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US rebuked Norway after Obama Nobel Prize: envoy


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Pitiful! There may be no precedent for rescinding a peace prize but both Kissinger's and Barry Slick's should be!

Next warmonger up to bat: Hillary! Will she get a prize, too???

Edited by magicthai
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News from the Chinese Media, How refreshing biggrin.png good to know they hot on the trail of a 6 year old story

Maybe we can get something from the Iranian PressTV too. How about somethng OBama from those Iranians ... Please Mods please! w00t.gif

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Pitiful! There may be no precedent for rescinding a peace prize but both Kissinger's and Barry Slick's should be!

Next warmonger up to bat: Hillary! Will she get a prize, too???

Insane. Who made the decision to give the illegal muslim lady-boy a nobel price?? They should be flogged. The scumbag had to go and pick it up and it cost us between 3 and 4 million $

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I think his Muslim family connection even though he's not a Muslim had a lot to do with it. I think Europeans had a lot of hope that the Islamic world and the USA would make peace because of this personal connection. That hope was totally unfounded ... but it was a nice thought while it lasted!

I think it's clear the Nobel also sought to provide cover for Obama going forward, with the hopes he would inflict peace on everyone. Your observation about "muslim" is also correct, though few comment on it. The same phenomena takes place in the USA regarding "white guilt;" the notion that somehow there is a corruption of blood and one most atone for the sins of their white ancestors so people go out of their way to decry racism, where it wouldn't otherwise even be an issue.

So too, it seems, Americans did subtly endorse Obama due to his... hrmm, Name? Background? etc? To state to the world how gentle and color/faith blind America is (stupid, is my take). Regrettably, this is why the framers of America loathed democracy, and soundly declared it similarly as dangerous as fascism and communism as late as the 1900s. Only when Wilson and progressives co-opted "democracy" as democratic process did USA start thinking it was a democracy, and not representative republic (1917).

Democracy is mob rule- thus, "Obama," the product of Americans trying to feel good about themselves.

"How'ya feeling, America?"

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Well Obama didn't let himself force into something....he smoothly continued with Bush politics.....

Disagree, a world of difference between Bush and Obama outlook. If you're not with us, you're against us was Bush. A less stringent matter with a Democrat administration. Things are more complicated than a more yes-no, right- wrong simplistic approach is recognized. Policies take time to change...politics differed quite a bit.

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I think his Muslim family connection even though he's not a Muslim had a lot to do with it. I think Europeans had a lot of hope that the Islamic world and the USA would make peace because of this personal connection. That hope was totally unfounded ... but it was a nice thought while it lasted!

I think it's clear the Nobel also sought to provide cover for Obama going forward, with the hopes he would inflict peace on everyone. Your observation about "muslim" is also correct, though few comment on it. The same phenomena takes place in the USA regarding "white guilt;" the notion that somehow there is a corruption of blood and one most atone for the sins of their white ancestors so people go out of their way to decry racism, where it wouldn't otherwise even be an issue.

So too, it seems, Americans did subtly endorse Obama due to his... hrmm, Name? Background? etc? To state to the world how gentle and color/faith blind America is (stupid, is my take). Regrettably, this is why the framers of America loathed democracy, and soundly declared it similarly as dangerous as fascism and communism as late as the 1900s. Only when Wilson and progressives co-opted "democracy" as democratic process did USA start thinking it was a democracy, and not representative republic (1917).

Democracy is mob rule- thus, "Obama," the product of Americans trying to feel good about themselves.

"How'ya feeling, America?"

Thank you for "your take". Not sure as to the motivations of all who voted for Obama, for myself I had a choice between two candidates... Obama, as the Democratic candidate got my vote. How am I feeling? OK, somewhat disappointed at the lack of progress but the person as President has only so much influence. As you have pointed out, there are representative republic power balances to be taken into account. For all our faults, our system I prefer among others. Democracy is mob rule? Hmm, I would guess that Suthep and his supporters would agree. Still, I'll take an Obama over a G.W. Bush any day. And I'll support free and fair elections versus a chosen group to rule (allowing for debate that the U.S. Elections are bought by paid for media coverage).

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Potentially the biggest farce in Noble Prize history, was the awarding of the peace prize to Obama. Whether awarded back then as it was or anytime throughout his presidency. sad.png


Second biggest farce in Nobel Prize history.

Number one would be the award given to the totally dysfunctional and disintegrating European Union.

Those New World Order jerks are showing their globalist agenda by their choices.

The Nobel Foundation has no credibility and is a joke and a big tax shelter for the heirs of Alfred Nobel and their inner circle.

Edited by bangkapi
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Potentially the biggest farce in Noble Prize history, was the awarding of the peace prize to Obama. Whether awarded back then as it was or anytime throughout his presidency. sad.png

Nope.....it was when it was awarded to Henry Kissenger.

Just shows how farcical the award was

And the world will be a lot safer and better off when that manipulating warmongering dirtbag finally pops his clogs, the sooner the better.

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I think his Muslim family connection even though he's not a Muslim had a lot to do with it. I think Europeans had a lot of hope that the Islamic world and the USA would make peace because of this personal connection. That hope was totally unfounded ... but it was a nice thought while it lasted!

I think it's clear the Nobel also sought to provide cover for Obama going forward, with the hopes he would inflict peace on everyone. Your observation about "muslim" is also correct, though few comment on it. The same phenomena takes place in the USA regarding "white guilt;" the notion that somehow there is a corruption of blood and one most atone for the sins of their white ancestors so people go out of their way to decry racism, where it wouldn't otherwise even be an issue.

So too, it seems, Americans did subtly endorse Obama due to his... hrmm, Name? Background? etc? To state to the world how gentle and color/faith blind America is (stupid, is my take). Regrettably, this is why the framers of America loathed democracy, and soundly declared it similarly as dangerous as fascism and communism as late as the 1900s. Only when Wilson and progressives co-opted "democracy" as democratic process did USA start thinking it was a democracy, and not representative republic (1917).

Democracy is mob rule- thus, "Obama," the product of Americans trying to feel good about themselves.

"How'ya feeling, America?"

Thank you for "your take". Not sure as to the motivations of all who voted for Obama, for myself I had a choice between two candidates... Obama, as the Democratic candidate got my vote. How am I feeling? OK, somewhat disappointed at the lack of progress but the person as President has only so much influence. As you have pointed out, there are representative republic power balances to be taken into account. For all our faults, our system I prefer among others. Democracy is mob rule? Hmm, I would guess that Suthep and his supporters would agree. Still, I'll take an Obama over a G.W. Bush any day. And I'll support free and fair elections versus a chosen group to rule (allowing for debate that the U.S. Elections are bought by paid for media coverage).

Thank you for disagreeing with me with such class- really! I get it. I do. Between the Nobel winner who aimed to the future, or the known Problem President that everyone was sick of, including me. I get it. I do believe American invested heavily in their own assertion that a man should be judged by his words and actions, and not some perception based on race and other bias; I don't dispute this except in his case, were people to actually pay attention, he has mostly done exactly what he said he would do. America was simply unprepared for what that entailed. (And the notion the president is limited is a refuge not supported by the facts. This president also had both houses for two years, and has otherwise exercised executive privileged considerably).

Regarding mob rule; this is less my observation than it is a fact. When a simple majority get 51% they then have the means to vote the other minorities goods, etc., as they see fit. (So, yes, I do concur that PDRC keenly senses this too). That is why previously the USA had no direct election of Senators; another obstacle to block the rage of the majority from mob rule. So, I do think the USA voted for Obama for the same reasons they conferred the Nobel on him (and some other intrinsically US issues): they wanted change, really, and something more hopeful than just increasingly indiscriminate war. They got 50%- they got the change. But the war is now only more asymmetrical, and is being waged constantly by the Nobel winner.

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How can Obama be described as a war-monger? Surely, that was his predecessor?

Obama has actually escalated the war in Afghanistan, greatly increasing the number of troops when many expected him to end it.

Very recently he wanted to attack Syria and even had the assets in place to do it. But congress, led by the (horrors) Republican House denied him permission and he had to back off. It was a large embarrassment for him.

He also used ships and planes to assist in the removal (killing) of Gaddafi in Libya.

Obama has been anything but a peace maker.

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How can Obama be described as a war-monger? Surely, that was his predecessor?

Obama has actually escalated the war in Afghanistan, greatly increasing the number of troops when many expected him to end it.

Very recently he wanted to attack Syria and even had the assets in place to do it. But congress, led by the (horrors) Republican House denied him permission and he had to back off. It was a large embarrassment for him.

He also used ships and planes to assist in the removal (killing) of Gaddafi in Libya.

Obama has been anything but a peace maker.

Your post goes right to the heart of the absurdity of the "Peace Prize." He has launched wars of aggression under the guise of Arab Spring, etc. Furthermore, it is hardly necessary to speculate on his foreign policy motives; all one has to do is look at what's accomplished, and the responses of "allies." It is generally felt throughout the Muslim world that the Nobel Man actually empowers Al Queda; certainly Saudi Arabia thinks so, as does Eqypt. Wow! That's stunning. I actually submit Ukrainian operations commenced in order to sideline Russia for a renewed Syria aggression by Obama- another undeclared war like Libya.

there are actually numerous areas of the globe where Obama has launched LIC (low intensity conflict) operations. Lastly, and this is really quite shocking, secret legal opinions authorize him to authorize the death of American Citizens. Granted, there's some bad ppl out there, but laws and slippery slopes envision unintended consequences, that's why killing your own people is the highest prohibition. Your post captures this clearly. Thank you!

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And who held the gun to Obama's head forcing him to accept the Nobel prize? if he thought he was undeserving- as did many, many people all over the world- he simply could have said that there were more people who deserved the prize than he and let the nominating committee choose someone else. Having Rahm Emanual rag on the Danish Ambassador is just another example of how poorly the current US administration deals with the rest of the world.

Having Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize is akin to giving it to Attila the Hun for his humanitarian treatment of his conquered territories.

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And who held the gun to Obama's head forcing him to accept the Nobel prize? if he thought he was undeserving- as did many, many people all over the world- he simply could have said that there were more people who deserved the prize than he and let the nominating committee choose someone else. Having Rahm Emanual rag on the Danish Ambassador is just another example of how poorly the current US administration deals with the rest of the world.

Having Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize is akin to giving it to Attila the Hun for his humanitarian treatment of his conquered territories.

Yes he could have declined the prize. However, I don't think it's a big deal that he didn't. He was awarded a prize. He accepted it. That's normal behavior. People who want to demonize Obama will do so no matter how he behaves.

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And who held the gun to Obama's head forcing him to accept the Nobel prize? if he thought he was undeserving- as did many, many people all over the world- he simply could have said that there were more people who deserved the prize than he and let the nominating committee choose someone else. Having Rahm Emanual rag on the Danish Ambassador is just another example of how poorly the current US administration deals with the rest of the world.

Having Obama get the Nobel Peace Prize is akin to giving it to Attila the Hun for his humanitarian treatment of his conquered territories.

Yes he could have declined the prize. However, I don't think it's a big deal that he didn't. He was awarded a prize. He accepted it. That's normal behavior. People who want to demonize Obama will do so no matter how he behaves.

I think you miss the point. The hubris surrounding his election coupled with the acceptance of the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize only added to the hype of his administration. Obama was, at that time, a flash in the pan and his concept of change was overwhelming. He set his goals far too high and only succeeded in making the inevitable comedown hard on both the country and himself.

As for demonizing Obama, he has established he can do that all by himself and needs no assistance for others.

With regard to the prize itself, how can Obama be compared with past Peace Prize winners who actually did something to deserve getting it (e.g. OPCW, EU, Liu Xiaobo, IPCC and Muhammad Yunus)? The actions of groups or individuals over the past 10 years who have gotten the prize have done something for it. Clearly Obama- at the start of his first administration- did not have the list of demonstrated accomplishments that previous winners did.

If the peace Prize was for his election as the first black president then should not the prize be awarded to the US electorate who voted him in office? Not wanting to get into a rant about race, but other than the fact he was a black man who got the top job in the government what did he accomplish either in his stint in the Illinois legislature of partial service in one term in the US Senate?

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Nobody said he really deserved it then, and nobody said he would deserve it now. It was an embarrassment for Obama to be thought some kind of God but on the other hand without that early magic he would have never beat Hillary Clinton for the nomination (who BTW was my top choice back then). He chose to accept the prize. You can fault him for that, that's fair, but I think this issue is overblown.

Edited by Jingthing
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