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Thaksin rejects Prayuth's proposal to have caretaker govt resign

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When Amsterdam was talking on the redshirt stage recently, one out of many educated reds told me he's from Holland. Oh my ... Good to know what's going on.

BTW, people who joined the red shirts had to register at the entrance, got the sticker and someone after the entrance gave 1000 Baht.

What I have seen myself was that people got also 1000 outside the venue, somewhere in and around Bangkok to keep them warm.

Long live democracy ...

I'm going to call you on this lie. I know personally it's a lie because I was at this rally three times and I know myself it's a lie. And I know you weren't there and didn't see such a thing, because if you were there, you would report that there was no way to register at the entrance or near it. There was no registration facility, no one registering, no desk, no clipboards, no personnel. There was nothing even possible for registration for at least one kilometre inside, too. Your "report" is a flat, full-out lie. I'm not positive someone controlled you to make it, of course.
For those with opposite ill intentions, the same was true at the "yellow" mob, in all locations. I went to that one a lot more than three times. There was no place to register for this mythical, non-existent payment to attend and clap. Any suggestion yellow people registered at the entrance to get this mythical attendance fee is a total, complete lie.
I'd like to think people posting this totally false information have good intentions. I'd like to think you're naive, mixed-up ignorant people who can't tell the difference between paying a bribe and paying a vendor for work done, which all rallies at all sites definitely do.
But I can't. Every post I've read on this is obviously unethical and uninformed. Almost all are like the post above, just lies and nothing but lies.
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In Prayuth's world, around 75% supported martial law.

One should think slightly less will support Prayuth assuming power; after all, Prayuth did take the soaps off air.

5555 Mixed results on the lakorn, I think.

But yes, Prayuth starts out like all junta brass with a certain good will. But only inside Thailand. This time around, it is going to be a total shutout from abroad. No one is going to support him, and even inside Asean he is going to get criticism and pushback. That's why I say, sure, go ahead and grandstand if you absolutely have to, and pull the passport.

But even talking about an international warrant and interpol is going to get nothing but laughter at the stupid banana-republic guy from outside Thailand. And that's why I think the best thing to do about Thaksin is absolutely nothing. Since there is nothing that Prayuth can do to make this right with the world, the correct thing for him to do is nothing.



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When Amsterdam was talking on the redshirt stage recently, one out of many educated reds told me he's from Holland. Oh my ... Good to know what's going on.

BTW, people who joined the red shirts had to register at the entrance, got the sticker and someone after the entrance gave 1000 Baht.

What I have seen myself was that people got also 1000 outside the venue, somewhere in and around Bangkok to keep them warm.

Long live democracy ...

I'm going to call you on this lie. I know personally it's a lie because I was at this rally three times and I know myself it's a lie. And I know you weren't there and didn't see such a thing, because if you were there, you would report that there was no way to register at the entrance or near it. There was no registration facility, no one registering, no desk, no clipboards, no personnel. There was nothing even possible for registration for at least one kilometre inside, too. Your "report" is a flat, full-out lie. I'm not positive someone controlled you to make it, of course.
For those with opposite ill intentions, the same was true at the "yellow" mob, in all locations. I went to that one a lot more than three times. There was no place to register for this mythical, non-existent payment to attend and clap. Any suggestion yellow people registered at the entrance to get this mythical attendance fee is a total, complete lie.
I'd like to think people posting this totally false information have good intentions. I'd like to think you're naive, mixed-up ignorant people who can't tell the difference between paying a bribe and paying a vendor for work done, which all rallies at all sites definitely do.
But I can't. Every post I've read on this is obviously unethical and uninformed. Almost all are like the post above, just lies and nothing but lies.

Methinks he doth protest too much...


This will only work if reforms can be made to ensure Thai are equal by law and effectively. AND when those reforms can be made binding, enforcible.

Both the corrupt Pheu Thai with it's stronghold on the poor and the old guards in the PDRC need to step down, relinquish control and keep out of politics. That means a.o. that Suthep may not have much time for his victory party as he can't be part of the 'after reforms' situation. Of course also the Shinawatras are out, and Banharn, Newin, and many others.

The problem maybe to find new, young blood not tainted by their fathers' sins.

Shouldn't that include "by whom?" Remember this?

Normally such wild accusations would be ignored as it's clear that no one would accept Gen. Prayuth as neutral interim PM. It seems more the accusation of someone desperate to attract more followers for the 17 - 19 May battle.

Please define "no one". As of now Prayuth is the interim PM, just as many predicted quite a while ago. Of course on "neutral" your views may vary. But my own advice is you'd BETTER accept Gen. Prayuth as interim PM, if you know what's good for you. "You" in the general sense, applying to every person inside the Thai borders.

This is a great example of why the wise observers of Thai politics never say "never".


I'm still trying to catch up with the news here as I logged out around 7:30PM to get home before the BRT/BTS closed. So I may have missed the announcement that Gen. Prayuth has named himself or is named as "interim PM".

May it be that I didn't get your intention as my 'irony detector' is still broken?


"Announcement No.10 of the National Peace and Order Maintaining Council (NPOMC) says Gen Prayuth, who is also army commander, will act as prime minister for administrative purposes until the NPOMC can find someone to serve in the post full time"


When Amsterdam was talking on the redshirt stage recently, one out of many educated reds told me he's from Holland. Oh my ... Good to know what's going on.

BTW, people who joined the red shirts had to register at the entrance, got the sticker and someone after the entrance gave 1000 Baht.

What I have seen myself was that people got also 1000 outside the venue, somewhere in and around Bangkok to keep them warm.

Long live democracy ...

I'm going to call you on this lie. I know personally it's a lie because I was at this rally three times and I know myself it's a lie. And I know you weren't there and didn't see such a thing, because if you were there, you would report that there was no way to register at the entrance or near it. There was no registration facility, no one registering, no desk, no clipboards, no personnel. There was nothing even possible for registration for at least one kilometre inside, too. Your "report" is a flat, full-out lie. I'm not positive someone controlled you to make it, of course.
For those with opposite ill intentions, the same was true at the "yellow" mob, in all locations. I went to that one a lot more than three times. There was no place to register for this mythical, non-existent payment to attend and clap. Any suggestion yellow people registered at the entrance to get this mythical attendance fee is a total, complete lie.
I'd like to think people posting this totally false information have good intentions. I'd like to think you're naive, mixed-up ignorant people who can't tell the difference between paying a bribe and paying a vendor for work done, which all rallies at all sites definitely do.
But I can't. Every post I've read on this is obviously unethical and uninformed. Almost all are like the post above, just lies and nothing but lies.

you're most probably not the best observer. I've been there too, only once at the stadium.

Remember they had many times a "stop and go" situation after that. And sure in one or more instances they had to put a lot of money to make the cattle go again. They did give out IDs. You're right, most of the time it wasn't required to get an ID, but only when things were running already. Still lots of money changed hand away from the venues to organize vans and keep those warm who couldn't attend.

Seen people going around giving away 1000 Baht notes with no explanation. Of course a hide and seek thingy, no?

According to you, guns and bombs not proceeded and made at the venues have nothing to do with it?

The Suthep camp acted quite different. People went there on their own or sometimes a rich "influential friend" called up and asked to join. Free food and very often special entertainment after a demo.

Not to recall Thaksin from last time when he offered 500B/day for eveyone to join. It's on youtube and you can search it if you want.

This time Thaksin bragged they he is loved so much that Thais sent him thirty billion Baht. Strange that around the same time the rice scheme was created. It's also on youtube.


In Prayuth's world, around 75% supported martial law.

One should think slightly less will support Prayuth assuming power; after all, Prayuth did take the soaps off air.

5555 Mixed results on the lakorn, I think.

But yes, Prayuth starts out like all junta brass with a certain good will. But only inside Thailand. This time around, it is going to be a total shutout from abroad. No one is going to support him, and even inside Asean he is going to get criticism and pushback.

We'll have to wait and see, but I'd be willing to bet it won't be that bad.

Foreign intelligence agencies have an understanding of what's going on. They know what the Reds have been doing. And without regard to Kerry shooting from the hip and using the C word, I suspect the State Department will do a little research before making any decisions.


Not to recall Thaksin from last time when he offered 500B/day for eveyone to join. It's on youtube and you can search it if you want.

Urban legend. It never happened. Thaksin said if people supported him they would not have to line up for the 500 baht social welfare payment that the Democrats made them line up for. Political rhetoric. You should check it out. You should actually, really check it out, I'm serious.

Why not tell actual corruption stories? It's not like there are none. Drop the urban legends in the rubbish where they belong. Tell real corruption stories. Tell how Thaksin got into business, one of the great kickback tales in Asian history. Tell how Thaksin totally back-stabbed and cheated that man, and can't ever go back to Hawaii because of it. Tell how Thaksin paid off cronies with laws and regulations when in power. Those are all real, actual events. Sorry if it takes you 20 minutes to find them and learn them but they are TRUE. Stop reading 3-line internet nonsense. Get a book. It's not a secret, it's just a secret from you.

It's totally ridiculous to use lies and myths when there is massive, fantastic corruption every time you look. Thaksin is one of the biggest crooks ever. Suthep is a BIGGER crook than Thaksin. The army is the biggest corporate crook in Thailand. And so on. Whoever is your villain, he (always "he") actually is a real, honest (haha) to goodness villain, cheat and corrupted person.

(Consider this if you bother considering what I said. How much money by how many people was made shorting shares at the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the two days of sham "martial law" this week - markets went up - to the real coup - when markets went down Friday morning. If you don't think those two days of martial law weren't corruption in the hundreds of millions of baht, you don't even want to know about corruption, you just want to continue your petty, spiteful gotcha politics.)

But you and others like you spread these really ... sorry, but these are STUPID stories about paying mob participants and the sorry, old, horrid Thaksin 500 baht story that simply isn't true. What you are actually doing is supporting the actual corruption of the big boys and massively disrespecting really decent citizens whose only sin is they care so much they go and join a dopey mob. Without pay.

But stop with these dopey, untrue... well, lies. It makes YOU look bad, not Thaksin/Suthep/army/whoever is today's villain for you.

you're most probably not the best observer. I've been there too, only once at the stadium.

You could be right about me, of course. But I am *an* observer. You're not an observer at all, just like the man who first wrote this lie in this thread about the the Utthayan (Aksa) protest site is/was not an observer. Both of you say you were not even there, so you have no dog in the "observer" fight. Right now, I'm the *only* observer posting. I do hope others will post who observed, their reports would be worth having for sure.

As I said. There is... well, there was no way to register people at the BM Sai 3 entrance to Utthayan Road, which was the only public entrance. It was impossible. There was no place, no desk, no person, no clipboards, no area, no paper, no pens, no signs, no welcomers.... Since it was impossible to register, it was certainly impossible to be paid FOR registering. The original post is bogus and a lie. Period. What the poster said happened simply didn't happen, for the simple reason it physically couldn't happen. It is false.

And, as you state as an observer exactly as I state as an observer - the same was true for the yellow shirts. The Suthep people could not register "at the entrance" and therefore they could not be paid when they registered at the entrance. Also a lie.



Not to recall Thaksin from last time when he offered 500B/day for eveyone to join. It's on youtube and you can search it if you want.

Urban legend. It never happened. Thaksin said if people supported him they would not have to line up for the 500 baht social welfare payment that the Democrats made them line up for. Political rhetoric. You should check it out. You should actually, really check it out, I'm serious.

Why not tell actual corruption stories? It's not like there are none. Drop the urban legends in the rubbish where they belong. Tell real corruption stories. Tell how Thaksin got into business, one of the great kickback tales in Asian history. Tell how Thaksin totally back-stabbed and cheated that man, and can't ever go back to Hawaii because of it. Tell how Thaksin paid off cronies with laws and regulations when in power. Those are all real, actual events. Sorry if it takes you 20 minutes to find them and learn them but they are TRUE. Stop reading 3-line internet nonsense. Get a book. It's not a secret, it's just a secret from you.

It's totally ridiculous to use lies and myths when there is massive, fantastic corruption every time you look. Thaksin is one of the biggest crooks ever. Suthep is a BIGGER crook than Thaksin. The army is the biggest corporate crook in Thailand. And so on. Whoever is your villain, he (always "he") actually is a real, honest (haha) to goodness villain, cheat and corrupted person.

(Consider this if you bother considering what I said. How much money by how many people was made shorting shares at the Stock Exchange of Thailand in the two days of sham "martial law" this week - markets went up - to the real coup - when markets went down Friday morning. If you don't think those two days of martial law weren't corruption in the hundreds of millions of baht, you don't even want to know about corruption, you just want to continue your petty, spiteful gotcha politics.)

But you and others like you spread these really ... sorry, but these are STUPID stories about paying mob participants and the sorry, old, horrid Thaksin 500 baht story that simply isn't true. What you are actually doing is supporting the actual corruption of the big boys and massively disrespecting really decent citizens whose only sin is they care so much they go and join a dopey mob. Without pay.

But stop with these dopey, untrue... well, lies. It makes YOU look bad, not Thaksin/Suthep/army/whoever is today's villain for you.

you're most probably not the best observer. I've been there too, only once at the stadium.

You could be right about me, of course. But I am *an* observer. You're not an observer at all, just like the man who first wrote this lie in this thread about the the Utthayan (Aksa) protest site is/was not an observer. Both of you say you were not even there, so you have no dog in the "observer" fight. Right now, I'm the *only* observer posting. I do hope others will post who observed, their reports would be worth having for sure.

As I said. There is... well, there was no way to register people at the BM Sai 3 entrance to Utthayan Road, which was the only public entrance. It was impossible. There was no place, no desk, no person, no clipboards, no area, no paper, no pens, no signs, no welcomers.... Since it was impossible to register, it was certainly impossible to be paid FOR registering. The original post is bogus and a lie. Period. What the poster said happened simply didn't happen, for the simple reason it physically couldn't happen. It is false.

And, as you state as an observer exactly as I state as an observer - the same was true for the yellow shirts. The Suthep people could not register "at the entrance" and therefore they could not be paid when they registered at the entrance. Also a lie.


here's your urban legend ...

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I smell amnesty...for Thaksin...! Why else...would a convicted felon...on the run...be allowed to voice an opinion on current politics....?

You might consider that the government whatever color cannot actually stop him from talking, especially when he's outside Thailand.

We all want to see quality democracy for Thailand, and one of the pillars of quality democracy is freedom of speech.

Also relevant is money and revenue, such statements rightly wrongly, good person or bad person sells newspapers.


here's your urban legend ...

Excellent. Thank you. Makes it much easier for those who think to research and find out about it. Appreciate it. If we can kill of these most ridiculous urban legends like this one and the "paid mobs" we'll make rational discussion a lot better. So you've dropped the stupid notion of the "registration at the entry gate" for paid mobs, so progress is achieved. Now.

For the hard-core unthinking lemmings who would love to take urban myths to the grave, I guess these won't mean anything to you. To anyone more curious about what's true and/or factual, try Bangkok Pundit, a totally switched-on authority:


And consider an anti-Thaksin scholar who notes the myth-spreaders can't speak Thai (obviously)


And even after those, don't believe a word I say, and don't accept the sources I give, and go and find out for yourself other sources to discover what this video says and what it means, and why the urban-legend spreaders cut the video to 74 seconds so you couldn't know the context. Get your own translation, not mine (and certainly not the horrible one on the video).

Everyone with brains, please use them.

The rest, carry on with the ridiculous stories you spread. But be careful of accepting drinks from strangers because a lot of people lately have been drugged and woken up in a bathtub of ice with a kidney missing. Don't even try to doubt it.



here's your urban legend ...

Excellent. Thank you. Makes it much easier for those who think to research and find out about it. Appreciate it. If we can kill of these most ridiculous urban legends like this one and the "paid mobs" we'll make rational discussion a lot better. So you've dropped the stupid notion of the "registration at the entry gate" for paid mobs, so progress is achieved. Now.

For the hard-core unthinking lemmings who would love to take urban myths to the grave, I guess these won't mean anything to you. To anyone more curious about what's true and/or factual, try Bangkok Pundit, a totally switched-on authority:


And consider an anti-Thaksin scholar who notes the myth-spreaders can't speak Thai (obviously)


And even after those, don't believe a word I say, and don't accept the sources I give, and go and find out for yourself other sources to discover what this video says and what it means, and why the urban-legend spreaders cut the video to 74 seconds so you couldn't know the context. Get your own translation, not mine (and certainly not the horrible one on the video).

Everyone with brains, please use them.

The rest, carry on with the ridiculous stories you spread. But be careful of accepting drinks from strangers because a lot of people lately have been drugged and woken up in a bathtub of ice with a kidney missing. Don't even try to doubt it.


If that's the best argument you have, it's pretty weak.

In other words, Thaksin was saying :

I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which Id be entitled to under Abhisit scheme).

Could easily be:

I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which I have to pay you to show up).

IMO, what's most telling is the look of absolute embarrassment on his face; he's realized he got caught screwing the pooch.


If that's the best argument you have, it's pretty weak.

Heh. Right. If shooting the messenger is your best argument, then you don't have one. How come?

My argument is that a well-known authority and a scholar studied the video and think the Thai Visa majority is crazy. Whereas the authority you cite is.....??

I don't do messenger-shooting. I'll presume for now that your authority is "unknown" and presume you will make or give some actual argument in the next post you make.



If that's the best argument you have, it's pretty weak.

Heh. Right. If shooting the messenger is your best argument, then you don't have one. How come?

My argument is that a well-known authority and a scholar studied the video and think the Thai Visa majority is crazy. Whereas the authority you cite is.....??

I don't do messenger-shooting. I'll presume for now that your authority is "unknown" and presume you will make or give some actual argument in the next post you make.


You've got anonymous Internet guy that didn't use anything to back up his opinion, and another guy who fabricates a sentence that Thaksin didn't even say.

Watch the video. Why would Thaksin be so embarrassed about saying, "I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which Id be entitled to under Abhisit scheme)." So absolutely embarrassed that Thaksin is starched for what? 15, 20 seconds?

On the other hand, if his statement is interpreted as, "I will work for you for free: I dont need to be paid even the 500 Bht (which I have to pay you to show up)." It's quite easy to see why Thaksin is flustered and uncomfortable.

If you do have real evidence (as opposed to some guy's opinion and a fabricated sentence (that doesn't even make sense given Thaksin's behavior in the video)), please do post it as I'm happy to consider it.

Really you should be asking, "Where is the rest of the video?" Certainly PTP & UDD would have preserved the speech in its entirety if Thaksin did such a masterful job putting the screws to Abhisit.

Please explain Thaksin's behavior at the end of the video. Because it just doesn't make sense given what you're arguing.

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