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I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

may I ask, what sort of time she spends away? and is it a permanent arrangement?

She has been back in Thailand just over 3 years.Starting with a visit to her sick mother,who passed from Parkinson`s not long after her arrival.After that she stayed to help her father,who was diagnosed with cancer a short time later,and has now also passed.During that period I have visited Thailand for approximately 20 months combined.Returning to the U.S. for seasonal work.

No,this is not permanent.The only things keeping her there now are some property that needs to be sold.Her father`s pension and benefit payments were just recently completed. He was a member of the RTP.Hopefully she`ll return to the U.S. by years end.

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I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

I dont really get that, at all

there is another guy who wrote a thread much like yours, whose wife also went back due to a family illness, and the last I heard his wife was buying tattoos among her trail of waste of his money, while he was scrimping along with 3 kids at home,

he never said whose kids

If you have been back and forth, you may have an IDEAL scenario, over a 20 month period, by 3 months, it adds up to more time in LOS than in US?

I might like something liek that myself, but I dont want to get married, again, for that pleasure.

It is interesting to hear a story like this,

I believe it is possible, with the right woman, and meeting her in the US suggests she is partially westernized and speaks english,

I think I am jealous

  • Like 1

I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

paragraph three was not necessary & to emphasise my point; if you're lucky enough to become an old codger you'll understand the wisdom of phrases such as 'never say 'never'' & that you can't rely on anything in life regardless of your 'beliefs', baring death and a nurse - oh and the 'just' in 'just my 2c' should have been highlighted

  • Like 1

I have to ask, what do think is typical in the western world? I actually have

some experience in this arena and know something about the statistics of

what happens in the western world in this situation, but need to hear your

considerations. I am not trolling and my query is genuine before I respond

to your question.

Im not one of those members that want to stroke their ego by saying how good their girl/gf/wife is when they are what society calls them losers of society in the western world. if it works for them then so be it, I am in no position to judge. If it makes them happy, then good for them, Im envious that they can find something that makes them happy

My experience in western society is that when you marry the woman of your dreams, then you stick by the words of "till death do us part"

I am fairly young in my early 30s, never been married, and I strongly believe in it.

in my fairly circle of friends and family, if you dumped your girl over something superficial like being sick, then that shows how insignfiicant your relationship meant.

In a perfect world, I would like to know that if worst comes to worst, then you can rely on your partner (regardless of age and nationality) and not have to worry about superficial things. It might be hard for those old codgers that married bar girls to understand, but its important to me, when shit hits the fan that you have someone to rely on.

just my 2c

The family unit in Asia is generally considered much stronger than in the west and is a major priority.

Your relationship with your mate will depend on how dedicated you are to each other and how strong

your bonds are. There is no perfect world so no point in fantasizing. If your relationship is so weak that

it falls apart when it gets difficult, it will have nothing to do with culture but with your own abilities to

handle the adversity. IMO

  • Like 2

I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

I dont really get that, at all

there is another guy who wrote a thread much like yours, whose wife also went back due to a family illness, and the last I heard his wife was buying tattoos among her trail of waste of his money, while he was scrimping along with 3 kids at home,

he never said whose kids

If you have been back and forth, you may have an IDEAL scenario, over a 20 month period, by 3 months, it adds up to more time in LOS than in US?

I might like something liek that myself, but I dont want to get married, again, for that pleasure.

It is interesting to hear a story like this,

I believe it is possible, with the right woman, and meeting her in the US suggests she is partially westernized and speaks english,

I think I am jealous

She is partially westernized,and speaks English well.

This is the 2nd marriage for both of us,and we have one beautiful daughter who is American born.

And,other than being away from them both for extended periods,I am a happy man.

  • Like 1

I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

I dont really get that, at all

there is another guy who wrote a thread much like yours, whose wife also went back due to a family illness, and the last I heard his wife was buying tattoos among her trail of waste of his money, while he was scrimping along with 3 kids at home,

he never said whose kids

If you have been back and forth, you may have an IDEAL scenario, over a 20 month period, by 3 months, it adds up to more time in LOS than in US?

I might like something liek that myself, but I dont want to get married, again, for that pleasure.

It is interesting to hear a story like this,

I believe it is possible, with the right woman, and meeting her in the US suggests she is partially westernized and speaks english,

I think I am jealous

She is partially westernized,and speaks English well.

This is the 2nd marriage for both of us,and we have one beautiful daughter who is American born.

And,other than being away from them both for extended periods,I am a happy man.

it makes me want to google, thai exchange students in america, and apply for a semester!


I can only speak from personal experience.Having met my wife in the U.S.,our situation is different from the typical farang/Thai marriage.We married based on compatibility and love.More than once when my own family turned their back on me,she has been there 100%.And I for her.When family health issues called for her to return to Thailand,I had no problem with it.And even though we`re not together year round as a result,we are still completely devoted to each other.She has been without any doubt,the best part of my life.

I dont really get that, at all

there is another guy who wrote a thread much like yours, whose wife also went back due to a family illness, and the last I heard his wife was buying tattoos among her trail of waste of his money, while he was scrimping along with 3 kids at home,

he never said whose kids

If you have been back and forth, you may have an IDEAL scenario, over a 20 month period, by 3 months, it adds up to more time in LOS than in US?

I might like something liek that myself, but I dont want to get married, again, for that pleasure.

It is interesting to hear a story like this,

I believe it is possible, with the right woman, and meeting her in the US suggests she is partially westernized and speaks english,

I think I am jealous

She is partially westernized,and speaks English well.

This is the 2nd marriage for both of us,and we have one beautiful daughter who is American born.

And,other than being away from them both for extended periods,I am a happy man.

it makes me want to google, thai exchange students in america, and apply for a semester!

We met in a casino.

I`m a bartender,she was a cocktailwaitress.


I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

If this is true, I would imagine that this is one of those stories that would be repeated over and over again, to the point of gaining legendary status. All the peasant girls in the northeast would dream of such a thing. To summarize: Poor Isaan girl marries farang--a good thing. Poor Isaan girl marries a rich farang--a great thing. Poor Isaan girl marries a rich farang who dies in short order--the greatest thing of all. Not real comforting.


I've had mixed experiences with a couple of different Thai girlfriends. One thing that sticks in my mind, however, is the following. A couple of years ago my girlfriend had a friend who owned a beauty shop. She stopped by often to chat and I also got to know her girlfriend and her Farang boyfriend and they always seemed nice to me. One day her girlfriend was telling her friends in the shop that a woman she knows.......HAD VERY GOOD LUCK.........HER FARANG HUSBAND DIED SUDDENLY.....HE LEFT HER OVER 15 MILLION BAHT!!! This is good luck? Your husband dies? I still shake my head. To my surprise every woman in the shop agreed....THIS WAS GOOD LUCK!!! Not one word of how the poor guy passed away or sadness about his sudden demise!

If this is true, I would imagine that this is one of those stories that would be repeated over and over again, to the point of gaining legendary status. All the peasant girls in the northeast would dream of such a thing. To summarize: Poor Isaan girl marries farang--a good thing. Poor Isaan girl marries a rich farang--a great thing. Poor Isaan girl marries a rich farang who dies in short order--the greatest thing of all. Not real comforting.

now you know why they prefer to chose the older farang.


I always thought (I am 66) that young, very attractive Thai ladies sought us older men because of our maturity, caring nature, handsome looks, politeness, caring in the bedroom. Of course, a little $$$ would be a huge bonus!

Gee, thanks guys, in LOS, one learns every day!



I always thought (I am 66) that young, very attractive Thai ladies sought us older men because of our maturity, caring nature, handsome looks, politeness, caring in the bedroom. Of course, a little $$$ would be a huge bonus!

Gee, thanks guys, in LOS, one learns every day!


I wasnt old enough to know,

had a 54-32 ratio

but think about it,

does a 30 year old girl REALLY think a 66 year old guy is handsome?

in Thailand, that is her grandfathers age, so, no, she doesnt

does she want him to die?


will she move on, yes,

they do that


In my opinion, my Thai wife is the most loving attentive individual I have ever encountered. Western women I have been married to wouldnt even come close to her in so many ways.

Thats why I came here and married her.

She has a totally different concept of what being a wife is and should be, and how her husband should be cared for and what family means, thats precisely why I love her so much.

Charlie, great post.

Thai women today have a concept of marriage and being a wife that is comparable to what American women had 60 years ago.

  • Like 2


Age is not a big thing re Thai ladies? Just another bonus! Will I choose a 60yo lady or a 30yo lass - all other things being =?

I met my wife when she was 24. She is now old! 35 - her opinion of age. I am not old!(66).This is LOS - I don't understand - that is OK by me.

So, I just carry on - do my best - & laughing!

She takes care of me - I take care of her. We are living a myth - happy together!

Pinch me - I am dreaming! BS - this is very real!

  • Like 1

I have two Thai friends who are brothers. One has been married for 32 years the other 28 years. Does that count?

I've been married for 18 years. For the moment we have returned to Oz to sort out some financial matters. Right now I cannot work due to a medical issue. Wife is working and brings the money to the household. Not one complaint nor negativeity from her. She has often stated that I am viewed as family by her family and that has been proven to me in many ways.

Way to much negative generalisation in this topic.

Nice post. All the best to both of you.

I certainly also agree with what you have said regarding the negative generalisations in this topic. My wife and I rarely see other farang/Thai couples, mainly because of where we live. When we do see them we tend not to pay too much attention to them as it doesn't really interest us.

When travelling abroad like we are now, we have met a few Couples, namely near Thai related things such as Thai supermarkets, the odd temple and so forth and each and every time, apart from one, they seemed to be reasonable enough people. There was one such occassion where it was plainly obvious to us, where the lass probably originated from.

I guess it all comes down to where you live and what you are commonly exposed to, as to what you may or may not think is the general 'norm'.

It's my opinion that It all comes down to 'individuals' really. You tend to get out of a relationship, what you put into the relationship.

I was going to say some of the answers here surprised me......then again, not really, after all this is Thai Visa where all the weird, whacky and mentally deranged tend to gather. ;)



Age is not a big thing re Thai ladies? Just another bonus! Will I choose a 60yo lady or a 30yo lass - all other things being =?

I met my wife when she was 24. She is now old! 35 - her opinion of age. I am not old!(66).This is LOS - I don't understand - that is OK by me.

So, I just carry on - do my best - & laughing!

She takes care of me - I take care of her. We are living a myth - happy together!

Pinch me - I am dreaming! BS - this is very real!

I know,

the girl I was with kept saying she was old (32)

I didnt really understand it,

I guess, they feel old, whereas we, may never


Perhaps a snippet and url from another TV story can shed some light on this topic

"The suspect claimed that his wife left him, prior to the robbery, because he was poor and unemployed. Determined to win her back, Mr. Thanawut said he robbed the bank and used the money to buy her a gold necklace."



Perhaps a snippet and url from another TV story can shed some light on this topic

"The suspect claimed that his wife left him, prior to the robbery, because he was poor and unemployed. Determined to win her back, Mr. Thanawut said he robbed the bank and used the money to buy her a gold necklace."


I think they wrote a song about it.


so i was thinking about this. if you married a thai girl and she died and left you 15 million baht would you consider your self lucky? given the choice available, yes very lucky. so think of it in reverse.


so i was thinking about this. if you married a thai girl and she died and left you 15 million baht would you consider your self lucky? given the choice available, yes very lucky. so think of it in reverse.

And the chance of this happening is exactly zero. You should try the lottery, you'd have a better chance.

  • Like 1

so i was thinking about this. if you married a thai girl and she died and left you 15 million baht would you consider your self lucky? given the choice available, yes very lucky. so think of it in reverse.

And the chance of this happening is exactly zero. You should try the lottery, you'd have a better chance.

AGREE its strictly a one way street. fleece the farang for all hes worth. how else do you think the vast majority of thai males can lay around doing nothing all their lives.


AGREE its strictly a one way street. fleece the farang for all hes worth. how else do you think the vast majority of thai males can lay around doing nothing all their lives.

No that is not true
Labour force

39.41 million (2012)

Unemployment 0.7% (2012)

Automobiles and automotive parts (11%), financial services (9%), electric appliances and components (8%), tourism (6%), cement, auto manufacturing, heavy and light industries, appliances, computers and parts, furniture, plastics, textiles and garments, agricultural processing, beverages, tobacco



Thai males - lazy! Never! They ride their m/c over to the mia noi; "(s)exercise"; participate in the consumption of vast amounts of Thai whiskey; look in the mirror of the m/c(very often).

That is much more than I have achieved today!


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I am just home after 7 months in hospital (morbike/pickup accident) My wife was at my side all the time (except when she was at work).

Now i am at home cannot move/ situp paralysed from the waist down, she does everything for meEVERYTHING no complaints.

When i ask her why you do for me , you my husband is the answer , i happy take care of you.

That just touched me Colin.

My best regards to your wife and I sincerely wish there is a path of recovery for you.

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