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Thailand's army invokes martial law: military TV


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Okay, any list of real restrictions and limitations that are in effect on our everyday lives?

I guess you're accepting this and waiting for a list to bow-down to?

If you are not a Thai citizen, you have no option other than to accept it. You have no rights. You have no power. You have no authority.

It makes perfect sense (IF you stop to think about it) to be aware of any further restrictions that may be imposed. coffee1.gif

Edited by Rob8891
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Who has the POWER

so power has not been handed to an unelected leader but taken - does that mean jutaporn is going to call his red army to the streets or is he in jail already

Have Surapong Charlerm and Tarit foregone their 5 star breakfast

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first thing arrest Suthep who has caused all this madness... followed swiftly by the fake monk they can share a cell together and practice achieving Samadhi

It was pathetic (as usual) the first time you posted it; why bother repeating it...?!

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FACT Pattaya has never had a Military Coup!

...since when was Pattaya an independent nation?

Well no one ever told Pattaya it wasn't. Biz as usual. It'll be booked solid with Thais and Falungs this weekend. Enjoy Bangers.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That's a list of what the Martial Law declaration ALLOWS the military to do.

It's not a list of what the military has decided to do in the current situation.

Indeed it just states the powers given to the army in that case, no need to panic, but I think it's good to know as many have asked if there is a curfew. No curfew for now.

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Who has the POWER

so power has not been handed to an unelected leader but taken - does that mean jutaporn is going to call his red army to the streets or is he in jail already

Have Surapong Charlerm and Tarit foregone their 5 star breakfast

I did hear that Surapong, Chalerm and Tharit have been asked to account for all the money that the CAPO spent.

I guess they will be slogging away with their spreadsheets.

Martial Law means that the police now fall under the army. Not sure where Tharit now stands.

That being the case, the army could take the oportunity to remove Thaksin and Chalerm of their police rank and even restructure the police force to a politically neutral entity that actually does it's job.

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Army is now enforcing censorship on print, broadcast, online media. #Thailand #MartialLaw

Army announcement: ”Do not spread news (…)” that can negatively affect security.

Well that is a coup then.


Why? They have just cut one of the supplies of poison that was calling for violence. That is a matter that seriously affects the security of the citizens.

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Coups, floods, extra judicial killing sprees, occupation and burning of buildings in capital, political chaos on the streets, rice policies, corrupt governments, civil war, irrational violence and now martial law.

Sometimes I feel like I'm living in some sort of extra terrestrial soap opera rather than a country.

Atleast it's not a boring country .

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Seems like servers getting busy - Just had a knock back then?

At least it will move things forward instead of just going around in circles, and I only just dropped some funds off into my Thai account yesterday, bet todays rates are a lot better?? just another day in LOS

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Seems like servers getting busy - Just had a knock back then?

At least it will move things forward instead of just going around in circles, and I only just dropped some funds off into my Thai account yesterday, bet todays rates are a lot better?? just another day in LOS

Rates are not doing much - you could see the Baht strengthen if this is viewed as a positive move to end the current shambles.

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Looks like the military is stopping TV stations from reporting on the rallies.

A couple Thai stations are discussing a possible coup, but a quick search showed no rallies or troop reports.

Only soap please.

That will keep my wife happy.

Stop all (army announcement) news.

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