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UDD threatens court presidents with sedition charges


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The UDD, he added, would also lodge a complaint with Crime Suppression Division police to take action against Mr Surachai for colluding with 96 senators to stage the election of the Senate speaker last week.

The senate held an election to elect a speaker and because the one who won the democratic vote doesn't suit Jutaporn he calls the election a collusion.

That must be a new take on red democracy.

If our candidate doesn't win then it is collusion.

Presumably if the UDD favored candidate wins then it is a free and fair election.

How can they lose an election under those terms.

The senate held an election to elect a speaker

Illegally. The Royal Decree convening the special Senate Session didn't mention the selection of Senate Speaker/President on the agenda. It's mandate was to endorse the new member of the NACC and the appointment of Administration court specialists, and that's it. They didn't need to elect a speaker, Surachai was deputy Speaker and chaired the meeting as such - he was the one who allowed the eletion to go ahead even though it wasn't on the Royally decreed agenda. If they needed a Speaker (not a deputy Speaker) to hold the meeting, the meeting could not have been held. Sorry to disabuse you, you complain about the PTP not following rules? It doesn't get much higher than a Royal Decree.

what the hell difference does it make it's hardly a serious issue were someone is trying to steal billions of baht or abuse power - the Senate needed a speaker - they voted and now they have one - F-F-S give is a rest

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The UDD, he added, would also lodge a complaint with Crime Suppression Division police to take action against Mr Surachai for colluding with 96 senators to stage the election of the Senate speaker last week.

The senate held an election to elect a speaker and because the one who won the democratic vote doesn't suit Jutaporn he calls the election a collusion.

That must be a new take on red democracy.

If our candidate doesn't win then it is collusion.

Presumably if the UDD favored candidate wins then it is a free and fair election.

How can they lose an election under those terms.

The senate held an election to elect a speaker

Illegally. The Royal Decree convening the special Senate Session didn't mention the selection of Senate Speaker/President on the agenda. It's mandate was to endorse the new member of the NACC and the appointment of Administration court specialists, and that's it. They didn't need to elect a speaker, Surachai was deputy Speaker and chaired the meeting as such - he was the one who allowed the eletion to go ahead even though it wasn't on the Royally decreed agenda. If they needed a Speaker (not a deputy Speaker) to hold the meeting, the meeting could not have been held. Sorry to disabuse you, you complain about the PTP not following rules? It doesn't get much higher than a Royal Decree.

Are you an expert on Thai Constitutional law now?

To do that I would have to assume that you read, write and speak Thai fluently and have a Masters degree in Thai law.

Of course that may not be quite correct but keep on plugging away. I am sure quite a few people will believe you.

I won't, nor will many others but you don't care about that.

You appear to know more that the CC judges who have been doing the job for many years.

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The courts can't do this, that or the other but we can say and do whatever we want as we represent democracy.

Interesting. Someone facing terrorist charges, threatens to file sedition charges if state agencies dare to meet and discuss something he doesn't like. The same man who is very lucky to still be out on bail waiting his court appearances. Yet he, and his colleagues not only meet and talk about treason but then go on stage and advocate it.

There is no shame, no morals and absolutely no truth in Thai politics. Little enough in most politicians but this is one area where the Thais really do lead the rest.

MiL called from Isaan this morning. They only get red TV news. She was saying how poor Yingluck had been so badly treated when she hasn't done anything wrong; how Yingluck is nice and kind and so wants to pay all the farmers, But those nasty protesters and their backers stopped her. There is a real crank up of the pro Thaksin / Shin propaganda up there - and as usual totally one sided very economical with the truth statements. But, these people are poorly educated, receive only the information the reds want them to receive and have no real understanding of what's really going on. They don't know billions and billions of baht have gone missing or read Forbes and see the Shin's increased their own wealth 450% whilst PTP in office.

I feel really sorry for them because 99% of the ones I know up there are hard working decent honest nice respectful people; and its sickening to see them lied to and ruthlessly exploited by the side they think will look after them,

Well, if the people are so misinformed, wouldn't it be in the best interests of the Democrat Party and the PDRC to open their eyes?

Yes, campaigning has been hard or even hazardous in some parts of the country. But the point is exactly this - do they ever show up when elections aren't around the corner? Let us say the locals are incited to treat them badly, how will this be solved

by making a decision in Bangkok? I'm not saying intimidation ought to be condoned, accepted or ignored, just that it cannot be

done with just by legalization and enforcement.

At some point the Democrats will have to go out there and make friends. Or give up on ever being more than they are now.

Building bridges to the other side's voters is a long process, without assured success. I just don't see the Democrats doing

anything to change the situation, rather looking for magic solutions. Better, safer condition need to be applied, for sure, but

there's some long term effort to be put in from the Democrat Party's side as well.

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This is our law and you are breaking it before we can make it up cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

All this crowd are doing is trying to confuse the situation with a pile of complete nonsense threats and intimidation again they show complete distain for the law

There are two clear facts

1. PTP did not elect a PM a CTPM or anything else closely resembling a PM - they couldn't legally do that, at best they elected a new party leader to replace the sacked Yingluc

2. The Senate needed a new speaker so the whole of the functioning Senate had an election to elect one - no foul there

These people either need to drop one or get off the pot and go home - shouting and making threats from a stage doesn't cut it

The majority of Thai people are sick and tired of the red bullies of the paymaster voicing their scripted vomit

It's time to petition the courts to have the whole PTP removed for defiance of the courts - notice Charlerm is now silent in case he incriminates himself as he got the sack last week

Cant beat them in an election so petition the courts to remove them - the Democrat Party or at least its TV members Democrat Party supporters perspective on democracy (the irony). Should you get your wishes the PTP will simply reform under another guise and go on and win the next election. The Democratic Party are unelectable dinosaurs and they know it.

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