheesy.gif The next election YL will be a grandmother three times over and AV will be gazing into the mirror still wearing his white uniform with the gold shoulder boards of prime minister-for-life..

Next AV will start selling prime properties at a special price for you today only in Dubai.

"In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything."

It doesn't necessarily imply that he has specific knowledge in this regard. That's conjecture.

Abhisit does not control the Army, and doubtful that he can make threats on the Army's behalf.

He's also not in a position to blackmail the government.

Instill fear? Thought no one was taking him seriously, why would anyone be afraid of him?

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Abhisit, back to his usual tricks, has just cemented his place as the worst opposition leader in Thai political history.

...and there you have it folks, history has just been rewritten by the most respected political commentator in the country.

Abhisit has been tossed both domestically by the people and globally by the principal democracies and deservedly so.

Abhisit has really sh*t the bed.

I see however Abhisit still can't stop destroying himself because now he's trying blackmail, fear, outright threats.

Abhisit is determined to do everything he can to install a dictatorship and there's just no compromising about it.

Abhisit is dictating absolute demands absolutely, which an honorable leader does not do. If he's better than the people he opposes, then he certainly hasn't shown anything of it.

Abhisit and Suthep have in fact made matters much worse than things were 180 daze ago. Suthep is a loud fanatic but Abhisit is a petulant and secretive obsessive.

Yes Pubicus , but pray tell us ........ How do you feel about Abhisit ????????

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Well here we go suthep is going to get his dicatatorship and thailand will be going back to the early 1990s. It is really too bad.

Because Abhisit is so powerful that any silly proposal he makes becomes instant reality?

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And when do you think Mr. Suthep and the PDRC will give u an election. Beyond that, the entire proposal is ILLEGAL.

So both, stupid and illegal. Whoopee.

God forbid he might suggest something illegal and unconstitutional. People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.

....................."People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.".............................................

As we are just about to witness ! clap2.gifclap2.gif


Ptp want to change the constitution and they get walloped.

Abhisit wants to do it and he gets a round of applause??????

AV is not going to change the constitution he is going to do away with it completely and install a total dictatorship with his supreme commander suthep as the didctator. If you can not see that then I will be happy to lend you my glasses.

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The proposal is certainly not clear.

But it does not actively state anywhere that the government/PTP/UDD are barred from the decision making process.

I have no idea what Abhisit had in mind on this front, but I seriously doubt he imagines that a reform proposal solely sponsored by the PDRC would have any chance of being accepted. Therefore, perhaps a different way to read this is that the PDRC better get a move on and make clear what they been talking about the past six months, so it could be taken into account.

The PDRC is not elected, but does get sizable support, in the same way that the UDD does. I would think that if partisan bodies were to be represented at the reform forum, both should be there.

I guess what I'm saying is that the PDRC are ACTIVELY mentioned and so everyone can see the bias

any 'neutral' proposal would be drafted carefully to include ALL

Hey how do you know anything about being neutral???

well I don't know anything about Apiculture but I know when I've been stung by a Bee!

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Don't be silly. The plan is

1- Elected PM needs to leave.

2- A "god person" (aka an hysterical royalist) is appointed

3- End of story

The plan is to make the temporary gvt lasting until something important enough happens to postpone any political life in the country for years. Thus the temporary gvt will have at least 3 years to organize the new constitution which will have nothing to do with Democracy.

which will be what? A total dictatorship with suthep and his thugs running Thailand.

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....when are the farmers going to be paid.?....(just changing the subject a tad)

They are being paid and infact the farmers are selling their rice to the same sceme again. and getting paid also. EWhere have you been down under?

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And when do you think Mr. Suthep and the PDRC will give u an election. Beyond that, the entire proposal is ILLEGAL.

So both, stupid and illegal. Whoopee.

God forbid he might suggest something illegal and unconstitutional. People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.

....................."People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.".............................................

As we are just about to witness ! clap2.gifclap2.gif


Ptp want to change the constitution and they get walloped.

Abhisit wants to do it and he gets a round of applause??????

AV is not going to change the constitution he is going to do away with it completely and install a total dictatorship with his supreme commander suthep as the didctator. If you can not see that then I will be happy to lend you my glasses.

How he can do that without having any power?

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Some people choose to ignore the basic weakness of Democracy.

Democracy is 'government by the people' - in practice, the majority of votes cast by the people.

The majority of people are thick.

Therefore Democracy is government by the thick.

Sad but true.

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"...the Election Commission (EC) would work on amending related laws and regulations to make the election free and fair, he said. It might include regulations on election campaigns, dealing with electoral fraud and breaking election campaign promises."

What prevented the EC since its creation in the 1997 Constitution to improve the election process? The Constitution gave the EC extensive powers to "manage, oversee, and regulate the electoral process." The current Commission membership was largely appointed on 20 September 2006 (after the 2006 coup d'etat) by the King with the advice of the Senate that had been "cleansed" of any Thaksin party members. It has shown it is very willing to force re-elections, disqualify many candidates, and hold election dates hostage to political crisis.

For Abhisit to advise the EC on what it should be doing to make elections free and fair is like telling a dog catcher to catch dogs. But maybe there is a more subtle critcism .... the EC has not done enough to tilt elections in favor of the PDRC/Democrats, especially with the EC's offered July 20th election date that is contrary to Suthep's DEMAND FOR NO ELECTIONS prior to resolving all necessary government and election reforms. Let's see if the EC for once can perform its Constitutional duties without delaying further the elections or having the Court again nullify them. The EC has a real opportunity to show it is part of a Thailand democratic framework.

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The plan IS of course more extensive than reported. It doesn t say that additions aren t allowed either. If we just forget Suthep s private cause and forget the red s rhetoric, this might be a solution. The temporary government itself will have no rights to pass laws. It would prevent an escalation if and when the courts decide. The EC would make some changes to the doubtful way elections are run and an election would only be 5 to 6 months away. One hurdle would be who d be in charge for that period.

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In the OP and in Abhisit's announcement yesterday of his sincerely bogus plan AV has done all three and more, I simply mentioned three genuinely duplicitous laughers he drolled off his lips...

In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything.

Abhisit said if the government doesn't resign the same situation would continue, which is hardly the government's fault to begin with and has been as much Abhisit's creation as anyone else.

The PDRC and the RNN have not accepted AV's bogus proposals yet AV's scheme would turn the country over to them and to the Senate leaders rather than directly or immediately to the voters to make their sovereign decision. AV needs first to get the agreement of these two groups, the cave man PDRC especially, before pressuring the government to resign.

AV is trying to take the pressure off the judges by seeking to force the government out of office prior to the rulings of both the CC and the NACC. Abhisit at least knows a case of cold feet in the judiciary when he sees one, and he is well aware of the immediate consequences of an impending judicial coup d'état.

And here's the kicker - the resignation of the government will only mean YL and Thai voters will not lose anything except "having to take a break before the next election". cheesy.gif The next election YL will be a grandmother three times over and AV will be gazing into the mirror still wearing his white uniform with the gold shoulder boards of prime minister-for-life..

Next AV will start selling prime properties at a special price for you today only in Dubai.

As you state your assumptions as facts you should have ended your post with IMHO.

'duplicity', 'bogus, 'Abhisit known', 'cave man', bla, bla and more blablabla.

IMHO, of coursewink.png

I stated what's been reported and you call it my opinion. I assume of course you did read the post, which would then mean you're in need of remedial reading. To wit:

AV said if the government resigned there would be no coup is fact.

AV said if the government didn't resign the situation would remain the same is fact.

The PDRC have not endorsed AV's proposals and have rejected same is fact.

AV said the government should resign before the judges rule is fact.

AV said the only inconvenience to the government if it resigned would be that of "having to take a break before the next election" is fact.

So rather than being glib and flighty about using the word 'opinion' you should at least say I stated mostly fact and some opinion, not all opinion. That I based my brief statements of opinion on facts carefully found and presented.

Fess up now on this one rubl !

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And when do you think Mr. Suthep and the PDRC will give u an election. Beyond that, the entire proposal is ILLEGAL.

So both, stupid and illegal. Whoopee.

God forbid he might suggest something illegal and unconstitutional. People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.

....................."People get kicked out of being PM for having such bad ideas.".............................................

As we are just about to witness ! clap2.gifclap2.gif


Ptp want to change the constitution and they get walloped.

Abhisit wants to do it and he gets a round of applause??????

AV is not going to change the constitution he is going to do away with it completely and install a total dictatorship with his supreme commander suthep as the didctator. If you can not see that then I will be happy to lend you my glasses.

Suthep isn't Thaksin....

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Abhisit is just going through the motions as he can't honestly believe Mr. T would allow YL to resign.

I'm sure Mr. T believes the court / NACC will not actually force her out of office, PTP will win the election and she can get on with really important things like bringing him back.

I agree, the PTP would win the election, but we would end up where we are now.

There is a compromise being negotiated. I don't know how it will end up, but PM YL and Abhisit would have to, gracefully, bow out for awhile until both sides come up with reforms before the next election. It may not keep those on TV happy, but Thai's don't want a civil war. If they did, you will have already seen a military coup and/or the RS's in CBD Bangkok.

Let's all hope the "Land of Compromises," compromises.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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I see however Abhisit still can't stop destroying himself because now he's trying blackmail, fear, outright threats.

Wut? Where in the OP does he attempt blackmail, instil fear or threaten? Beelocks!

In the OP and in Abhisit's announcement yesterday of his sincerely bogus plan AV has done all three and more, I simply mentioned three genuinely duplicitous laughers he drolled off his lips...

In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything.

Abhisit said if the government doesn't resign the same situation would continue, which is hardly the government's fault to begin with and has been as much Abhisit's creation as anyone else.

The PDRC and the RNN have not accepted AV's bogus proposals yet AV's scheme would turn the country over to them and to the Senate leaders rather than directly or immediately to the voters to make their sovereign decision. AV needs first to get the agreement of these two groups, the cave man PDRC especially, before pressuring the government to resign.

AV is trying to take the pressure off the judges by seeking to force the government out of office prior to the rulings of both the CC and the NACC. Abhisit at least knows a case of cold feet in the judiciary when he sees one, and he is well aware of the immediate consequences of an impending judicial coup d'état.

And here's the kicker - the resignation of the government will only mean YL and Thai voters will not lose anything except "having to take a break before the next election". cheesy.gif The next election YL will be a grandmother three times over and AV will be gazing into the mirror still wearing his white uniform with the gold shoulder boards of prime minister-for-life..

Next AV will start selling prime properties at a special price for you today only in Dubai.

"In AV's statement yesterday AV said there would be no coup if the government stepped down by resigning. This implies Abhisit has specific knowledge in this regard especially since the supreme commander of the armed forces was one of the people AV met with the past week to discuss his proposals. The supreme commander has remained silent which in Thailand means not to sit with your back to the door and not to bend over if you drop anything."

It doesn't necessarily imply that he has specific knowledge in this regard. That's conjecture.

Abhisit does not control the Army, and doubtful that he can make threats on the Army's behalf.

He's also not in a position to blackmail the government.

Instill fear? Thought no one was taking him seriously, why would anyone be afraid of him?

I recall going through this before with another poster, but let's do the drill again here too.

In the Godfather a true legality was presented when the consiliere Tom Hagan pointed out that if you refer to a list, then legally it means you have knowledge of the list. If you met with the person who wrote the list, then came out talking about the list, saying something that's on the list, then legally you know the list exists.

Put another more direct way, if Michael has a meeting with another family head then tells the Godfather they're gonna hit the Corleone family, the old man is gonna take him seriously and act accordingly.

Michael Abhisit met with the supreme commander and AV now says there will be no coup if the government accepts Michael's Mark's proposal to resign now, or before the judges rule - preferably now. Which is pretty much blackmail.

And it's well known publicly that Thaksin insists bad news be delivered to him immediately. wink.png

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The one to step down should be Ahbisit as leader of the Dem Party. How did the incumbent leaders in the party continue to allow failures from Ahbisit. Khun Banyat was disposed off when he lost the election but not Ahbisit. No Dem leaders have boycott any election and he has boycott twice and perhaps a third time. He and Suterp have split their own supporters and some hard core supporters may even be disappointed to not vote or poll no vote. He really have taken Dem Party backwards. He either should resign or the incumbents have the fortitude to chose another leader.

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Abhisit, back to his usual tricks, has just cemented his place as the worst opposition leader in Thai political history.

...and there you have it folks, history has just been rewritten by the most respected political commentator in the country.

Abhisit has been tossed both domestically by the people and globally by the principal democracies and deservedly so.

Abhisit has really sh*t the bed.

I see however Abhisit still can't stop destroying himself because now he's trying blackmail, fear, outright threats.

Abhisit is determined to do everything he can to install a dictatorship and there's just no compromising about it.

Abhisit is dictating absolute demands absolutely, which an honorable leader does not do. If he's better than the people he opposes, then he certainly hasn't shown anything of it.

Abhisit and Suthep have in fact made matters much worse than things were 180 daze ago. Suthep is a loud fanatic but Abhisit is a petulant and secretive obsessive.

Yes Pubicus , but pray tell us ........ How do you feel about Abhisit ????????

Perhaps mildly in contrast to the PDRC poster types and their daily posts of the past 8 months hurling a continuing barrage of invective at YS, Dr T, the Shinawatra family, Surapong, Chalerm and everyone else they by affiliation and/or association want purged from the country.

The above post is bow tie compared to the neck tie parties the right wing feudalist extremists have been executing against the "Thaksin regime" and the people the feudalists identify as its supporters. Anyone posting against the dictator regime of the cave men PCAD also gets a bull's eye put squarely on his back.

Feudalists post first and ask questions later, or hadn't you noticed.

Edited by Publicus
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How many more times are we going to be fed the abhisit doctrine? He's been busy hawking himself around hasn't he.

Are we EVER going to see PTP's reform proposal from December /January time come to fruition?

All we get from PTP is rubbish like this

" Pheu Thai has asked all parties to come up with clear reform plans and use them in their campaigns in the next election so voters can decide. ."

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Are you being ironic, or do you believe that asking the voters to decide, based on the parties declared manifesto proposals is rubbish?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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