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Thaksin rejects Prayuth's proposal to have caretaker govt resign

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That didn't take long did it - a complete "article" based on the alleged revelations of an unnamed source. Mention Thaksin to wind everybody up and let it fly coffee1.gif

What's the difference between this and Khaosod source articles? You seem to respond well to those!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Khaosod provide sources or their stories can be sourced elsewhere.

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That didn't take long did it - a complete "article" based on the alleged revelations of an unnamed source. Mention Thaksin to wind everybody up and let it fly coffee1.gif

What's the difference between this and Khaosod source articles? You seem to respond well to those!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Khaosod provide sources or their stories can be sourced elsewhere.

..........like Voice of Thaksin and other assorted red rags.

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Perhaps in response Gen Prayuth can now finally revoke Thaksin's passport and get an international 'red warrant' for Thaksin's arrest issued so that interpol will act, track him down and arrest him.

International 'red warrant' for Thaksin's arrest issued so that interpol... this should have happened years ago. Often wondered why the Democrats did not do it when they were in power. Perhaps they considered that things would be quieter with him out of the country rather then sitting in a prison cell.

Actually the Dems said that they did have an interpol red warrant out on Thaksin. Just another lie.

"Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start."


Again? We had this discussion just a week or so ago.

Only in 2010 after the riots had ended did the Thai government via DSI and police contact Interpoll to really start on getting Thaksin. The usual rubbish on who should do what. DSI Tarit said Police should take care of translating documents, Police said they didn't get the documents and in the end Abhisit admitted in 2011 that his government hadn't really paid attention or do a good follow up.

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..........like Voice of Thaksin and other assorted red rags.

If you say so. I personally have found their sources or articles verified by the BP, Straights Times, the BBC , Reuters, Bloomberg etc.

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Ahhhh the truth of Democratic PTP

. Me me me.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

But at least kind of honest.

The only time one can seriously use "Shinawartra" and "honest" in the same sentence is when "dis" comes between the two.

It almost beggars belief that this man still pushes for amnesty. It shows his complete and utter contempt for Thailand and the Thai people. A truly self-centered sociopath. bah.gif

Whilst on the other side of the coin, Suthep is being equally intransigent, digging his heels in and not making any compromise. With these two dunderheids, what hope is there of a positive outcome from the talks?

If you read it a bit between the lines it sounds very honest:

The source said Thaksin counter-proposed that the Army should instead arrange for blanket amnesty for all sides and the Shinawatra family would wash its hands of politics.

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International 'red warrant' for Thaksin's arrest issued so that interpol... this should have happened years ago. Often wondered why the Democrats did not do it when they were in power. Perhaps they considered that things would be quieter with him out of the country rather then sitting in a prison cell.

Actually the Dems said that they did have an interpol red warrant out on Thaksin. Just another lie.

"Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start."


Again? We had this discussion just a week or so ago.

Only in 2010 after the riots had ended did the Thai government via DSI and police contact Interpoll to really start on getting Thaksin. The usual rubbish on who should do what. DSI Tarit said Police should take care of translating documents, Police said they didn't get the documents and in the end Abhisit admitted in 2011 that his government hadn't really paid attention or do a good follow up.

obviously the Democrats made a deal with Thaksin before and learned after 2010 that he can't be trusted (quick learner, hu) but no one could write a document and translate it blink.png

I read the documents Kasit sent to Germany for the airplane of the prince and I must say it is better they didn't send anything to interpol......


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That didn't take long did it - a complete "article" based on the alleged revelations of an unnamed source. Mention Thaksin to wind everybody up and let it fly coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

What's the difference between this and Khaosod source articles? You seem to respond well to those!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Khaosod provide sources or their stories can be sourced elsewhere.

Do they have sources? If they do, that would not be for the articles that completely fabricated stories (25% of the time....dont ask me for a source for this, you know its true), and in all the other cases the articles tend to go into the "allegedly" and "supposedly" mode....great journalism!

  • Like 1

Ahhhh the truth of Democratic PTP

. Me me me.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

But at least kind of honest.

Really? The Shins wash their hansds of politics? Really? Sorry. Don't believe a word of it.


Ahhhh the truth of Democratic PTP

. Me me me.

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

But at least kind of honest.

Really? The Shins wash their hansds of politics? Really? Sorry. Don't believe a word of it.

I think the 'honesty' referred to a Pheu Thai source saying they had conferred with Thaksin who rejected proposals.


Am I missing something here ? I thought that it's well known that PTP IS Thaksins Party, why wouldn't he have a say in what they should do next? Does anyone honestly think that Thaksin will just drop off the radar, if the PTP are ousted from power by the courts and the Military? If everything that's constantly said about him here is true, then he's not going to sit back and watch everything he stands for be destroyed, he will just find another avenue, and another party to sponsor, and it will just keep going till he runs out of cash or air!!

Same with Suthep, does anyone honestly believe that after the 27th, he's going to disappear into the sunset, with a grin like he just got noshed off by Mila Kunis, and that he will simply sit back and watch the sunsets every night from one of his luxurious homes?

Suthep, and Thaksin are of the same ilk, in that the power itself corrupts, neither of this pair are going to go quietly into the night, it's not in their nature, they are both the frog and the scorpion, standing at the rivers edge.

For all of these who are so against amnesty for Thaksin, if it was the good of the country that the one single compromise that the PTP put on the table, was that Thaksin absolved the PTP and stepped away from politics, and interfering in everything, surely that has to be worth considering?.. If it gave the chance for all these reforms to take place, and move Thailand forward, wouldn't the amnesty for Thaksin be worth it? Or are you so against this that you're more willing to see Thailand fragment and possibly erupt in bloodshed, and see many Thai lives lost through spite?

I don't know the man, don't wish to know him, or any other politician either, he doesn't mean a thing to me, he's never caused me any upset, or harm, or done anything against me, so I can't really form opinions or hate all that he stands for, I'll leave that up to the forum members who do, and for whatever reasons.


Actually the Dems said that they did have an interpol red warrant out on Thaksin. Just another lie.

"Now the truth that had been kept secret during the two and a half years when the Democrat-led government was in power has finally come to light when new Foreign Minister Surapong Towijakchaikul revealed that ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was never on the wanted list of International Police, or Interpol, from the start."


And of course, Surapong would never lie, would he. It is amazing how you immediately fawn over his every word, like a moth to a flame, eh! post-4641-1156694083.gif

He probably didn't lie in this case as Interpol demands all formal requests to be submitted in ENGLISH. That's why DSI and Police were pointing to each other on who should do that task. As no follow up with translated documents followed Interpol didn't put Thaksin on a 'seek and apprehend list', not even a 'apprehend on sight' list.

We only have some obfuscation here, but you know that source likes to fabs-ricate and ob-fabs-cate.


Serious weak people these Thais.

Who gives a rats what he thinks anymore....they need to simply eliminate him one way or another as that seems to be the only way these weak individuals would stop letting him ruel them.

Pathetic people.

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Perhaps in response Gen Prayuth can now finally revoke Thaksin's passport and get an international 'red warrant' for Thaksin's arrest issued so that interpol will act, track him down and arrest him.

Interpol will never act to arrest somebody who is wanted on trumped up politically motivated charges.


He probably didn't lie in this case as Interpol demands all formal requests to be submitted in ENGLISH. That's why DSI and Police were pointing to each other on who should do that task. As no follow up with translated documents followed Interpol didn't put Thaksin on a 'seek and apprehend list', not even a 'apprehend on sight' list.

We only have some obfuscation here, but you know that source likes to fabs-ricate and ob-fabs-cate.

Oh my, oh my, oh my. I take it you are trying to twist the fact that according to this link http://www.rednoticelawjournal.com/politically-based-red-notices/ the red notice was rejected as it did not meet Interpol criteria

which could mean anything from the paperwork not being properly submitted to the request being obviously politically based. http://www.rednoticelawjournal.com/politically-based-red-notices/

and that was down to the fact even using the total resources of DSI Thailand they couldn't find anyone to write the paperwork in ENGLISH?

Then, rather than resubmit the paperwork they thought they would keep the deceit running for a couple of years? I've already provided links in earlier threads showing Kasit pretending that his lifes work was tracking down Thaksin when he was doing nothing of the sort. If you want to call that obfuscation or lies come up with something credible instead. You know the phrase, either put up or shut up.

The judiciary do seem to have Thaksin by Yingluck's short and curlies

Shame if that's true - I prefer to let the dog see the rabbit, as it were ... tongue.png


I do not know what is funnier. Thaksin obviously wanting his paid for puppet government in place so he can

continue milking the country, or the fact the media is publishing with a serious face the opinions of

a fugitive criminal as if they had value or were pertinent to the current issues.


in other words thaksin is still running everything in Thailand despite all his and the ptp's denials. Thaksin has no say in this at all or are the ptp that p*ss poor they cannot think for themselves and need him to tell them what to do constantly, pathetic

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Do they have sources? If they do, that would not be for the articles that completely fabricated stories (25% of the time....dont ask me for a source for this, you know its true), and in all the other cases the articles tend to go into the "allegedly" and "supposedly" mode....great journalism!

No I don't know that 25% of Khaosod stores are completely false and yes I will ask for facts to back that up. I don't expect that to happen and will just put it down to the usual "everyone knows" rule that passes for facts used by a lot of people on this forum.


This man has no authority to reject or propose anything - he really is delusional...I pity him

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But are they really fed up with him Scamper? if that really is the case, why is there such a big deal about not holding elections then? If the country is fed up with him, they will vote differently isn't the always the case? You tire of a particular item of clothing you change it? you tire of a woman, you change her?

Or is it a case of they're only fed up with him, but have no issues taking money off him to vote in his party's favour, so in essence, they're not really that fed up with him, they're more fed up with the politics and the political deadlock that's occuring right now?

Honestly, in the rural areas people are getting on with their lives, its as if the issues in Bangkok are Bangkok's problems, the average Thai farmer or worker doesn't sit there glued to telly/laptop/PC watching Thai Politics the way we farang seem to be, they simply don't care, of course there are a no doubt some who do,but you simply cannot condemn someone who's on a low income, when someone offers them X amount of Baht to put an X in a particular box, simply because they really are not aware of the bigger picture, of how improper the act of vote buying is, its nothing to the Thais, it means nothing to them, it's almost part of their culture, the people who are getting upset the most about vote buying are the farangs who simply don't understand that part of their culture.

Sure they can stand up to their Head man, but many people seem to forget that these villages are very close knit, and that the Head man is not just the head man, but a friend, a relative, a fellow farmer, so they have more loyalty to him, than to a politician who they will never see in their lives, who will never visit their village etc.

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He probably didn't lie in this case as Interpol demands all formal requests to be submitted in ENGLISH. That's why DSI and Police were pointing to each other on who should do that task. As no follow up with translated documents followed Interpol didn't put Thaksin on a 'seek and apprehend list', not even a 'apprehend on sight' list.

We only have some obfuscation here, but you know that source likes to fabs-ricate and ob-fabs-cate.

Oh my, oh my, oh my. I take it you are trying to twist the fact that according to this link http://www.rednoticelawjournal.com/politically-based-red-notices/ the red notice was rejected as it did not meet Interpol criteria

which could mean anything from the paperwork not being properly submitted to the request being obviously politically based. http://www.rednoticelawjournal.com/politically-based-red-notices/

and that was down to the fact even using the total resources of DSI Thailand they couldn't find anyone to write the paperwork in ENGLISH?

Then, rather than resubmit the paperwork they thought they would keep the deceit running for a couple of years? I've already provided links in earlier threads showing Kasit pretending that his lifes work was tracking down Thaksin when he was doing nothing of the sort. If you want to call that obfuscation or lies come up with something credible instead. You know the phrase, either put up or shut up.

So, where is the link about the Abhisit government saying Interpol had put Thaksin on their 'red notice list'?

Not the stuff on talking about extradiction, treaties, in progress, etc., etc., not the stuff on how others interpreted things, just plainly a reliable person from the Abhisit government saying that Interpol HAD put Thaksin on the 'red notice list'.

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