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Surapong insists he is still deputy PM and wants to attend ASEAN summit


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Surapong said that Thailand would lose the opportunity to brief its ASEAN members the situation in the country if no one is represented at the summit. He claimed that the international community was aware of the so-called judicial coup in Thailand and this has tarnished the reputation of the country.

Surapong, the narcissistic spokesperson for the world. I think you need to have an IQ of a donut to believe him.

What a joker.

Edited by Nickymaster
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Seems crystal clear to me. He has been stood down but is determined to attend the ASEAN summit in order to present a totally biased view of the political situation in Thailand.

OK so send Suthep, i am sure that he would tell them how all of Thailand wants him and his thugs, maybe even convince them that all the population of Thailand live in Bangkok and Suratthani. clap2.gif

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Nevertheless, he said he believed he is still the deputy prime minister.

Looks like the guy is not capable to understand the difference between "personal believe" and a "court verdict."

The tragic in this lies in the fact that his low mental capacity, the lack of integrity and modesty, obviously qualifies him to become a deputy PM in this country.

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Make no mistake. ASEAN members are not 'thick Thai politicians' they all know too well that the Dems and its Ammart power brokers have got the judicary and Army in their pockets,

they fully understand what Suthep is trying to do, and that the Red shirts have popularly won just about every election for the last 20 years. So they will not even consider listening to any but the elected representatives of the Thai people. The likes of Abishit and his boss Suthep will not be welcomed at any ASEAN meeting. coffee1.gif

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The bigger picture, unfortunately, is that Thailand at this point does not deserve membership in ASEAN and representation in its summit meetings.

Thailand is perceived as reverting into a backward undemocratic kingdom much like China in the 1800's and does not belong in the community of progressive, democratic asian countries in ASEAN. Thailand is becoming an apartheid of elitsts and wealthy who seek to re-establish a fuedal society wherein the "masses" would be held in control through unelected organizations and by a government without political opposition. The ASEAN community should care less about any updates at this point on Thailand's political situation and proceed with its development agenda without Thailand as a partner. How can ASEAN leaders depend on a nation that has had three successive elected PM's thrown out, numerous government changes by military coup, elections nullified, etc. as a democratic partner?

"and does not belong in the community of progressive, democratic asian countries in ASEAN." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

You mean countries like Laos, Brunei and Vietnam cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


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The bigger picture, unfortunately, is that Thailand at this point does not deserve membership in ASEAN and representation in its summit meetings.

Thailand is perceived as reverting into a backward undemocratic kingdom much like China in the 1800's and does not belong in the community of progressive, democratic asian countries in ASEAN. Thailand is becoming an apartheid of elitsts and wealthy who seek to re-establish a fuedal society wherein the "masses" would be held in control through unelected organizations and by a government without political opposition. The ASEAN community should care less about any updates at this point on Thailand's political situation and proceed with its development agenda without Thailand as a partner. How can ASEAN leaders depend on a nation that has had three successive elected PM's thrown out, numerous government changes by military coup, elections nullified, etc. as a democratic partner?

You guys who talk about going back to feudalism let me clue you in, it has never gone away & when all the villagers in Isaan & elsewhere, which are ruled by the reds, still kowtow to the village head & their lords then you are saying it is not a form of feudalism. Yes keep pushing the red mantra about deomocracy & progressive ASEAN states like Cambodia, ruled by a despot, Burma, ruled by a military junta disguised as democracy, Brunei ruled by a sultan, Vietnam, communist rule.

clap2.gif This is why I have said that ASEAN would stoop to kiss Hitler's foot if he is still alive, because ASEAN has no principle regarding how power holders got their power. ASEAN is only interested as long as money can be made.

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Make no mistake. ASEAN members are not 'thick Thai politicians' they all know too well that the Dems and its Ammart power brokers have got the judicary and Army in their pockets,

they fully understand what Suthep is trying to do, and that the Red shirts have popularly won just about every election for the last 20 years. So they will not even consider listening to any but the elected representatives of the Thai people. The likes of Abishit and his boss Suthep will not be welcomed at any ASEAN meeting. coffee1.gif

Red shirts have popularly won just about every election for the last 20 years. LOL. I thought that the red shirts are not a political party and that they have been around for about 6 years only. Please correct me if I am wrong. wink.png

I see that you think that you are spokesperson for ASEAN too... violin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

And by the way, PT could win another 5 elections but that doesn't mean they are above the law.

Tsk tsk tsk Nick - you know that "real world" facts are acts of blasphemy for the red brigade on this forum. Just use their facts in the future please. The Facts: REd Shirts = every citizen in the country that voted for Pheu Thai and coalition member parties. Yellow Shirts = every citizen that is not a Red Shirt

Edited by SABloke
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Todays the day then. . . . are you there for the final day when Suthep will grab power Piichai or are you just going to sit behind your computer and make snide comments about those who are attempting to govern Thailand?

You don't want to insinuate that the guy pictured in the OP, or any of his cronies for that matter, had anything else than governing the cash flow from Thailand in mind ?

I am pretty sure that is what most politicians do... but the electorate voted them in and it should be the electorate who decide whether they are fit to govern in the future. Not a corrupt individual and his blind sheeple.

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I have no problem with this Surapong pretending to be deputy PM, but for the sake of everyone he should be carrying out his fantasies from the comfort of a padded cell, and wearing a straight jacket. Lord know the loony bins are full of exactly this type of Walter Mitty. Playing out his delusions on the world stage is an excruciating embarrassment to this once proud sovereign nation.

Thailand, after the last remnants of the Shinawatra elite have been dealt with, will bear scars reminiscent of Moruroa atoll post the French military. Recovery time will hopefully be shorter.

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That little toad should accept his loss, i wish the constitutional court had placed some ban on them for a couple of years. Its unbelievable what Charlem and this guy are doing, they are removed and should accept it.

The court was trying to thread the needle with a compromise of sorts. And it blew up in their faces, because all the attempts at subtle movements and gestures of compromise no longer work in the politics of Thailand. The Reds and PTP are acting like hamfisted savages and, quite frankly, Suthep has really pushed the edges of things in the other direction. He should have packed and gone home yesterday. I really think he and his protesters are now muddying the playing field, giving free rein to anarchy, chaos, and the total breakdown of law. Nobody need respect anything anymore. We're just a step from a system of rival warlords being put in place, the absence of order common in the Golden Triangle being writ large over all of Thailand. Move over Mexico, here comes Thailand.

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" He earlier admitted that he was confused about his status noting that he was the foreign minister when he sat at the cabinet meeting which endorsed the removal of Thawil Pliensri as National Security Council secretary-general and later on he was also appointed the deputy prime minister. "

" However, the Constitutional Court ruled that caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and nine other ministers, including deputy prime minister and foreign minister Surapong, have lost their ministerial status after finding them guilty of unlawfully removing Thawil from the office. "

Surapong's statement is a joke. When Surapong approved of Thawil's transfer he was the foreign minister. Therefore, he is only guilty of breaking the law as foreign minister. But he is no longer foreign minister, so he hasn't broken the law yet. This is some master mind. So he was " confused " after the Constitutional Court's ruling. Well, there's news - Surapong - you'll still confused ! The part that confused him apparently was when the Constitutional Court said he had to go. Well, Surapong thinks that's just too ambiguous. So he's not prepared to go. He stays. So there. What do you do with these people ?

what law did he break? Or are you just making up laws as you go along?

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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A judicial coup in the eyes of the International Community has tarnished the Thai reputation !!!!!

Could be the actions of the previous Government have achieved that already

not at all. Because everybody knows that public policy sometimes succeeds and sometimes it fails. Public policy failure is no justification for the judiciary to usurp power.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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One word I haven't seen mentioned too much is the extremely overused 'Democracy'. It's a good thing too because these naughty pols are scrambling like cockroaches to maintain control, or some semblance thereof. Democracy is on the back burner for the time being.

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If Surapong goes to the Asean summit next week it will be international regional recognition he officially represents the Thai Government and there's nothing Suthep or Abhisit can do except cry in their beer along with their PDRC cave men.

Asean will issue another statement about the situation in Thailand. I don't think the ammart are going to like this one any more than they liked the prior Asean official statement of December. And what if Surapong did go to the summit and brought the new Asean statement back with him.

The ammart would wretch. But only after the ammart got over the shock of it.

If Surapong goes to the ASEAN summit next week he will only serve to embarrass himself and Thailand yet further. Had he an ounce of self-respect he would realize that.

Your numerous rants about the ammart are really a waste of bandwidth. If the ammart are not law abiding, the reforms will affect them as much as Thaksin.

Edited by Piichai
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I have no problem with this Surapong pretending to be deputy PM, but for the sake of everyone he should be carrying out his fantasies from the comfort of a padded cell, and wearing a straight jacket. Lord know the loony bins are full of exactly this type of Walter Mitty. Playing out his delusions on the world stage is an excruciating embarrassment to this once proud sovereign nation.

Thailand, after the last remnants of the Shinawatra elite have been dealt with, will bear scars reminiscent of Moruroa atoll post the French military. Recovery time will hopefully be shorter.

The only people that needed padded cells are those that sell to usurp power from the people. Have no doubt about, retribution is coming and it won't be pretty. And you'll have only yourself to blame.

Sent from my SM-N900T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I have no problem with this Surapong pretending to be deputy PM, but for the sake of everyone he should be carrying out his fantasies from the comfort of a padded cell, and wearing a straight jacket. Lord know the loony bins are full of exactly this type of Walter Mitty. Playing out his delusions on the world stage is an excruciating embarrassment to this once proud sovereign nation.

Thailand, after the last remnants of the Shinawatra elite have been dealt with, will bear scars reminiscent of Moruroa atoll post the French military. Recovery time will hopefully be shorter.

The only people that needed padded cells are those that sell to usurp power from the people. Have no doubt about, retribution is coming and it won't be pretty. And you'll have only yourself to blame.

Do you think the farmers are happy about not being paid for their rice?

Do you think the children and parents are happy about not receiving their tablets?

Do you think the car buyers are happy about not receiving their rebates?

Yes, a change is coming indeed. But I have a funny feeling it's not what you think it is.

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Seems crystal clear to me. He has been stood down but is determined to attend the ASEAN summit in order to present a totally biased view of the political situation in Thailand.

OK so send Suthep, i am sure that he would tell them how all of Thailand wants him and his thugs, maybe even convince them that all the population of Thailand live in Bangkok and Suratthani. clap2.gif

Do you mean to say that in reality the whole population of Thailand live in Issan instead?

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It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

"Who else is there"

I'm glad that you asked !

1. There's the new acting-caretaker-PM, if he's not busy with other duties.

2. There's caretaker-DPM Pongthep, who's now taken-over foreign-affairs from Surapong, at a special-meeting of the remaining caretaker-Cabinet, perhaps they forgot/declined to inform former-caretaker-DPM Surapong ?

"Phongthep has been given the duties of Pracha and Surapong.

Phongthep said he was also in charge of the Centre for Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO) in place of former labour minister Chalerm Yoobamrung, who also oversaw the centre."


3. And lastly there are the professional diplomats & civil-servants of the Foreign Ministry, the ones who've been slightly miffed at being pushed-aside in their former lord-and-master's rush to do things himself, sometimes against their advice (according to rumour), they probably know something about representing the country at meeting like this, don't they ?

It does begin to seem Asean wants to deal with the representative of the legitimate democratically elected government of Thailand instead of the ammart or one of its minions in the bureaucracy that on the whole opposes the government.

Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect. Your pathetic ridicule means nothing at Asean. And given Surapong's experience in the present government over the past 3 years, it appears Asean will be pleased to receive Surapong and his familiarity with all of the ongoing and newest issues Asean is dealing with.

The cave man PDRC types seem to think Asean is Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam. Asean is driven by Indonesia which in 2010 attained a $1 trillion GDP and is confidently democratic. Asean also includes the prosperous and confident democracies Singapore, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines and, additionally, the prosperous and confident Kingdom of Brunei. Myanmar is beginning to emerge from its period of the modern dark ages and Vietnam is developing well in addition to being hostile towards the Boyz in Beijing. Laos and Cambodia have better English than Thailand does.

Thailand is the lead Asean contact with Beijing through 2015 and is a formal national security treaty ally of the United States. Washington last week again spoke out in favor of democracy and elections in Thailand and Asean will do the same again this week. That gravely disturbs the many anti-democracy posters here who like to believe they can tear down Asean too.

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