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Italy threatens to release illegal immigrants across Europe


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"Interior Minister Angelino Alfano urged more assistance from Europe for border patrols, threatening that otherwise Italy would defy EU asylum rules and allow migrants to travel on to other countries in Europe.

"We'll just let them go," he said, although the Dublin Convention states that migrants must remain in the country in which they arrive and make their asylum application until their status as refugees is approved."

Well they could just copy the French, those champions of the EU, who for years have been blatantly "encouraging" undocumented migrants and asylum seekers to cross over the channel to England.

Edited by bangon04
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Round the Europe border the only place where beings likes to move, to north, is the Mediterranean sea, this is a never ending move, since romans reported in bc times, there were 'africans trading in Rome'. Just to notice, Caesar's funeral was paid by hebrews, in Rome. Normally 'immigrants' likes to visit Europe, inland, live and work there and then go back home. No one of them likes to be European, too many cultural differences. Instead, going north, work and make some money and surely go back home is a good choice. Yes, because the move has been always two ways. It happen since 2500 years, at least since exist the attitude of reporting, used by Romans for war preparing purposes. No one can blame the italians for race mixture, is a fact under the sun. Nowadays political campaign uses whatever they can find to put fire into others mind and, looking to the built feeling of the european fortress, with success. The Mediterranean sea is the basin in which asian like Turkey, arabs like Egyptians and all other "people" washed their feet for centuries, same water, different custom, food, song, life. It is brotherhood. Weird, isn't it? Have a look at this, is the deep of the sea where some of your hated beings are sleeping.


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Do what the Aussies are doing now, or will do very soon, send them to Cambodia,

Cambodia has agreed to take in any number of illegals you can throw at them..

for a fee I presume....

I believe Australia is sending them to PNG. I hadn't heard anything about Cambodia, but at any rate this topic is about Italy and the EU.

Off topic. Oz is negotiating to send refugees/asylum to Cambodia, but a lot of push back in Oz due to human rights abuses within Cambodia. PNG Solution looks like may not work out in longer term as 'issues' are starting to come to the surface

What issues, indigestion on the part of the natives? wink.png

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Oh, you say you can deport that many people, go back and see how many have been deported from the USA following WWII to make jobs for returning veterans. I believe the same happened on two other occasions in the US.


maybe have an exclusion act similar to the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

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Do what the Aussies are doing now, or will do very soon, send them to Cambodia,

Cambodia has agreed to take in any number of illegals you can throw at them..

for a fee I presume....

I believe Australia is sending them to PNG. I hadn't heard anything about Cambodia, but at any rate this topic is about Italy and the EU.

Off topic. Oz is negotiating to send refugees/asylum to Cambodia, but a lot of push back in Oz due to human rights abuses within Cambodia. PNG Solution looks like may not work out in longer term as 'issues' are starting to come to the surface

What issues, indigestion on the part of the natives? wink.png

PNG govt is winding back its committment to resettle all positively assessed refugee/asylum seekers. If PNG goes ahead, it will create a major political headache, I assume also extra funding costs, for Oz Govt.

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One word, more than any other, explains what's happening there, and in many parts of the world:


Or, more precisely: too many people than the carrying capacity of the region they're from. There are more reasons, enough to fill volumes of books, bla bla bla.

Because we're people, we're supposed to care endlessly about people. In reality, it applies to a person's family first, and then one's particular allegiance to region/country.

If I was top administrator there, I would ferry every immigrant right back to north Africa, or wherever they came from. Just drop 'em at a beach with a sack lunch and a bottle of water. It's tempting to take a bleeding-heart response, and try screening the most needy from the scammers, but that would just encourage multitudes more, each person hoping they'll pass the criteria.

Brits, another excellent reason (like we needed another) to remove ourselves from the EU...

The Brits are a couple hundred miles from Sicily, but they're also getting hordes of needy people every week. Meanwhile, all religionist leaders keep encouraging their flocks to make as many babies as possible.
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All the kind and chariable answers here. Presumably written in Thailand by those with western passports with the luxury of 'just turning up' in Thailand and who are now living here in their little English speaking enclaves, complaining about how migrants don't fit in and have changed their homes. Probably whinging over in the visa forum about how they can't do border runs any more.

The anti-foreigner foreigners strike again.

Not wishing to burst your bubble, but..

Foreigners in Thailand don't get a glass of water for free..Let's not even talk about poor immigrants..

.. While in Western countries we have plenty of immigrants, working and not..

Of course anyone gets a roof and a couple of meals..

Your comparison is outlandish, really..coffee1.gif

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Brits, another excellent reason (like we needed another) to remove ourselves from the EU...

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Doesn't really affect Britain as much as they remain outside of the Schengen zone. Should the UK ever sign the Schengen treaty, he remaining border controls will be removed and they will be able to enter unhindered.

Oh yes because that stops them doesn't it?


Yes. It's why the UK didn't join Schengen. I know some get through, but if Britain joined Schengen, there would literally be nothing except the logistics of crossing the water.

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I don't know much about the low wage sector of the Italian economy; but it makes sense to me that Italy should embrace these people in the style that the Americans do with people who live there illegally from Mexico and pretend they are not there, so they do not have to provide any benefits. The USA economy has relied on this system for decades, and at least until very recently, the U.S. was some sort of economic super power. ;)

Italians will not employ black Africans, IN LOS Angeles the majority are. Latino. In fact most countries in the EU will not employ black African economic migrants. And the governments do not want to support them and why should they. ?

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send them to Scotland let the jocks deal with them ,alex salmon needs them

We won't be part of eu so sorry they will just have to stay Birmingham and Luton collecting brew money and complaining
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  • 2 weeks later...

The Irony, My Father fought in the second world war in Italy, fighting Germans, and He was wounded at the Battle of Monte Casino.

Europeans fighting Europeans, and killing each other, for what?

So that I can have the freedom to watch Europeans bickering over an invasion coming in from outside Europe, that they cannot stop.

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