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Leaving Thailand for Cambodia - for a while


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Right behind you,save a spot on the beach for me will you

is here ok ?

just joshin ... dave2

ps ... if i could get there easily from chiang mai without a load of hassle id join you

cox ive not been on holliday for yonks :(


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I'd go somewhere else too if they'd mail my paycheck there. I like it here fine, but what a great time to try something different.

Some people will be seeing new sights, meeting new people and opening up other options in their lives.

Others will be doing the same for visa clampdown reasons.

Silver lining.

Best of luck! Post back how you like it.

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Can someone say "overreaction"?

Overreaction....that's the strange thing about the OP, Thailand is most likely to be safer today than it has been in the last 12 months.

one suspects over all crime will decrease, there will not be nightly grenade attacks, people getting shot at protests in BKK, the BiB will be keeping a low profile and not scamming money off people etc.

I agree....

I spend 6 hours in BKK today. I did not see more that 10 soldiers.... and nothing really special....


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Can someone say "overreaction"?

Overreaction....that's the strange thing about the OP, Thailand is most likely to be safer today than it has been in the last 12 months.

one suspects over all crime will decrease, there will not be nightly grenade attacks, people getting shot at protests in BKK, the BiB will be keeping a low profile and not scamming money off people etc.

Agree completely - though I hope they set up some reforms as quickly as possible and return power to a government because I can't begin to imagine the competence of some of the people who will be directing national affairs.

At least Chalerm, Plodprasop, Sarupong and Tarit were open to ridicule in the press. Who knows what is lurking behind that barbed wire considering seniority is the only thing you need to get promotion ...

I wonder if police + armed forces promotion criteria will be included in the reforms ?.

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In Sihanukville a Donner chicken kabob costs $4; in Pattaya $2.

I don't mean to correct you, but it's one "n".

Doner (sounds like donor).

Anyway, in Saigon, they weren't called Doner kebabs. Somewhere along the way, someone misspelled it.

The carts all said: Boner Kebabs.

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In Sihanukville a Donner chicken kabob costs $4; in Pattaya $2.

How much will the beers and kabobs cost after 22:00 tonight in Pattaya?

Even if it's not about safety, a guy on days off may not want to pack it up at 21:30 so he can be home by 22:00.

I don't drink any more, and I'm in bed long before curfew. But I was young once...

Edited by impulse
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In Sihanukville a Donner chicken kabob costs $4; in Pattaya $2.

I don't belive the price of Donner chicken kebab is the most deciding factor when you choose where to live wink.png

a major factor i dont live in cambo is thay aint got aura water. if they had any type of readily available non-toxic bottled water, i probably would still be there. oh and the chicken, my gawd.

Edited by marylin manson
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Can someone say "overreaction"?

Overreaction....that's the strange thing about the OP, Thailand is most likely to be safer today than it has been in the last 12 months.

one suspects over all crime will decrease, there will not be nightly grenade attacks, people getting shot at protests in BKK, the BiB will be keeping a low profile and not scamming money off people etc.

Hope you're right fella, I really do. But these things rarely go smoothly without any backlash, it's still early days.

It could be an overreaction or it could just as easily turn out to be a well timed exit. Can't blame people for feeling that Thailand is not the place to be right now, it's hardly surprising.

I guess time will tell.

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Hope you're right fella, I really do. But these things rarely go smoothly without any backlash, it's still early days.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst, that's my philosophy, always have a plan B just in case...wink.png

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In Sihanukville a Donner chicken kabob costs $4; in Pattaya $2.

I don't mean to correct you, but it's one "n".

Doner (sounds like donor).

Anyway, in Saigon, they weren't called Doner kebabs. Somewhere along the way, someone misspelled it.

The carts all said: Boner Kebabs.


Mr Doner has himself one heck of a franchise there!

Doners, boners...all good man.

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Ah yes, everything is so much better in Cambodia,e specially Sihanoukville; a shithole that makes Pattaya look like paradise. Been in Cambodia for 5 years and love it, but I make damn sure to avoid Snooky as much as I can. But I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

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In Sihanukville a Donner chicken kabob costs $4; in Pattaya $2.

I don't belive the price of Donner chicken kebab is the most deciding factor when you choose where to live wink.png

Likely not, but one per day for a year is >$700.

I plan to live for at least ten more years, and I eat almost every day, so....

Curious, what is the most deciding factor?

Khmer women are okay, but Thai ying are the yummiest, IMO.

Edited by papa al
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i was in Sihanoukville last month and lots of people getting phones/ipads stolen on the beach

I saw a bar get burned down catch on fire from an electrical fault

it was very cheap for a beer though, 8b for a small glass at happy hour (probably half a bottles worth) but normally 30b for a decent size draft.

xanex available in the pharmacy for like $2 for 40 pills which I didnt use as I managed to sleep and gave the tablets away - so meds pretty cheap

weed everywhere and the police not bothered about it

I would only move there if I had to - say if I could not get a visa here - I took my car inside cambodia as well, so would not be a problem transfering all my gear from here - I met a bloke who said it was $20 bribe to bring a car load of stuff in for him from thailand.

if you are broke, its a good option.

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Have to spend a couple of nights in Vientiane. Any experiences or recommendations? People to see places to go? g

cut it down to one night and spend that surfing the internet on the wifi in your room.thumbsup.gif oh yes and be very careful not to destroy any cultural heritage while you are doing thatblink.pngsad.png

Edited by marylin manson
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Thanks for sharing this riveting piece of information. No doubt it will push the coup off the newspaper headlines.

Really fascinating stuff, keep it up guys. If most of you can ???

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